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Geo Techno Park potential at Arjuno-Welirang Volcano hosted geothermal area, Batu,

East Java, Indonesia (Multi geophysical approach)

Sukir Maryanto

Citation: AIP Conference Proceedings 1908, 030012 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5012712

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Geo Techno Park Potential at Arjuno-Welirang Volcano
Hosted Geothermal Area, Batu, East Java, Indonesia (Multi
Geophysical Approach)
Sukir Maryanto1, 2, a)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Brawijaya, Veteran Street,
Malang, East Java, Indonesia 65145.
Center of Energy and Natural Resources, Institute of Research and Community Services, University of Brawijaya,
Veteran Street, Malang, East Java, Indonesia 65145
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Arjuno Welirang Volcano Geothermal (AWVG) is located around Arjuno-Welirang Volcano in Malang, East
Java, about 100 km southwest of Surabaya, the capital city of East Java province, and is still an undeveloped area of the
geothermal field. The occurrence of solfatara and fumaroles with magmatic gasses indicated the existence of a volcanic
geothermal system in the subsurface. A few hot springs are found in the Arjuno-Welirang volcanic complex, such as
Padusan hot spring, Songgoriti hot spring, Kasinan hot spring, and Cangar hot spring. Multi geophysical observations in
AWVG complex was carried out in order to explore the subsurface structure in supporting the plan of Geo Techno Park
at the location. Gravity, Magnetic, Microearthquake, and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) methods were used to
investigate the major and minor active faulting zones whether hot springs circulation occurs in these zones. The gravity
methods allowed us to locate the subsurface structure and to evaluate their geometrical relationship base on density
anomaly. Magnetic methods allow us to discriminate conductive areas which could correspond to an increase in thermal
fluid circulation in the investigated sites. Micro-earthquakes using particle motion analysis to locate the focal depth
related with hydrothermal activity and electrical resistivity tomography survey offers methods to locate more detail
subsurface structure and geothermal fluids near the surface by identifying areas affected by the geothermal fluid. The
magnetic and gravity anomaly indicates the subsurface structure of AWVG is composed of basalt rock, sulfide minerals,
sandstone, and volcanic rock with high minor active fault structure as a medium for fluid circulation. While using micro-
earthquake data in AWVG shown shallow focal depth range approximate 60 meters which indicates shallow
hydrothermal circulation in AWVG. The geothermal fluid circulation zones along the fault structure resulted in some hot
springs in a central and north-western part of AWVG detected by the Electrical Resistivity Tomography, appear to be
well correlated with corresponding features derived from the gravity, magnetic, and micro-earthquake survey. We just
ongoing process to develop Arjuno Welirang Volcano & Geothermal Research Center (AWVGRC) located at Universitas
Brawijaya Agro Techno Park, Cangar in the flank of Arjuno Welirang volcano complex. Due to our initial observations,
AWVG has a great potential for a pilot project of an educational geo technopark development area.

Geothermal energy potential in Indonesia was estimated to reach 28,910 MW or approximately 40% of the
world’s potential and spread in 256 locations. From this potential, about 203 locations (±80%) are spread in volcanic
areas which are called volcano-geothermal, while about 53 locations (±20%) are spread in non-volcanic areas The
number of each geothermal prospect area is 84 regions in Sumatera, 76 in Java, 51 in Sulawesi, 21 in Nusa
Tenggara, 3 in Papua, 15 in Maluku and 5 prospects in Kalimantan.
The geothermal system in Indonesia is mostly volcanic geothermal system associated with Quaternary volcanoes
which generally located in the Quaternary volcanic arc extending from Sumatera, Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara,
also parts of Maluku and North Sulawesi. This system is a hydrothermal system with a temperature above 2250 °C

8th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation (ICGRC 2017)

AIP Conf. Proc. 1908, 030012-1–030012-12;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1600-0/$30.00

and some of them have medium temperatures (1500–2500 °C). There are 159 locations (62.1%) of the geothermal
area at the preliminary investigation and 82 locations (32.03%) have been surveyed in detail through surface
exploration without temperature drainage drilling. Indonesia currently produces 1,189 MW of geothermal (4.3%) of
its total geothermal energy and it is utilized for power generation. The largest power generation is in West Java of
1057 MW (20% of reserves), followed by Central Java 60 MW, North Sulawesi 60 MW, and North Sumatera 12
Geothermal systems in Indonesia are usually composed of medium volcanic rock (andesite-basaltic) to acid
volcanic rock and generally have reservoir characteristics >1.5 km with a high-temperature reservoir (~250°–370
°C). Active volcanic areas have young volcanic rocks with high-temperature conditions and large magmatic gas
content. Space between rocks is relatively small, due to tectonic activity that has not been too dominant in forming
intensive gaps/cracks as reservoir rocks. The inactive volcanic areas generally have relatively older volcanic rocks
and experience strong tectonic activity to form rocks permeability through intensive cracks and fissures. In these
conditions, it is usually formed medium to high temperatures with fewer magmatic gas concentrations.
Generally, the volcanic system in Indonesia can be divided into Strato-volcano system, volcanic complex
system, and caldera system. The volcano-tectonic geothermal system is associated with graben and volcanic cones,
for example in Sumatera fault system (Semangko fault).

(a) (b)
FIGURE 1. Distribution of active volcanoes and geothermal potentials in Indonesia (a) Map of type A, B, and C volcano
distribution as well as tectonics in Indonesia; (b) Distribution maps of volcano geothermal potentials (80%) and non-volcano
geothermal (20%) in Indonesia

A non-volcanic system is a geothermal system that is not directly related to volcanism and not included in the
quaternary volcanic route. The non-volcanic environments in western Indonesia generally spread in the eastern part
of the Sundaland (Sunda exposure) because rocks that constitute the Asian continental crust such as metamorphic
rocks and sediments dominate it. In eastern Indonesia, non-volcanic environments are located in the arm and leg of
Sulawesi, Maluku islands to Irian and are dominated by granitic, metamorphic and marine sediments rocks.
East Java has considerable volcano-geothermal energy potential, due to the presence of Mount (Mt.) Arjuno
Welirang, Mt. Wilis, Mt. Kelud, Mt. Bromo, Mt. Semeru, Mt. Lamongan, Mt. Ijen, Mt. Iyang Argopuro, etc. Around
11 locations of geothermal potential in East Java are estimated to generate the energy of 1206 MWe or nearly 5% of
total geothermal potential in Indonesia. Three of the 11 locations (Arjuno-Welirang, Wilis Argopuro, and Blawan-
Ijen) are estimated to have 274 MWe of possible reserves and resources of 240 MWe. If exploration efforts for other
sites have done, it is certain that the total number of resources (515 MWe) will increase. The potential still not
utilized except for tourist destinations.
The Arjuno Welirang Volcano Geothermal (AWVG) located around of Arjuno-Welirang Volcano in Malang,
East Java about 100 km southwest of Surabaya, the capital city of East Java and is still an undeveloped geothermal
prospect. The occurrence of solfatara and fumaroles with magmatic gasses indicated the existence of a volcanic
geothermal system in the subsurface. A few hot springs are found in the Arjuno-Welirang volcanic complex, such as
Padusan hot spring, Songgoriti hot spring, Kasinan hot spring, and Cangar hot spring. The high-temperature
geothermal system characterized by the presence of thermal features that emitted solfatara and fumaroles with the
high content of sulfur deposit. The heat source and up-flow zone are under Mount Welirang’s summit that
associated with andesitic1.

The geothermal system in Java can be classified into volcano-hosted and fault-hosted. Based on these
classifications, AWVG were considered as volcano-hosted. The Na/K and Na-K-Ca geothermometer were applied to
estimate the highest and the lowest temperature in the geothermal system. These two methods were applied to
calculated geothermal temperature Arjuno-Welirang and yield range from 217 °C to 305 °C2.
In geothermal exploration, understanding of the structural relationship between faults and regions of
hydrothermal upwelling is very important. The magnetic3, gravity survey methods are often classified together as
structural methods. In this sense, the structural methods are primarily an extension of geological mapping. There is
also considerable evidence showing that some of the anomalies mapped by the structural methods in geothermal
areas may be directly caused by the effect of the hydrothermal system on the host rock. On the other hand, the
electrical methods may also be called structural, to the extent variations in porosity cause the resistivity variations,
shows that there is no sharp distinction possible between methods which map the thermal and the structural
parameter of a hydrothermal system. To understand geothermal prospect in CGF was conducted using the magnetic
method, gravity method, and the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) method.

Geological Setting
Arjuno-Welirang volcano is located in Sololane quaternary, flanked by Kendeng Lane in the north and southern
mountain in the south. The geological history of this area is dominated by late Quaternary volcanic rocks, both lava,
and pyroclastic. Geological structures such as faults, the caldera rim structures, and other circular features are
indicated by remote sensing data as shown in Figure 1. The circular feature correlated with the collapse zone that
formed as a result of Pre Arjuno-Welirang volcanic eruption. Multiple extensional events and emplacement of the
CGF have resulted in the anomalously thin crust that provides a shallow regional heat source and high geothermal
The Cangar fault caused by converging of old Anjasmara Mountain and Welirang Mountain appears to be a
controlling factor governing the location of Cangar hot spring or further called Cangar Geothermal Field (CGF),
whereas the Padusan fault controls the Padusan hot spring.
The temperature reservoir of the Arjuno-Welirang geothermal system could be categorized as a high-temperature
geothermal system. The reservoir is possibly composed of quaternary volcanic rock as a result of stratigraphic
correlation based on surface lithology. The high content of sulfur deposits indicates the reservoir fluid is acid, which
is obviously influenced by active magmatic.

FIGURE 2. Geological Map of Cangar Geothermal Field, East Java, Indonesia4


Magnetic and Gravity Survey

The objective of the magnetic method is to examine subsurface geology based on the anomaly of the Earth’s
magnetic field resulting from the magnetic properties of the underlying rocks. In general, the magnetic content of
rocks or called susceptibility is extremely variable depending on the type of rock and the environment it is in such as
dykes, faults, and lava flows. In a geothermal environment, due to high temperatures, the susceptibility decreases1.
Rocks in the geothermal system also have lower magnetization than the surrounding rock due to demagnetization by
hydrothermal alteration process, which converts existing minerals to become paramagnetic or diamagnetic. The low
magnetic values can be interpreted zones and reservoir potential as a heat source11.
Temporal changes in the Earth’s field during the period of the survey must be considered to give more accuracy
to the magnetic anomaly maps. Deviations in the intensity of Earth’s magnetic field are caused by the time
difference measurements and the effect of sunlight in a day. Total magnetic field data processing was done through
corrections: daily (drift correction), and the IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field). Filtering using
upward continuation was done to the total magnetic anomaly for obtained regional and residual magnetic anomalies;
it was done by reducing the total magnetic anomaly to the even surface at the highest topographic. To get the exact
position of the cross-section which is also used pseudo gravity transformation considerations, and horizontal
gradient of total magnetic anomaly5.
The gravity method is the measurement of the Earth’s gravity to find the local density information surrounding
the formation and learn something about the irregularities of the earth6. The result of gravity measurement at the
surface varies, besides due to irregularities of the Earth, is also affected by the altitude, the location of the buried
bodies around the Earth and rock density conditions beneath the Earth’s surface. Therefore, it is necessary to have
some correction, latitude correction, and free air correction. Terrain correction is also used to take account of the
gravitation changing due to the terrain surrounding the measurement point. Bouguer correction was applied to the
dataset to take account of rock thickness between the current and base station elevation. After applying all
corrections, the value of the gravity anomaly is known as the Bouguer anomaly.

Electrical Resistivity Tomography

ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) is a form of high-resolution 2D or 3D geology of the subsurface
resistivity value. ERT is often used to solve geological problem, including determine position of active fault and
dislocating of formation before paleoseismology study7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13, understanding characteristic of fault zone and
discover fluid and estimates wide of area investigate14,13 depiction of the geological structure of basin
sedimentation15 and volcanic area16,17.
The ERT method gives more detailed information on horizontal and vertical layers, but the process of data
acquisition requires a longer time. ERT measurements were performed by varying the electrode spacing and move
the overall position of the electrode configuration on a trajectory to obtain information on the resistivity distribution
both vertically and laterally, or within a stretch of the electrode determines the depth of the soil layer of the survey
area. The configuration used is the Wenner configuration. Data acquisition of geoelectrical resistivity, mapping the
hot springs area Cangar consist in four line. Line length ranges from 90–120 meters with the position of each line
track surrounding the hot springs.

FIGURE 3. Regional anomaly contour map using interval 100 nT, which red triangle indicates data point and pink cross indicate
geothermal manifestationThe residual anomaly contour map shows magnetic values in the range between –1000 nT and 680 nT.
Suspected areas of geothermal fluid alteration have a small magnetic intensity in the anomaly contour map (Figure 3). A cross-
section was used to understand geology structure in the subsurface. Qualitative interpretation of the AB cross section from West
to East shows an area dominated by igneous rock such as basalt and granite, and also a sedimentary rock, sandstone. Calcite and
sulfide were found in 0–1500 meters as a result of intrusion from fault zone and activity of Arjuno-Welirang (Figure 4). The
subsurface structure of the CD cross section was similar to the AB cross-section, where the rock structure was dominated by
igneous rock such as basalt, porphyry, and diabase. Also, there are mineral rocks such as calcite and sandstone. In the top layer at
a depth of 0–1253 meters are calcite rocks, porphyry, sandstone, and rock diabase. The presence of these minerals was the result
of intrusion across basalt rock through the fracture. Whereas at a depth of 1253–2000 meters igneous rock that is basalt and
diabase still dominated (Figure 5).

FIGURE 4. Residual anomaly contour map using interval 40 nT, which red triangle indicates data point and pink cross indicate
geothermal manifestation

FIGURE 5. Cross section AB profile

FIGURE 6. Cross section CD profile

In contrast with magnetic anomalies, we perform the Bouguer anomaly in Figure 6, showing range in the study
area between 15 and 120 mGal. The low anomaly was located in the north and southwest of the hot spring, while a
high anomaly was located to the east of the hot spring. The high-density contrast shows that there are cracks in the
area. The Bouguer anomaly shows a longitudinal fracture in the north-south direction and in lines with this fault,
there is a manifestation of hot spring in the surface. These phenomena can occur in this area because groundwater
that has been heated rise to the surface through the cracks of rocks. The residual anomaly contour map in Figure 7
shows an anomaly in the range between –8 and 14 mGal, which is much smaller than the value of Bouguer anomaly.
In the residual anomaly, the low and high anomaly is located adjacent and within the same area as the Bouguer

FIGURE 7. Bouguer anomaly map with contour interval is 5 mGal, black star dot showing data collecting point and red dot
indicates hot spring manifestation

FIGURE 8. Residual anomaly contour using interval 1 mGal, black star dot showing data collecting point and red dot indicate
hot spring manifestation

An estimation of subsurface conditions done by modeling the geology in the area alleged that AA’ and BB’ like
Figure 8. The AA’ line across the fracture on residual anomalies, whereas the BB’ line across the area indicates the
manifestation of hot spring. Rock types in AA’ and BB’ line have the same type of variations in thickness viewing
in Figures 9 and 10. On the top layer along the path AA’ are sandstone (1.7 to 2.3 g/cm3), igneous lava (2.8 to3.0
g/cm3), rock basalt (2.7 to 3.3 g/cm3), and sulfide mineral (2.8 to 3.0 g/cm3). The sulfide mineral basalt rocks broke
through fractures due to Arjuno-Welirang activity. While the hot spring located CGF comes from groundwater by
heating basalt rocks and lava rocks which are volcanic rocks of Arjuno-Welirang. This result agrees with the result
from the magnetic data.

FIGURE 9. Residual anomaly contour map in 1 mGal interval, black line indicates the modeled area and red dot indicate hot
spring manifestation

FIGURE 10. AA’ cross-section residual anomaly contour with variation color to indicate each rock density composition. The
red color from dark red to light red respectively is rock basalt (2.7 to 3.3 g/cm3), igneous lava (2.8 to 3.0 g/cm3), and sandstone
(1.7 to 2.3 g/cm3). Blue color indicates the sulfide minerals (2.8 tp 3.0 g/cm3)

FIGURE 11. BB’ cross section from residual anomaly contour (color information same as Fig. 9)

Processing electrical resistivity mapping subsurface was conducted to estimate the crack as a tunnel where hot
fluid flows and emerging the surface as hot spring. Line 1 shows the area dominated by fracture/cracks and sediment
erosion. A number of cracks in the research area emergence hot springs with the highest temperature at the source of
the most southwest (Figure 11). Line 2 (Figure 12) did not indicate any alleged lava rock as a heat source, but the
result of erosion sedimentation found in slopes around the hot springs. Result interpretation of Line 3 indicates
sandstone, tuff, and igneous rock. Sandstone layer existed as a result of erosion and sedimentation of the stream
(Figure 13). The convergence between the tuff and sandstone showed a crack but did not indicate the source of
water at the site. Line 4 (Figure 14) shows layers dominated the sandstone as sedimentation area which is the result
of river sedimentation and lava rock not found. A small value of resistivity is located in the middle of the line.

FIGURE 12. Resistivity profile Cangar Line 1

FIGURE 13. Resistivity profile Cangar Line 2.

FIGURE 14. Resistivity profile Cangar Line 3

FIGURE 15. Resistivity profile Cangar Line 4

Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) was also performed in this area to obtain more detail of the geological
condition vertically. Interpretation of the data of this area suggests that the geological condition is dominated by lava
rock with resistivity value >1000 Ohm meter in layers near the surface, then there is a layer of tuff with a variation
of sand. The tuff layer has inserts of sandstone suspected as a result of erosion from the nearest volcanic area. The
result of processing VES shows the flow of hot water with resistivity value below 10 Ohm meter, at a depth of 24.7
meters with a thickness of ±10 meters. This result is reinforced by the presence of lava rock layers alleged head
source located below the rock layer has a low resistivity (<10 Ohm meter). Rock with low resistivity is suspected as
a hot spring aquifer thermal in Cangar hot spring. Also, distribution lava rock thickens towards the slope of the
mountain, so it is possible lava rock can be used to as a conductor for the heat produced from Arjuno-Welirang

An integrated geophysical study in CGF was carried out in other to explore the subsurface structure and
geothermal fluid circulation and to evaluate the results of the model. The gravity method gives a low value in an
anomaly –1000nT located at the north and west of the hot springs manifestation due to the low susceptibility of a
rock so it can be estimated geothermal potential. The subsurface structure in the research area is dominated by
sandstone, igneous lava rock, and sulfide minerals at the top layer, but also found basalt in the middle and bottom
layer. CGF hot spring possibly comes from the heating process of groundwater by igneous lava and basalt rock,
which is the main constituent of Arjuno-Welirang volcanic rock. The data processing and interpretation of
geoelectrical resistivity tomography indicate a hot water aquifer is on sandstone layer having resistivity values <10
Ohm meter with a depth of 24.7 meters with lava rocks under a layer of sand is an alleged heat source. Cracks are
the result of the spaces between the rocks that used hot water in sandstone to exit the soil surface.

Authors would like to thank PUPT grant no. 460.74/UN10.C10/PN/2017 of University Brawijaya, Ministry of
Research, Technology and Higher Education and Program Hibah Penguatan Pusat Studi, Center of Research and
Community Services, Universitas Brawijaya for partially financial supports. Thanks also are given to all people who
participated in acquisition in Blawan. We also thanks to reviewers who improved our manuscript.

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