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dr. Tuti Sri Hastuti, Sp.PD

Wildan Baiti A (2014730099)



Assalammualaikum wr.wb
Puji syukur saya panjatkan kepada Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia-
Nya kepada kita semua. Tidak lupa shalawat serta salam junjungan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW
beserta para sahabatnya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas referat Thalassemia dengan
Dalam penulisan referat ini, tidak lepas dari bantuan dan kemudahan yang diberikan secara tulus
dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, penulis menyampaikan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya
kepada dr. Tuti Sri Hastuti, Sp.PD sebagai dokter pembimbing.
Dalam penulisan referat ini tentu saja masih banyak kekurangan dan jauh dari sempurna, oleh
karena itu dengan segala kerendahan hati, kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun akan sangat
penulis harapkan demi kesempurnaan referat ini.
Wassalammualaikum wr.wb

Cianjur, 29 November 2018



Thalassemia adalah sekelompok anemia hipokromik herediter dengan berbagai derajat

keparahan. Defek genetik yang mendasari meliputi delesi total atau parsial gen globin dan
substitusi, delesi, atau insersi nukleotida. Akibat dari berbagai perubahan ini adalah penurunan
atau tidak adanya mRNA bagi satu atau lebih rantai globin atau pembentukan mRNA yang cacat
secara fungsional. Akibatnya adalah penurunan dan supresi total sintesis rantai polipeptida Hb.
Kira-kira 100 mutasi yang berbeda telah ditemukan mengakibatkan fenotip thalassemia; banyak
di antara mutasi ini adalah unik untuk daerah geografi setempat. Pada umumnya, rantai globin
yang disintesis dalam eritrosit thalassemia secara struktural adalah normal. Pada bentuk
thalassemia-α yang berat, terbentuk hemoglobin hemotetramer abnormal (β4 atau γ4) tetapi
komponen polipeptida globin mempunyai struktur normal. Sebaliknya, sejumlah Hb abnormal
juga menyebabkan perubahan hemotologi mirip thalassemia.
Gen thalassemia sangat luas tersebar, dan kelainan ini diyakini merupakan penyakit
genetik manusia yang paling prevalen. Distribusi utama meliputi daerah-daerah perbatasan Laut
Mediterania, sebagian besar Afrika, Timur Tengah, sub-benua India, dan Asia Tenggara. Dari 3%
sampai 8% orang Amerika keturunan Itali atau Yunani dan 0,5 % dari kulit hitam Amerika
membawa gen untuk thalassemia-β. Di beberapa daerah Asia Tenggara sebanyak 40 % dari
populasi mempunyai satu atau lebih gen thalassemia.

A. Epidemiologi

Di seluruh dunia, 15 juta orang memiliki presentasi klinis dari thalassemia. Fakta ini
mendukung thalassemia sebagai salah satu penyakit turunan yang terbanyak; menyerang hampir
semua golongan etnik dan terdapat pada hampir seluruh negara di dunia.
Beberapa tipe thalassemia lebih umum terdapat pada area tertentu di dunia. Thalassemia-β
lebih sering ditemukan di negara-negara Mediteraniam seperti Yunani, Itali, dan Spanyol.
Banyak pulau-pulau Mediterania seperti Ciprus, Sardinia, dan Malta, memiliki insidens
thalassemia-β mayor yang tinggi secara signifikan. Thalassemia-β juga umum ditemukan di
Afrika Utara, India, Timur Tengah, dan Eropa Timur. Sebaliknya, thalassemia-α lebih sering
ditemukan di Asia Tenggara, India, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika.

Mortalitas dan Morbiditas

Thalassemia-α mayor adalah penyakit yang mematikan, dan semua janin yang terkena
akan lahir dalam keadaan hydrops fetalis akibat anemia berat. Beberapa laporan pernah
mendeskripsikan adanya neonatus dengan thalassemia-α mayor yang bertahan setelah mendapat
transfusi intrauterin. Penderita seperti ini membutuhkan perawatan medis yang ekstensif
setelahnya, termasuk transfusi darah teratur dan terapi khelasi, sama dengan penderita
thalassemia-β mayor. Terdapat juga laporan kasus yang lebih jarang mengenai neonatus dengan

thalassemia-α mayor yang lahir tanpa hydrops fetalis yang bertahan tanpa transfusi intrauterin.
Pada kasus ini, tingginya level Hb Portland, yang merupakan Hb fungsional embrionik,
diperkirakan sebagai penyebab kondisi klinis yang jarang tersebut.
Pada pasien dengan berbagai tipe thalassemia-β, mortalitas dan morbiditas bervariasi
sesuai tingkat keparahan dan kualitas perawatan. Thalassemia-β mayor yang berat akan berakibat
fatal bila tidak diterapi. Gagal jantung akibat anemia berat atau iron overload adalah penyebab
tersering kematian pada penderita. Penyakit hati, infeksi fulminan, atau komplikasi lainnya yang
dicetuskan oleh penyakit ini atau terapinya termasuk merupakan penyebab mortalitas dan
morbiditas pada bentuk thalassemia yang berat.

Mortalitas dan morbiditas tidak terbatas hanya pada penderita yang tidak diterapi; mereka
yang mendapat terapi yang dirancang dengan baik tetap berisiko mengalami bermacam-macam
komplikasi. Kerusakan organ akibat iron overload, infeksi berat yang kronis yang dicetuskan
transfusi darah, atau komplikasi dari terapi khelasi, seperti katarak, tuli, atau infeksi, merupakan
komplikasi yang potensial.

Meskipun thalassemia merupakan penyakit turunan (genetik), usia saat timbulnya gejala
bervariasi secara signifikan. Dalam talasemia, kelainan klinis pada pasien dengan kasus-kasus
yang parah dan temuan hematologik pada pembawa (carrier) tampak jelas pada saat lahir.
Ditemukannya hipokromia dan mikrositosis yang tidak jelas penyebabnya pada neonatus,
digambarkan di bawah ini, sangat mendukung diagnosis.

Gambar 1. Sapuan apus darah tepi Penyakit Hb H pada neonatus

Namun, pada thalassemia-β berat, gejala mungkin tidak jelas sampai paruh kedua tahun
pertama kehidupan; sampai waktu itu, produksi rantai globin γ dan penggabungannya ke Hb Fetal
dapat menutupi gejala untuk sementara.
Bentuk thalassemia ringan sering ditemukan secara kebetulan pada berbagai usia. Banyak
pasien dengan kondisi thalassemia-β homozigot yang jelas (yaitu, hipokromasia, mikrositosis,
elektroforesis negatif untuk Hb A, bukti bahwa kedua orang tua terpengaruh) mungkin tidak
menunjukkan gejala atau anemia yang signifikan selama beberapa tahun. Hampir semua pasien

dengan kondisi tersebut dikategorikan sebagai thalassemia-β intermedia. Situasi ini biasanya
terjadi jika pasien mengalami mutasi yang lebih ringan.
B. Klasifikasi Thalassemia dan Presentasi Klinisnya

Saat ini dikenal sejumlah besar sindrom thalasemia; masing-masing melibatkan penurunan
produksi satu atau lebih rantai globin, yang membentuk bermacam-macam jenis Hb yang
ditemukan pada sel darah merah. Jenis yang paling penting dalam praktek klinis adalah sindrom
yang mempengaruhi baik atau sintesis rantai α maupun β.


Anemia mikrositik yang disebabkan oleh defisiensi sintesis globin-α banyak ditemukan di
Afrika, negara di daerah Mediterania, dan sebagian besar Asia. Delesi gen globin-α menyebabkan
sebagian besar kelainan ini. Terdapat empat gen globin-α pada individu normal, dan empat
bentuk thalassemia-α yang berbeda telah diketahui sesuai dengan delesi satu, dua, tiga, dan
semua empat gen ini

Tabel 1. Thalassemia-α

Genotip Jumlah gen α Presentasi Klinis Hemoglobin Elektroforesis

Saat Lahir > 6 bulan

αα/αα 4 Normal N N

-α/αα 3 Silent carrier 0-3 % Hb Barts N

--/αα atau 2 Trait thal-α 2-10% Hb Barts N


--/-α 1 Penyakit Hb H 15-30% Hb Bart Hb H

--/-- 0 Hydrops fetalis >75% Hb Bart -

Ket : N = hasil normal, Hb = hemoglobin, Hb Bart’s = γ4, HbH = β4

 Silent carrier thalassemia-α

o Merupakan tipe thalassemia subklinik yang paling umum, biasanya ditemukan

secara kebetulan diantara populasi, seringnya pada etnik Afro-Amerika. Seperti
telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, terdapat 2 gen α yang terletak pada kromosom 16.
o Pada tipe silent carrier, salah satu gen α pada kromosom 16 menghilang,
menyisakan hanya 3 dari 4 gen tersebut. Penderita sehat secara hematologis, hanya
ditemukan adanya jumlah eritrosit (sel darah merah) yang rendah dalam beberapa
o Pada tipe ini, diagnosis tidak dapat dipastikan dengan pemeriksaan elektroforesis
Hb, sehingga harus dilakukan tes lain yang lebih canggih. Bisa juga dicari akan
adanya kelainan hematologi pada anggota keluarga ( misalnya orangtua) untuk
mendukung diagnosis. Pemeriksaan darah lengkap pada salah satu orangtua yang
menunjukkan adanya hipokromia dan mikrositosis tanpa penyebab yang jelas
merupakan bukti yang cukup kuat menuju diagnosis thalasemia.

 Trait thalassemia-α

o Trait ini dikarakterisasi dengan anemia ringan dan jumlah sel darah merah yang
rendah. Kondisi ini disebabkan oleh hilangnya 2 gen α pada satu kromosom 16 atau
satu gen α pada masing-masing kromosom. Kelainan ini sering ditemukan di Asia
Tenggara, subbenua India, dan Timur Tengah.
o Pada bayi baru lahir yang terkena, sejumlah kecil Hb Barts (γ4) dapat ditemukan
pada elektroforesis Hb. Lewat umur satu bulan, Hb Barts tidak terlihat lagi, dan
kadar Hb A2 dan HbF secara khas normal.

Gambar 3. Thalassemia alpha menurut hukum Mendel

 Penyakit Hb H

o Kelainan disebabkan oleh hilangnya 3 gen globin α, merepresentasikan

thalassemia-α intermedia, dengan anemia sedang sampai berat, splenomegali,
ikterus, dan jumlah sel darah merah yang abnormal. Pada sediaan apus darah tepi
yang diwarnai dengan pewarnaan supravital akan tampak sel-sel darah merah yang
diinklusi oleh rantai tetramer β (Hb H) yang tidak stabil dan terpresipitasi di dalam
eritrosit, sehingga menampilkan gambaran golf ball. Badan inklusi ini dinamakan
sebagai Heinz bodies.

Gambar 4. Pewarnaan supravital pada sapuan apus darah tepi Penyakit Hb H yang menunjukkan Heinz-Bodies

 Thalassemia-α mayor

o Bentuk thalassemia yang paling berat, disebabkan oleh delesi semua gen globin-α,
disertai dengan tidak ada sintesis rantai α sama sekali.
o Karena Hb F, Hb A, dan Hb A2 semuanya mengandung rantai α, maka tidak satupun
dari Hb ini terbentuk. Hb Barts (γ4) mendominasi pada bayi yang menderita, dan
karena γ4 memiliki afinitas oksigen yang tinggi, maka bayi-bayi itu mengalami
hipoksia berat. Eritrositnya juga mengandung sejumlah kecil Hb embrional normal
(Hb Portland = ζ2γ2), yang berfungsi sebagai pengangkut oksigen.
o Kebanyakan dari bayi-bayi ini lahir mati, dan kebanyakan dari bayi yang lahir hidup
meninggal dalam waktu beberapa jam. Bayi ini sangat hidropik, dengan gagal
jantung kongestif dan edema anasarka berat. Yang dapat hidup dengan manajemen
neonatus agresif juga nantinya akan sangat bergantung dengan transfusi.

Sama dengan thalassemia-α, dikenal beberapa bentuk klinis dari thalassemia-β; antara lain
 Silent carrier thalassemia-β
o Penderita tipe ini biasanya asimtomatik, hanya ditemukan nilai eritrosit yang
rendah. Mutasi yang terjadi sangat ringan, dan merepresentasikan suatu
o Bentuk silent carrier thalassemia-β tidak menimbulkan kelainan yang dapat
diidentifikasi pada individu heterozigot, tetapi gen untuk keadaan ini, jika
diwariskan bersama-sama dengan gen untuk thalassemia-β°, menghasilkan sindrom
thalassemia intermedia.

Gambar 5. Thalassemia beta menurut Hukum Mendel

 Trait thalassemia-β

o Penderita mengalami anemia ringan, nilai eritrosit abnormal, dan elektroforesis Hb

abnormal dimana didapatkan peningkatan jumlah Hb A2, Hb F, atau keduanya

o Individu dengan ciri (trait) thalassemia sering didiagnosis salah sebagai anemia
defisiensi besi dan mungkin diberi terapi yang tidak tepat dengan preparat besi
selama waktu yang panjang. Lebih dari 90% individu dengan trait thalassemia-β
mempunyai peningkatan Hb-A2 yang berarti (3,4%-7%). Kira-kira 50% individu
ini juga mempunyai sedikit kenaikan HbF, sekitar 2-6%. Pada sekelompok kecil

kasus, yang benar-benar khas, dijumpai Hb A2 normal dengan kadar HbF berkisar
dari 5% sampai 15%, yang mewakili thalassemia tipe δβ.
 Thalassemia-β yang terkait dengan variasi struktural rantai β
o Presentasi klinisnya bervariasi dari seringan thalassemia media hingga seberat
thalassemia-β mayor
o Ekspresi gen homozigot thalassemia (β+) menghasilkan sindrom mirip anemia
Cooley yang tidak terlalu berat (thalassemia intermedia). Deformitas skelet dan
hepatosplenomegali timbul pada penderita ini, tetapi kadar Hb mereka biasanya
bertahan pada 6-8 gr/dL tanpa transfusi.
o Kebanyakan bentuk thalassemia-β heterozigot terkait dengan anemia ringan. Kadar
Hb khas sekitar 2-3 gr/dL lebih rendah dari nilai normal menurut umur.
o Eritrosit adalah mikrositik hipokromik dengan poikilositosis, ovalositosis, dan
seringkali bintik-bintik basofil. Sel target mungkin juga ditemukan tapi biasanya
tidak mencolok dan tidak spesifik untuk thalassemia.

o MCV rendah, kira-kira 65 fL, dan MCH juga rendah (<26 pg). Penurunan ringan
pada ketahanan hidup eritrosit juga dapat diperlihatkan, tetapi tanda hemolisis
biasanya tidak ada. Kadar besi serum normal atau meningkat.
 Thalassemia-β° homozigot (Anemia Cooley, Thalassemia Mayor)
o bergejala sebagai anemia hemolitik kronis yang progresif selama 6 bulan kedua
kehidupan. Transfusi darah yang reguler diperlukan pada penderita ini untuk
mencegah kelemahan yang amat sangat dan gagal jantung yang disebabkan oleh
anemia. Tanpa transfusi, 80% penderita meninggal pada 5 tahun pertama
o Pada kasus yang tidak diterapi atau pada penderita yang jarang menerima transfusi
pada waktu anemia berat, terjadi hipertrofi jaringan eritropoetik disumsum tulang
maupun di luar sumsum tulang. Tulang-tulang menjadi tipis dan fraktur patologis
mungkin terjadi. Ekspansi masif sumsum tulang di wajah dan tengkorak
menghasilkan bentuk wajah yang khas.

Gambar 6. Deformitas tulang pada thalassemia beta mayor (Facies Cooley)

o Pucat, hemosiderosis, dan ikterus sama-sama memberi kesan coklat kekuningan.

Limpa dan hati membesar karena hematopoesis ekstrameduler dan hemosiderosis.
Pada penderita yang lebih tua, limpa mungkin sedemikian besarnya sehingga
menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan mekanis dan hipersplenisme sekunder.

Gambar 7. Splenomegali pada thalassemia

o Pertumbuhan terganggu pada anak yang lebih tua; pubertas terlambat atau tidak
terjadi karena kelainan endokrin sekunder. Diabetes mellitus yang disebabkan oleh
siderosis pankreas mungkin terjadi. Komplikasi jantung, termasuk aritmia dan gagal
jantung kongestif kronis yang disebabkan oleh siderosis miokardium sering
merupakan kejadian terminal.
o Kelainan morfologi eritrosit pada penderita thalassemia-β° homozigot yang tidak
ditransfusi adalah ekstrem. Disamping hipokromia dan mikrositosis berat, banyak
ditemukan poikilosit yang terfragmentasi, aneh (sel bizarre) dan sel target. Sejumlah
besar eritrosit yang berinti ada di darah tepi, terutama setelah splenektomi. Inklusi
intraeritrositik, yang merupakan presipitasi kelebihan rantai α, juga terlihat pasca

splenektomi. Kadar Hb turun secara cepat menjadi < 5 gr/dL kecuali mendapat
transfusi. Kadar serum besi tinggi dengan saturasi kapasitas pengikat besi (iron
binding capacity). Gambaran biokimiawi yang nyata adalah adanya kadar HbF yang
sangat tinggi dalam eritrosit.

C. Stadium Thalassemia

Terdapat suatu sistem pembagian stadium thalassemia berdasarkan jumlah kumulatif

transfusi darah yang diberikan pada penderita untuk menentukan tingkat gejala yang melibatkan
kardiovaskuler dan untuk memutuskan kapan untuk memulai terapi khelasi pada pasien dengan
thalassemia-β mayor atau intermedia. Pada sistem ini, pasien dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu
 Stadium I
o Merupakan mereka yang mendapat transfusi kurang dari 100 unit Packed Red Cells
(PRC). Penderita biasanya asimtomatik, pada echokardiogram (ECG) hanya
ditemukan sedikit penebalan pada dinding ventrikel kiri, dan elektrokardiogram
(EKG) dalam 24 jam normal.
 Stadium II
o Merupakan mereka yang mendapat transfusi antara 100-400 unit PRC dan memiliki
keluhan lemah-lesu. Pada ECG ditemukan penebalan dan dilatasi pada dinding
ventrikel kiri. Dapat ditemukan pulsasi atrial dan ventrikular abnormal pada EKG
dalam 24 jam
 Stadium III
o Gejala berkisar dari palpitasi hingga gagal jantung kongestif, menurunnya fraksi
ejeksi pada ECG. Pada EKG dalam 24 jam ditemukan pulsasi prematur dari atrial
dan ventrikular.

Hemoglobin normal manusia dewasa terdiri dari 2 rantai beta dan 2 rantai
alfa yang membentuk tetramer α2β2 (HbA). Komposisi HbA dalam sirkulasi darah
mencapai >97%, sedangkan HbA2 2-3% dan HbF <1%.Dengan komposisi seperti
ini hemoglobin dapat mengangkut oksigen ke jaringan dengan baik.8

Gambar 4.a Hemoglobin Gambar 4.b Pembentukan hemoglobin

normal sesuai usia

Thalassemia alfa terjadi akibat mutasi pada kromosom 16. Rantai globin alfa
terbentuk sedikit atau tidak terbentuk sama sekali sehingga rantai globin yang
ada membentuk HbBart (γ4) dan HbH (β4). Tetramer tersebut tidak stabil dan
badan inklusi yang terbentuk mempercepat destruksi eritrosit.

Hb Normal Gangguan sintesis

rantai beta

Gambar 5. Keseimbangan rantai globin pada mutasi gen globin beta.

Thalassemia beta terjadi akibat mutasi gen globin beta sehingga produksi
rantai globin beta menjadi berkurang atau tidak terbentuk sama sekali. Rantai
globin alfa yang terbentuk tidak semua dapat berikatan dengan rantai globin
beta sehingga terjadi peningkatan HbF dan HbA2. Selain itu terbentuk pula
rantai tetramer alfa yang tidak stabil yang mudah terurai. Rantai globin alfa
bebas tersebut tidak larut, kemudian membentuk presipitat yang memicu lisis
eritrosit di mikrosirkulasi (limpa) dan destruksi di sumsum tulang.

Gambar 6. Patofisiologi thalassemia beta

Pada akhirnya gangguan oksigenasi karena kelainan hemoglobin ini
menimbulkan hipoksia jaringan dan tubuh akan mengkompensasi dengan
membentuk eritrosit baru namun kondisi yang terjadi adalah eritropoesis
inefektif. Patofisiologi tersebut menjelaskan manifestasi klinis yang muncul pada

Thalassemia yang bergantung pada transfusi adalah pasien yang
membutuhkan transfusi secara teratur seumur hidup. Diagnosis
thalassemia ditegakkan dengan berdasarkan kriteria anamnesis,
pemeriksaan fisis, dan laboratorium. Manifestasi klinis thalassemia mayor
umumnya sudah dapat dijumpai sejak usia 6 bulan.
1. Anamnesis :
a. Pucat kronik; usia awitan terjadinya pucat perlu ditanyakan.
a. Pada thalassemia β/HbE usia awitan pucat umumnya didapatkan
pada usia yang lebih tua.
b. Riwayat transfusi berulang; anemia pada thalassemia mayor
memerlukan transfusi berkala.
c. Riwayat keluarga dengan thalassemia dan transfusi berulang.
d. Perut buncit; perut tampak buncit karena adanya
e. Etnis dan suku tertentu; angka kejadian thalassemia lebih tinggi
pada ras Mediterania, Timur Tengah, India, dan Asia Tenggara.
Thalassemia paling banyak di Indonesia ditemukan di Palembang
9%, Jawa 6-8%, dan Makasar 8%.
f. Riwayat tumbuh kembang dan pubertas terlambat.

2. Pemeriksaan Fisis
Beberapa karakteristik yang dapat ditemukan dari pemeriksaan fisis
pada anak dengan thalassemia yang bergantung transfusi adalah
pucat, sklera ikterik, facies Cooley (dahi menonjol, mata menyipit,
jarak kedua mata melebar, maksila hipertrofi, maloklusi gigi),
hepatosplenomegali, gagal tumbuh, gizi kurang, perawakan pendek,
pubertas terlambat, dan hiperpigmentasi kulit.

3. Laboratorium
Darah perifer lengkap (DPL)
a. Anemia yang dijumpai pada thalassemia mayor cukup berat

dengan kadar hemoglobin mencapai <7 g/dL.
b. Hemoglobinopati seperti Hb Constant Spring dapat memiliki MCV dan
MCH yang normal, sehingga nilai normal belum dapat menyingkirkan
kemungkinan thalassemia trait dan hemoglobinopati.
c. Indeks eritrosit merupakan langkah pertama yang penting untuk
skrining pembawa sifat thalassemia (trait), thalassemia δβ, dan
high Persisten fetal hemoglobine (HPFH)13,
d. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) < 80 fL (mikrositik) dan mean
corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) < 27 pg (hipokromik).
Thalassemia mayor biasanya memiliki MCV 50 – 60 fL dan MCH
12 – 18 pg.
e. Nilai MCV dan MCH yang rendah ditemukan pada thalassemia,
dan juga pada anemia defisiensi besi. MCH lebih dipercaya karena
lebih sedikit dipengaruhi oleh perubahan cadangan besi (less
suscpetible to storage changes).

Gambaran darah tepi

a. Anisositosis dan poikilositosis yang nyata (termasuk fragmentosit
dan tear-drop), mikrositik hipokrom, basophilic stippling, badan
Pappenheimer, sel target, dan eritrosit berinti (menunjukan defek
hemoglobinisasi dan diseritropoiesis)
b. Total hitung dan neutrofil meningkat
c. Bila telah terjadi hipersplenisme dapat ditemukan leukopenia,
neutropenia, dan trombositopenia.

Gambar 7 . Gambaran darah tepi pada thalassemia mayor


RDW menyatakan variasi ukuran eritrosit. Anemia defisiesi besi memiliki
RDW yang meningkat >14,5%, tetapi tidak setinggi seperti pada thalassemia
mayor. Thalassemia trait memiliki eritrosit mikrositik yang uniform

sehingga tidak / hanya sedikit ditandai dengan peningkatan RDW.
Thalassemia mayor dan intermedia menunjukkan peningkatan RDW
yang tinggi nilainya.

Tabel 1. Gambar darah tepi dan analisis Hb thalassema-β minor

dan ADB

Diagnosis Hb MCV MCH RDW

(g/dL) (fL) (pg) (%)
Thalassemia-β 12,6 (SB 67,2 (SB 22,2 (SB 2,8) 16,9 (SB 1,4)
minor 1,7) 7,8)
ADB 10 (SB 1,7) 74,3 (SB 24,1 (SB 2,1) 21 (SB 4,0)

Data Divisi Hematologi-Onkologi Dep IKA 2009.

Jumlah retikulosit menunjukkan aktivitas sumsum tulang. Pasien
thalassemia memiliki aktivitas sumsum tulang yang meningkat,
sedangkan pada anemia defisiensi besi akan diperoleh hasil yang


a. Sebagai alat ukur kuantitatif HbA2 dan HbF, dan dapat dipakai
untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung varian hemoglobin
secara presumtif. Pemeriksaan alternatif dapat dilakukan jika
varian hemoglobin yang terdeteksi pada HPLC relevan dengan
klinis pasien.
b. HbF dominan (>90%) pada hampir semua kasus thalassemia β
berat, kecuali pasien telah menerima transfusi darah dalam
jumlah besar sesaat sebelum pemeriksaan. HbA tidak terdeteksi
sama sekali pada thalassemia β0 homozigot, sedangkan HbA
masih terdeteksi sedikit pada thalassemia β+. Peningkatan HbA2
dapat memandu diagnosis thalassemia β trait.
1) Kadar HbA2 mencerminkan derajat kelainan yang terjadi.
2) HbA2 3,6-4,2% pada thalassemia β+ ringan.

3) HbA2 4-9% pada thalassemia heterozigot β0 dan β+ berat.
4) HbA2 lebih dari 20% menandakan adanya HbE. Jika
hemoglobin yang dominan adalah HbF dan HbE, maka
sesuai dengan diagnosis thalassemia β/HbE.

Gambar 8. Gambaran Analisis Hb dengan metode High performance liquid chromatography


normal tidak langsung menyingkirkan diagnosis
4) 1) HbAc2 dapat menjadi lebih rendah dari kadar
. HbA2
sebenarnya akibat kondisi defisiensi besi, sehingga
diperlukan terapi defisiensi besi sebelum melakukan HPLC
ulang untuk menilai kuantitas subtipe Hb.
2) Feritin serum rendah merupakan petunjuk adanya defisiensi
besi, namun tidak menyingkirkan kemungkinan thalassemia
trait. Bila defisiensi besi telah disingkirkan, nilai HbA2
normal, namun indeks eritrosit masih sesuai dengan
thalassemia, maka dapat dicurigai kemungkinan
thalassemia α, atau koeksistensi thalassemia β dan δ.

Beberapa cara pemeriksaan elektroforesis hemoglobin yang dapat
dilakukan adalah pemeriksaan Hb varians kuantitatif (electrophoresis
cellose acetat membrane), HbA2 kuantitatif (metode mikrokolom), HbF
(alkali denaturasi modifikasi Betke 2 menit), atau pemeriksaan
elektroforesis menggunakan capillary hemoglobin electrophoresis.

Analisis DNA merupakan upaya diagnosis molekular thalassemia,
yang dilakukan pada kasus atau kondisi tertentu:
1. Ketidakmampuan untuk mengonfirmasi hemoglobinopati dengan
pemeriksaan hematologi:
a. Diagnosis thalassemia β mayor yang telah banyak
menerima transfusi. Diagnosis dapat diperkuat dengan
temuan thalassemia β heterozigot (pembawa sifat
thalassemia beta) pada kedua orangtua
b. Identifikasi karier dari thalassemia β silent, thalassemia β
dengan HbA2 normal, thalassemia α0 , dan beberapa
thalassemia α+.
c. Identifikasi varian hemoglobin yang jarang.
2. Keperluan konseling genetik dan diagnosis prenatal.


Diagnosis thalassemia didukung oleh temuan dari gambaran darah

tepi, elektroforesis hemoglobin, dan HPLC. (GRADE A)

MCH < 27 pg dapat digunakan sebagai ambang batas identifikasi karier pada

skrining thalassemia. (GRADE A)

Tes DNA dilakukan jika pemeriksaan hematologis/analisis Hb tidak mampu

menegakkan diagnosis hemoglobinopati. (GRADE B)

Bila pasien sudah sering mendapat transfusi berulang, dilakukan pemeriksaan

HPLC kedua orangtua kandung. (GRADE B)

4. Alur diagnosis thalassemia

* Bila sudah transfusi, dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan DPL dan dilanjutkan pemeriksaan
analisis Hb kedua orangtua.
** Pemeriksaan DNA dilakukan apabila telah transfusi darah berulang, hasil skrining orangtua
sesuai dengan pembawa sifat thalassemia, hasil pemeriksaan esensial tidak khas (curiga ke
arah thalassemia α delesi 1 gen atau mutasi titik).

Management of Thalassemia
B2. Transfusion Support in Thalassemia

II. Red Cell Transfusion Practices and Monitoring

• To ensure that children and adults are transfused to an acceptable hemoglobin level
necessary to suppress endogenous erythropoiesis and to promote normal development
with good quality of life.
• To prevent complications related to under-transfusion.
• To ensure that safe blood transfusion practices are closely followed.
• To deliver transfusion services in a way that is least disruptive to the patient’s routine
of daily life.

Guidelines • All patients should be prophylactically

matched for D, C, E, c, e and K1 blood
• Patients should receive leucodepleted blood group antigens to reduce the risk of
as set out by Canadian Blood Services/Héma alloimmunization.3,4 Depending on patient
Québec policies and prophylactically matched history or other local factors, centres may
for D, C, E, c, e and K1 blood group choose to use extended antigen
antigens.3,4 (GRADE B) matching. (GRADE B)
• Patients with thalassemia major, based on
clinical status and genotypic analysis, should ii. Transfusion Parameters
receive regular transfusions to maintain pre-
transfusion hemoglobin levels between • Regular transfusions should be administered
90 – 100 g/l.5-7 (GRADE B) to maintain pre-transfusion hemoglobin
• Each patient should have a chart with levels between 90 – 100 g/l.5-7 (GRADE B)
accurate documentation of transfusion • Complete records should be kept and
requirements, blood bank antibody reviewed regularly to identify patients who are
being under-transfused or who have
monitoring, and transfusion reactions.
increased transfusion requirements.
Interventions • Total transfusion requirements should be
calculated regularly at 6 – 12 month intervals.
i. Blood Product Parameters If the transfusion requirement is greater than
250 – 275 ml/kg/year, the cause for such
• A full cross-match and antibody screen
high transfusion needs should be determined.
should be performed prior to each
These may include hypersplenism,
transfusion. Every patient should have
accelerated destruction of donor cells due to
a complete record of antigen typing,
allo- or autoantibodies, or blood loss.
antibodies, and transfusion reactions.

iii. Transfusion Safety and Policies controversial due to lack of sufficient evidence
and is reflected by different recommendations in
• Transfusions should take place in a designated the literature.40-42 The Canadian Pediatric Society
recommends antimicrobial prophylaxis post-
environment with staff experienced in
splenectomy until 5 years of age or
transfusion and intravenous cannulation. Where in older children for at least 1 year post-
possible, efforts should be made to provide splenectomy, but prophylaxis may be
extended hour (evening, weekend) services to continued, depending on individual
decrease the impact on patient’s quality of life clinical circumstances.41
including attending school or work.
• Blood products should be administered in
accordance with applicable standards.37
Each centre should have regular reviews
and audits by a transfusion committee.
• The patients should be tested at least every 2
– 3 years for transfusion-transmissible
infections including Hepatitis B, C, and HIV.

iv. Role of Splenectomy for Management of

Transfusion Requirements

• Splenectomy may be considered for patients

with thalassemia major with transfusion
requirements greater than 250 – 275 ml/
kg/year.7 However, this should be balanced
with known adverse effects of splenectomy
including arterial and venous thrombosis,
pulmonary hypertension, and life-
threatening infection.38 (GRADE B)
• The need for splenectomy due to hypersplenism
has significantly decreased due to improved
transfusion practices, stressing the importance
of adequate transfusion.
• Prior to splenectomy, if not already done,
patients should be vaccinated against
pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae
B, and meningococcus as per Canadian
Immunization Guidelines.39 (GRADE B)
• Patients and families should be educated
about the risks of sepsis post-splenectomy
and the need for immediate medical
attention, if fever develops.
• The role and duration of antimicrobial
prophylaxis in post-splenectomy patients is still


B. Management of Thalassemia
B3. Iron Overload and Chelation Therapy

Background on Iron Overload, Assessment of Iron Overload, and Iron Chelation

I. Iron Overload Overview chelation has been initiated, the ferritin should
be maintained between 1000 – 1500 ug/l.1,2,17
Red cell transfusion is the mainstay of treatment
for thalassemia major; however, over time this
Liver iron concentration (LIC) measured on
therapy results in significant iron overload. Once
ultrasound-guided liver biopsy material directly
the body’s ability to store iron is exceeded, free
determines liver iron load. The liver biopsy is
iron accumulates and participates in the
invasive and can be associated with morbidity
formation of reactive hydroxyl radicals, which
and rarely mortality. In addition, there may be
cause denaturation of proteins and membrane
sampling error if iron deposition is patchy, and
damage. Iron overload, mainly from blood
poor reproducibility if the sample is small or
transfusions and, to a lesser degree, from
fibrotic.44 A liver iron level above 15 mg Fe/g dry
increased gastrointestinal absorption, is the
weight is associated with increased organ injury
major cause of morbidity and mortality in
and high risk of cardiac death in thalassemia. 8
transfused thalassemia patients. If untreated, it
Based on data from hereditary
is fatal in the first or second decade of life.
hemochromatosis patients, liver iron should be
Major complications of iron overload, including
maintained below 7 mg Fe/g dry weight.1,2
cardiac, liver and endocrine toxicities, can be
avoided or ameliorated by the early detection
Various magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
and treatment of iron overload.8-10
based techniques have been developed
recently to determine organ iron load non-
II. Assessment of Iron Overload
invasively. Calibration curves for MRI R2 and
There are several indirect and direct methods for R2* (inverse of T2 and T2*) signals for the liver
iron load assessment. Serum ferritin, a simple have been developed and show a curvilinear
indirect measure of iron stores, is associated with relationship between liver iron estimated by R2
increased risk of cardiac complications when over or R2* and by biopsy.14,45-48
2500 ug/l.9 However, ferritin is an acute phase
reactant and may be falsely elevated in liver Iron concentration in the myocardium of the
disease, infection, or inflammatory processes. The interventricular septum is inversely related to
prediction of iron loading from ferritin is poor and cardiac MRI T2* signal.14 Myocardial T2* values
hence it should not be used in isolation.16,43 In each less than 20 ms (normal 20 ms) are associated
patient, the serum ferritin should be periodically with a progressive and significant decline in left
correlated with other objective tests of iron ventricular ejection fraction. Since other measures
overload. Between periodic direct iron of body iron load assessment including serum
assessments, the serum ferritin can be easily used ferritin, biopsy determined LIC, and liver MRI T2*
to follow response to treatment. Chelation therapy do not correlate with cardiac MRI T2*, cardiac MRI
should be started in patients with a ferritin over T2* plays a pivotal role in detection of early cardiac
1000 ug/l; however, once toxicity.14,47,49,50 Cardiac MRI is

non-invasive and allows concurrent determination > 15 mg/g dry weight or cardiac T2* < 10 ms.9,47
of cardiac function. Early diagnosis of cardiac iron Aggressive chelation therapy consists of a
overload and dysfunction may allow for earlier 24-hour continuous infusion of deferoxamine to
intervention and better outcomes. The major the maximum daily dose. While an increase in the
limitation of all MRI modalities at present is their dosage of deferoxamine can increase the amount
limited availability. of iron chelation, the chelation efficiency of the
same dose of drug is significantly increased by
Liver iron estimation using the Superconducting prolonging the duration of infusion, likely
QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) also decreasing the organ damage due to non-
correlates with liver iron load.51 It cannot be transferrin bound iron. The constant presence of
used on the heart, and is available in only a few chelator decreases damaging reactive radical
centres. It therefore, has a limited role in routine formation.
Side effects of deferoxamine include local skin
III. Initiation of Chelation Therapy reactions, predisposition to infection with
Yersinia enterocolitica, severe allergy, divalent
Iron chelation with deferoxamine has been used
ion deficiency (e.g., zinc) and dose-related
for more than 30 years and has prevented or
complications. Dose-related toxicities include
delayed complications of iron overload and has
auditory problems, including high frequency
also extended life.8,9,11 In the last few years, new
bilateral sensory neural loss, tinnitus, and
oral iron chelating agents have been developed,
deafness. High doses of deferoxamine increase
adding new interest to the field and posing
the likelihood of night blindness, impaired color
many new questions.
vision, impaired visual fields, and decreased
visual acuity. For intravenous therapy at high
i. Deferoxamine
doses, renal dysfunction and hypotension have
Deferoxamine was the first iron chelator been noted. Growth retardation can occur
available. Its use has resulted in decreased end especially in children under 3 years and on high
organ dysfunction and improved long-term doses. Excessive doses of deferoxamine in
survival.8,9,11 Its main disadvantages are that it patients with low iron loading can cause skeletal
must be administered by the parent or the changes including vertebral demineralization
patient either by intravenous or subcutaneous and flattening of vertebral bodies. Rare
infusion driven by a pump. complications include renal impairment and
interstitial pneumonitis at very high doses.
The dose of deferoxamine is adjusted according
to body iron load and age, and ranges from 20 – ii. Deferiprone
40 mg/kg/day for children and up to
50 mg/kg /day for adults given for 8 – 12 Deferiprone, the first and most studied oral iron
hours for 5 – 7 nights per week. chelator, is currently approved in Europe and
other parts of the world but not in North America.
More aggressive chelation therapy is required In Europe, it is licensed for treatment of iron
for patients with significant iron loading with overload in patients with transfusion-dependent
ferritin > 2500 mg/ml, liver iron concentration anemias when deferoxamine is contraindicated

or inadequate.52,53 Typical dosage is 75 mg/kg/d iii. Deferasirox
in 3 divided doses up to a maximum of
Deferasirox is the only oral iron chelator approved in
100 mg/kg/day. Deferiprone reduces iron stores,
Canada. It has been approved for the treatment of
as measured by ferritin or LIC, in thalassemia
chronic iron overload in patients with transfusion-
major patients receiving transfusions.53,54
dependent anemias aged 6 years or older and
It causes less iron excretion compared to
in those patients aged 2 – 5 years who cannot be
deferoxamine on a molecule-to-molecule basis.
adequately treated with deferoxamine. Dosing is
Because of its small size and lipophilic nature,
adjusted based on the patient’s transfusion rate
deferiprone is able to penetrate cells better and
and trend of iron load; treatment ranges from
chelate iron from organs such as the heart more
10 – 30 mg/kg/day.
effectively.55-57 Myocardial T2* values and left
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) improve A phase III trial demonstrated the efficacy of
more rapidly in deferiprone-treated patients deferasirox and its non-inferiority to deferoxamine
compared to deferoxamine-treated patients. at doses of over 20 mg/kg/day when used by
thalassemia major patients.12 Non-inferiority at
While deferiprone clearly has selectivity for cardiac lower doses of deferasirox was not established
iron, deferoxamine chelates iron more efficiently and may have been due to study design.
from the liver. Combination treatment with Individualized assessment of total iron load
deferoxamine and deferiprone is increasingly being and a tailored dosing regimen may be needed to
used to remove total body iron. Combination achieve optimal iron chelation.
treatment reduces myocardial iron load, lowers
ferritin and improves LVEF in thalassemia major Side effects of deferasirox include gastrointestinal
patients with mild to moderate cardiac iron loading symptoms (26%), skin rash (7%), cytopenias, and an
as defined by T2* values of 8 — 20 ms.58-62 increase in serum creatinine (34%). The optimal
dose of deferasirox for an individual patient, its
The most serious complication of deferiprone is effectiveness at reducing cardiac iron, its role
agranulocytosis (neutrophils < 0.5 x 109/L), which in combination therapy, and its long-term
occurs in less than 1% of patients.54,63 Milder safety profile remain to be clarified.
neutropenia (0.5 – 1.5 x 109/L) occurs in 8% of
A randomized, open-label, Phase III trial evaluated
patients. Common side effects of deferiprone
Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) at the end
include arthropathy, transient elevation in ALT, and
of one year and found that significantly more
gastrointestinal upset. Initial concerns about drug-
patients on deferasirox as compared to those on
induced fibrosis have not been supported by
deferoxamine reported treatment satisfaction
multiple subsequent studies, and progressive liver
(89% vs. 41%, respectively) and treatment
disease attributable to the drug has not been
convenience (93% vs. 11%).65 Of those previously
reported in large clinical trials.54,63,64
treated with deferoxamine, 97% of those in
the deferasirox arm indicated a preference for
deferasirox and 86% indicated a willingness to
continue treatment as compared to 14% of those
assigned to the deferoxamine group. All of these
findings suggest a greater likelihood of
compliance with deferasirox therapy.


iv. Iron Chelators Under Investigation is not effective or tolerated or those who are
noncompliant. Although Deferiprone has a
Other oral chelating agents are undergoing
relatively well-defined efficacy and toxicity
clinical trials. Studies with newer chelators
profile, access to this oral agent is restricted
(deferitrin) or modifications of old chelators
because it is not licensed for use in Canada.
(starch attached to deferoxamine) are under
way. With limited available evidence,
recommendations cannot be made
regarding the use of these other drugs. • Transfusional iron loading and body iron
stores should be monitored routinely.
v. Chelating Agents Summary • Chelation therapy should be started early in
The ideal chelating agent should be highly efficient children receiving regular blood transfusion to
at binding iron, and be able to penetrate cells prevent iron-related toxicities.8-10 (GRADE B)
• The chelating agent used should be tolerable and
effectively and remove intracellular iron. It should
effective in reducing iron load. Intolerability of a
be easy to administer orally, have a long half-life,
chelating agent leads to poor compliance, which
and lack significant side effects. Lastly, the ideal
results in increased iron overload, subsequent
chelating agent should be inexpensive and
end organ complications, and overall increased
accessible. Although two therapeutic options now
morbidity and mortality.
exist for iron-overloaded patients in Canada, each
• In patients where deferoxamine is not
agent at the present time has benefits and
tolerated or is ineffective or in those patients
limitations. Deferoxamine (Desferal) is a parenteral
who are noncompliant, oral iron chelators
drug with proven efficacy and a well-defined long-
should be used.8,9,11,12 (GRADE B)
term toxicity profile. Deferasirox, which can be
• Regular monitoring for specific chelator-
administered orally and is now commercially
related toxicity should be carried out and the
available in Canada, presents a new option for
appropriate action taken if toxicity is found.
patients for whom deferoxamine
• The effectiveness of chelation should be
routinely monitored and appropriate dose
and drug adjustments made when required.
Principles • Patients and families should receive age-
• To be aware of complications of iron appropriate education and access to an
overload, to monitor routinely and experienced multidisciplinary team to
accurately for iron overload, and to provide support in the practical and
reduce iron accumulation using iron psychological aspects of chelation therapy
chelators with the goal of preventing and to promote independence and
organ damage and dysfunction. motivation in managing chelation therapy,
• Patients should receive adequate monitoring to
• To reduce body iron load quickly in
patients with iron overload and end identify early signs of inadequate adherence to
organ toxicity. chelation therapy. If adherence is problematic
• To monitor for and treat adverse they should be provided with appropriate
culturally sensitive counseling or therapy to aim
side effects of iron chelators.
for improved treatment outcomes.


Interventions • The treating thalassemia specialist should
have access to the different drug options for
I. Monitoring chelating iron and should be able to tailor the
• Every patient should have serial serum ferritin use of the drugs based on specific individual
levels assessed every 3 months. Chelation patient requirements and evidence from
therapy should be initiated for a persistently clinical trials.
elevated ferritin > 1000 mg/ml and a liver iron
concentration > 7 mg Fe/g dry weight.2,9,17 III. Toxicity
• LIC should be determined after approximately • For patients on deferoxamine, investigations
10 – 20 transfusions, prior to initiation of should include yearly audiometry and
chelation therapy, and every 1 – 2 years ophthalmology examinations, bi-annual
(or as clinically indicated) thereafter.1,2 growth assessments for children, and regular
Modalities for measuring LIC may include screening x-rays for bone complications.
liver biopsy, liver MRI R2 or R2*, or SQUID. Baseline assessments for the above should
• Cardiac function should be monitored every be done prior to initiating chelation.
1 – 2 years using echocardiophy or radioisotope • For patients on deferasirox, serum creatinine,
studies (MUGA) and ECG. Both cardiac iron load liver enzymes, and blood counts should be
and function can be measured more accurately monitored twice prior to commencement of
using cardiac MRI T2* every 1 – 2 years. the drug, and then weekly for the first month
and then monthly thereafter for 3 – 6 months.
II. Treatment Once stabilized, serum creatinine, liver
• Young children needing chelation therapy enzymes, and ferritin should be monitored
should be started on subcutaneous infusion every 3 months. Complete blood count should
of deferoxamine. To help with adjustment, be performed monthly. Audiometry and
the drug can be administered less frequently ophthalmic testing should be done annually or
and increased to the target dose over 1 year. earlier, if clinically indicated.
• The target dose of deferoxamine should be • For patients on deferiprone, complete blood
20 – 40 mg/kg/day for children, and up to counts with differential should be performed
50 mg/kg/day for adults, given over weekly and ALT measurements done monthly for
8 – 12 hours for 5 – 7 days/week. 3 – 6 months, and every 6 months thereafter.
• Deferasirox, as an alternative, should
be available to patients who are intolerant IV. Support
to deferoxamine or in whom it is • Patients and families should be educated
ineffective.12 on the role and importance of iron
• Deferiprone is currently not approved in chelation therapy and the rationale for the
Canada; however, it should be considered treatment regimen.
for patients in whom deferoxamine and • Deferoxamine infusions are burdensome
deferasirox are intolerable or ineffective. It and therefore compliance is poor. Every
may also be considered in combination effort should be made to provide education
with deferoxamine in certain clinical for patients and their families. Issues such
situations such as cardiomyopathy.58-62 as drug preparation, choice of infusion site,

types of needles and infusers used, and
strategies for treatment of local reactions
should be addressed. Children should be
encouraged to participate in part of the
routine of drug administration at an early
age. This should be encouraged by the team
based on the development level of the child,
the family structure, and the cultural ideas of
the family around the illness and treatment.
The importance of chelation therapy should be
reinforced at every clinic visit.
• All patients and families should have access
to a multidisciplinary team to provide support
in the practical and psychological challenges
arising from daily chelation therapy and
regular transfusions.
• The satellite clinic and specialist centre should
have similar treatment and monitoring protocols.
Good communication between the patient,
family, local clinic, and specialist centre should
be maintained to optimize patient care.


Table 2: Comparison of Currently Available Iron Chelators

Characteristics Deferoxamine Deferiprone Deferasirox

Route of administration • Subcutaneous • Oral • Oral
or intravenous
Plasma half-life • Short • Moderate • Long
• 20 minutes • 2 hours • 8 – 16 hours
Primary route of • Urine and stool • Urine • Stool
iron excretion
Iron chelating efficiency • High (hexadentate) • Low (bidentate) • Moderate (tridentate)
Charge of iron (III) • Charged • Uncharged • Uncharged
complex (hydrophilic • Hydrophilic • Lipophilic • Lipophilic
or lipophilic)
Side effects • Hearing abnormalities • Severe • Rash
• Visual changes agranulocytosis • Gastrointestinal
• Growth retardation • Mild neutropenia discomfort
• Bone changes • Arthritis • Mild increase in
• Local skin reactions • Gastrointestinal creatinine
• Potential renal and discomfort
lung toxicity
Specific guidelines for • Annual audiometry • Weekly complete • Weekly serum
monitoring treatment and retinal exams blood count and creatinine for
• Regular growth differential— 1st month
assessment. ALT monthly for • Creatinine, liver
• Annual bone x-rays 3 – 6 months then enzymes monthly for
every 6 months 3 – 6 months, then
thereafter every 3 months once
• Blood counts monthly
• Annual audiometry
and retinal exams
Advantages • Long-term experience • Oral • Oral
• Effective chelator • Established safety • Once a day dosing
— Intensive therapy profile
can reverse cardiac • Better at removing
disease cardiac iron
• May be combined • May be combined
with deferiprone with deferoxamine
Disadvantages • Prolonged parenteral • Agranulocytosis • Limited, long-term
infusions requiring weekly data, including safety
• Eye, ear, bone, growth monitoring profile
toxicities • Close monitoring of
• Poor compliance renal function

Guidelines for the Clinical Care of Patients with Thalassemia in Canada 27


After 10 – 20 transfusions
Iron Load
Ferritin 1000 – 2500 µg/ml OR
Monitoring LIC 7 – 15 mg Fe/g dry weight


Deferoxamine Deferasirox
Start Chelation 20 – 40 mg/kg/d over 10 – 30 mg/kg/d
8 – 10 hours on 5 – 7 days
– Optimize/increase
chelation treatment
– Encourage compliance
– Re-assess every 6 months

Iron Load

Ferritin 1000 – 2500 µg/ml AND Cardiac Normal function

LIC 7 – 15 mg Fe/g dry weight AND
Cardiac T2* 10 – 20 msec assessment Abnormal

Aggressive Chelation
Ferritin > 2500 µg/ml AND/OR 1. Deferoxamine
LIC > 15 mg Fe/g dry weight OR Continuous infusion > 50 mg/kg/d
Cardiac T2* < 10 msec OR (max 6 g/24 hours), OR
abnormal cardiac function 2. Change to oral iron chelator, OR
3. Consider combination therapy with
deferiprone and deferoxamine

Figure 2: Monitoring of Iron Load and Appropriate Chelation Therapy

28 Guidelines for the Clinical Care of Patients with Thalassemia in Canada

B. Management of Thalassemia
B4. Psychosocial Aspects of Thalassemia Care

• To help patients and families cope with the changing social and psychological aspects
of living and growing up with thalassemia.
• To ensure patients’ emotional well-being and promote self-management.

Guidelines Interventions
• The multidisciplinary team at the • The psychologist and social worker should
specialist centre should include a social regularly review patients, address issues and
worker and psychologist with knowledge of provide support, especially at critical milestones
challenges faced by thalassemia patients such as time of diagnosis, first transfusions,
at different developmental stages of life. initiation of chelation, puberty, transition to adult
• The psycho-social needs of thalassemia care, and major life events such as marriage,
patients should be prioritized in ongoing pregnancy, and parenthood.
planning for treatment. • The psychologist and social workers should
• Support should also address age-specific function as integrated members of the
challenges and cultural influences. inter-disciplinary team and meet regularly
with other professionals to discuss patients
Background in an inter-disciplinary forum.
• Reviews should include all aspects of
Thalassemia is a life long condition requiring psychosocial development such as assessing:
ongoing medical treatment and management of 1) patient relationships with family, peers, and
complications, and hence, is a significant significant others, 2) function at school, work
burden on the patient and family in all facets of and within the community including
life. Many diverse cultural, social, neuropsychological assessments, when
developmental, psychological and behavioural necessary, 3) adolescent concerns of
issues affect these patients and have bearings adjustment, 4) sexuality 5) self-esteem,
on the overall effectiveness of treatment, identity, autonomy, and coping-skills, 6)
survival, and quality of life. In Canada, an search for and adaptation to vocations.
increasing percentage of newly diagnosed • All members of the multidisciplinary team
patients are from families of recent immigrants, should emphasize the importance of good
which poses additional challenges of socio- communication between patient, family,
cultural adaptation. Greater social support may and the medical team. Communication
be needed under these circumstances. should be in both written and verbal forms,
as appropriate.
• Resources and support should be provided
to help patients develop a positive, coping


attitude toward their illness and to develop
self-management skills, including healthy
lifestyle behaviours. The medical team should
provide support during times of complications,
hardship, and major stressors.
• The practical and psychological challenges of
regular transfusion and chelation, including
the consequences of non-compliance, should
be discussed with patients and families.
The team should encourage shifting age-
appropriate responsibilities from parent to
child on a continuous basis, allowing the
child to take control of disease management,
including drug administration. Psychological
issues such as needle phobia or fear of
blood should be treated at an early age to
allow for a smoother shift of responsibilities
during adolescence. The team should help
facilitate building a sense of autonomy, self-
reliance, and self-esteem.
• Adolescents and adults should receive phase-
specific support with regard to adjustments,
relationships, work, marriage, parenthood,
life-goals and societal expectations.
• Patients should have easy access
to psychology services.
• If serious psychological difficulty or
psychiatric illness is suspected, patients
should be referred to a psychiatrist.
• All psychological and social support should be
provided in a culturally sensitive manner.

30 Guidelines for the Clinical Care of Patients with Thalassemia in Canada

B. Management of Thalassemia
B5. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)

HSCT is the only curative option available to
thalassemia major patients. Three major risk • To ensure patients and families receive
factors that affect overall outcome include adequate information on hematopoietic
inadequacy of chelation treatment, hepatomegaly, stem cell transplantation (HSCT) for
and presence of portal fibrosis.66 Patients informed decision-making.
undergoing HLA-matched related allogeneic HSCT • To ensure close follow-up of
with no risk factors (Class 1) have an overall patients who have undergone HSCT.
survival (OS) of 93% and disease-free survival
(DFS) of 91%. OS and DFS are 87% and 83% for
Class II (1 or 2 risk factors), and 79% and 58% for
Class III (3 risk factors) patients respectively.
Treatment-related mortality is approximately 10%. • The option of HSCT, including its indications
The best results are seen with children under the and complications, should be discussed with
age of 3 years. In adults (age > 16 years) overall families while the patient is at a young age.
survival is 66% and event-free survival (EFS) • The discussions should be initiated by the
62%.66,67 Therefore, HSCT should be considered for specialist centre and, if the patient is serious
patients at an early age before complications due about pursuing HSCT and it is appropriate,
to iron overload ensue. Transplant related referral should be made to a HSCT centre with
complications including acute and chronic graft experience in transplanting thalassemia
versus host disease should be weighed against the patients where more detailed discussions
potential for cure in making a decision for HSCT. should take place.
• The options of HLA-matched related HSCT (cord
HLA-matched unrelated donor transplants are blood and bone marrow) should be discussed.
associated with similar outcomes with high- • Post-HSCT, patients should be closely
resolution donor typing, however, treatment-related monitored and managed for iron overload
mortality is significant at 5–30% in some series.68-70 and other complications.
Acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease is a
major complication and is much higher in unrelated Interventions
donor transplants and in adult patients.
• HSCT should be performed in centres with
Related and unrelated umbilical cord transplants experience in transplanting patients with
are another potential curative option for thalassemia.
thalassemia patients and are associated with less • Discussions about the role of HSCT in
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), quicker access to thalassemia should include benefits, risks,
stem cells, and no harm to the donor.71,72 The cord short and long-term complications, quality of
transplants yield low total cell numbers which limits life after HSCT and the psychosocial impact.
their use to children or small adults. The cord • The patient’s risk factors and organ
transplants are also associated with slower function should be assessed prior to HSCT.
engraftment and higher rejection risks. • Long-term complications of HSCT include

Guidelines for the Clinical Care of Patients with Thalassemia in Canada 31

iron overload, chronic GVHD, delayed

pubertal development, growth and endocrine
deficiencies, infertility and secondary
malignancies. Complications should be
managed in collaboration with the appropriate
• After HSCT, reduction of pre-existing iron
overload should continue by routine phlebotomy
with or without chelation.73,74 Phlebotomy is safe
and effective for iron removal after HSCT and
has been shown to reduce iron load and liver
fibrosis. Patients should be phlebotomized to
achieve a ferritin < 300 ug/l.
• If the patient’s mother becomes pregnant, the
option of chorionic villous sampling (CVS) or
amniocentesis for pre-natal diagnosis should
be discussed. If the fetus does not have beta
thalassemia, the cord blood should be
harvested and stored for potential future
transplant. If antenatal testing has not been
done, all cord blood should be collected
and subsequently tissue typed and stored,
if matched.
• Transplanted individuals should be counseled
that they will still pass on a mutant thalassemia
gene to each of their children.
• Other modes of HSCT such as the use of
multiple cord blood units are currently
undergoing clinical trials. Updated
recommendations might be made as
new evidence becomes available.

Blood Transfusions
Blood transfusion is the mainstay of care for individuals with
thalassemia major and many with intermedia. The purpose of
transfusion is twofold: to improve the anemia and to suppress
the ineffective erythropoiesis. Chronic transfusions prevent 4.1 Assessing the need for routine transfusions
The decision to start regular transfusions is clear when the initial
most of the serious growth, skeletal, and neurological
hemoglobin level is well below 6 g/dL. To assess a child’s need for
complications of thalassemia major. However, once started,
routine transfusions due to thalassemia, anemia caused by sepsis or
the transfusion-related complications become a major source
of morbidity. Standards must be developed and maintained to viral infection must be ruled out. Assessment may be accomplished
ensure a safe and rational approach to the use of blood by withholding transfusions and monitoring weekly hemoglobin
transfusions in the management of these rare disorders. level. If the hemoglobin drops under 7 g/dL on two occasions, two
weeks apart, then regular transfusions should be commenced.
Patients with ß+/ß+ thalassemia; hemoglobin E-ß thalassemia;
hemoglobin H disease; and hemoglobin H–Constant Spring often Patients with a hemoglobin level less than 7 g/dL may sometimes
have a thalassemia intermedia phenotype and do not necessarily require regular transfusions in the presence of growth impairment,
require chronic transfusion. However, the DNA mutations do not marked skeletal changes, or extramedullary hematopoiesis.
reliably predict the clinical phenotype. ß0/ß+ and even ß0/ß0 may
occasionally have a thalassemia intermedia clinical phenotype. The 4.2 Baseline laboratory tests prior to regular transfusions
clinical phenotype of thalassemia intermedia patients may change An extended red cell phenotype must be obtained to reduce the
as they age and may require transfusion therapy. Ongoing future probability of developing alloantibodies. If a child has
assessment of transfusion requirements are necessary for both already started transfusions, the red cell antigen genotype can
thalassemia major and intermedia. be determined by DNA testing, and at the minimum, should
include the C, E, and Kell alleles.
The decision to start transfusions is based on inability to
compensate for the low hemoglobin (signs of increased cardiac Although the hemoglobin level can define a patient’s disease
effort, tachycardia, sweating, poor feeding, and poor growth), type, seldom does it alone determine the need for transfusion.
or less commonly, on increasing symptoms of ineffective Antibodies to hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV should also be
erythropoiesis (bone changes, massive splenomegaly). The determined. Patients should demonstrate immunity to hepatitis
decision to institute chronic transfusion should not be based B. The bilirubin, transaminase, and serum ferritin levels should
exclusively on the presence of anemia. be checked.

The decision to initiate chronic transfusion therapy requires 4.3 Transfusion administration and monitoring
significant input from the patient, family, and medical team. The aim of transfusion therapy is to permit normal growth and
Anemia alone is not an indication of the need for chronic activity level and to prevent skeletal changes associated with
transfusion. Anemia should be linked with a significant marrow hyperplasia. Adequate transfusion therapy will also
impairment in quality of life or associated morbidities. Factors reduce splenomegaly and hypersplenism and decrease
to consider include: poor growth; inability to maintain daily absorption of dietary iron.
routines and activities such as going to school and work;
evidence of organ dysfunction; evidence of cardiac disease; 4.3.1 Transfusion facility
pulmonary hypertension; and dysmorphic bone changes. Transfusions should be administered in a designated outpatient
clinical area by staff experienced with transfusion policies.
It may be necessary to initiate a six-month trial of blood Written transfusion policies—including maximum rate, volume
transfusions in patients of families whose decision to transfuse of transfusion, and protocol for transfusion reactions—are
is uncertain. After six months, transfusions can be stopped and required. The availability of access to outpatient transfusion
the patient observed for a brief period of time to give the family services on weekdays, weekends, and evenings is important for
and medical team information as to the clinical benefits and school-aged children and working adults.
psychological impact of the transfusions.
4.3.2 Type of blood product
The product of choice is packed red blood cells depleted of
leucocytes and matched with the patient’s red antigen
phenotype for at least D, C, c, E, e, and Kell.

Whole blood or blood without leukodepletion is unsuitable for

regular transfusions, since non-hemolytic transfusion reactions
are common. When possible, large units less than two weeks of
age are recommended.

Patients should be assessed for hemolytic reactions if any

adverse event is noted during a transfusion. Febrile and
allergic reactions may respond to acetaminophen and
diphenhydramine before future transfusions.

Patients who develop allergic reactions should be given

washed packed red blood cell units.


The development of alloantibodies can complicate transfusion autoantibody does not always result in decreased red cell
therapy and may require the use of frozen packed red blood cell survival, but it may. An autoantibody will delay the patient’s
units of rare blood types. Some patients are transfused with cross match and transfusion program. Autoantibodies can best
irradiated red cells. This process is used to prevent graft-versus- be avoided by preventing alloantibodies.
host disease. It is largely unnecessary unless the patient is
undergoing a bone marrow transplant or has an underlying If an autoantibody and/or alloantibody is detected, the specific
immunodeficiency. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is antibodies causing the transfusion reaction should be
transmitted via transfusion. Leukocyte depletion of a red cell determined by the blood bank or by a reference laboratory.
unit prevents its transmission. CMV negative units are usually
unnecessary once the unit is leukocyte-depleted. The management of patients who develop antibodies requires
use of blood matched by extended red cell antigen phenotype.
4.3.3 Target hemoglobin and frequency of transfusions
The goal of transfusion is to shut off erythropoiesis as much as The risk of transfusion-transmitted infections, while low, is
possible. Transfusions should generally be given at an interval of still a concern for known and emerging pathogens, and annual
three to four weeks. (With aging patients, a transfusion every two monitoring for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV is necessary.
weeks may be necessary.) Transfusions should be scheduled in
advance and maintained at a fixed schedule. This enables patients The risk of bacterial infection is small, but the transmission
and families to establish routines and will improve quality of life. of parasitic infections (particularly malaria) is a significant
threat in certain geographical areas.
The amount of blood received on transfusion day is determined
by pre-transfusion hemoglobin levels. The target is to maintain The other complications of blood transfusion include the risk
the pre-transfusion hemoglobin level between 9 and 10 g/dL. of mismatched transfusion, allergic reactions, and febrile,
Attempts to maintain pre-transfusion hemoglobin at above 10 g/ non-hemolytic reactions.
dL increase transfusion requirements and the rate of iron
loading. Transfusions should be given in an outpatient setting 4.5 Splenectomy
with an experienced transfusion team that uses proper safety The use of splenectomy in thalassemia has declined in recent years.
precautions (patient/blood identification bracelets). Blood This is partly due to a decreased prevalence of hypersplenism
should be transfused at 5 mL/kg per hour, and the post- in adequately transfused patients. There is also an increased
transfusion hemoglobin should not exceed 14 g/dL. appreciation of the adverse effects of splenectomy on blood
coagulation. In general, splenectomy should be avoided
In patients with severe anemia (hemoglobin less than 5 g/dL) or unless absolutely indicated.
cardiac compromise, the rate of transfusion should be reduced to
2 mL/kg per hour to avoid fluid overload. Diuretics such as Splenectomy is indicated in the transfusion-dependent patient
furosemide (1 to 2 mg/kg) may be necessary for some patients. when hypersplenism increases blood transfusion requirement
and prevents adequate control of body iron with chelation
If cardiac insufficiency is present, higher pre-transfusion therapy. An enlarged spleen—without an associated increase in
hemoglobin levels (10 to 12 g/dL) should be maintained with transfusion requirement—is not necessarily an indication for
smaller volume transfusions given every one to two weeks. surgery. Patients with hypersplenism may have moderate to
enormous splenomegaly, and some degree of neutropenia or
The patient’s weight and pre-transfusion hemoglobin and the thrombocytopenia may be present.
volume of transfusion should be recorded at each visit. These
values should be periodically reviewed to assess the volume of Annual transfusion volume exceeding 225 to 250 mL/kg per year
blood required to maintain the desired pre-transfusion with packed red blood cells (hematocrit 75 percent) may indicate
hemoglobin level. Annual blood transfusion requirement in the presence of hypersplenism. The volume calculation should be
patients without hypersplenism is usually below 200 mL packed corrected if the average hematocrit is less than 75 percent. The
red blood cells/kg per year. possible development of alloantibody should also be ruled out.
Splenectomy should be avoided unless there is an inability to
4.4 Adverse reactions to transfusions maintain iron balance with optimal chelation, or if there are
The very best practices for blood transfusion must be clinically significant complications such as pancytopenia and
employed, since the need for lifelong transfusions leads to a marked enlargement. Often, hypersplenism develops because of a
cumulative increase in the risk of adverse reactions. low pre-transfusion hemoglobin. Increasing the pre-transfusion
hemoglobin to between 9.5 and 10 may reverse hypersplenism.
Alloimmunization is a frequent problem that can be prevented by
transfusing blood matched for the patient’s extended red blood cell If a decision to perform surgery is made, partial or full
phenotype (not just the ABO and RhD antigens). An alloantibody splenectomy is the option. Partial splenectomy is a complicated
screen should be performed prior to each transfusion. An surgery utilized to preserve some splenic function. It should be
alloantibody is an antibody made by the patient against an antigen reserved for infants requiring splenectomy. Full splenectomy
present on the transfused red cell. Once alloimmunized, patients can usually be performed by laparoscopic technique. However,
may be at risk for developing an antibody against their own red open procedure is necessary in cases of marked splenomegaly.
cells (an autoantibody). Up to 10 percent of patients who develop The indications for splenectomy in hemoglobin H–Constant
alloantibodies will develop an autoantibody. The presence of an Spring patients are different than in beta-thalassemia disorders.


Transfusion-dependent infants with hemoglobin H–Constant Spring respond rapidly to splenectomy but
require prophylactic anticoagulation because of a high incidence of serious thrombosis.

Patients must receive adequate immunization against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus

influenzae type B, and Neisseria meningitides prior to surgery. Splenectomy should be avoided
in children younger than five years because of a greater risk of fulminant post-splenectomy

After splenectomy, patients should receive oral penicillin prophylaxis (250 mg twice daily) and
be instructed to seek urgent medical attention for a fever over 101º Fahrenheit.

Post-splenectomy thrombocytosis is common, and low-dose aspirin should be given during

this time. Another complication following splenectomy is the development of a thrombophilic
state. Venous thromboembolism, more common in thalassemia intermedia and hemoglobin
H–Constant Spring, can develop following splenectomy.

Patients should have annual echocardiographic measurement of the pulmonary artery pressure
to monitor for development of pulmonary hypertension.

4.6 Thromboembolic disease

People with thalassemia are at increased risk of thrombosis. Thrombotic events include pulmonary
embolism, arterial occlusion, portal thrombosis, and deep vein thrombosis. Approximately 1 to 2
percent of thalassemia major patients and
5 percent of thalassemia intermedia patients experience a serious thrombosis. One of the most
common and serious complications is stroke. Recent brain MRI studies suggest that thalassemia
patients (particularly those with thalassemia intermedia) are at high risk for subclinical infarction
or silent stroke. Splenectomy significantly increases the prevalence of thrombotic events.
Inadequate transfusion may increase the risk of thrombosis secondary to increased release of
procoagulant red cell particles. Many people recommend that all post-splenectomy patients
should receive anti-platelet or anti-thrombosis therapy with aspirin or low dose warfarin.

 Guidelines for the Clinical Care of Patients with Thalassemia in Canada


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