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Correlation Research Study design

In this study, the two topics I will test are weight and self-esteem. The research conducted will reveal if
these two factors are related. Weight will be measured in pounds, and a Body Mass Index calculator will
help decide if the person is average, overweight, or underweight by considering factors such as their
height, gender, and weight. Self-esteem will be measured by taking a personality test that will convert the
selected answers into a number from a scale of 0-100. 0 being low self-esteem and 100 being high
self-esteem. If weight and self-esteem have a positive correlation, the correlation coefficient will be close
to positive one. If weight and self-esteem have a negative correlation, the correlation coefficient will be
close to negative one. This correlation coefficient can be calculated. If there is no correlation, the
correlation coefficient would be zero.

First, you must gather participants that vary in weight. This will be determined by their BMI number.
Affirm with the participants that you are testing to see if weight and self-esteem correlate, and make sure
they agree. Since weight is a sensitive topic to most, make sure they are aware of the possible results to
avoid any unethical events. You should have at least 30 people for each underweight, average, and
overweight BMI. The total of 90 people will take a personality test that asks agree or disagree questions in
relation to oneself. You should inform the participants to answer truthfully and their answers are
confidential. This test results in a number from 0-100, revealing an approximate measure of the person's
self-esteem. 0 being low self- esteem, 50 being average, and 100 being high self-esteem. The data will be
graphed using a scatter plot, “x” being weight and “y” being self-esteem. The data collected will help
interpret if weight has, or has no, affect on self-esteem. Because this is a small group of people, the results
are not concrete. However, the results will provide inferential data that will create a reason to believe
weight impacts self-esteem, not the truth behind weight and self-esteem.
Descriptive Research study design:

The stroop effect is rather interesting considering each participant’s reaction time will vary based on what
they’re being tested on. The control group will succeed in the experiment in achieving a faster reaction
speed due to the fact that the brain automatically detects the color with the matching marker. The
biosocial psychology approach is presented while spelling the coordinated color to the marker.
To begin with the experiment you should find a participant to engage in the experiment. You will inform
them about the experiment that is about to be done. Explain the focus on markers being paired with its
color will create a faster reaction time because of the brian’s fast recognition. While the participant in the
experimental group will test their brain’s capability of spelling of a colored word without using it’s
significant color .
The overall outcome will prove which method is more efficient in performing this task. Future references
may obtain the information to provide a better understanding of individuals on reaction time while
pushing the brain's capability of the difference between achieving simple and difficult tasks.

Correlation Research Study design

The relationship between the reaction time on spelling due to the interference of colors merged with it’s
matched color or unmatched color are both somewhat complex because they focus on the brain capability
to achieve a task such as this one. The measurement of reaction time is also affected on the participants
concentration. With the task you must be straightforward and concentrated because it will help them
succeed. Therefore, the relationship between the difference of reaction time won’t be equivalent
considering the participants brain capability is being used at different levels.  

Experimental research study design

Stroop effect

Question:​ How is the participants reaction time significant to markers being merged with its original color
and markers being merged without its original color.
Hypothesis​: If the participant uses a marker matched with its color then they will succeed because there
will be no interference and the reaction time will be fast.

Independent Variable: ​Participants being tested with markers matched with its color and participants use
of markers merged with colors that aren’t it’s original color
Dependant Variable: ​ Reaction time on spelling due to the interference of colors merged with it’s matched
Operational Definitions:

This experiment will focus on the significance of merging markers with its original color to spell which
will have a fast reaction time considering it is a basic ideal thing. The outcome of the participants merging
the markers without its original spelling will lead to a longer reaction time considering the unconscious
mind is focused on achieving the comprehension of the material being presented to it.


1. Have the participant be aware of the experiment that is going to take place.
2. Make sure the both participants have 5 markers each colored; yellow, blue, green, purple, pink
and Red paired with a loose leaf.
3. Have the first participant (Participant A) complete the task of writing the color of each of the
significant markers on paper.
4. Time participant A’s reaction speed and record the data
5. Have the first participant (Participant A) complete the task of writing the color without using the
significant matched marker.
6. Have the second participant (Participant B) complete the task of writing the color with a different
colored as followed; ​Green​​ marker used to write the color ​yellow​​, ​Yellow​​ marker used to write
the color ​blue​​, ​Blue​​ marker used to write the color ​pink​​, ​Pink​​ marker used to write the color ​red
red​​ marker used to write the color ​purple​​ and lastly ​Purple​​ marker used to write the color ​green​​.
7. Time participant B’s reaction speed and record the data.
8. Compare the reaction speed of Participants A and Participant B.

The participants that spelled a certain color with markers merged with its original color seemed to be
more successful in having a better reaction speed. Whereas the participants that used markers without its
original color to spell had a much slower reaction speed. The objective of this was to figure out whether
or not he control or experimental group will succeed in this task.

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