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Amir Blye


English 4

24 October 2018

Alzheimer affect America future and economy?

Alzheimer is six leading death in American over the age 65. With the aging population,

there will be an increase in caregiver. With this increase there they will be an increase in costs to

take care of this population. Over the next 30 years will Alzheimer affect average American life

and future. In this paper, I will explain why Alzheimer affect America future and economy? By

explaining what Alzheimer's and show Alzheimer will affect everyday American and America


Dementia is not a specific disease it's a general term that decreases a decline in mental

activity to do everyday activities. 60-80 percent of dementia are Alzheimer and rest is Vascular

dementia. Some other types of dementia are Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Lewy Bodies, Down

Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia, Huntington's Disease, Mixed

Dementia, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, Parkinson's Disease

Dementia, and Korsakoff Syndrome. Some symptoms are the loss of memory, communication,

visual perception, reasoning/judgment, and the ability to focus/ pay attention. All these

symptoms are progressive which mean to will get worse over time. Dementia cause is based on

what type you have. But general it caused by damage brain cells which can inhibit the ability of
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the brain cells to convey with each other. Diet and exercise are a great way to prevent the

disease. Also, there is no known cure for it but there is a medical treatment that can slow the

disease down and improve it.

Alzheimer is a type of dementia that causes a problem in memory, thinking, and behavior

in people. The symptoms are like dementia but here are some warning sign poor judgment,

changes in mood/ personality, and memory loss. There are three stages are mild Alzheimer's

disease, moderate Alzheimer's disease, severe Alzheimer's disease. Rick factors are your family

history, Genetics, age, and other factors. The cause of Alzheimer's Plaques and Tangles that

blocked connection with nerve cells and disturb the process that the cells need to live. Both

dementia and Alzheimer have some treatment and are a progressive disease.

Alzheimer disease is very costly in 2018 the total cost was $277 billion that includes

$186 billion in Medicare and Medicaid payments. In 2050 the cost will be $ 1.1 trillion with the

rise it would increase government spendings like Medicare and Medicaid and out-of-pocket

spending. The website states that “ disease impact on caregivers, such as family members. In

2016, over 251,000 Minnesotans provided 286 million hours of unpaid care (total value $3.6

billion)”(Steck Joe). According to Alzheimer Association, an estimated 18.4 billion hours which

equal $232 billion in unpaid hours for caregivers. Most caregivers is a woman and most are

sandwich caregivers which meaning for their parent and their children under age 18.

In conclusion, Alzheimer is an costly disease in America and the world. It can be a

burden on a family who is a caregiver. Will cost America in over 1.1 trillion in 2050 unless we

do something in our healthcare.

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Work Cited

“Facts and Figures.” Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia,


“The Impact of Alzheimer's Disease on Economy and Families.” Mankato Times -

Mankato News Online,


“What Is Alzheimer's?” Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia,


What Is Dementia?” Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia,

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