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Programación 2º Primaria


Daniel Bermúdez
Autor: Daniel Bermúdez Boza
Maquetación: Educàlia Editorial
Edita: Educàlia Editorial
ISBN: 978-84-17493-94-3

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Didactic Programming English Language



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Didactic Programming English Language


This document is a didactic programming addressed to a group of students of the second grade, in
Primary Education .
The reason that leads teachers to make a plan is that improvisation has its limits. Teachers may find
themselves with nothing to teach. So it is very important to improve the teaching-learning process. As
Gimeno y Sacristán says: “…the design of the programming cannot be understood as mechanical
matter, a mere technique or a concrete formula.”
The need to carry out a teaching programme that standardizes the teaching-learning process is
justified by various reasons such us:

o It helps to eliminate chance and improvisation, which does not mean that everything is closed
or predetermined.
o It systematizes orders and specifies the process stated in the educational project and curricular
programme, with enough flexibility to leave space for creativity.
o It enables the teacher to adapt teaching work to cultural and environment characteristics of the

Our document also deals with the pedagogical principles that assume when we teach English at this
stage. One of the most important ones is Globalization, English teachers are in contact with other
subjects, such as Science, Geography, Music, Art, Maths, etc. Equally, this plan represents the third
stage of the curricular development in the area of English as a foreign language in our school. It
develops and follows directly the recommendations of the School Plan and coincides with those
exposed in The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching,
Evaluation. In the same way, our Curriculum is flexible and consequently our Syllabus too, but always
without improvisation in our actions. The approach we use is the Communicative Approach along with
the technical Based-Task Approach which is recommended by The Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages.

This document is based on existing legislation, both nationally and in the autonomous community of
Andalusia. Thus, the curricular model will have a decisive influence on the focus and the design of the
programme. The basic legislative acts on which this unit is based are:

▪ Spanish Constitution (Article 27).

▪ Law 2/2006, on Education, of May 3.
▪ Law 8/2013, on Education, of December 9.
▪ Crown Decree 126/2014 of February 28, which establishes the minimum contents and
structures for Primary Education.
▪ Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,
Teaching and Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
▪ Decree 97/2015, of March 3, which establishes the curriculum for Primary Education in the
Autonomous Region of Andalusia.
▪ Decree 328/2010, of July 13, which validates the rules for the organization of schools.
▪ Instructions of March 8, 2017, which update the protocol for detection and identification of
name name name name__________________________________________ _______
Didactic Programming English Language
students with specific needs of educational assistance and for organization of educational
response to them.
▪ Order of March 17, 2015, which develops the curriculum corresponding to the Primary
Education in Andalusia.
▪ Order of November 4, 2015, which establishes the evaluation of the learning process of Primary
Education students in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia.


Town and students context

This syllabus has been designed taking into account the curriculum which has been adapted in relation
with the school context. First, its location. The school is located in a village of 7,000 inhabitants, 8 km
away from the provincial capital, in a big city of Andalusia.
With respect to the groups in general, there are not big differences between them socio-economically.
Most of the students belong to a lower-middle class. The socioeconomic level of families in this village
is average. We can find families whose level is medium-low and one-half of the population whose not
extremely high. The town does not have much economic activity, only a factory where a large
proportion of the population works, and some small shops. It is due to the village being near to the
capital. So, most of the population works outside the village. We cannot forget that the people have
the basic facilities like health centre, a public library, an ESO high school , a sport hall and parks
throughout the town.

Links to the school project: School facilities and resources, teaching staff and school curricular

The school is public which includes both pre-school and primary education. It is composed of a big
building with four wings. The four wings are connected to a hallway where we can find the
Management Team units, the Staff Room, the Gym, Computer Room and a Video Room.
The playground at our school is quite large and has different areas to practise different sports. In the
library we can find “The English Corner” where there are different types of educational materials in
English. The rest of the school is decorated with labels in English such as “Staff Room, Toilet, etc.”

The school has the support of the council which subsidizes the cost of college. The school also receives
financial support from the association of parents as far as possible. There is a good relationship
between parents, teachers and the rest of the education community thanks to the hard work of the
Parents´ Association. Most of the parents are involved in school activities in one way or another.
Because of this, there are a number of successful extracurricular and complementary activities.

In total, there are seven hundred and twenty pupils and fifty-one teachers. There is a director, a
director of studies, a secretary and an administrative. Among pre-school and primary, there are twelve
course tutors in pre-school and twenty-four in primary. Four teachers specialising in English, two for
physical education, , two catholic teachers, an evangelist teacher, a music teacher and two support
teachers, one for pre-school and another one for primary.
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Didactic Programming English Language

The school is regulated by the different documents that made the School Plan, where we can find the
Educational Project, ROF and the Management Plan, regulated by Decree 328/2010, which validates
the rules for the organization of schools. It is in the Educational Project where we find the different
projects that are worked within the school such as E-twinning or the Linguistic Project of the school.


To find out about the level of English of the students some information has been collected: a file card
has been sent to their parents for them to fill it in, another file card has been given to the children in
order to find out about their vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation levels and finally a search in the
last years documents, exams, notes of the other teachers, etc. but now, we are going to begin talking
about the psychological stage.

Psychological stage

At the second level of Primary the children are between the ages of six and seven and are learning
English for three hours per week. Each class has 20 students with the same number of boys and girls.
Although we will work on all characteristics in each child´s development in this cycle we can emphasize
the followings:
- In terms of cognitive development at this stage children internalise what they see immediately.
Therefore, they have the ability to acquire concepts easily. Gradually, children develop
intellectual curiosity and enter a new phase in which they begin to question. Together with the
development of care and observation, the ability to learn increases.
- In terms of language development one of the best instruments to practise and develop
language at this age are games; through riddles, rhymes and songs.
- In relation to psychomotor development we can say that the child develops space-time
organization which facilitates spatial orientation.
- At this stage, the child develops socialisation.

Description of the group and Initial Evaluation.


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Now I am going to present my didactic unit.
I remind you that my syllabus is addressed for the second grade of primary
education. The group is good with different English levels and three students
with specific needs to take into account. Their motivation increases if the topics
are related with their context. For that reason, the approaches and
methodological principles selected turn around motivation. So, their learning
process changes to meaningful knowledge and achievement of the key

The unit that I have chosen is number 1 titled “WELCOME AGAIN”. We are
going to start with the first part.
Its timing takes 4 sessions and it is carried out along the first term, concretely

The Centre of interest is “Back to school” and As I’ve mentioned before in

the defense of my syllabus, we have selected the communicative approach
through task-based approach which takes a final task as the nucleus of
planning, as it is recommended in Annex I of the Order of March 17, 2015, First
Foreign Language Area, methodological guidelines section.

In this Unit the FINAL TASK is “Make the envelope to keep the mini-

Moreover, values contents are Education for Peace, Education for solidarity,
Education for gender equality and interdisciplinary contents such as
Mathematics and Artistic

Relating with Andalusia we compare between first days of school in

Andalusia and English speaking countries.

This unit is an integrated didactic unit and all the curricular elements are
integrated. Each evaluation criterion is related to the Key Competences, the
indicators, the area and stage objectives, the didactic objectives and the
contents. There are evaluation criterions from each block of contents. In this
case the relation between evaluation criteria, indicators and key competences
are the following:

CE.1.1 / LE.1.1.1 (CCL,CAA,CSYC) ///CE.1.2 / LE1.2.1 (CCL, CAA, CSYC)

///CE.1.3 / LE.1.3.1 (CCL,CAA,CSYC)///CE.1.4 / LE.1.4.1 CCL,CAA). You can
see the relation in the Order of March 17, 2015, which develops the
curriculum corresponding to the Primary Education in Andalusia. Annex I
pages 420-436

Additionally, in this unit work on the following objectives:

- Greet the book characters.

- Consolidate previous vocabulary.

- Revise the numbers from 1 to 10 and the colours.

- Identify and say the numbers from 11 to 20.

- Develop interest in learning the English language.

- Make and decorate an envelope to keep the mini-flashcards in.

The didactic transposition corresponds to the description of the different

sessions and the final task. Pupils carry out activities and, at the same time, the
activities are divided into exercises, following the competence based approach.

It also includes the resources that are used in this unit such as ICT, Interactive
White Board or school material such as Flashcards/Number
cards/CD/Pupil's book/Coloured pencils/Scissors and glue/Story
cards/Word cards/Cut-out and stickers.

. The cognitive processes or modes of thinking which are developed in this unit
are Analytical, Practical and Reflexive and they will be three scenarios
(primary, secondary and tertiary contexts)

With respect to the methodology the principles and didactic implications are the
same that I have mentioned in the defense such as TPR, cooperative learning,
group investigation, task based approach, communicative approach, student
centred approach, LKT-ICT. Moreover, the didactic transposition includes
extension and reinforcement activities to attend the diversity that we will detail in
the description of the sessions.
Finally, the last part the learning outcomes evaluation and instruments. It
includes for general indicators defined in four levels of achievement each one´s
weight is 25% of the total.
For example: The student cannot make the task/The student can make the
task with help/ The student can perform the task with little help/ The
student can perform the task accurately and without any help.

The evaluation instruments for all the indicators are holistic and analytic
rubrics. In addition, to assess the last indicator which is related to writing
skill we will use checklists and the students’ portfolio.
Now, we are going to start with the description of the sessions.

Before starting I would like to say that every session start and finish with an
established routine. The beginning with greetings: what´s the weather like
today? And a song called “good morning”. The end of the class finishes with the
goodbye song. And now, we start with the description of the sessions.

Session 1
The unit starts with a story about greeting and greet the after the routine in
order to train listening skill. Before listening for the first time we will introduce
the vocabulary by means of flashcards. In this unit we will work with: numbers
and colours.
After that, we make different activities related with a Song, listen and point
and Find and circle.

I will use special flashcards according to the content of this session. After the
first listening, we can ask pupils what they have understood or which words they
have heard. Then, the second listening to discriminate the vocabulary we use
TPR, for example when you listen to the concrete word, raise your hand. We
will listen to the song a third time and we try to do exercises such as listen and
repeat or listen and colour. For example, when you listen to the word you will
repeat after me. We can present students a worksheet with pictures and they
have to colour them when they listen their names.

English defence
Good morning, my name is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and I am here to defend my didactic programme
or syllabus. Before we begin I would like to refer to a phrase that you can read in the first part of
my didactic programme by Gimeno y Sacristán: "... the design of the programming cannot be
understood as a mechanical matter, a mere technique or a concrete formula ..." So, based on this
phrase, this educational program mixes the formal aspect of existing legislation with the creativity,
adapted to the needs of the group of students who form the class both individually and collectively.

Returning to the formal aspect that we discussed before, this document is based on existing
legislation, both nationally and in the autonomous community of Andalusia. Thus, the curricular
model will have a decisive influence on the focus and the design of the programme. The basic
legislative acts on which this unit is based are:

▪ Spanish Constitution (Article 27).

▪ Law 2/2006, on Education, of May 3.
▪ Law 8/2013, on Education, of December 9.
▪ Crown Decree 126/2014 of February 28, which establishes the minimum
contents and structures for Primary Education.
▪ Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
▪ Decree 97/2015, of March 3, which establishes the curriculum for Primary
Education in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia.
▪ Decree 328/2010, of July 13, which validates the rules for the organization of
▪ Instructions of March 8, 2017, which update the protocol for detection and
identification of students with specific needs of educational assistance and for
organization of educational response to them.
▪ Order of March 17, 2015, which develops the curriculum corresponding to the
Primary Education in Andalusia.
▪ Order of November 4, 2015, which establishes the evaluation of the learning process
of Primary Education students in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia.

*CONSEJO: puedes nombrar la normativa complete o solo la parte resaltada.

Now, I am going to begin introducing or describing the group. It is a 2 nd grade group of 25 students
in primary Education within which we can emphasize the following:

We have a group of five children (three girls and two boys) who are very proficient in English and in
the rest of the subjects, they are children who don’t need to study very hard and their parents give
them a very strict routine. They are very good in all the fields of the English.

There is also a group of ten (seven boys and three girls) who are children that need to study harder
than the group before, they are good in English but they need more time to memorize. The result is
a little bit under the group before which indicates that they do not have such a high level as the
other group. They have developed speaking more than the rest of the skills, because they are very
confident children.

Then, there is a group of six, four boys and two girls, they are not very good at English but they are
good at other subjects, however not in all. They are children who need to pay more attention at
school, their behavior is good, but they don’t pay a lot of attention, so the teacher should motivate
them more.

We will also take into account four students: there are two children that show a slow learning
rhythm due to their lack of attention. They have presented an important deficit in respect to the
other students in the four communication skills; after them we have two Latin American students,
whose level of English is higher than the rest of the class. One girl (She) has her four communicative
skills very developed, but we will have to work with her in the socio-cultural aspects, because she
can’t understand some aspects due to her customs; On the contrary, the other Latin American
student has a lower level in comparison to his classmates due to the fact that he suffers a minimal
chronic stammer. Moreover, because of his medical problem, he cannot speak fluently, and so he is
not very confident in speaking, although his knowledge of English in the other three
communication skills is very proficient.

For me it is very important to describe in detail the group of students because the didactic
programme relates to them.

As I said previously I do not want to give more importance to the normative aspect, which is set at
the first level of curriculum design, than the particular aspect developed by my didactic programme
which collects the teaching strategies for achieving the proposed objectives in the first level of
curriculum design that corresponds to the Crown Decree 126/2014 of February 28, which
establishes the minimum contents and structures for Primary Education and the Order of March
17, 2015, which develops the curriculum corresponding to the Primary Education in Andalusia

It is having considered the first level of curriculum design before, in the second level of curriculum
design, the educational project. In this project I refer to the context where my didactic programme
is found. In this context we emphasize the following:

First, the location. The school is located in a village of 7,000 inhabitants, 8 km away from the
provincial capital, a large of Andalusian city.


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