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THE BOOK OF SCT ET TET We ba The Book of Krav-Maga yan-24p Written by: Grand Master Yaron A. Lichtenstein, Holder of Black Belt Ninth Dan in Krav-Maga Sensei Rotem Lichtenstein, Holder of Black Belt fourth Dan in Krav-Maga . ~ The Book that can save your life The secret source of the Israeli force For the first time ever, the Israeli Krav-Maga special techniques of defenses and attacks in various situations: hijackings, inside a bus or a subway, urban situation ete. Advanced techniques — Beyond the Black Belt. | The Bible s"inn Rio de Janeiro, 2007 Copyright © Yaron Alexander Lichtenstein 2007, Brazil All tights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a tetiieval system, ot transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the writers. This:book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, ot otherwise circulated without the writer’s prior consent in any form of biding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. CIP-BRASIL. CATALOGACAO-NA-FONTE SINDICATO NACIONAL DOS EDITORES DE LIVROS, RI L676b Lichtenstein, Yaron, 1953- The book of Kiav-Maga: the bible / written by Yaron A, Lichtenstein. - Rio de Janeiro: Y. Lichtenstein, 2007 496p.: il. ISBN 978-85 -907111-0-0 1, Krav maga. 2. Luta corporal, 3, Defesa pessoal. 1 Titulo. 07-1348. CDD: 796.8 CDU: 796.8 160407 18 0407 001222 CIP E IMPRESSAQ: WalPrint Guificae Editora Ltda E-mail: walprint@wvalprint com br Warning: This book contains the secrets of the Krav-Maga, a martial art for self-defense, Many parts of it can be dangeious; therefore it is necessary to take all measures of caution in all the learning, training and using of the exercises and techniques which appear in this book, The writer, the publisher and ail of those who took part in the making of this book, are not in anyway tesponsible for anything which may happen as a result of using, in any form, the techniques and exercises in this book To Imi Thanks: Thanks: Thanks: Thanks: For the sky that got us together For all the years I was your Student. nor) appa weapnw pw an speabdnonen ons pwn bo Sys nmin ooh eb nnnaw motn by nn mand not in pay oven ns oyna mam pan minim) aap opr nx oven pIRn nx oraann Aiba ap ny jan) nenw by satin TnND ORD AND yepeds and a1 PT np PNT TP! x Tp tp pIm-aipa open Sy ot nen new porn yy For the door you opened for me into a world that only a few know, a door to the understanding of the body and the mind, which those who pass through it ean feel what exists behind the walls and the boundaries which limit the human being. For being a friend and a brother, a man to love and to admire, a father and a mother as one. [ hope this book will iluminate the eyes of many generations of Krav-Maga students, as you would have wanted. Yaron Lichtenstein 3 | f For those who helped and participated in the publishing of this book, and fulfilled the founder’s wish of spreading his complete art around the world: Japan: New- York: Canada: Israel: Poland: Mexico: Brazil: Germany: To Boaz Hagai, a student, a friend and much more. My first Black Belt student and the first one to represent the Kravy-Maga in Japan | To Onn Chen — students such as yourself give their teachers the desire to teach. To Iris Marco-Segal (Polo) — thank you for your sketches and all the rest. To my Black Belts students Ovad Somech and Dudi Bar-Tanchum — Loyalty is something you cannot buy, Thank you for everything. To Dafna Gur — for your lovely sketches. To Machiek — for the beautiful series of kicks’ photos. To Jose Barcenas, Julian, Pedro Moran and Jaime, for your help and dedication To Veruilson Nogueira - for all your work, ‘To Sandoval, for all his efforts To Marcos who made the pictures so real. To Aguinaldo, to whom J owe many thanks. To Mauricio and Oki from Brasilia, thank you for the pictures that were never shown before in the Kravy-Maga. To Marcio Barros, for all you haye done for this book, especially the amazing cover design and the art direction. Special thanks to Dr. Marcelo Martins Teixeira, without him Goiania is not Goiania. To Heiko, wherever you are, Danke! Smee Tp id qneend in 21 ns 5D ombxd man oannn bx w onnpwnd nn ar ax ON TX IN RON NON Ow wo 95 Ta oS SNR SAN ANG prws> ‘ad peinw nox ow pri oboe rere : vb pa bax oa od1s5 saa joms Sun nr Se DNTP BMT xo papa YTB spp wie ores nw Senn nx as yaar xo "D1 - omx } nnzw Sy ombx 4b o2 Amn on TN. DRT Nw 341 atin besides me, who knows Krav shahaf, my daughter, which requ: what I am doing now rs = i The first manual of the Krav-Maga, written by Imi in 1971. In the picture, Imi and his student Zvulon. “46 & ar see PROLOGUE My private cellular number was known only to a few people, which were well aware of how much I despise this device, and that is why each time my cell phone ringed, something important had probably happened. “Hello Lichtenstein” Only one man had such a deep and worm voice, that even before you talk to him i you already feel like you miss him. “Hello Master” I answered him. Of course I was a little surprised His physical condition and health became worst on a daily bases and he spent most of his time in bed, It was getting difficult to talk with him, since he stopped answering the phone as well; others were doing it for him, As a mighty king that his illness and oldness have opened the door for the vultures to gather around him and to try and to “teceive” from him the title of the “heir” and that is why his next lines had astonished me even more Unlike his usual manner, he talked iapidly and shortly, emit “Lichtenstein, come to see me in two days at nine o'clock at the mor ning, we need to talk” This was always his style — he knew that even if I was busy, he always comes first. Two days later I was in his house drinking a cup of cottee. In spite of his weakness that made him loose a considerable amount of kilograms of his weight, in his eyes T could still see this enormous enerey that he always had. Our meeting was short The founder did not want anyone to know about it, so he had already prepared - everything in advance. He gave me his last three requests / missions, and I cannot decide which one of them is the most difficult one “Yaron”, he said to me, surprisingly using my first name, “everybody t knows how much you did in order to spread the Krav-Maga, 1 doubt if someone would have done that F better than you From the moment we met for the first time, more than thisty years ago, I knew you will be the last one to stay” For a moment I became very uncomfortable, does he want me to be his successor? But he had more to say “Beginning from today you are a Black Belt ninth Dan of Krav- Maga, the highest rank | ever awarded to anyone” and then he gave me a big envelop, however from all the excitement I could not even opened it. He continued: “the two books and all the academic aiticles you wrote for the Jerusalem University, you must translate them to English and other languages as well, the world must know the truth and our complete way. Write ever ything, everything | taught you” At this point | felt like I was loosing my conscience. Of course I will do any request of the old Master, but this one seemed impossible, both from the practical and from the financial sides But he knew I will do it. Deep inside, without to say a word, we both knew Lused all my internal force to comeback to reality and to concentrate on his words. His voice became lower due to his iflness and weariness. “Additionally, from this moment forwards, you will be using a title nobody before in the Krav-Maga had ever used — Grand Master Everyone will accept it, and if not you will show them how little they knew about the Krav-Maga, And that was the end of it, When we got out of his apartment and entered the elevator, Topened the envelop he gave me and there indeed I saw the diploma, from the special kind of paper he used (o give to ranks above Black Belt, signed by him and indicating me as ninth Dan And of course, in the envelop there was also a latte of qualification, signed by him, as always Five years after his death I decided that the time had come to fulfill his last request and to spread the tue way of the Krav-Maga in the entire world. After the founder’s death, and without a guiding hand, each one has invented his own story Suddenly everyone has sixth Dan — in the USA, in Brazil Each one is doing what he sees best However I know each and everyone of them. 37 This book was not written by me, even if it was my hand who held the pan It was the founder’s spirit that had guided me in this long and hard journey Tt took me almost four years to complete my work and now, you the reader, when reading this bible, I hope you will enjoy it and will learn to know the original ways of the Krav-Maga as a unique Isiaeli martial art for self-defense, the founder himself and the way of life in the state of Istael, the only place in the world that could had given the founder the inspiration to develop his art And 1. Tam just a student of Imi for the last forty years The domination over the Foot in the differ ent kicking techniques is the biggest challenge standing in front of us Yellow belt . Grand Masters’ small talk Wingate Institute @ 10 6 BLIMOT Blima Leachor is the first exercise in the Krav-Maga Already in the first lesson the student is learning Blima Leachot. A complete control over the technique of the falls is not less important than any other movernent in the Kiav-Maga Every training must include the different types of falls, as a comprehensive part of the warm-up before each practice. We have to train the body an endless numbe1 of times in order to achieve a high level of performance in all the types and techniques of the falls. The purpose of this exercise is to avoid damage to the body in case of a fall, whether the fall is a consequence of a deliberate push ot whether itis a result of an accidental stumble One way ot another, falling on our back would cause a hard hit that will leave us neutralize and out of action However, doing Blima will move and divide the strength of the hit along the entire body and will minimize the impact in the back. The fall is done with the entire arm, when the main hit in the Tatami / ground is done with the palms, which are striking strongly the Tatami. The technique of the fall creates a certain philosophical dilemma. However, it is not in my intention to deal with it, but just to give the explanation of the Kray-Maga to the principle of the fall and nothing more : The art of Judo is also based on falls to the side and to the back. However, this martial art owns one advantage which the Krav-Maga does not have The Krav-Maga is built mainly as a martial art for self-defense and this principle is taking place beginning from the first exercise — Blima Leachor Leaming, training and exercising falls on the Tatami is not similar to the reality of the street The Tatami is soft and flexible and it absorbs and softens the fall (which is in fact its purpose and because of that we are bowing when entering ot leaving it). However, falling in a street covered with asphalt or stone would cause the hitting hands an impact a few times harder than the Tatami And this is exactly the guiding principle in self-defense. If we will not hit with the hands, the entire impact will centralized in the back’s vertebras. The answer, therefore, is very simple; it is bette: to have hurting hands than a broken back Furthermore, the principle of the fall shows that also when we are lying on the back, we can still come out winning because in 2 situation of a deliberate push by an attacker, when he will see us lying on the ground, he will advance towards us in order to finish his attack and then we can immediately move to a counterattack by kicking with the heel to the testicles or by making a lock on the opponent’s close leg and breaking his knoe, This falling technique does not exist in any other martial art simply because no other martial art is based entirely on self-defense like the Krav-Maga’ In the Kiav-Maga there are a number of Blimot (falls), each one has a different purpose: 1. Blima Leachot — will be done in a situation of a deliberate push or in a case of a trip backwards 2, Blima Latzad —a fall to one of the sides — left or tight, the same principle only different sides 3, Blima Raka Leftanim — the fall is done forwards and our purpose is to prevent the head from “meeting” the ground. 4, Blima Kasha Lefanim — this exercise is difficult, complicated and dangerous This Blima is in fact a specific defense against a specific attack Blima Leachor The main difference between the fall in the Krav-Maga and in other martial arts is principally the thought about continuing of the fall’s movement from the ground in coordination with the opponent's attack . a 1168 Picture A: Lying on the Tatami, left leg is folded while the entire foot is touching the Tatami The right leg in this stage remains totally straight, “resting” on the Tatami. The hands are raised and crossed and the palms are strongly stretched. The most impoitant thing we have to do is keeping the head above the Tatami so our look will be focused towards the center of the abdomen / the belt’s knot, Always, but always, the head is lifted above the ground in order to avoid-a head injury during the fall Picture B better demonstrates the head lifting. From this position we are striking with the palms on the Tatami When hitting the Tatamt, we use the entire arm. We have to practice and to train this stage dozens of times before moving to the next one Picture B: After practicing the previous movement, we can continue, While hitting the ground with the palms, we are pulling the right leg which is lying on the Tatami strongly towards the chest. It is important to understand that we ate pulling the leg towards chest and not lifting the chest to the leg The center of the pulling movement is the knee. These movements must also be repeated as many times as possible and, of course, the head must be kept above the ground the all time Picture C; After training on hitting the Tatarni together with pulling the right leg and keeping the head above the ground, we will move on. From a sitting position, the left leg is folded and the entire foot is on the ground. The tight leg is kept straight and the hands are crossed and stretched forwards, Now we are sottly going down on the back, head in the air and the hands are striking the Tatami while we are pulling strongly the right knee to the chest, as in picture C A B Picture D: _The third | ptevious stage is very important before moving on to the forth one, which is one before the last. An inexact or insufficient training ia the former stage will be followed by mistakes in this stage and we can end up harming ourselves Therefore, we must repeat many times each stage. From sitting with our knees bent as seen in the picture we fall backwards The left leg is not moving from its place. The right leg is pulled to the chest and in the same time we are keeping the head lifted and striking strongly the ‘Tatami with the hands It is better first to practice this exercise slowly and then to accelerate the thythm a little each time. ale — ba im RETETT Picture E: Now we will do the complete fall, from standing until the final position on the ground Standing, hands are stretched forwards ready to the fall. Now we move to a sitting position as in picture D, and from there to the final position. First the training is done in two stages — moving to a sitting position and then to lying on the back, However, after a number of times we will be able to do the entire exercise in one fluent movement In real situation the hands are not located like in the picture however, many times when we are been pushed backwards, lifting the hands is the instinctive react of the body Defenses from Lying Position - Continue to Blima Leachor We have been pushed, knocked over, no matter what. We fell back and did Blima Leachor. For the attacker, which succeeded knocking us down, we now seems helpless But is it really so?! To the contrary. We are in full control and our ability to eliminate the opponent is equal to the one we had if we were standing on both our legs Picture A: A kick with the heel to the opponent's testicles after Biima Leachor We {ell back and the attacker is coming closer to us for another attack, We will wait patiently until the attacker will be close enough, The right leg — the folded one, is lainched strongly and kicks the attacker's testicles with the heel The big secret is to maintain calm and to wait until the opponent will come to a kick range. Picture B: A lock on the opponent’s knee after Blima Leachor The opponent is not coming from the front but from one of the sides — in this case the left. side. From lying on our back, we tun the body and the folded legs to the side from which the opponent is coming. The lower left leg is clasping with the foot the attackei’s advancing leg. Picture C: While grasping the oppouent’s forward leg with the left foot, we straighten the upper right leg and kick with the heel at the opponent’s knee. There is a double action here: the left foot is pulling the attacker’s leg and with the right we are kicking, It is important to wait until the opponent will be in the suitable range. oom Picture D: The final stage of the lock (without a partner} ~ only the movements of the pulling leg and the kicking leg. Blima Lefanim These falls are done in a situation of a fall forwatds, as a result of a push from the back or, for example. in a situation of a throw from the back — which is a difficult and dangerous throw that only Blima Lefanim can avoid us from been injured In both falls T do aot show the learning stages since they are complicated and there is a risk in tying to learn them alone and without a qualified and trained instructor My purpose is to help the readet, not to cause him unnecessary risks and injuries Picture A: Blima Raka Lefanim A soft, quick and easy fall, will be softly stopped by the palms Pay attention to the heels that are stretched back and to the lifted head Picture B: Blima Kasha Lefanim Done only afte: a throw from the back. Fhe purpose of the hands is to absorb the impact of the fall The heels are stretched back and the head is lifted 1 Blima Latzad Blima Latzad is a direct continue to Blima Leachor. Blima Leachor we did in situations in which we were pushed from the front and, obviously, Blima Latzad we do when the push comes completely trom one.of the body sides However, also here there are a few details we have to memorize and to remember before we approach to the exercise itself Blima Latzad is done to the side only, not on the back or on part of it, and asin Blima Leachor also here we donot simply fall to the side, but instead we make a controlled fall in order to neutralize the force of the attacker’s push When the push is from the right side we will fall to the left side. and vice-versa. | Blima Latzad is always done downwards. 2 The tight leg (in a fall to the right) is pulled to the chest as much as possible a4 & ie 3. The folded foot is pressed against the Tatami with all our strength, in order to minimize the power of the impact with the ground. A. The fall is always on the side and not on the back, meaning, the entire body is lying on the side. 5 The hand which is not hitting the ground is placed on the opposite shoulder This action guatantees the transfer of all the body weight to the falling side Otherwise, we might harm the other shoulder which is not protected 6 From Blima Latzad we usually do not do a lock on the opponent’s knee because it is easier to turn and to lie on your back in the end of the fall and from there to do, as needed, a lock on the knee or a kick 7 We have to keep our head above the ground, as in Blima Leachor The look is tumed to the center of the abdomen. The belt’s knot can be used as an excellent aiming point Sketch A: Lying on one of our sides, as shown in the sketch in this case, we Will do the fall to the left side However, the order of the movements and the, actions is identical in both sides When we finish one side, we are doing the other, The right hand is located on the left shoulder; the head is above the ground, looking towards the center of the abdomen. We fold the right leg as much as we can, and the foot is strongly pushed to the Tatami The left leg is straight, lying on the Tatami, or a little raised. The left hand is going out from the height of the opposite shoulder as seen in the sketch and hitting the Tatami with the palms with maximum force Sketch B: Adirectcontinuetothemovementof the firststage. Now we are combining together with the strike of the hand in the Tatami also a pulling movernent of the straight leg towards the abdomen, as high and close as we can to the chest, Here as well we - must stretch our toes. B Sketch C: The third and most important stage. Although the fail is still not done from a standing position, but a correct training in this part will assure us a success in the last stage. From a sitting / kneeling position, one hand to the opposite shoulder and the other hand ready for the impact, we move to the other side of the bady the leg which is parallel to the striking hand and from this position we fall on the Tatami while hitting it with the palm We must make sure that we keep all of the rules we have already learned about falls Sketch D: The final stage of the fall: standing, opening a little our legs and locating the hands in their place, ready to hit the Tatami The leg which is patallel to the hitting hand is moving in a soft pushing movement towards the opposite direction From this position we now move toa sitting position, like seen in the previous sketch, and then we will complete the fall First the fall should be done slowly — stage by stage, and then to accelerate the rhythm ~a little in each time, until we will succeed doing one continuous movement After a few hundred falls we will not need anymore to divide the fall into stages — the fall will be done in one smooth movement, without the preparation of our hands and legs before Remember: in order to achieve a high performance level wi to know how to control our br eathing, Falling after a strong breathing difficulties Therefore, in more advanced level also breathing exercises, Which are especially suitable to ground th the technique of Blimot we have push can leave us on the ground with $ and belts, it is very important to include situations of hard blows — like falls to the Blima Leachor with a jump - a training for advanced belts for improving the quality and the foree of the Blima. “8 16 B- Soe pppoe TT AMIDAT MOTZA - THE TRIANGLE PRINCIPLE I have written reams about the triangle principle in the Krav-Maga, out of an attempt to explain the subject in the simplest way, to every reader or whoever is interested, even to a reader that is only interested in the theoretical part. The comprehension and the dimensional conception of the triangle principle must begin in the first moment of the first lesson or, in other words, in the beginning of the book, so it will be easier to enter into the subject and to continue with it. This way we will receive, in small portions each time, during the entire book and, eventually, this will give us the capability to understand the principle The triangle principle first influence appears in Amidat Motza, in the first learning stages, In the Kray-Maga exist only two forms of Amidat Motza and, naturally, we would begin with the first one The following sketches will help me explain and demonstrate the triangle position in Amidat Motza. All you need for an exact and right practice is a tr aining partner and a piece of chalk ° Insketch A, the figure stands with its legs widely open. Stand in the same way yourself You must pay attention to the position of the teet that are parallel one to another, as in the sketch Already from this primary stage we have to begin practicing anolhei movement, in order to make it a natural one and that is stretching the toes upwards while emphasizing kart kaf haregel (look at the sketch at the next page). Iam sory for jumping like that from one exercise to another, but it is essential. Stretching the toes and emphasizing Karit kaf haregel is maybe the most important in the entire Krav-Maga Although it might be a little too early to mention it in this learning stage of Amidat Motza, we would not achieve correct and exact Amidat Motza without this principle and furthermore, getting into the habit of stretching the toes begins already in the first lesson In the sketch we can observe that the entire foot i¢ firmly laid on the Tatami. Now we will do body swings to the left and to the right Tt is better to use a partner bere, that will push us once to the left and once to the right and, we will immediately feel the stability given to us by this stand when we are pushed o1 pulled to the sides However, when out patiner pushes us from the back or from the front, we easily lose our steadiness. In this stage, when standing with our legs widely open to the ides, we will draw a straight line with a chalk between the two feet Sketch B: The second stage. Now we will do a large step forwards This position is opposite to the first one, when our pattner will push us back and forth we will remain firm in om place, using the legs’ position However, we would easily fall to the right or to the left, if pushed from one of the sides Now we should draw another line between the two feet, using the chalk. However, first I owe a small clarification: because of the need in visual accuracy, the sketches were done with the right leg as the leading leg in Amidat Motza. And that is in fact a “mistake” — the left should be the first one; but this is not a problem, we just have to tun everything Furthermore, in orange belt we learn that there is no difference between aregular Amidat Motza, meaning, with the left leg forwards, and between Amidat Motza with the right leg forwards The beginning of the second line is in the connection with the first line, in a way that will give us a 90° angle, as in sketch C The training we did demonstiate for us several facts: when standing with the legs widely open to the sides, we are strong from our sides but weak from our back and our front and, when standing with one leg forwards and the other backwards, then we create the opposite situation Now, as shown in sketch D. we will draw a connecting line between the two first lines and here we have the first triangle in the Kiav-Maga: the position of the feet in sketch E is the final position of Amidat relation to the triangle principle in the Krav-Maga This explanation came only to clarify the triangle principle For mote practical study, we can observe the Learning stages in the added pictures A117 & i

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