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Satuan Pendidikan : UPT SMA Negeri 2 Parepare

Mata Pelajaran : Lintas Minat Bahasa Inggris
Kelas /Semester : X.MIPA.2, 3, 4, & 5
Hari /Tanggal : ..............., .................... 2018
Tahun Pelajaran : 2018/2019
Alokasi Waktu : 120 menit
Direction :
1. Tuliskan Nama Lengkap dan NISN pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
2. Bacalah soal dengan baik sebelum mengerjakannya.
3. Jangan Lupa Berdoa sebelum Menjawab Soal, Good Luck !
Good morning everyone.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Baqda Mauludana, you may call me Dana. I was born in
Parepare, but currently I live in Makassar. I was born on October, 11th 1992. My father is a teacher and
my mother is a housewife. I love them both. I am the second of five children in my family.
My interests are playing guitar and drums. My favorite food is Gado-Gado and my favorite drink is melon
juice. All right, I think that’s enough. So, I would like to say, thank you.
1. How old is Dana?
2. What is his interests ?
3. How many people are in his family ?
I wake up in the morning at 4.30 a.m. Then, I brush my teeth, take wudhu, and pray subuh. After that, I take a bath, make up my
room and help my mom to prepare breakfast menu. Before I go to school, I feed my cats and have a breakfast.
At 6.45 a.m. I go to school with my father that accompany me to there while he goes to work. I study at school until 2 p.m. after
school, I change my clothes and play with my gorgeous cats or with my friends. In the night, I usually do my home assignment or
study for next lessons and go to sleep at 10 p.m.
4. Make an activities table based on the text above !
myfavouritethingisbook. ilovebooksomuch. youcanfindmuchknowledgefromthebook. Bookhasmanytypes.
andthecolourofbookverymuch. iloveit. cause, itmakesmehappy, andmakemeknowaboutnewthing, thatthe
newoneispositiveforme. so,letsreadabook, andmanybookscanyouread! but, youmustchoosethegoodfor
your selves. youmustknowthat. youcanchoosebookthatcanmotivate, andaccordingtoyourage.
5. Rewrite the text above with a good style !
My unforgettable experience was in Secondary school. It was an awful experience. It happened at my home.
After the first school day, I was very excited. At home, I was running while my mum was mopping the floor.
Suddenly, I fell down and broke my left arm. I felt much pain and cried loudly. My mum was worried about me
and she sent me to the hospital immediately.
In the hospital, the doctor treated me. Although I didn’t need to stay at the hospital, I needed to stay at home
for a week and I could not write. I felt upset about it because I couldn’t go to school. I missed my new classmates
and my class teacher. I was also in much pain.
It was so unforgettable because I broke my arm after the first school day. Breaking my arm for the first time was
an awful and terrible experience. After that, I learnt that I should be more careful. I shouldn’t run when my mum
is mopping the floor. I have learnt a lesson.
6. Why did the writer fall down and break his left arm ?
7. Who treated the writer ?
8. What did the writer miss ?
9. Where did the writer have an accident ?
10. What did the writer learn from the accident ?
Good Luck 2018


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