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ISO 9001:2008

Optional Corrective Action Form


The form has been developed to assist the client in responding to a

Concern raised by the Audit Team. The form may assist in
determining the reason for the Concern and how to prevent the
Concern from reoccurring.
Concern Reference Number from Report 01

Question Detail Answer

What was the Concern? Seen curriculum design (academic program, syllabus and
RPP) needs to be improves in terms of [clause 7.3.5];
- there is inadequate design for number of lessons
hours between academic program semester, syllabus and
RPP in several subject lesson (i.e. Ms. Fransiska – Bahasa
Inggris Class XI; Mr. Rekho – Pemograman Dasar Class X;
Ms. Elsy Novarita – Produksi Acara Class XI; Ms. Ordi
Wardani – Dasar Kecantikan Kulit Class X)
- Module/job sheet for practice had not completed yet
for several subject lesson. (i.e. Mr. Rekho – Pemograman
Dasar Class X; Ms. Elsy Novarita – Produksi Acara Class XI;
Ms. Ordi Wardani – Dasar Kecantikan Kulit Class X)
Who is the person responsible to ensure ---
closure of the Concern?
What was the immediate action to ---
prevent the Concern from continuing?
After investigation, what was the ---
reason(s) for the Concern?
What is the action to be taken to prevent ---
the Concern from reoccurring again?

Planned Date of Implementation of Corrective ---
Client Signature or name of Person Responsible ---

Name of URS Person Accepting Corrective ---
Action Plan
Date of acceptance if Completing at Client's Site ---



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