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15 Disturbing Facts You’ll Wish You Didn’t

Creepy Facts, Life Facts January 26, 2015

From bacteria in your food that has evolved to sugar soaking every one of your favourite drinks,
we count 15 facts you would actually rather not know about

15 – The Lake of Drowned Bodies,

 Lake Tahoe is found in the Sierra Nevada mountains and it’s actually quite popular when
it comes to tourism
 Lurking beneath the depths is a graveyard, since the lake is so cold, people who drown
here don’t float to the surface – they simply sink to the very bottom
 And because of the lake’s deep elevation, divers can’t go down to find those bodies
without special equipment, but it’s been said to harbour thousands of bodies all perfectly
preserved in the waters depths
14 – Antibiotics Aren’t Working Anymore,

 I found it scary when I went to the doctors to get some additional antibiotics for my
throat, only for him to refuse because the entire world is starting to run out of antibiotics
 Viruses are evolving so fast that we can barely keep up – last years vaccination for
influenza is usually ineffective against this years bug
 New diseases pop up daily transferred from apes, rodents, birds and swine – at the rate
we’re going, people might start dying of polio, mumps or even smallpox within the next
20 years

13 – Jelly Beans Are Covered in Bug Feces,

 There’s a reason the outer surface of a jelly bean is so hard, crunchy and shiny, and that’s
because it’s covered in a material known as Shellac
 Shellac is often made from the excretions of the female lac insect
 An interesting little bit of knowledge to share next time you’re putting out a bowl of these
things for your kids 7th birthday party

12 – Julius Caesar,
 He was only 22 years old when some pirates came along to kidnap him with the intent on
getting a ransom paid
 But Julius was so charismatic that the pirates actually became friends with him, even
insisting they double his ransom
 He said he would crucify them when he was free, which the pirates laughed off, but sure
enough when he was released, he raised a fleet, returned and crucified them all

11 – We’re in the middle of another Mass Extinction,

 The 6th one to be exact – biologists have identified the traits needed to classify a period
in Earth’s history as an extinction, and we’re causing it
 Ever since humans began moving from continent to continent, large animals that survived
for millions of years have disappeared
 By hunting, destroying habitat, introducing new species and spreading disease, you could
call us the biggest scumbag species in the history of the planet
 Another relevant bit of knowledge to share at the 7 year olds party

10 – You Eat 12 Pubic Hairs Per Year,

 Nobody has a source for this one, but most point to fast food as the major culprit, but
even certain restaurants are guilty
 And not just this, but occasionally the glob of spit and even urine somehow makes it from
the chef to the food
 One Texas Roadhouse cook intentionally cut off his pubes and lined a burger with them
because he didn’t like the customer

9 – 2006 DNA Maternity test,

 In 2006, this one woman filed for public assistance in Washington but couldn’t prove she
was the mother of her own children
 In fact, she failed 4 maternity tests even though she could clearly remember giving birth
to them
 Later, she discovered the horrifying truth that she had a twin sister in her mothers womb
who got absorbed into this woman’s reproductive organs, letting her carry different DNA
parts in her body

8 – We Are Slaves to Our Own Subconscious,

 Although humans are highly developed and intelligent, it’s shocking how primitive our
brain works sometimes
 You might be happy because it’s sunny outside, you’ll decide to sleep with someone
based partly on smell, we hear information and use it to fuel our preconceptions and
we’re easily swayed by irrelevant details that don’t matter but sound convincing
 The more often you see someone or something, the more you’ll like it, and memories are
simply stories we tell ourselves over and over again each time we recall an event, not a
true depiction of the facts

7 – Coca Cola,

 It’s amazing how much sugar is in all drinks sold in stores and supermarkets – but did
you know that 1 can of coca cola actually contains 10 entire teaspoons of sugar
 Imagine adding that to every glass of water you drink – 1 can of this stuff alone equates
to more than an entire days recommend daily sugar intake, not counting meals or any
other drinks
 If you get older and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you may regret buying all those slabs
of coke instead of just drinking water – lots of it – free – from the tap
6 – Gympie Gympie,

 There is a stinging shrub found in Australia known as Gympie Gympie that will inject
you with a neurotoxin so powerful that it will actually make you want to commit suicide
 The pain is likened to hot acid and electrocution at the same time – so intense that even
animals try to kill themselves
 One man used this shrub for toilet paper, only to get the most painful burning of his life,
to the point where he pulled out a gun and shot himself rather than go through it

5 – Mysteries of the Universe,

 We hardly know anything about the universe – all the things we can see, galaxies, stars
and planets, all of it only makes up less than 5% of everything
 Over 20% is made up of dark matter and over 70% of dark energy – currently we suspect
dark matter to be made up of unidentified particles
 Dark energy is a complete mystery, called by some cosmologists as the most profound
mystery in all of science, the answer to which might reveal what the universe actually is
and why it’s expanding faster and faster

4 – Children Farm Work,

 There is a loophole in US labor laws that allow parents to exploit children in working on
a farm
 Because the work is strenuous and filled with dangerous particles like pesticide, big
agriculture farms simply reproduce heaps of children to do the work for them
 They don’t even have time to go to school – and over 100 children are killed each year
from farm-related incidents

3 – Climate Change,

 We’ve only just recently begun to discover the side-effects of fossil fuels – and sadly
humans have changed the world’s climate for the rest of this century at least
 All the carbon dioxide gasses swirling around our planet are trapping the sun’s heat
inside our atmosphere, warming the planet
 This gas will linger for hundreds of years, and predictions for the future are starting to
look bleak without imminent action

2 – Human Sacrifice,
 Our species would like to think they’ve evolved to become more civilised, but the history
of a huge number of human cultures throughout history engaged in human sacrifice
 The Egyptians would murder their servants and have them buried near their tomb, Aztecs
would slaughter tens of thousands to celebrate the construction of a pyramid
 Even with the Mayans, just losing a ballgame would get a whole group sacrificed just
because some guys on your team suck

1 – Drug-Resistant Bacteria in Food

 For the same reason the world is running out of anti-biotics, farmers feed their animals
tons of it just to keep them alive
 Because of this, livestock have developed drug-resistant bacteria inside their bodies – and
it gets passed on to the meat we eat from supermarket shelves
 The last statistic shows that 1 out of 4 of your pork chops have drug-resistant bacteria
that’ll soon end up passing through your stomach

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