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Good morning everybody.

It's my great pleasure to be here today

and I would like to talk to you about resilience.

This is a picture of my grandmother,

my maternal grandmother,

Nancy Staples and she's leaning on the gate

at the end of our gardens and the land

that we worked two generations ago.

My earliest childhood memories are of her

and my great grandmother and my grandfather

particularly at this time of the year

trying to eke out every ounce of nutricional value

and economic value from our gardens and from the land.

It was a time to harvest but it was a time to

preserve, to jam, to pickle in any shape, way or form,

that nutritional value so we could take the bounty of

the summer and extend it for us, our family

but also for the poorer members of

he community around through the winter months.

She was born at the beginning of one world war

lived through a second, and survived polio.

She was tough, and when I think about resilience

I think about her, her generosity,

her toughness and many like her in that generation.

But let's talk about resilience today.

This is a picture of the Hotel Montana

taken in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

just after the devastating earthquake in 2010.

As you can see, it pancaked

killing 200 people or more as it did so.

It simply wasn't built to resist the shock.

Today we have to be more concerned

about natural disasters than ever before.

In the past 30 years the economic losses

from natural disasters have more than tripled.

The number of natural disasters has actually doubled.

Let's look at the numbers.

Over the past 30 years,

in low-income and middle-income countries alone

we have lost 1.2 trillion dollars due to damage.

That is equivalent to the GDP annually of Mexico.

Another way to think of it is that it is equivalent

to a third of all the official development assistance

that we've given in the same time period.

So think, that for every three dollars of

overseas development aid that we've given,

we've taken one and thrown it away.

In the same period, the same 30 years,

2.3 million people have perished.

That's the population of Namibia.

This is something that we need to pay attention to.

And it's getting more difficult.

Climate change is ravaging

especially poor countries.

Already this is not a phenomena for the future,

it's for us today.

Already countries are trying to work

their way through the complex nexus

between a food crisis, a water crisis

and an energy crisis

and climate change is just making it more difficult

and raising uncertainty.

At the same time, over the next 40 years

we will add 2.6 billion people to the cities of the world

most of that in developing countries.

In fact, 90% of that growth

will be in South Asia and Africa.

And, between now and 2050,

we will double the number of

people exposed to cyclones, and mudslides

and collapse as a result of natural disasters

in urban settings to more than 1.5 billion people.

The lack of building codes, the lack of

enforced building codes,

will punish these people.

And it will be the poor,

for it is always the poor,

the most vulnerable that will suffer most.

So think of the story that we are

beginning to understand.

We have more and more disasters.

Their intensity is being developed by climate change.

Climate change is adding to uncertainty

and we have a path of urbanization

that this civilization has never seen before.

How do we invest in our resilience?

Well, there are two key ways.

First of all, we actually have to change our growth path.

We need to move to a greener

and more inclusive growth now.

Every country can start on that journey

we must mitigate and adapt to climate change.

At the same time, we need to invest

in disaster risk management.
Disaster risk management must be part of development.

But it must also be considered a first line of defence

against the uncertainty that is coming tomorrow.

We need action in the public sector

we need frameworks in public policy

we need awareness and investment in the private sector

and we need civil society

and communities to engage.

Now, I talked to you earlier on

about the hotel in Haiti

the Hotel Montana, that had pancaked,

that had collapsed --

this is where we are today,

this is the Westin in Sendai

a gorgeous 37 storey hotel that survived

the catastrophic earthquake on March 11th, 2011,

the great Japan earthquake,

with almost no damage at all.

In fact it served as a disaster response centre.

Disaster risk management is

in the building code in Japan

disaster risk management in the building code

is enforced in Japan.

Disaster risk management is part

of the curricula in schools in Japan

and disaster risk management, not disaster

is part of the public discourse, here in Japan.

So, every country, every government,

can take steps now,

no matter where they are

on the development trajectory,

to try to start to invest in their own resilience.

But there is much more that can be done by

the international community as well.

Often, we offer too little, too late.

Between 1980 and 2009, the international community

spent 90 billion US dollars

on disaster-related assistance.

But of that 90 billion, only 3.6%

was invested in prevention and preparedness.

The other 96% plus was invested in emergency

response and reconstruction.

We have to change those numbers.

We have to switch that graph around.

In fact, we have to move

from a tradition of response

to a culture of prevention,
a culture of resilience.

But let me give you an example

of what does seem to start working.

This is the island of Saint Lucia, in the Caribbean

a small island developing state buffeted by storms

and hurricanes where landslides are,

unfortunately far too often,

part of the rhythm of life there.

In 2008, the World Bank, working

with 5 communities on the island

started to try to invest in the resilience

of these communities

and their ability to withstand and to avoid landslides.

And we built these hillside drains.

In 2010, when Hurricane Tomas hit the island

unfortunately many communities

suffered the landslides

that are so often part of the rhythm of life there

but the five communities where these hillside drains

had been built suffered no losses at all.

It's important to understand

the economics of this project as well.

For every dollar that the community

invested in these drains

it saved another three dollars

that it would have had

to spend on response and on reconstruction

if they had not taken the steps

towards preparedness.

So, if disaster risk resilience seems to make

such economic and business sense

is the private sector interested?

Is the private sector investing?

Well, the good news is that leaders are.

This is a picture of the Port of Cartagena, in Colombia

which is operated by a private firm, Muelles de Bosque

on a long term government concession.

Recently they undertook a study together with

the International Finance Corporation the private sector

lending arm of the World Bank where they looked at

the risks to the port operating environment from

changes in climate and changes in weather pattern.

What was interesting was that

in order to get the data for the report

they had to go to 30 different

public and private sources

which shows that there is

much to be done to make

the data and awareness of these issues

more available to public and private sector alike.

But the report resulted in recommendations

from changing the dredging regime

for the way that ships approach the port

to drainage to onside land operations.

So, for example, changing the heights of roads

and things like this.

And as a result of those recommendations

Muelles de Bosque invested 30 million dollars

in new capital construction

in order to make them more resilient

in order to improve their operations going forward.

So this port company was able to see the benefit

from investing in their ability to be resilient going forward

and that this was a commercial advantage to them.

So I've talked about the public sector

and I've talked about the private sector

and now we need to talk about community.

We know empirically that communities that have

stronger social bonds do better in disaster.

We know that in fact those strong social bonds

are one of the strongest determinants

of resilience within the community.

I mean, it makes intuitive sense

neighbours know which neighbour needs help

which neighbour is vulnerable

which neighbour is weakest.

We also know that families,

neighbours and friends

are the ones that help reconstruct

first after disaster has hit.

And so when we think of resilience

this is not an adapt construct

it's not just a word

that is thrown around in development circles.

Resilience is, both, the need for public policy

and the need for private investment.

It's also about a different response

from the international community

and it is about the local municipal leaders

the mayors that we elect

to lead us through these uncertain times.

But resilience, very importantly, is about community.

I think the people of Japan know that.

I think that my grandmother

her friends and others in our community

when I was growing up knew that too.

And so, for me personally,

when I think of resilience

I think of top-down policy

and investment flows

but I think of bottom-up building of community.

For me, resilience is about you and me

and the bonds that bring us together.

Thank you.


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