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Schools Still

See Surges
in Homeless Students
BY SARAH D. SPARKS panied youth. We have new
From Education Week students about every day."
The Great Recession caused
In the year after Hurricane by the 2008 economic and hous-
Katrina buffeted the Gulf Coast, ing crisis has technically ended,
Denise Riemer and Larissa Dick- but the number of homeless
inson, both homeless education students nationwide continues
liaisons for their school district, to swell, as school districts' ca-
saw more than 2,000 homeless pacity to help them shrinks.
students and their families in If added together, homeless
the public schools in Mobile, students now would make up
AL. the largest school district in the
This year, in the wake of an country—at nearly 1.17 million,
ongoing and far broader eco- more than the entire student
nomic storm, the two women population of New York City
have seen 5,302 homeless stu- public schools. Their numbers
dents in the district. have grown 24% in the last
"This is pretty amazing be- three years and 10% in the last
cause we're not even halfway year alone, according to a new
through the year and we're federal analysis released by the
already up," Riemer said. "I National Center for Homeless
can't believe the number of Education, part of the Univer-
food-stamp applications I've sity of North Carolina at Greens-
processed so far for unaccom- boro. Forty states have seen a

Sarah D. Sparks is assistant editor. Education Week. Condensed,

with permission, from Education Week, 33 (November 6,2013). Copy-
right 2013 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. For more information,

March 2014 31

rise in their homeless-student people are not able tofindjobs.

populations in 2011-12, and 10 So families who might have been
of those faced a jump of 20% able to take in other families at
or more. another time can't now because
"We've been seeing these they are barely scraping by
increases year after year," said themselves."
Barbara Duffield, policy direc- As a study by the Southern
tor of the National Association Education Foundation reported
for the Education of Homeless last month, students in poverty
Children and Youth in Wash- make up majorities of public
ington. "Homeless education school students in 17 states.
has stopped being just a few
programs in shelters and has Reasons for Leaving
become part of the fabric of "With economic hardship,
school systems." families are giving their children
up or placing them with differ-
No Shelter ent family members," Dickinson
Federal law defines as home- said. "And domestic violence
less any child who doesn't have is becoming more common, so
a "fixed, regular, and adequate students are also leaving home
nighttime residence." The num- for that reason, too."
ber of children living in shelters Catherine Brakel, now 18,
has remained relativelyfiat,the was 15 and a sophomore at Alma
study found, but the numbers Bryant High School in Irvington,
doubling-up with friends or fam- AL, in 2009, when her mother
ily, living in hotels and motels, and stepfather both lost their
and those without any kind of jobs and the family started
shelter at all have increased moving frequently. Catherine
since 2009. got a job at a local Waffle House
In Mobile County, the family restaurant to help out—but she
and social safety nets that tra- also startedfightingmore often
ditionally protected families in with her stepfather. "Me and my
trouble have been strained by stepdad had a lot of problems,
prolonged financial problems. so I just moved out when I was
"We're seeing more and more 16," she said. The state's age of
families living in hotels and majority is 19, so even with a
motels, and we had not seen steady job, Catherine couldn't
that before," Dickinson said. sign a lease, buy a car, or do
"With the economic hardships. more than tread water.

Schools See Surges in Homeless Students

"I didn't want anybody to foundations who work with our

know, because it was embar- [homeless students]—is ex-
rassing and I thought I could do periencing budget problems,"
everything myself," she said. "1 Riemer said.
really didn't have time to go to In the 17,000-student Adrian
football games or participate in (MI) public schools, district
the things everyone else partici- homeless liaison Beth Mc-
pated in, because I didn't have Cullough has seen an increase
any free time at all." in homeless students, with and
Her basketball coach finally without families, every year for
took notice of Catherine's situa- most of the last decade. "In '08-
tion late in her junior year, when '09, we got to a point where we
she moved from one friend's almost doubled in a year," she
home to another but still need- recalled.
ed regular rides after practice. Today, that growth has
"I was living with a friend in slowed a little—704 homeless
Theodore [a neighboring town], students were enrolled this
but it was too far away and 1 year, up from 641 last year—but
was having problems getting to the cash-strapped state slashed
school," she said. all state funding for homeless
students by half in the past
Meeting Families' Needs year.
Transportation is always Adrian schools are not alone.
one of the biggest problems While a portion of federal edu-
for homeless students, Riemer cation support for students
said. The district got a 12.5% in poverty is earmarked for
increase in federal homeless homeless students, the National
education grants this year, to Center for Homeless Education
about $63,000, and is putting study found only 23% of school
most of it towards emergency districts receive direct home-
shelter and travel, such as buy- less education grants, called
ing students bus passes and gas McKinney-Vento funds. Those
vouchers. She and Dickinson grants have grown by 16% from
have coordinated on behalf of 2009 to 2012, not enough to keep
the district with local churches, pace with the rise in homeless
community groups, and local populations over the same pe-
agencies to provide care for riod of time or make up for dwin-
students and their families, but, dling state funds. And just last
"everyone—all the agencies and week, stimulus-related boosts

March 2014 33

to federal food aid for the poor Adrian, but McCullough has
expired, leading to $5 billion convinced many school officials
less nationwide. to fake homeless students or
With the nearest homeless keep them in a stable placement
shelter 45 miles away, the dis- by arguing that federal or state
trict has set up the Road to homeless grants would pick up
Graduation, a program mod- fhe tab.
eled after foreign-exchange pro- "I know what's coming," Mc-
grams for students, in which Cullough said. "I'm concerned
local families house and mentor about what happens when home-
unaccompanied homeless stu- less kids become expensive kids."
dents for a year or two to help Homeless sfudents are much
them stay in school and make it more likely than even other
fo graduation. students in poverty to have
One host parent, the Rev. Joel special needs. The National
Sarraulf of St. John's Lutheran Center on Homeless Education
Church, said there was a "steep report noted that the number
learning curve" for both his fam- of homeless students with lim-
ily members and the student ited English proficiency rose
they took in, Gabe, whose mi- 13% from 2009 to 2012, and fhe
grant farm worker family could number of homeless students
not support him. "A lot of our with disabilities jumped 24% in
role with Gabe was simply being the same time.
parents for him, trying to teach Homeless students are get-
him some responsibility and ting more expensive in terms of
preparing for the future, and he school accountability, too.
liked the security of knowing, 'If Recent studies in New York
you say something, you're going City and Chicago have found
to be there for me.' " homeless sfudents often end up
"I greatly feel for teachers clustered in high-poverty and
in the public school system," low-performing schools, and
Sarrault said. "There are a lot of can be disproportionately hurt
teachers who went out of their when low-performing schools
way for sfudents like Gabe, but close.
teachers aren't supposed to be
parents." Tracking Proficiency
For now, local schools and Since 2010, the U.S. Depart-
community groups are picking ment of Education has required
up the cost of the program in all districts—not just those

Schools See Surges in Homeless Students

receiving federal homeless ed- sessment in 2011-12, and of

ucation grants—to track the those, only 44% were deemed
number of homeless students proficient.
enrolled and tested in math- Catherine, who graduated
ematics and reading, as well this past spring, said teachers
as their proficiency in those were generally understanding of
subjects. (Districts must now her occasional late assignments
also track homeless students' and missed school, and she
science proficiency.) worked hard to keep her grades
About half of the 381,000 up, "because I knew grades were
homeless students enrolled in all I had," she said. "I couldn't
grades 3-12 who were tested play basketball in college. I'm
in reading in 2011-12 met their good, but not that good."
state's proficiency targets, an With help from the local
increase in both the number Joseph Treadwell Charitable
tested and the number deemed Foundation, Catherine won a full
proficient since 2010-11, but still scholarship to South Alabama
less than a quarter of all the University in Mobile, where she
homeless students enrolled in is studying to be a registered
schools at that time. nurse. •
Testing participation and
proficiency likewise rose in
math from 2010-11 to 2011-12,
but the statistics were more
dismal for homeless students
in high school than for those
in elementary school. Three
out of four homeless students
in grades 3-8 took their state's
proficiency test in 2011-12, and
48% of those students met the
standard. In high school, how-
ever, only 15% of homeless
students took state tests, and
42% of those test-takers were
Likewise, only 24% of home- "We didn't buy you that
less students across all grades computer so you could
took their state's science as- bad-mouth us in your blog."

March 2014 35
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