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4, DECEMBER 2017

Impact of the Real-Time Thermal Loading on the

Bulk Electric System Reliability
Jiashen Teh , Member, IEEE, Ching-Ming Lai, Member, IEEE, and Yu-Huei Cheng, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a transmission line failure model The ever increasing power demands overload existing trans-
that is enhanced with the dynamic thermal rating (DTR) system. mission networks. Accordingly, the two possible solutions are
The failure model consists of two parts. The first part is the Arrhe- constructing new lines and maximizing the capacities of exist-
nius model and it considers the loading effect of the DTR system
as a result of operating at a higher temperature than the static ing transmission networks [4]. The latter, has appealed much
thermal rating system. The second part is the Weibull model and interests due to it being relatively cheaper, easier, and faster to
it considers the end-of-life (natural ageing) failure effect of the be implemented [5], [6]. One of the methods for maximizing
transmission line. The proposed model is compared with the nor- the capacity of transmission lines is the dynamic thermal rating
mal distribution model that considers only the end-of-life failure (DTR) system [7], [8]. The DTR system raises the capacity of
effect of the transmission line. This paper also investigates the un-
certainty effects of the line failure model parameters, effects of the the transmission networks based on the real-time weather data,
DTR system reliability, and the effects of the weather data cor- and this has a number of advantages. First, it increases the load-
relation on the reliability performance of the power system. The ability of transmission systems and improves its resiliency under
proposed methodology and case studies were performed on the the N-1 contingencies. Second, the system operators are able to
IEEE-reliability test network. serve more load points and secure financial profits even at the
Index Terms—Ageing, Arrhenius model, end-of-life, failure event of contingencies. In contrast, the traditional static thermal
model, loading, Monte Carlo, power system reliability, thermal rating (STR) system fixes low ratings for the transmission lines
stress, transmission line, unavailability. based on the conservative assumptions of the weather data. If
I. INTRODUCTION the weather data is worse than those assumed for determining
the STR, line conductors overheating will occur and this will
ELIABIILTY assessments of the bulk electric systems
R play a major role in the planning, operation, and manage-
ment of the power transmission networks. This kind of assess-
lead to damages. For most of the time, the weather profiles are
much more desirable than those assumed for the STR and im-
posing the STR under this condition will lead to a lot of unused
ment is known as the Hierarchical Level (HL)-II reliability anal- line capacity.
ysis, and it focuses on the continuity of supply for end users by As the STR system suppresses the actual capacities of the
considering the constraints of the transmission network [1], [2]. transmission networks, the loading of the networks based on
The criticality and the foothold of the HL-II studies within the the DTR system is naturally much higher than those based on
electrical power system industry are demonstrated through sev- the STR system. A higher loading also leads to a faster trans-
eral global electricity regulation programs that impose penalties mission line ageing. To date, this ageing effect has yet to be
for bad performing reliability indices [3]. The appropriateness incorporated into the HL-II studies as most of the analyses
of the planning decisions is greatly affected by the accuracy consider only the STR system, which has insignificant loading
of the failure models use in the HL-II studies. In this sense, effects [9]. Thus, further HL-II studies that focus on the loading
the refinement of the failure models is essential for the HL-II effects of the DTR system are needed. Such studies will pro-
studies. vide a more accurate study of the reliability impact of the DTR
system on the power networks. This is important as the DTR
Manuscript received April 3, 2017; revised May 4, 2017, May 29, 2017, and system is increasingly being accepted as an effective way to
August 7, 2017; accepted August 10, 2017. Date of publication August 29, 2017; alleviate transmission network congestions [10]. Besides that,
date of current version November 29, 2017.This work was supported in part by
the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) short term grant: PELECT/304/60313051 from a more general perspective, ageing due to loading and nat-
and the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology grant: MOST-106-2218-E- ural ageing (end-of-life) are also one of the major assessments
027-010. Associate Editor: S.-Y. Hsieh. (Corresponding Author: Jiashen Teh.) for power system utilities worldwide due to the high cost of
J. Teh is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Universiti
Sains Malaysia, Penang 14300, Malaysia (e-mail: replacing transmission lines (in terms of millions). Thus, the
C.-M. Lai is with the Department of Vehicle Engineering and the Graduate formulation of an assessment that investigates the power sys-
Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University tem reliability indices based on the age and loading effects, as
of Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan (e-mail:
Y.-H. Cheng is with the Department of Information and Communication a result of the DTR system applications, will contribute to the
Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung 41349, Taiwan better planning decisions of the transmission network.
(e-mail: Modeling the lifetime of the transmission line covers wide
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at arrays of research disciplines. It involves the studying of the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TR.2017.2740158 physical properties of the transmission line, the environment at

0018-9529 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

which the line is operated at, the electrical and thermal loading
that is applied to the line, the in-service years of the line and
etc. [11]–[13]. All these findings, however, need to be translated
into the probability of failure or the probabilistic function of
time-to-failure, before they can be used to refine the power sys-
tem reliability assessments [2], [14]. In this regard, there have
been many studies that examine the reliability of transmission
networks. In particular, the studies that have incorporated the
DTR system are given in [15]–[20]. Although these studies pro-
vide a framework for evaluating the impact of the DTR system
on the reliability performance of the power system, all of them
use only the historical failure data and statistical techniques
to formulate probabilistic distribution functions (PDF) of the
transmission lines. In other words, the DTR line loading and the
line ageing effects as a result of operating at a higher conductor
temperature were never considered. Such reliability modeling
of the transmission line lifetime may not be sufficient as the
operational factors (i.e., loading) have a significant impact on
the transmission line conditions. Therefore, this presents a gap
that this paper intends to fill.
This paper refines the failure model of transmission lines that
are incorporated with the DTR system. The failure model ex-
presses the lifetime of the transmission lines as a function of
its loading through the Arrhenius model. In order to differenti-
ate the loading effects on different transmission line ages, the
Arrhenius model is also combined with the Weibull PDF. The
proposed refinements are compared with the normal distribu-
tion model that considers only natural ageing failure. Finally, Fig. 1. Enhanced IEEE RTN.
the studies are carried out in the IEEE-reliability test network
(RTN) [21] and the power system reliability performance is isolated areas. On the other hand, Region C (138 kV) is full of
measured using the expected-energy-not-served (EENS) index. load points and it represents compact residential area and city
centers, which can safely be assumed to be much further away
The power system reliability analysis in this paper is per- Each transmission corridor in the modified RTN is assumed
formed on the IEEE-RTN [21] and it is carried out based on to be enhanced with a DTR system. Each DTR system is further
the nonsequential Monte Carlo (NSMC) simulation process [2]. assumed to constitute a weather profile from a unique location.
The main steps of NSMC are: 1) load level selection, 2) com- The lines that have a common tower or share the same path
ponent state sampling, 3) weather data sampling, 4) network are considered as a single transmission corridor. Based on these
response analysis, and 5) reliability index calculation. The test assumptions, there are a total of 21 transmission corridors in
network and all the NSMC steps are discussed below. the modified IEEE-RTN. Following that, 21 sets of weather
data from 21 unique locations were sampled from the British
A. Reliability Test Network (RTN) Atmospheric Data Center website [22]. The sampled weather
data are the weather parameters needed for the calculation of the
The original IEEE-RTN is a 24-bus network with 33 transmis- line DTR – wind speed, wind angle, and ambient temperature.
sion lines, 32 generating units, 10 generator busses, and 17 load The transmission corridor weather data from within the same
buses. It has a total installed generating capacity of 3405 MW region were sampled from the locations that are about 50 km
and a total system peak load of 2850 MW. The original RTN was apart. One the other hand, the transmission corridor weather
modified by separating the network into three regions according data in between the regions were sampled from the locations
to the voltage level – A, B, and C, as shown in Fig. 1. Region A that are about 100-km away from each other.
is further away from region C than its neighboring region B, and
this applies to the other two regions. Region A and C correspond
to the part of the network with 230 and 138 kV, respectively. B. Load Level Selection
Region B is the part of the network, which interconnects Re- The 20-step load model given in [2] is adopted in this paper
gion A and Region C. The basis of these assignments is that for the NSMC simulation. At least 100 000 simulations are
the network with the same voltage level can generally be con- conducted in order to avoid the premature convergence of the
sidered to belong to a region. Region A (230 kV) is pack with NSMC simulation. In each simulation, a random number in
generators and they are normally located at less populated and between 0 and 1 is generated from the uniform distribution

function and it is compared with the cumulative probability of

each load level. For example, if the generated random number is
less than the cumulative probability of load level 3 but is more
than the cumulative probability of load level 2, load level 3 will
be chosen as the load level for the system during that simulation.

C. Component State Sampling

In NSMC, a uniform random number in between 0 and 1 is
used to sample the component up–down statuses by comparing
the random number with the unavailability of the component.
If the random number is less than the unavailability, the com-
ponent is considered to be in failure mode and vice versa. The
failure of a component, however, could be due to its random fail- Fig. 2. Correlations of the wind speed data among the transmission corridors
in the modified IEEE-RTN.
ure or failure due to ageing. Each of these failures has their own
respective probability of occurrence. In other words, a compo-
nent has two unavailability values. As these two events cannot
coexist, that is to say that a component cannot undergo random As the sampling of the weather data for each transmission
failure and at the same time has ageing failure, the component corridor is depending on the generated random number, a cor-
is only in the down-state if the random number is smaller than related sampling of the weather data can be achieved if the
either one of the two unavailabilities. If the random number is generated random number is also correlated in the same way
less than both of the unavailability, the component is considered as the weather data [17]. This is achieved by modifying the
to be fully operational. Incorporating this feature, however, will multivariate normal distribution function as follows
mask the impact of ageing failure. Hence, in this paper, only the 1 1 T −1
f (x) =  exp − (x − μ) Σ (x − μ) (1)
unavailability due to component ageing is considered. In addi- (2π)p |Σ| 2
tion, as this paper is focus on the reliability of the transmission
where f(x) is the vector of correlated uniform random numbers. x
system only, all the generating units are assumed to be 100%
is the vector of uniform random numbers. p is the amount of the
reliable. The reason is the unavailability of the generating unit is
random number needed – number of the transmission corridors.
much higher than the transmission line and will, therefore, mask
μ is the mean vector of the uniform random numbers. As the
the failure effect of the transmission line. Similar assumption
purpose is to generate correlated uniform random numbers, μ is
has been used successfully without compromising the accuracy
also equal to a vector of value 0.5, which is the mean value of
of the reliability analysis [9]. Furthermore, all transformers and
a uniform distribution. Σ is the covariance matrix derived from
cables are assumed to be fully reliable in order to evaluate the
the correlation and standard deviation of the weather data and it
contribution of the transmission line only to the reliability in-
is given as
Σx,y = ρx,y σx σy (2)
D. Weather Data Sampling where ρx,y is the correlation between the weather data in loca-
tion x and y. σ is the standard deviation of the weather data.
The random sampling of the weather data for each transmis-
The sampled weather data is used to calculate the line DTR
sion corridor during each simulation follows the same process
based on the IEEE 738 standard – see Section III-B.
as the component state sampling. A uniform random number
in between 0 and 1 is generated and it is compared with the
cumulative probability of the weather data. If the random num- E. Network Response Analysis
ber is smaller than the nearest cumulative probability that refers Having sampled the load level, component statuses and the
to a particular weather data, the corresponding weather data is weather data needed for calculating the line DTR at each trans-
selected. This, however, is not sufficient when the weather data mission corridor, all the necessary inputs for determining the
from all the locations are sampled together as the correlations response of the IEEE-RTN are available. In this paper, only the
among the weather data are not considered. Hence, the sam- active power constraints are considered and, therefore, direct
pling of the weather data for all the transmission corridors in current optimal power flow (DCOPF) is used to examine the
the IEEE-RTN also takes into account the correlation factor. potential violation of the constraints. This is appropriate as the
The correlations among the weather data of each transmission active power constraint is a more important aspect in the long
corridor are analyzed. As an illustration, the correlations of the term reliability assessment than the reactive power constraints.
wind speed data are selected as an example and it is as shown Similar approach has also been used with comparable accuracy
in Fig. 2. The figure shows that the wind speed data from the to the alternating current optimal power flow in several studies
same region have strong correlation. The correlation diminishes [17], [23]–[27]. A free educational software, MATPOWER, is
when the wind speed data are compared with the regions that used for executing the DCOPF [28]. During a violation of the
are further away. active power constraints, a series of generation redispatch and

load shedding is performed to relief line overload situations. In its unavailability in the next period of time t cannot be evaluated
order to ensure an optimal relief, generation redispatch is given independently of all the events associated to the component
the priority over load shedding as the latter option causes more leading up to T. This unavailability in between the period of T
loss of load. Each run of the DCOPF is as follows: and T+t, is known as the a posteriori failure probability and it
  can be estimated using the discretization method given in [29].

min LCi (3) The estimation is performed by dividing the time period (T, T+t)
i∈Ω L B into K equal subintervals. Then, the unavailability U is given as
subject to 1
   U= Pj • U Dj (9)
P Gi + LCi = P Di (4) t j =1
i∈Ω G i∈Ω L B i∈Ω L B
where Pj is the probability of ageing failure and U Dj is the av-
P Gm
≤ P Gi ≤ P Gm
, i ∈ ΩG (5) erage duration of Pj during the subinterval j. Both Pj and U Dj
0 ≤ LCi ≤ P Di , i ∈ ΩL B (6) are estimated by
 T +j Δ t  T +(j −1)Δ t

n f (t)dt − T f (t)dt
GSFl,i × (P Gi − P Di ) ≤ flm ax , l ∈ ΩL (7) Pj = T ∞ (10)
T f (t)dt
where PG is the power generated; LC is the load curtailment; U Dj = t − (2j − 1) (11)
PD is the power demand; ΩL B is the set of all load buses; ΩG is 2
the set of all generators. P Gm in and P Gm ax are the minimum where Δt is the subinterval length and f(t) is the chosen PDF for
and maximum capacity of the generator, respectively. GSFl,i is modeling the ageing failure.
the generation shift factor of line l to generator i; flm ax is the
maximum capacity of line l; and ΩL is the set of transmission A. Line Failure Model Due to Natural Ageing
Modeling the line ageing failure without considering the line
In this optimal power flow (OPF), the load and generation
loading effects is akin to model only the line natural ageing
balance constraint is given by (4). Equations (5) and (6) are
effect. In this case, the normal distribution is chosen as the f(t) in
the conventional generator load curtailment limits, respectively.
(10) due to it being the most commonly used PDF for describing
Equation (7) represents the power flow constraint for the trans-
the mean and standard deviation of data. In this case, the data
mission line. flm ax changes according to the rating given by the
are the life of the transmission line. This, however, leads to the
DTR system.
integration that has no explicit analytical expression in (10).
Instead, (10) can be accurately estimated using a polynomial
F. Reliability Index Calculation
approximation as in (12) [29]:
In general, the reliability index is calculated by taking the
Q (T + (j − 1) Δt − μ) − Q (T + jΔt − μ)
number of a particular event over the total number of samplings Pj =
that have been performed. In this paper, the EENS is selected as Q T σ−μ
the recorded reliability index as it has the longest convergence
time among the other reliability indices [2]. Hence, monitor- where μ and σ are the mean and the standard deviation of the
ing the convergence of the EENS will ensure that sufficient normal distribution. In this paper, μ = 50 years and σ = 15
samplings have been performed. The NSMC simulation is com- years, are used [30], [31]. The function Q can be calculated by

pleted when the EENS coefficient of variation is less than or w (y) if y ≥ 0
Q (y) =
equal to 5%. The EENS is 1 − w (−y) f y < 0
ENS (MWhr)
EENS = (8) w (y) = z (y) b1 s + b2 s2 + b3 s3 + b4 s4 + b5 s5
N  2
where ENS is the energy not served at each simulation. It is cal- 1 y 1
z (y) = √ exp − ,s =
culated as the difference between the total demand and the total 2π 2 1 + ry
demand that is satisfied. N is the total number of simulations. r = 0.2316419, b1 = 0.31938153, b2 = −0.356563782
Each simulation is considered a year.
b3 = 1.781477937, b4 = −1.821255978, b5 = 1.330274429.
III. MODELING TRANSMISSION LINE FAILURE The unavailability of the transmission lines due to its natural
In order to incorporate the ageing failure effect into the bulk ageing for age between 1 to 60 years are calculated for a one year
electric system reliability assessments, the unavailability of a period and the results are shown in Fig. 3. The figure indicates
component due to its ageing failure needs to be estimated. An that the unavailability of the line increases exponentially as the
appropriate way to do that is to model the ageing failure using line age increases. The unavailability values of the line at age
a suitable PDF [1], [14]. According to both of the references, 10 or younger are small due to the insignificant natural ageing
given a component that has survived up to the period of time T, effect during this period. This line failure model is also known

or the Brute-force iterative method from [15] have to be used

to solve for θ. In turn, the value of θ can be applied into (13)
for determining the average quantifiable life (L(θ)) of the trans-
mission line. Then, the value of L(θ) can be combined with an
ageing reliability model to form a complete line failure model
due to line loading and natural ageing.
The normal distribution used in Section III-A is not suitable
as it has two characteristic life measures (mean and standard de-
viation), instead of only one as required by the Arrhenius model.
Moreover, both the mean and standard deviation parameters are
more suitably used to describe the dispersion of data and can-
Fig. 3. Unavailability of transmission line due to its natural ageing for age not be used to model increasing failure rate events. Hence, the
between 1 to 60 years. Weibull distribution is chosen as the PDF (f(t)) in (10), as it
has only one characteristic life measure [33] and its parameters
are able to describe the increasing failure rate of transmission
as the “Line failure model (LFM)-1” in the rest this paper for the lines due to age and loadings [14]. The Weibull distribution has
purpose of simplifying the reference to this line failure model. also been used before to model the distribution cable’s [36] and
power transformer’s [37], [38] failures. Generally, its function
B. Line Failure Model Due to Loading and Natural Ageing is given as
In this section, the line failure events are modeled by con- t
sidering both the natural ageing and line loading effects. This f (t) = 1 − exp − (15)
is performed by combining the elements that represent the line
loading and the ageing reliability model. In the case of the over- where α and β represent the scale and shape parameter of the
head lines and cables, their conductor temperatures that repre- function. The scale parameter is also known as the characteristic
sent their thermal stresses constitute the line loading element. life and it is, therefore, equivalent to L(θ) of the Arrhenius
The Arrhenius life-stress model is used to model the line loading model given by (13). The shape parameter is the slope of the
effect as it is suitable for relating the thermal stress of the con- Weibull distribution. When β > 1, the transmission lines are
ductors and their remaining life [32]–[34]. The Arrhenius model considered to have entered its ageing period of the bathtub curve
states the relationship of any life measure to temperature as and experience exponentially increasing failure rate as the lines
  age further [14]. When t = α, there is a 63.2% probability that
L (θ) = A exp (13) a member of the population will fail. Substituting the α in (15)
θ + 273 with L(θ) will give
where L(θ) is the average quantifiable life measure, θ is the ⎡ ⎛ ⎞β ⎤
conductor temperature in degrees Celsius, A and B are the ⎢ t

⎠ ⎥
empirical constants of the formula and they are typically f (t) = 1 − exp ⎣−⎝ ⎦. (16)
A exp θ +273
estimated from the historical loading data.
The effects of loadings on a bare overhead transmission line
Equation (16) is a failure distribution function that consid-
are usually represented by the hottest conductor temperature of
ers transmission line loading and ageing effects. From here
a section of the line [15]. The IEEE 738 standard has stated
onwards, (9)–(11) can be used to determine the line average
that this conductor temperature is related to its environmental
unavailability. For the same reason mentioned in Section III-A,
conditions as in (14) [35]:
the polynomial approximation of (10) is given as [29]
qc (θ, Ta , Vw , ϕ) + qr (θ, Ta ) = qs + I 2 R (θ) (14) 
exp − T +(jα−1)Δ t − exp − T +jα Δ t
where the symbol qc is the convection heat loss. It is calculated as Pj =  
a function of the conductor temperature in degree Celsius (θ), β
exp − Tα
ambient temperature (Ta ), wind speed (Vw ), and the incident
wind angle to the conductor (ϕ). The symbol qr is the radiated where
heat loss and it is calculated as a function of the conductor and  
ambient temperature. The symbol qs is the heat gain from the α = A exp . (18)
θ + 273
solar radiations. I 2 R(θ) is the heat gain from the conductivity
of the line, it is also known as the joule heat gain. I is the line Equation (18) can be used successfully if the values of A
current loading in unit Ampere and R is the conductor resistance and B are known. However, the historical failure and load-
depending on its temperature. ing data of the transmission lines are not available in open
Solving directly for the value of θ using an explicit analytical literatures. Hence, parameters from the normal distribution in
method is impossible as (14) is a nonlinear equation. Instead, ap- Section III-A and the simulated average loading data are used
proximation approaches such as the Newton–Raphson method to determine the values of A and B. Although not ideal, this is

Fig. 4. Unavailability of transmission line due to its loading and natural ageing
for age between 1 to 60 years.

necessary and it will only affect the numerical results of the re-
liability model presented in this paper. If the data of line loading
and its corresponding failure record be available in the future,
the presented reliability framework can work equally well with
the newly derived A and B values. The numerical results, how-
ever, will change based on the new values.
That being said, two equations were formed to estimate A
and B. First, the equivalent Weibull parameters, α and β, were
determined from the normal distribution parameters using the
approximation technique given by Wenyuan [39]. These values
were found to be α = 56 and β = 3. The average loading on
the IEEE-RTN is determined under the condition of no forced- Fig. 5. Proposed reliability evaluation framework by considering the refined
transmission line failure models.
outages (perfectly reliable DTR system and lines) based on the
20-step load model. Under this condition, the average loading of
all the IEEE-RTN lines was determined as θ = 17 °C. Hence, in model. This is followed by the random sampling of the DTR
the first equation, α = 56 corresponds to θ = 17 °C. Second, system statuses and weather data. The DTR system is modeled
the nominal rating of the aluminum conductor steel-reinforced using a simple two-state Markov model as given in [17]. The
(ACSR) transmission line at θ = 93 °C is adopted [40] and it DTR system statuses dictate the opportunity to uprate the line
is assumed to correspond to α = μ = 50. Solving these two rating. If the DTR system is down, the line rating will revert
simultaneous equations produced A = 32 and B = 158. The back to STR. The weather data is sampled by considering the
shape parameter, β = 3, is maintained and it is used in (17). correlations among the weather from different locations.
The unavailability of the transmission lines due to its loading The simulation procedure then proceeds according to either
and natural ageing for age between 1 to 60 years are calculated LFM-1 or LFM-2 is employed. When LFM-2 is employed, an
for a one year period and the results are shown in Fig. 4. Two additional process is required to determine the initial line load-
loadings levels were chosen for the illustration - loading tem- ing when there is no line forced outages. This line loading
perature of the IEEE-RTN under the no forced outage condition is determined by executing the DCOPF. After obtaining the
(17 °C) and the nominal loading temperature of the ACSR line line loading for each transmission corridor, the corresponding
(93 °C). The figure indicates that the unavailability of the line at line unavailability is determined according to (9)–(11). When
age 10, in contrast to Fig. 3, is significant when considering the LFM-1 is employed, the additional process is not required as
loading and natural ageing effects. In both of the loading tem- the model does not consider the line loading effect, and the line
peratures in Fig. 4, the period of age when the line unavailability unavailability can be determined directly.
is insignificant drops to about 1–5 years, from about 1–10 years Next, the transmission line statuses are sampled according to
as shown in Fig. 3. This line failure model is also known as the their respective line unavailability and the DCOPF is executed
“Line failure model (LFM)-2” in the rest of this paper for the to determine the response from the network. The DCOPF is per-
purpose of simplifying the reference to this line failure model. formed until the NSMC simulation is converged and the EENS
is used as the criteria of convergence. The EENS is recorded
and is used to determine the reliability performance.
The developed NSMC simulation (see Section II) for assess- V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
ing the reliability of the IEEE-RTN by considering the refined
A. Reliability Impacts of the Line Failure Models
line failure models (see Section III) are summarized in Fig. 5.
The figure shows that the reliability evaluation begins by In this section, the reliability impact of the DTR system
the random sampling of the load level from the 20-step load on the IEEE-RTN was performed based on the proposed


LFM-1 [MWhr/yr] LFM-2 [MWhr/yr]

158.64 182.31

reliability evaluation framework given in Fig. 5. The two line

failure models, LFM-1 and LFM-2, were compared and the
results are shown in Table I. All the results were obtained
based on a 5-year regulatory planning period study. The DTR Fig. 6. Uncertainty of the transmission line (1–60 years) unavailability due to
the ±10% variations in the parameters of LFM-1 and LFM-2.
system in this case study was considered to be fully reli-
able in order to avoid the failure of the DTR system from
masking the reliability performance of the two line failure TABLE II
models. The results show that the EENS of the system is EENS OF THE LINE FAILURE MODEL CONSIDERING
higher when LFM-2 (182.31 MWhr/yr) is used as compared to
LFM-1 (158.64 MWhr/yr). LFM-2 reported an EENS value that
is 23.67 MWhr/yr higher than LFM-1. This proves that LFM-1 Line Failure Model EENS (+10%) [MWhr/yr] EENS (–10%) [MWhr/yr]
underestimated the EENS of the system and it leads to an overly LFM-1 137.66 197.21
optimistic reliability evaluation. The reason is LFM-1 only con- LFM-2 140.87 286.93
siders the natural ageing of the transmission line and the line
loading effect due to the application of the DTR systems is ig-
nored. LFM-2, however, takes into account of this factor, and
therefore, has a higher but a more realistic EENS value. Hence, Considering this uncertainty effect, the IEEE-RTN reliability
the results in Table I point out that the line loading effect has was analyzed according to the proposed reliability framework
a significant impact towards the reliability of the transmission in Fig. 5. In this section, the reliability of the DTR system was
line and the power network as a whole. also considered to be fully reliable in order to avoid the failure
of the DTR systems from masking the uncertainty effects of the
line failure model parameters. The results of this analysis are
B. Uncertainty Effects of the Line Failure Model Parameters shown in Table II. The bracket values in the table indicate the
As the transmission lines have a relatively long life cycle, percentage of variation of the line failure model parameters.
there is a problem of insufficient line ageing data for construct- The results suggest that reducing the values of the line fail-
ing an accurate transmission line ageing failure probability dis- ure model parameters has a higher reliability impact than when
tribution function. Hence, the adopted (μ and σ) and the derived the values of the parameters were increased. Comparing the
(A and B) parameters in both of the line failure models are based results in Tables I and II points out that the EENS values of
only on estimations. Due to that, there are uncertainties in the pa- LFM-1 in Table II increases by 38.57 MWhr/yr and decreases
rameters of the two line failure models. In this section, the uncer- by 20.98 MWhr/yr when its parameters were reduced and in-
tainty effects of the line failure model parameters on the power creased by 10%, respectively. In LFM-2, these values are 104.62
system reliability performance are examined. All the results and 41.44 MWhr/yr. These results show that the factor at which
were obtained based on a 5-year planning period study as well. the line unavailability increases, when the parameters were re-
First, the uncertainty of the parameters in LFM-1 and duced by 10%, is more than the factor at which the line un-
LFM-2 were examined. The parameters in both of the models availability decreases, when the parameters were increased by
were varied by ±10%. In LFM-1, the mean and the standard de- 10%. The variation of EENS values in LFM-2 is also larger than
viation (μ = 50 years and σ = 15 years) were varied. In LFM-2, LFM-1 and this indicates that LFM-2 is more sensitive to the
the derived values of A and B were varied. The unavailability accuracy of its parameter values than LFM-1. Hence, the results
of the lines from age 1 to 60 was calculated according to this in Table II show that an accurate data on the transmission line
variation using (9)–(11) and the results are plotted in Fig. 6. age distribution are important for quantifying the reliability of
Notice in the figure that the unavailability of the line in LFM-2 the power system. It is worth mentioning that the changes in the
was calculated by assuming the line maximum loading. From the accuracy of the data only affect the numerical calculations and
figure, it can be seen that the unavailability of the transmission not the accuracy of the proposed model as given in Fig. 5.
line increases with age. The values in between the two lines of A comparison between the two line failure models in
the respective line failure model encompass all the possible line Table II also shows that the range of the EENS values is higher
unavailability within the specified range of the variation. From when LFM-2 was employed. This reason is LFM-2 considers
the figure, it is observed in the two line failure models that, when line loading and natural ageing, whereas LFM-1 considers only
their parameters were increase by 10%, the line unavailability natural ageing. The results from Table II confirm the conclusion
decreases and vice versa. given by Table I, that is, the line failure model that considers


DTR System Reliability (%) EENS [MWhr/yr]

100 182.31
80 259.60
60 406.97
40 569.30
20 739.67
STR 907.67

only the natural ageing lead to an optimistic power system re- Fig. 7. Boxplot of the line unavailability as a function of the DTR system
liability analysis. The line failure model that considers also the
line loading, as proposed in this paper, provides a more realis-
tic response of the network and subsequently a more accurate
reliability index. events have less influence towards the final EENS values. More-
over, the response of the DCOPF in each combination is unique.
C. Reliability Impact of the DTR System Hence, the EENS that is calculated as a result of the DCOPF, is
distributed nonproportionally as shown in Table III.
In this section, the impact of the DTR system availability The distribution of the line unavailability as a function of the
on the reliability performance of the IEEE-RTN is assessed. DTR system reliability was also analyzed and this is presented
In order to do that, the availability of the DTR system was as a boxplot in Fig. 7. The unavailability of the line is obtained
decreased from 1 (fully reliable) to 0.2 using a step decrease of according to the procedure described in Fig. 5. The figure shows
0.2. Only LFM-2 was implemented as it is proven in the previous that the longer the DTR system is operated (higher reliability),
sections that it can assess the reliability of the power network the higher the chances are to increase the unavailability of the
more accurately. The effects of the DTR system (at various line. For example, the range of the line unavailability when the
availability values) on the reliability of the IEEE-RTN were DTR system is operated for 80% of the time is higher than
assessed according to the proposed framework in Fig. 5, and the when the DTR system is operated for only 20% of the time. The
results are given in Table III. All the results were obtained based reason for this is when the DTR system is operating, it raises
on a 5-year planning period study. the rating of the line and subsequently the line loading when
The results show that the reliability of the DTR system has the demand level is high. A higher line loading then, leads to
a significant impact towards the reliability performance of the a higher line unavailability. In the similar situation, if the DTR
IEEE-RTN. As the availability of the DTR system decreases, system is not operating, the line revert back to its STR, which
the EENS values of the IEEE-RTN increases. Notice that the limits its maximum capacity that lowers the line loading and
EENS value when the DTR system is fully reliable is the same reduces the line unavailability.
as the EENS value in Table I. Table III also shows the reliability Analyzing both Table III and Fig. 7 together suggest that
performance of the network when no DTR system was installed, although the DTR system increases the line unavailability, the
and this represents the STR operational strategy of the transmis- power system reliability benefit provided by the DTR system
sion line. Considering only the DTR system cases, the highest far outweighs its drawback of raising the line unavailability. The
recorded EENS value is 739.67 MWhr/yr when the DTR sys- values of the EENS consistently decrease when the reliability
tem is only operational for 20% of the time. This value is almost of the DTR system improves.
three times higher than the EENS when the DTR system is fully
functional. The numerical values of the reliability performance
D. Reliability Impact of the Weather Correlation Factor
in Table III will likely to be different in a real system as this is
affected by the DTR, load levels, network topology, reliability of In this section, the correlation effect of the weather data is
the components, and surrounding weather conditions. Nonethe- investigated on the LFM-2 only as it assesses the reliability of
less, the proposed methodology is still applicable. Notice that the power network more accurately than LFM-1. This study was
the EENS values in Table III are not distributed proportion- performed according to the proposed reliability framework in
ally in between 100% reliable DTR system and the STR cases. Fig. 5 with and without considering the correlation factor during
The reason is the EENS values were determined using a com- the weather data samplings. A 5-year regulatory planning period
bination of Monte Carlo simulation and DCOPF. The Monte is used as well, and all the DTR systems were assumed to be
Carlo simulation handles stochastic component behaviors such fully reliable in order to avoid it from masking the correlation
as the combinations of various DTR system and transmission factor of the weather data.
line statuses, network topologies and both the various genera- The results of this investigation are shown in Table IV.
tion and load levels. The combinations with higher probability It shows that the EENS of the IEEE-RTN is dramatically
of occurrence will be sampled more than the combinations with increased by 555.54 MWhr/yr when the studies were performed
lower probability of occurrence. Due to that, the less sampled without considering the correlation factor. The reason for this

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Jiashen Teh (M’17) received the B.Eng. degree in siung City, Taiwan, in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
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Tenaga Nasional, Selangor, Malaysia, in 2010, and Department of Information and Communication
the Ph.D. degree in similar field from the University Engineering, Chaoyang University of Technology,
of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., in 2016. Taichung, Taiwan. His research interests include al-
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Advisor for the IET-USM on Campus society. His computational intelligence, database, data mining,
research interests include power system reliability electronic circuit, embedded systems, evolutionary computation, fuzzy sys-
analyses, renewable energy sources, and smart grid tems, information retrieval, internet of things, machine learning, multimedia
technologies. He is also currently working toward his engineering, mobile medical, power electronics, and renewable energy.
professional engineering registration with the BEM and IET. Dr. Cheng is a Member of the International Association of Engineers, and
Dr. Teh is a member of IET and a registered Graduate Engineer with the a Senior Member of the Universal Association of Computer and Electronics
Board of Engineers Malaysia in the electrical track. Engineers.

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