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國慶日 /國慶節介紹

組員名字: Vicky Lin, Pearl Law, Sharon Yang, Tiffany Yang (Period 4)

節日名稱 由來 特殊活動,慶 食 與西方節日 歌曲, 成語等

祝方式 物 的異同

國慶日 台灣 中國 無 -國慶日/節 成語
(台灣, 香港 -清朝政府腐敗 - 表演 特 和美國的美 普天同慶
的稱法) -孫中山發動革命 - 遊行: 軍事遊 別 國獨立日很 國恩家慶
-興中會 行 食 像 薄海歡騰
國曆十月十 -第十一次(武昌 起 - 放煙火 物 -七月四日慶
日 義)成功 - 天安門有很 祝 中國國歌 :義勇軍進行曲
農曆八月十 -清朝滅亡,中華民 漂亮的 裝飾 -都是把前一 起來!
九日(第一 國建立 個政府推翻 不願做奴隸的人們!
次) -一九一一年十月 台灣 -都有一個象
十日(從農曆轉換 - 海外華僑回 徵英雄的革
過來)紀念國慶日 來台灣慶祝國 命領袖 長城!
國慶節 慶節 -慶祝時都會 中華民族到了最危險的時候
(中國稱法) 中國 - 好像中國, 放煙火 每個人被迫著發出最後的吼聲!
-解放軍:反對國民 台灣也有很多 -美國沒有軍 起來!起來!起來!
國曆十月一 黨軍隊和蔣中正 表演和活動 事遊行,但 我們萬眾一心,冒著敵人的砲
日 -毛澤東成為共產 - 人們唱歌和 是國慶日有 火,前進!
黨領袖 跳舞給總統跟 -中國和台灣 冒著敵人的砲火,前進!前進!
-中國共產黨勝利 人民欣賞 的領袖是孫
-中華人民共和國 - 國家讓人民 中山和毛澤 前進! 進!!
成立 有很豐富的節 東,美國是
目 喬治華盛頓 台灣國歌 : 三民主義
- 有音樂會 三民主義,吾黨所宗。
National Taiwan China Th ~The Sayings
Day -The Qing Dynasty - They ere Taiwanese ~The whole world celebrates
(there is was ruling China at celebrated is and together.
one for that time, and it their national no Chinese ~The state’s given favor and
China and was really day by sp National caring, every person and
one for corrupted. holding eci Days are every family will celebrate.
Taiwan) - Sun Chung-Shan parades and al both very ~All the way to the sea there
(or Sun Yat-Sen) performances foo similar to is a great celebration spirit.
Taiwan: wanted to , setting off d the China’s national anthem
October overthrow the fireworks, and for American March of the Volunteers
10th, the government, so he they show off thi Independen ~Rise!
first one formed “Revive their military s ce Day ~The people who do not
was China Society” and weapons hol ~Independe wish to be slaves!
celebrated trying to start a at Tiananmen ida nce Day is ~Taking our flesh and blood,
in 1911 revolution. Square y. celebrated
-The eleventh try, - Parades on the to build a new Great Wall!
China: Wuchang Uprising, included the fourth of ~The Chinese nation has
October succeed, and Qing military July come to the most dangerous
1st. The governent marching in ~They both time, everyone is forced to
first one surrendered. the involve make a final yell.
was -If “translated” from Tiananmen overthrowin ~Rise! Rise! Rise!
celebrated Chinese lunar Square g a previous
~We ten thousand people of
in 1949. calendar, the day Taiwan government
Wuchang Uprising - Overseas ~They both one mind, will brave the
started was people come symbolize enemy fire, march forward!
October 10th, 1911. back to the heroic ~Brave the enemy fire,
To celebrate this Taiwan to war leaders march forward! march
day, the celebrate ~They both forward!
government made National Day set off ~March forward! Forward!!
it official - The people fireworks to
Taiwan’s National Anthem
holiday--“National and the celebrate
Day.” military ~America ~The Sanmin principles, our
China performed does not political party. To build the
-China was in a songs and celebrate Republic of China, to come
Liberation War dances in with military under one world.
against National front of the parades ~Consulted many masters,
Forces of Chang president however to become the forward guide
Kai Sheik. - In the China and
for the people. To work from
-Under the morning of Taiwan do
leadership of the National Day, ~The the morning to the night, to
Communist Party, the Chinese follow the principles.
the declared government and ~One must work hard and be
victory. holds a fair for Taiwanese brave, must believe and
-Mao Ze Dong, the the citizens heroes are must be loyal.
Chairman of the - Like China, Sun Zhong Wholeheartedly, to
Central People’s Taiwan also Shan and
implement from the
government, has parades Mao Zhe
declared the and other Dong, while beginning to the end.
founding of the festive the
People’s Republic activities American
of China. (PRC) hero is

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