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#105 Dec row: Knit 13, knit 2 tog, knit 1, work 28 sts in

pat, knit 1, SSK, knit 13.

Repeat dec round every other row, until there
are 10 sts remaining on needles 1 and 3.
Size: 1 size adult
Knit until sock from back of heel measures 7
inches or desired length.
Materials: 1 skein Valley Yarns Monterey,
322yards/skein. Toe Shaping:
Work to last 3 sts on first needle, knit 2 tog,
Size US #8 and #9 double pointed needles or
size needed to obtain gauge. knit 1.
Gauge: 16 sts x 22 rows=4inches Knit 1, SSk, knit to last 3 sts on needle 2, knit 2
tog, knit 1.
With size 9 needles, cast on 48 sts, divide Knit 1, SSK, knit to end of round.
stitches between 3 double pointed needles. Knit 1 round even.
Begin pattern: Knit 2, purl 2, repeat to end. Repeat last 2 rounds until 20 sts remain.
Working in the round, repeat pattern until sock Work dec round every row until 10 sts remain.
measures approximately 10”.
Kitchener stitch live sts together.
Change to #8 size needles. Knit 10 stitches, slip
next 28 stitches to another needle, slide Make 2nd sock the same.
remaining 10 stitches onto first needle.
Work heel:
Working back and forth on needles with 20 sts,
and starting with a purl row:
Row 1: Slip 1, purl to end.
Row 2: (Slip 1, knit 1) repeat to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 for a total of 20 rows. End
after working a right side row.

Turn Heel:
Row 1: (Wrong Side) Purl 12, Purl 2 tog, p 1 turn
Row 2: Slip 1, Knit 5, SKP (slip 1, knit 1, pass
slipped stitch over), knit 1, turn.
Row 3: Slip 1, purl 6, purl 2 tog, purl 1, turn.
Row 4: Slip 1, Knit 7, SKP, knit 1, turn.
Row 5: Slip 1, Purl 8, purl 2 tog, purl 1, turn.
Row 6: Slip 1, knit 9, SKP, knit 1, turn.
Row 7: Slip 1, Purl 10, purl 2 tog, turn.
Row 8: Slip 1, knit 10, SKP. 12 stitches remain.

Gusset: Pick up and knit 10 sts along right side

of heel flap.
With another needle, work next 28 sts in st st.
With another needle, pick up and knit 10 sts
along opposite side of heel flap.
Knit first 6 sts onto last needle so you have 16 sts
on needles 1 and 3 and 28 sts on needle 2.
Next row: Knit 1 round.

Valley Yarns ©2006

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