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The spin of an orbital electron constitutesbcharge in motion, and thereforemagnetic effects occur on an
atomic level. Since in the atoms of most materials these electron spins are canceled out by other electron
spins, there is not net effect. In ferromagnetic materials, however there are unbalanced electron spins
and also a tendency for neighboring atoms to align themselves, so that their magnetic effect all add up.
In a specimen of unmagnetized ferromagnetic material , there are small domains in which all the atoms
are aligned. Each domain (on the order of a thousandth of an inch in extent) is a region of intense
magnetization. However , the domains are randomly oriented ( fig.20.8a) and the specimen exhibits not
net external magnetic field.

a. Domains in an unmagnetized specimen

b. Magnetization curve

Figure 20.8 magnetization of an iron specimen.

Is an external field is applied , there is a tendency for te tiny magnets to align with the applied magnetic
field or polarize just as a compass needle tends to align itself with the earth’s field. At Jow values of field
intensity H (region I in Fig. 20.8b) , domains nearly aligned with the applied field intensity

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