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Title: optimization of the procurement of goods in the Area of financial and Management Bodies Regional
Assets (BPKAD) District of Pemalang

Principal problems in this research is the optimization of the procurement area as

the goods/services procurement activities financed with a GRANT, either implementedswakelola as well as
by providers of goods/services. The purpose of this research was to (1) describe the procurement area
in BPKAD District of Pemalang, (2) describe the optimisation of procurement area at BPKAD,
(3) describe the factors that impedeoptimization of procurement of goods BPKAD the area in Pemalang.
Types of research are descriptive, meaning that describes the phenomenon of the optimization of the
procurement of goods in the area of financial and Management Bodies Regional Assets (BPKAD) District of
Pemalang data collection using interviews and documentation. Data analysis in qualitative research is
done interactively and lasted continuously until it has been completed, so the data is
already saturated. Activity in the analysis of the data,
i.e., data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
Procurement area in BPKAD District of Pemalang effective means in procurement activities carried
out available resources obtained goods and services has extended benefits. Procurement of goods is
exemplified in the form of a car for each SEGWAY as Department of agriculture, DKP, DKK, and so
manufacturers PT Chandra Pratama Motor Pekalongan. As For The SEGWAY Kec. Moga, Ulujami, Comal,
and others through party suppliers i.e. PT NASMOCO Pekalongan. BPKAD checks specifically against the
procurement of assets/goods belonging to the area. Procurement of goods and services BPKAD is said to
be optimal, as seen from the aspect of-(a) the availability of HUMAN RESOURCES, (b) the utilization of
information technology and (c) a proportionate budget. Procurement areas in optimum BPKAD, measured
from (a) satisfy all the needs and the activities carried out, (b) the achievement of a goal as seen from the
procurement of goods. The factors that inhibit the optimisation of procurement area in BPKAD District of
Pemalang, among others, in carrying out the system and procedure management of assets owned area
(storage) is the absence of warehouse storage of goods, so that there is no storage of goods – goods
inventory. The use of the assets/goods belonging to the area of BPKAD has not
been entirely appropriate procedures. In practice not yet doing the logging seleuruh against the area,
including labelisasi goods area that is used by each user of the goods.

Key words: Optimization, procurement area

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