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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Reading, Writing, and Oral Language
CAPE Standards

“When Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really Hurt” by Molly Bang

Maryn Wallen

Lesson Rationale /Injustice Confronted

Literature is a way to gear children’s interest while confronting social justice issues. This book confronts
cultural and emotional social injustice. When society tells us we should only have one response or
feeling we begin to be ashamed or upset with the way we view aspects of culture. Children should be
aware of their feelings and recognize that they can advocate those.

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
1. Goal(s) –
i. The students will learn to be respectful of each other’s feelings.
2. Objective(s) –
i. Students will identify how characters respond to major events in the book.
3. Standard(s) –
2.RL.2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and how characters
affect the plot.

II. Management
Anticipatory Set: 3 minutes
Purpose Statement: 1 minute
Lesson Presentation: 20 minutes
Check for Understanding: 5 minutes
Closure: 5-10 minutes
Students will remain on carpet for the majority of the lesson. They will line up in number
order when we go outside so students do not argue. When drawing they will remain in their
seat or somewhere around the room. When talking with a partner they may choose their
spot. I will monitor students when choosing spots to sit around the room (if students are
arguing they will go back to their seat).
1. Paper
2. Crayons
3. Music (Prepare an instrumental playlist)
4. Book “When Sophie’s Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt” by Molly Bang

III. Anticipatory Set: (3 minutes)

Tell of a time that someone hurt my feelings.
One time in second grade, my teacher Mrs. Pinner had a rule that we could not talk in the
bathroom. These two girls, that were my friends, were the bathroom monitors. When I came
back from the restroom and into the classroom, Mrs. Pinner wanted to talk to me. She told
me that the bathroom monitors told her I was talking in the bathroom. I looked over and
saw them laughing at me while I was being talked to. I was so sad because they lied about
me and embarrassed because I had to clip down for no reason. Those girls really hurt my
feelings and it was hard for me to be friends with them because they lied about me to the
teacher. When someone lies about me it makes it hard for me to trust them or want to be
friends with them.

IV. Purpose: (1 minute)

Today we are going to discuss how characters respond to one another in a story and use that
to describe our feelings through an activity.

Plan for Instruction

 Adaptation to Diverse Students: I will adapt my lesson by including multiple intelligences
throughout and have students actively engaged. I will have a GRAND discussion to help those
who are struggling learners (they will be able to feed off of their peers). At the end of the
activity I will have students share with a peer so they are not pressured to share out loud. At the
end students can share what they said or what their peer said (to give them an option). There
are a two students I will have to prompt throughout the lesson to keep them on task. They need
small reminders to refocus.

 Lesson Presentation (Input/Output):

I need everyone to join me on the rug. I am going to read to you “Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really
Hurt” and I want you to observe what happens throughout the story and how the main characters
interact with one another. I will begin to read in distinct voices to separate characters. After reading I
will ask the questions under Check for Understanding. After asking those questions, I will then lead them
into an activity.

Now that we have explored more about this book and what the main character is feeling toward her
classmate we are going to go outside and do a little exploring ourselves (depending on the weather). I
am going to write down the directions on the board before we do anything in case you forget or are lost
at some point throughout the lesson. Step 1: Get your Ipad, clip board and crayons out and please leave
the Ipad closed. (I will give further direction). We are going to go out to the courtyard and look at the
trees and nature for a few minutes. I want you to spend that time just observing then I want you to take
a picture of a special spot that you would like to draw. Only bring your Ipad with you outside. Leave
crayons and clipboard on your desk. Step 2: You will come back inside the classroom, get your clipboard,
crayons and find a seat somewhere I can see you. Step 3: Pull your photo up and begin drawing. Give me
a thumbs up if you understand what I am asking you to do. If students need the directions repeated I will
only repeat them once (I may just say them again so everyone heard). I need odd numbers to line up at
the door in order. Now I need even numbers to line up please.

Students and teacher go outside for exploration. Then we come back in and I will give further direction.

Come on in and look at the board if you need a reminder for what you are supposed to do. When you are
done coloring find a small group of 2-3 and share your picture. I want you to compare your pictures with
one another. Then we will end with a group discussion on the carpet. Give me a thumbs up if you are
ready to draw. Wait for students to give thumbs up. I will monitor and prompt some of the students.

Step 1: Get Ipad (leave closed), clipboard, and crayons out and wait to line up.

Step 2: Come inside, get crayons and clipboard.

Step 3: Find a place in the classroom and begin drawing

Step 4: Make a group of 2-3 and compare pictures

Step 5: Whole group discussion and art display

Students will then come up to the carpet for the closure.

V. Check for Understanding: (Ask Questions after Reading)

 How did you like the Story?
 What didn’t you like about it?
 What do you think about the main characters in this story? (Andrew, Sophie the
 How did Sophie feel when she was told her picture was wrong? Why was she feeling
that way?
 What did the teacher have Sophie do?
 Was Andrew being kind? Why or why not?

VI. Review Learning Outcomes/ Closure –

Students will join me on the carpet. (Just Keep Swimming procedure to get attention) “Can everyone
please make their way to the carpet and join me. In the story we saw how Sophie and Andrew were
in disagreement about what they saw in the picture. I see each of your pictures are different as well.
How about we take some time to share your drawings and why you drew that picture just like the
book. Students will share. I want one person to share what they liked about (name’s) picture.
Students will share encouraging words with their peers. I like that some of you pointed out specific
characteristics that you liked about each other’s drawings. Thank you for sharing. I’d now like you to
fill out an exit slip and when you are done give me a thumbs up so I can come grab it from you. If you
get done with it please find a book to read at your desk.

Plan for Assessment

Formative – I would assess their understanding through whole group discussion and partner talks. I will
have students talk and share their thoughts with a partner and then have some share out loud what
their thoughts are.

Summative – I will provide an exit slip for student’s to answer. Based on their response I will be able to
assess their understanding (Exit Slip is attached at the bottom).

Reflection and Post Analysis

1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
Based on the student’s exit slips and grand conversation, after reading the text, students were able
to identify how the significant characters (Sophie, Andrew, and the teacher) responded to the
main event of the story. The main character was not treated very well, and the students were able
to identify that immediately. A student even commented about the negative character's response,
“That was rude.” For the most part, all of the students interacted with me in discussion and when
I read the book.
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
My strengths: Listing steps on the board so students could refer, distinct character voice when
reading the book, interacting with students while reading (clarifying words and meanings), giving
students extra time to color drawing and whole group debrief.
My weaknesses: Transitions from one task to the next, timing when handing out a treat, and more
structure when going outside in the courtyard.
3. How should I alter this lesson?
I could have had students stand in a line behind me when outside. If students follow directions
when coming inside, I could guide them and when I see them listening put a treat on their desk.
4. How would I pace it differently?
I could have had students put coats on the back of their seat from the start of the day. I could have
also timed how long to be outside. I felt like students enjoyed drawing their pictures, so I wanted
that to be the longest part. Their artwork was going on the wall, and most of them wanted to
finish, so I did my best to let them finish.
5. Were all the students actively participating? If not, why not?
During the read aloud I had one student who I had to ask two times to sit up. Other than that
everyone was participating well in every activity I had planned. They were engaged when I read
the book and then when they got to draw their picture they were giving authentic ideas.
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Many aspects of my lesson reflected Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.
Below I gave examples of when I used them in my lesson.
I incorporated each part of Bloom’s Taxonomy through identifying interactions between the main
characters, interpreting pictures, constructing and displaying of pictures, and integration of art
and literature.
Multiple Intelligences in my lesson:
Visual-Spatial when students found a safe space to draw around the classroom.
Bodily-kinesthetic when students went outside and moved around the room.
Interpersonal when students talked with a partner about their drawing.
Intrapersonal was included in the lesson when students drew how they felt based on their space
from outside.
Naturalist when they went out into the courtyard and observed parts of nature to describe how
they felt.
7. Were students able to follow the procedures you gave? If so, how did they respond? If not, what
could you have done differently?
Yes students followed my procedures about 90% of the time. I used the procedure “If you can
hear me clap once”. Only a few responded to the first call and then everyone else joined by the
second or third. I could have added in my “Just Keep Swimming” procedure a little more because
that is what students are used to.
8. What is another way you could have assessed student understanding (Summative)? Was the Exit
Slip effective?
I initially did not want to give an exit slip to the students at the end because from past
experiences students seem to be confused or giving irrelevant information. Then I reflected on
why they did not quite understand in the past and I made some changes. I decided to meet with
my teacher and ask her about making an exit slip, and then I asked her if the two questions I had
would best achieve the objective. She agreed with me and said that an exit slip would be a quick
way to assess if students meet the objective. I also made sure to be direct in my questions that I
asked them on the exit slip. In the past, I believe my exit slips were not valid because they did
not meet the objective. I made sure to do so this time.

If I needed to assess students differently, I could have had them verbally tell me, on the app
Seesaw, about what they learned from the story and how they could make a difference in the
classroom. Then they could send that to me, and I would be able to listen to their thoughts
about the story.

What happened to Sophie in the book?





How can you help when you see someone’s feelings are hurt?





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