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Problem Set No. 3

Irrigation Water Requirements

and Conveyance Losses

Initial investigation and estimation of irrigation water requirements and conveyance

efficiencies are requisites to the preparation of large-scale national water master plan or small-
scale irrigation projects at the community- or farm-level. The general procedure starts with the
crop water requirement for the whole project area, then the farm water requirement for a
particular segment or portion of the project area, and finally the diversion water requirements for

To guide you through in this activity, the step-by-step computational procedure is

outlined in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Process of estimating irrigation water requirements and conveyance losses


After accomplishing the required activity, you should be able to:

a. Estimate total irrigation water requirements of a project area in terms of:

 crop water requirement;

 effective rainfall;
 land soaking requirement;
 land preparation water requirement;
 farm water requirement; and
 diversion water requirement; and

b. Determine farm ditch losses, conveyance losses, and application efficiencies.

1 scientific calculator
1 ball pen
1 lot scratch papers

Step 1 Estimate crop water requirement (CWR).

CWR = ETc + (S&P) (Eq. 1)

where: CWR Crop water requirement, mm/day

ETc Crop evapotranspiration, mm/day
(S&P) Seepage and percolation in the field, mm/day

Step 2 Determine seepage and percolation (S&P).

Seepage and percolation in the project area can be determined by using reference values
given in Table 1.

Table 1. Percolation values for various soil textures

Soil Texture Percolation (mm/day)
Clay 1.25
Silty Clay 1.5
Clay Loam 1.75
Silty Clay Loam 1.75
Sandy Clay Loam 2
Sandy Loam 4
Source: National Irrigation Administration (1979)

CWR can be calculated using Equation 1.

Step 3 Estimate farm water requirement (FWR).

FWR = CWR – ER + LPWR + farm ditch losses (Eq. 2a)


FWR = (CWR – ER + LPWR)/Ea (Eq. 2b)

where: CWR Crop water requirement, mm

ER Effective rainfall, mm
LPWR Land preparation water requirement, mm
Ea Application efficiency, decimal

Step 4 Estimate effective rainfall (ER).

Effective rainfall (ER) is the total rainfall minus runoff minus evaporation and minus deep
percolation. Only the water retained in the root zone can be used by the plants, and
represents what is called the effective part of the rainwater. The term effective rainfall is used
to define this fraction of the total amount of rainwater useful for meeting the water need of
the crops.

To estimate the fraction of the total rainfall which is used effectively by crops, the following
formulas can be applied, which applies in areas with a maximum slope of 4 to 5 percent:

ER = 0.8 P – 25 (if P > 75 mm/mo) (Eq. 3a)


ER = 0.6 P – 10 (if P < 75 mm/mo) (Eq. 3b)

where: ER Effective rainfall, mm/mo

It is always equal to or larger than zero and never negative.
P Precipitation or rainfall, mm/mo

Step 5 Estimate land preparation water requirement (LPWR).

Land preparation water requirement shall be calculated as the total of land soaking water
requirement, standing water and replenishment for evaporation.


LPWR = LSR + SW + ETo (Eq. 4)

where: LPWR Land preparation water requirement, mm

LSR Land soaking requirement, mm
SW Standing water, mm
Recommended value for SW during land preparation = 10 mm.
ETo Reference evapotranspiration, the evaporative power of the
atmosphere, mm

Step 6 Estimate land soaking requirement (LSR).

Information on the depth of the crop root zone and soil physical properties shall be obtained.
Land soaking requirement shall be computed using the formula:

(Eq. 5)

where: LSR Land soaking requirement, mm

n Soil porosity, % (Table 2)
RMC Residual moisture content or permanent wilting point, % (Table 2)
As Apparent specific gravity (Table 2)
Drz Root zone depth, mm (Appendix Table 1)
For lowland rice = 300 mm
For corn = 1000 mm to 1700 mm

Table 2. Representative physical properties of soils

Soil Texture Apparent Specific Total Pore Space Permanent Wilting Point or Residual
Gravity (As) (n, %) Moisture Content (RMC, %)
Sandy 1.65 38 2–7
(1.55 – 1.80) (32 – 42)
Sandy Loam 1.50 43 6 – 16
(1.40 – 1.60) (40 – 47)
Loam 1.40 47 7 – 17
(1.35 – 1.40) (43 – 49)
Clay Loam 1.35 49 22
(1.30 – 1.40) (47 – 51)
Silty Clay 1.30 51 17 – 29
(1.30 – 1.40) (49 – 53)
Clay 1.25 53 20 – 24
(1.20 – 1.30) (51 – 55)
Note: Normal ranges are shown in parentheses.
Source: Orcullo (1997)

Step 7 Estimate farm ditch losses.

Seepage and percolation in farm ditches can be determined by using reference values of
seepage and percolation and canal dimensions:

Farm ditch losses = (S&P)farm ditch x P x L (Eq. 6)

where: (S&P) Seepage and percolation rate, mm/day (design values for the
field given in Table 1 can be used)
P Wetted perimeter of farm ditch, m
L Length of farm ditch, m

Note: Equation 6 is very seldom used. Instead, the application efficiency (Step 8) is
more convenient to use.

Step 8 Determine application efficiency (Ea).

Application losses can be expressed using values of field application efficiency (Ea) given in
Table 3, which depends on the type of field application system.

Table 3. Field application efficiency

Irrigation Method Application Efficiency (Ea)
Light soils 0.55
Medium soils 0.70
Heavy soils 0.60
Graded border 0.60 – 0.75
Basin and level border 0.60 – 0.80
Contour ditch 0.50 – 0.55
Furrow 0.55 – 0.70
Corrugation 0.50 – 0.70
hot dry climate 0.60
moderate climate 0.70
humid and cool 0.80
Drip up to 0.80
Sources: United States Department of Agriculture (USD) & Soil Conservation Service (SCS)

Light soils include sand and loamy sand; while sandy loam, loam, silt loam and silt are
medium soils. Heavy soils are silty clay loam, silty clay and clay.

FWR can be calculated using Equation 2b.

Step 9 Estimate diversion water requirement (DWR).

DWR = FWR + conveyance losses (Eq. 7a)


DWR= FWR/Ec (Eq. 7b)

where: DWR Diversion water requirement, mm

FWR Farm water requirement, mm
Ec Conveyance efficiency, decimal (Table 4)

Note: Equation 7b is preferred over Equation 7a in the calculation of DWR because

Ec is more convenient to use.

Step 10 Determine conveyance losses (Ec).

Seepage and percolation in the conveyance structures such as supplementary farm ditches,
main farm ditches, lateral canals, sub-lateral canals and main canal shall be determined to
account for the conveyance losses. The conveyance loss per meter of channel length differs
per channel type and is 0.2 m³ per day for clay channels and 0.01 m³ per day for concrete

For planning and design purposes, reference values in Table 4 for conveyance efficiency (Ec)
can be used.

Table 4. Conveyance efficiency

Supply System Conveyance Efficiency (Ec)
Continuous supply with no substantial change in flow 0.9

Rotational supply in projects of 3000 – 7000 ha and 0.8

rotation areas of 70 – 300 ha, with effective

Rotational supply in large schemes (>10000 ha) and

small schemes (<1000 ha) with respective
problematic communication and less effective
Based on predetermined schedule
Based on advance request
Source: Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard 602 (2016)

DWR can be estimated using Equation 7b.


Due Date: ASAP but not later than ____________________________________.

Penalty for Late Submission: 5 points deduction per day of delay

Given the following assumed data:

Crop: Select one crop from Appendix Table 1. ______________________

ETo: Assume any value between 3 and 5 (x.xx) ____________mm/day

ETc: Assume any value between 3 and 5 (x.xx) ____________mm/day

(Should be lower than the assumed ETo value above)

Soil Texture: Select one from Table 1 ______________________________

Total rainfall/month: Assume value between 60 and 500 (xx.x or xxx.x) ________________mm/mo

Wetted perimeter: Assume value between 3 and 8 (x.xx) _______________m

Length of canal: Assume value between 400 and 900 (xxx) ________________m

Irrigation method: Select one from Table 3. ______________________

Supply system: Select one from Table 4. ______________________

1. Solve for crop water requirement (CWR) using Equation 1. (10 pts)

Interpret result:

2. Solve for effective rainfall (ER) using either Equation 3a or Equation 3b. (15 pts)

Interpret result:

3. Solve for land soaking requirement (LSR) using Equation 5. (15 pts)

Interpret result:

4. Solve for land preparation water requirement (LPWR) using Equation 4. (15 pts)

Interpret result:

5. Solve for farm ditch losses using Equation 6. (15 pts)

Interpret result:

6. Solve for farm water requirement (FWR) using Equation 2b. (15 pts)

Interpret result:

7. Solve for diversion water requirement (DWR) using Equation 7b. (15 pts)

Interpret result:

(Draw conclusions as to the things you have learned and experienced out of this exercise.)

Appendix Table 1. Ranges of maximum effective root depth for common crops
Crop Maximum Root Depth (m)*
a. Small Vegetables
Broccoli 0.4-0.6
Brussel Sprouts 0.4-0.6
Cabbage 0.5-0.8
Carrots 0.5-1.0
Cauliflower 0.4-0.7
Celery 0.3-0.5
Garlic 0.3-0.5
Lettuce 0.3-0.5
- dry 0.3-0.6
- green 0.3-0.6
- seed 0.3-0.6
Spinach 0.3-0.5
Radish 0.3-0.5
b. Vegetables – Solarium Family (Solanaceae)
Eggplant 0.7-1.2
Sweet Pepper (bell) 0.5-1.0
Tomato 0.7-1.5
c. Vegetables – Cucumber Family (Cucurbitaceae)
Cantaloupe 0.9-1.5
- Fresh Market 0.7-1.2
- Machine harvest 0.7-1.2
Pumpkin, Winter Squash 1.0-1.5
Squash, Zucchini 0.6-1.0
Sweet Melon 0.8-1.5
Watermelon 0.8-1.5

Appendix Table 1. (continued)

Crop Maximum Root Depth (m)*
d. Roots and Tubers
Beets, table 0.6-1.0
- year 1 0.5-0.8
- year 2 0.7-1.0
Parsnip 0.5-1.0
Potato 0.4-0.6
Sweet Potato 1.0-1.5
Turnip (and Rutabaga) 0.5-1.0
Sugar Beet 0.7-1.2
e. Legumes (Leguminosae)
Beans, green 0.5-0.7
Beans, dry and Pulse 0.6-0.9
Beans, lima, large vine 0.8-1.2
Chick pea 0.6-1.0
Fababean (broad bean)
- Fresh 0.5-0.7
- Dry/Seed 0.5-0.7
Grabanzo 0.6-1.0
Green Gram and Cowpea 0.6-1.0
Groundnut (Peanut) 0.5-1.0
Lentil 0.6-0.8
- Fresh 0.6-1.0
- Dry/Seed 0.6-1.0
Soybeans 0.6-1.3
f. Perennial Vegetables (with winter dormancy and initially bare or mulched soil)
Artichoke 0.6-0.9
Asparagus 1.2-1.8
Mint 0.4-0.8
Strawberry 0.2-0.3

Appendix Table 1. (continued)

Crop Maximum Root Depth (m)*
g. Fiber Crops
Cotton 1.0-1.7
Flax 1.0-1.5
Sisal 0.5-1.0
h. Oil Crops
Castorbean (Ricinus) 1.0-2.0
Rapeseed, Canola 1.0-1.5
Safflower 1.0-2.0
Sesame 1.0-1.5
Sunflower 0.8-1.5
i. Cereals
Barley 1.0-1.5
Maize, Field (grain) 1.0-1.7
Maize, Sweet (sweet corn) 0.8-1.2
Millet 1.0-2.0
Oats 1.0-1.5
- grain 1.0-2.0
- sweet 1.0-2.0
Rice 0.5-1.0
Wheat 1.0-1.5
j. Forages
- for hay 1.0-2.0
- for seed 1.0-3.0
- for hay 1.0-1.5
- for seed 1.0-1.5
Clover hay, Berseem 0.6-0.9
Rye Grass hay 0.6-1.0
Sudan Grass hay (annual) 1.0-1.5

Appendix Table 1. (continued)

Crop Maximum Root Depth (m)*
Grazing Pasture
- Rotated Grazing 0.5-1.5
- Extensive Grazing 0.5-1.5
Turf grass
- wet season 0.5-1.0
- dry season 0.5-1.0
k. Sugar Cane 1.2-2.0
l. Tropical Fruits and Trees
- 1st year 0.5-0.9
- 2nd year 0.5-0.9
Cacao 0.7-1.0
Coffee 0.9-1.5
Date Palm 1.5-2.5
Palm Tree 0.7-1.1
Pineapple 0.3-0.6
Rubber Tree 1.0-1.5
- non-shaded 0.9-1.5
- shaded 0.9-1.5
m. Grapes and Berries
Berry (bush) 0.6-1.2
- Table or Raisin 1.0-2.0
- Wine 1.0-2.0
Hops 1.0-1.2
n. Fruit Trees
Almond 1.0-2.0
Apple, Cherry, Pear 1.0-2.0
Apricot, Peach, Stone Fruit 1.0-2.0
Avocado 0.5-1.0

Appendix Table 1. (continued)

Crop Maximum Root Depth (m)*
- 70% canopy 1.2-1.5
- 50% canopy 1.1-1.5
- 20% canopy 0.8-1.1
Conifer Tree 1.0-1.5
Kiwi 0.7-1.3
Olives (40 to 60% ground coverage by 1.2-1.7
Pistachios 1.0-1.5
Walnut Orchard 1.7-2.4
* The smaller values may be used for irrigation scheduling and the larger values for soils
having no significant layering or other characteristics that can restrict rooting depth and for
purposes of modelling soil water stress, or for rainfed conditions.
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization (n.d)c
18 (n.d). Irrigation water requirement of crops. Retrieved from

Clipart Library. (n.d). Agricultural and biosystems engineering [Logo]. Retrieved from

Food and Agriculture Organization. (n.d)a. Irrigation water requirements. Rome, Italy: Agency.
Retrieved from

_______________________. (n.d)b. Irrigation water needs. Rome, Italy: Agency. Retrieved from

_______________________. (n.d)c. Chapter 8 – ETc under soil water stress conditions. Rome, Italy:
Agency. Retrieved from

Orcullo, N.A. 1997. Irrigation systems handbook. 1st ed. Pasig City, Philippines: Busy Book

Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard 602. (2016). Determination of irrigation water


van Lieshout, A.M. & de Brouwer, J.A.M. (n.d). Irrigation water requirement. The Netherlands:
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation.

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