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Ideas and Opinions Annals of Internal Medicine

Individualizing Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:

Implications of Recent Clinical Trials
Faramarz Ismail-Beigi, MD, PhD; Etie Moghissi, MD; Margaret Tiktin, NP; Irl B. Hirsch, MD; Silvio E. Inzucchi, MD; and Saul Genuth, MD

One of the first steps in the management of patients with type 2 mellitus failed to show a benefit from intensive glucose-lowering
diabetes mellitus is setting glycemic goals. Professional organiza- therapy on cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes. The limited
tions advise setting specific hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) targets for available evidence suggests that near-normal glycemic targets
patients, and individualization of these goals has more recently should be the standard for younger patients with relatively recent
been emphasized. However, the operational meaning of glycemic onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus and little or no micro- or macro-
goals, and specific methods for individualizing them, have not been vascular complications, with the aim of preventing complications
well-described. Choosing a specific HbA1c target range for a given over the many years of life. However, somewhat higher targets
patient requires taking several factors into consideration, including should be considered for older patients with long-standing type 2
an assessment of the patient’s risk for hyperglycemia-related com- diabetes mellitus and evidence of CVD (or multiple CVD risk fac-
plications versus the risks of therapy, all in the context of the overall tors). This review explores these issues further and proposes a
clinical setting. Comorbid conditions, psychological status, capacity framework for considering an appropriate and safe HbA1c target
for self-care, economic considerations, and family and social sup- range for each patient.
port systems also play a key role in the intensity of therapy. The
individualization of HbA1c targets has gained more traction after Ann Intern Med. 2011;154:554-559.
recent clinical trials in older patients with established type 2 diabetes For author affiliations, see end of text.

P atients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are well-known to

have an increased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular
disease (CVD) and microvascular complications. The re-
The findings of the UKPDS contrast with epidemio-
logic data (10) that show an exponential increase in CVD
events as a function of increasing HbA1c. Three large, mul-
sults of recent large multicenter trials in patients with es- ticenter trials (1–3), conducted in older patients (aged 60
tablished type 2 diabetes mellitus (1–3) have confounded to 66 years) with well-established type 2 diabetes mellitus
the optimization of therapeutic approaches to prevent these and either multiple risk factors or a previous CVD event,
sequelae. Our purpose is to present a framework for setting tested whether even more intensive glucose control would
a glycemic target range for an individual patient in the reduce CVD risk. The ACCORD (Action to Control Car-
outpatient setting. This article represents our perspective diovascular Risk in Diabetes) trial (1) tested the effect of
and should not be taken as the view of any entity or intensive versus standard glycemic control (HbA1c ⬍6.0%
organization. vs. 7.0% to 7.9%) on CVD events. The intensive glycemic
Table 1 (4 –7) summarizes the major outcomes of 4 control in this 5-year trial was stopped after an average of
large trials conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes mel- 3.5 years of follow-up because of increased all-cause and
litus. The UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes CVD-related mortality with no reduction in the primary
Study) (4) tested the effect of more versus less intensive outcome (a composite of nonfatal myocardial infarction,
glycemic control in middle-aged patients (mean age, 53 nonfatal stroke, and CVD death). The ADVANCE (Ac-
years) with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. The tion in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Dia-
results, similar to those of the DCCT (Diabetes Control micron Modified-release Control Evaluation) trial (2) as-
and Complications Trial) (8) in patients with type 1 dia- sessed the effect of decreasing HbA1c to 6.5% or less on
betes mellitus, demonstrated that intensive therapy delayed vascular outcomes. The VADT (Veterans Affairs Diabetes
the onset and reduced the progression of albuminuria and Trial) (3) enrolled participants (97% men) with poorly
retinopathy but did not decrease the risk for myocardial
controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus. It assessed CVD out-
infarction (MI). A 10-year observational follow-up of the
comes from reducing HbA1c to less than 6.0% versus 8%
DCCT (9) found a reduced rate of MI, despite hemoglo-
to 9%. Although the ADVANCE trial and the VADT
bin A1c (HbA1c) values that converged at approximately
found no increase in mortality, they also reported no ben-
8.0% after 2 years.
eficial effect of intensive glucose control on their composite
macrovascular outcomes. In addition, weight gain and 2-
to 3-fold higher rates of severe hypoglycemia occurred with
See also: intensive glycemic treatment. In contrast with the CVD
findings, all 4 trials reported that intensive glycemic con-
Web-Only trol had positive effects on various microvascular out-
Conversion of graphics into slides comes, with prevention of albuminuria being common to
all. More intensive control also improved retinopathy and
554 © 2011 American College of Physicians
Setting Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ideas and Opinions

Table 1. Selected Characteristics and Outcomes of the UKPDS, ACCORD Trial, ADVANCE Trial, and VADT

Variable UKPDS ACCORD Trial ADVANCE Trial VADT References

Duration of study, y 11 3.5 5 5.6 1–4

Goal 1–4
Intensive therapy FPG ⬍6.0 mmol/L HbA1c ⬍6.0% HbA1c ⱕ6.5% HbA1c ⬍6.0%
(⬍108.1 mg/dL)
Standard therapy FPG ⬍15.0 mmol/L HbA1c, 7.0%–7.9% Standard HbA1c values HbA1c, 8.0%–9.0%
(⬍270.3 mg/dL)

HbA1c achieved, % 1–4

Intensive therapy 7.0 6.4 6.4 6.9
Standard therapy 7.9 7.5 7.0 8.5

Change in achieved HbA1c, % 0.9 1.1 0.6 1.6 1–4

Annual event rates per 100 patients

Severe hypoglycemia* 1–4
Intensive therapy 0.71† 4.6† 0.56† 12.0†
Standard therapy 0.20 1.5 0.30 4.0
Primary outcome‡ 1–4
Intensive therapy 4.09† 2.11 3.62† 4.39
Standard therapy 4.60 2.29 4.00 4.89
All-cause mortality 5
Intensive therapy 0.13 1.41† 1.86 2.22
Standard therapy 0.25 1.14 1.99 2.06
Cardiovascular mortality 5
Intensive therapy 0.53 0.79† 0.95 0.83
Standard therapy 0.52 0.56 1.08 0.63
Retinopathy§ 1–4, 6
Intensive therapy 0.79† 1.83† 6.0 4.0
Standard therapy 1.10 2.60 6.3 5.7
Visual deterioration㛳 1–4, 6
Intensive therapy 3.44† 4.84 10.9 3.03
Standard therapy 4.16 5.05 10.8 3.95
Neuropathy¶ 1–4, 7
Intensive therapy 2.33† 2.51† 8.44 6.86
Standard therapy 2.77 2.84 8.30 7.14
Renal failure** 1–4, 7
Intensive therapy 0.08 0.57 0.4 2.0
Standard therapy 0.08 0.59 0.6 1.8
Renal failure and retinopathy†† 4, 7
Intensive therapy 0.86† 2.35 – –
Standard therapy 1.14 2.35
Microalbuminuria‡‡ 1, 3, 4, 7
Intensive therapy 2.13† 3.38† 4.74† 1.73
Standard therapy 2.82 4.14 5.14 2.35
Macroalbuminuria‡‡ 1, 3, 4, 7
Intensive therapy 0.49† 0.73† 0.58† 0.52†
Standard therapy 0.72 1.05 0.82 0.91

ACCORD ⫽ Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes; ADVANCE ⫽ Action in Diabetes and Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron Modified-release Control
Evaluation; FPG ⫽ fasting plasma glucose; HbA1c ⫽ hemoglobin A1c; UKPDS ⫽ United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study; VADT ⫽ Veterans Affairs Diabetes Trial.
* An episode that requires third-party assistance.
† P ⬍ 0.05 compared with standard glycemic therapy.
‡ An aggregate end point of any diabetes-related end point (UKPDS); a composite of nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, and fatal myocardial infarction and
stroke (ACCORD); combined microvascular and macrovascular disease (ADVANCE); and time to occurrence of a composite of major cardiovascular events (VADT).
§ Nine-year results (UKPDS), worsening of ⱖ3 steps in fundus photographs (ACCORD), new or worsening retinopathy (defined as development of proliferative retinopathy,
macular edema, or photocoagulation therapy or diabetes-related blindness) (ADVANCE), or progression to proliferative retinopathy (VADT).
㛳 Two-line (UKPDS, ADVANCE, and VADT) or 3-line (ACCORD) change in visual acuity.
¶ Nine-year results (UKPDS), loss of sensation to light touch (10-g monofilament) (ACCORD), new or worsening neuropathy (ADVANCE), or peripheral neuropathy
** Dialysis or plasma creatinine level ⬎250 ␮mol/L (⬎2.8 mg/dL) not related to acute intercurrent illness (UKPDS); initiation of dialysis, end-stage renal disease, renal
transplantation, or increase in serum creatinine level to ⬎292 ␮mol/L (⬎3.3 mg/dL) in the absence of an acute reversible cause (ACCORD); need for renal replacement
therapy or death from renal causes (ADVANCE); or creatinine level ⬎265 ␮mol/L (⬎3.0 mg/dL) (VADT).
†† A composite of retinopathy, photocoagulation, vitreous hemorrhage, and fatal or nonfatal renal failure (UKPDS and ACCORD).
‡‡ Nine-year results (UKPDS).

neuropathy outcomes in both the UKPDS and the AC- risks in an individual patient, and how to arrive at an
CORD trial (4, 6, 7). appropriate glucose target for a specific patient. These
These findings have clinicians pondering the clinical questions are posed in the context of published guidelines
implications of these trials, the role of intensive glucose from professional groups with different HbA1c goals,
control in prevention of complications, how to balance the which are largely based on the results of older clinical trials
potential benefits of intensive glycemic control against its and epidemiologic data. Each organization discusses the 19 April 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 154 • Number 8 555
Ideas and Opinions Setting Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

importance of individualizing glycemic goals but provides ADVANCE trials and the VADT had type 2 diabetes mel-
little guidance on how this should be done. litus for 8.0 to 11.5 years. The long-term follow-up of the
Establishing an individualized goal requires the con- UKPDS showed fewer micro- and macrovascular events as
sideration of 2 sets of variables, clinical characteristics and a result of previous intensive control (9). Participants in
the psychosocioeconomic setting— both of which are spe- the VADT with established CVD had type 2 diabetes mel-
cific to each patient. Although we discuss clinical charac- litus for 2 years longer than those without established
teristics first, the psychosocioeconomic setting often plays a CVD (3). These findings imply (but do not prove) that
determining role in setting glycemic targets (11, 12). Of intensive treatment is more likely to have benefits the ear-
note, some of our recommendations are based on clinical lier it is begun. This may be especially true in patients with
judgment, rather than strong evidence; these may be a family history of premature coronary artery disease.
viewed as being overly conservative, but we prefer to err on Presence of Cardiovascular (Macrovascular) Disease
the side of safety. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and a history of
myocardial infarction are at high risk for recurrent events
(15). Among the participants enrolled in the 3 recent trials,
32% to 40% had a history of a CVD event; these partici-
Comorbid Conditions
pants had greater mortality. However, intensive treatment
Significant comorbid conditions may limit survival or led to no reduction in new CVD events or mortality (1–3).
be debilitating, and they may also interfere with the imple- In the VADT substudy (14), patients with higher coronary
mentation of glycemic control strategies. In addition, a calcium scores (associated with more advanced CVD)
greater disease burden may increase the number of medi- showed no reduction in CVD events with intensive glyce-
cations that a patient receives. This can lead to confusion, mic treatment. These findings imply that a higher HbA1c
errors, poor adherence, increased side effects and cost, target may be more appropriate for such patients.
drug– drug interactions, and frustration. Patients with
other medical conditions that are expected to reduce life Presence of Microvascular Disease
expectancy, and thereby shorten the period in which dia- The Kumamoto study (16) tested the effect of multi-
betic complications can develop, should be targeted to a ple daily insulin injections versus standard insulin therapy
higher glycemic range. in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The
investigators reported that intensive glycemic control de-
Age creased the progression of albuminuria and retinopathy
Patient age is also an important consideration. The that were present at enrollment (secondary prevention).
younger the age at the onset of diabetes mellitus, the The recent trials showed modest reductions in progression
greater the cumulative exposure to hyperglycemia and sub- of albuminuria (Table 1), and the ACCORD trial found
sequent risk for complications; the older the age at onset, that intensive control decreased the progression of retino-
the higher the probability of existing comorbid conditions pathy (6) and neuropathy but not the composite outcome
and the shorter the expected life span. These issues are of advanced microvascular disease (7). A microvascular
increasing in importance, because more patients develop complication in an organ often suggests that other micro-
diabetes mellitus at a younger age and older patients live vascular (and macrovascular) complications may be present
longer. or evolving; more aggressive glycemic control may there-
The ACCORD trial reported a trend toward lower fore be considered in the presence of microalbuminuria
all-cause mortality among participants younger than 65 without elevated serum creatinine levels or in patients with
years at baseline who were randomly assigned to receive early retinopathy (6, 7, 16). However, few data indicate
standard treatment (13), whereas the ADVANCE trial re- that strict glucose control alters the progression of renal
ported lower rates of combined major macro- and micro- disease once serum creatinine level is elevated (⬎221
vascular events in younger participants in the intensive- ␮mol/L [⬎2.5 mg/dL]). Special precautions are advised in
therapy group (2); however, neither finding was statistically patients with autonomic neuropathy, who are predisposed
significant. In a VADT substudy (14), younger patients to hypoglycemia unawareness and have increased cardiac
(aged 57 vs. 64 years) with lower coronary calcium scores mortality.
(by computed tomography) at baseline had fewer CVD
History of Severe Hypoglycemia
events with intensive control. No trial data on patients
The biggest impediment to achieving near-normal gly-
younger than 45 years with newly diagnosed type 2 diabe-
cemic control is the increased occurrence of severe hypo-
tes mellitus are available. However, a near-normal HbA1c
glycemia (that requiring third-party assistance). Severe hy-
target range seems appropriate for younger patients, who
poglycemia occurred approximately 2 to 3 times more
are unlikely to have established atherosclerosis.
often with intensive therapy in the trials (Table 1) and is
Duration of Diabetes Mellitus more common in persons with low cognitive function
Participants in the UKPDS had newly diagnosed type (17). In older patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, de-
2 diabetes mellitus, whereas those in the ACCORD and mentia is associated with episodes of severe hypoglycemia
556 19 April 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 154 • Number 8
Setting Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ideas and Opinions

(18), and such episodes in patients with CVD may also

Figure. Framework to assist in determining glycemic
lead to myocardial ischemia or arrhythmia (19). The
treatment targets in patients with type 2 diabetes.
ACCORD and ADVANCE trials both reported higher
mortality rates in participants with 1 or more episodes of
Most Intensive Less Intensive Least Intensive
severe hypoglycemia (20, 21), although no direct cause-
6.0% 7.0% 8.0%
and-effect relationship was established. For these and other
pragmatic reasons, less intensive HbA1c targets are widely Psychosocioeconomic considerations
accepted as appropriate for patients with recent severe Highly motivated, adherent, Less motivated, nonadherent,
knowledgeable, excellent limited insight, poor self-care
hypoglycemia. self-care capacities, and capacities, and weak
comprehensive support systems support systems

Hypoglycemia risk
Patient-specific psychological, social, and economic Patient age, y
conditions and underlying capacities for self-management 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
play a critical role in setting targets. These issues can be Disease duration, y
explored during a structured and detailed interview with 5 10 15 20

the patient and discussion with family members, as appro- Other comorbid conditions
None Few or mild Multiple or severe
priate (22). Although many of the topics we discuss seem
self-evident, health care providers who are pressed for time Established vascular complications
may not address these critical issues properly. These topics None Cardiovascular disease
None Early microvascular Advanced microvascular
are not all-inclusive and often overlap. It is important to
remember that the patient must implement the strategy, Glycemic goals and treatment intensities are shown in terms of increas-
and their full understanding and acceptance of the means ing severity or magnitude of clinical variables, as well as with limitations
of controlling their blood glucose level safely is critical set by the psychosocioeconomic context. Greater height of a triangle
indicates increased clinical concern about the considered variable. If a
(22–24). patient’s position on the various triangles is widely disparate, the treat-
ment target should be determined by the farthest-right position. As al-
Safety Concerns and Support Systems ways, sound clinical judgment should prevail in these circumstances. The
Safety is of paramount importance with the use of any location of the triangles in the figure is not meant to represent their
glycemic control strategy, particularly when drugs with a relative importance in setting glycemic targets. The depicted targets as-
sume stable outpatient treatment protocols. Depending on the set glyce-
higher risk for severe hypoglycemia are being used. Safety mic target range for any given patient, the target range may have to be
is often related to living conditions and family support decreased (for example, for a patient in the intensive care unit with an
systems (25); for example, a highly intensive target would acute infection) or increased (for example, for a patient admitted for
acute renal injury) for various periods. Note that although hemoglobin
be inappropriate for an insulin-treated patient who lives A1c and mean blood glucose levels have a strong positive correlation in
alone and has no routine daily check made by family, populations, this relationship varies substantially at an individual level
friends, or neighbors. Patient education and health coach- and across certain populations (for various medical, nonmedical, and
unknown reasons) among both glucose levels at a given hemoglobin A1c
ing may also have positive effects on patient empower- value and hemoglobin A1c values at a given average blood glucose level
ment, self-care, and outcomes (23, 24). (30). A hemoglobin A1c value represents the mean effect of glycation
reaction on hemoglobin over 2 to 3 months, whereas blood glucose levels
Adverse Effects of Medications obtained by fingersticks give a more accurate picture of glycemic control
Adverse effects can include weight gain and hypogly- on a day-to-day basis.
cemia associated with the use of insulin or sulfonylureas;
weight gain, edema, heart failure, and fractures associated
with thiazolidinediones; or gastrointestinal side effects of heimer disease. A Mini-Mental Status Examination to as-
metformin and certain incretin-based drugs. Drug reac- sess cognitive function may be an important component of
tions increase in frequency with the use of multiple medi- the clinical evaluation of patients with type 2 diabetes
cations. Because intensive glycemic targets usually require mellitus (27).
polypharmacy, the risk– benefit ratio of adding another Economic Considerations
medication to reduce blood glucose level requires careful The cost of certain treatment methods, especially
consideration. newly marketed medications and glucose test strips, may be
Psychological and Cognitive Status prohibitive for many patients. Glycemic control can often
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that requires life- be achieved with older, commonly available, and less ex-
long lifestyle modification and ongoing medical manage- pensive medications, but patients may feel that they are
ment. Depression, which is often present in patients with receiving inferior treatment. In addition, all-cause mortal-
type 2 diabetes mellitus, limits the successful attainment of ity rates for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are
goals (26). Loss of cognitive function is amplified in pa- higher among lower socioeconomic groups (28). A careful
tients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who have mild clinical discussion of this psychologically and socially sensitive is-
or subclinical cerebrovascular disease or concomitant Alz- sue is important before finalizing goals. 19 April 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 154 • Number 8 557
Ideas and Opinions Setting Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Table 2. Proposed Approximate HbA1c Targets Determined by Clinical Characteristics (in the Absence of Severe Hypoglycemia)*

Age Duration of Diabetes Complications Treatment Intensity

Mellitus (HbA1c Target)†
Macrovascular Microvascular
⬍45 y Any None and None or early Most intensive (ⱕ6.5%)
Any Established and/or Advanced Less intensive (⬃7.0%)
45–65 y Short‡ None and None or early Intensive (6.5%–7.0%)
Long§ None and None or early Less intensive (⬃7.0%)
Any Established and/or Advanced Not intensive (7.0%–8.0%)
⬎65 y Short‡ None and None or early Less intensive (⬃7.0%)
Long§ None and None or early Not intensive (7.0%–8.0%)
Any Established and/or Advanced Moderated (⬃8.0%)㛳
⬎75 y or infirm at any age Any Any and/or Any Moderated (⬃8.0%)㛳

HbA1c ⫽ hemoglobin A1c.

* This is a summarized and highly simplified version of the text, with each of the depicted categories encompassing large segments of the population with type 2 diabetes
mellitus. Patient characteristics should be considered sequentially from left to right. For example, for a person aged 43 years who has had diabetes for 6 years and had a
myocardial infarction 3 years ago, we recommend a less intensive target of approximately 7%, regardless of microvascular complications. Alternatively, the same patient with
no history of cardiovascular disease and few or no microvascular complications could be treated most intensively, if it was otherwise safe. Some of the proposed glycemic
targets, especially the HbA1c target ⱕ6.5%, should be viewed as suggestions and are not based on direct evidence from randomized, controlled trials. “Treatment intensity”
should be applied after consideration of all clinical characteristics and the psychosocioeconomic context, as discussed. Not all patients fit precisely in these categories, and
clinical judgment must be exercised in setting an appropriate glycemic target range for each patient.
† Target blood glucose level should be increased immediately after a severe hypoglycemic episode. In the absence of evidence from controlled trials, we recommend relaxation
of targets by an average of 2.5–3.3 mmol/L (45– 60 mg/dL), or approximately 1.5% to 2.0% of HbA1c, for at least several weeks. A more prolonged relaxation of goals is
indicated after 2 or more episodes, especially if the episodes occur within weeks of each other. The presence of hypoglycemia unawareness necessitates further relaxation of
targets for more prolonged periods, and perhaps permanently. Other serious diseases also necessitate reassessment of the optimal glucose levels. Note that the relationship
between average blood glucose level and HbA1c varies (30).
‡ Approximately 5 to 10 years or less. Numbers are inexact because of the uncertainty of onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Our choice of a 5-year threshold is somewhat
arbitrary and is meant to express disease of relatively short duration.
§ Approximately 10 to 20 years or more. Numbers are inexact because of uncertainty of onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus. We chose the 10-year threshold because the average
known duration of type 2 diabetes mellitus among participants in the 3 large, recent trials was approximately 10 years.
㛳 The goal is to lessen the risk for hypoglycemia while reducing the possibility of large glycosuria, water and electrolyte loss, infections, and nonketotic hyperosmolar coma.
We suggest this target because it represents a mean blood glucose level of approximately 10.0 mmol/L (180 mg/dL), at which point, most patients will not be consistently
or significantly glycosuric (30).

Quality of Life CONCLUSION

The ultimate goal of treatment is to enhance both the On the basis of our interpretation of these landmark tri-
short- and long-term quality of life. The variables that play als, we advance the following general recommendations for
into this imprecise phrase include those previously dis- setting glycemic target ranges. First, in younger persons with
cussed and many others, which vary from patient to pa- relatively recent onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus, strict glyce-
tient and reflect the patient’s needs, desires, and beliefs. Of mic control aimed at a near-normal (or normal) glycemic tar-
note, type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a 2- to 3- get range should be implemented whenever safe and possible,
times higher prevalence of functional disabilities and co- with the goal of preventing microvascular and macrovascular
morbid conditions, mostly related to CVD and obesity complications over the life span (1– 4, 6, 16). Second, in older
(29). Sensitivity to these concerns is essential to setting a persons with established type 2 diabetes mellitus of long du-
target range that is safe, acceptable, and attainable and ration and evidence of or risk factors for CVD, a more relaxed
ensures patient satisfaction. target range can be considered (1–3). Finally, the proposed
glycemic target range should then be adjusted on the basis of
SETTING THE GLYCEMIC TARGET RANGE the patient’s psychosocioeconomic context.
Setting the target range is a 2-step process, in which In summary, the glycemic target range for patients
the clinical characteristics are considered and the range is with type 2 diabetes mellitus should be individualized ac-
then amended or modified on the basis of psychosocioeco- cording to age; stage of disease, both in terms of duration
nomic factors. The Figure and Table 2 suggest glycemic and presence of macro- and microvascular complications;
target ranges based on patient clinical characteristics. These and propensity for hypoglycemia. In addition, careful con-
represent oversimplifications of complex medical decision- sideration must be given to each patient’s capacities, de-
making processes. Although most patients fit into the de- sires, and values, as well as their living situation, support
scribed categories, not all are satisfactory matches. Some of the systems, cognitive status, overall prognosis, and life expec-
proposed glycemic goals, especially the target HbA1c range of tancy. In nearly all circumstances, the patient should be an
6.5% or less, are not supported by evidence from randomized, active participant in setting goals. Finally, glycemic targets
controlled trials. As detailed in Table 2, suggested targets should not be viewed as fixed goals; they should be flexible
should be relaxed for the short or longer term if severe hypo- and be adapted to changes in the patient’s health and living
glycemia or serious comorbid conditions are present. conditions.
558 19 April 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 154 • Number 8
Setting Glycemic Targets in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Ideas and Opinions
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Annals of Internal Medicine
Current Author Addresses: Drs. Ismail-Beigi and Genuth and Ms. Tik- Author Contributions: Conception and design: F. Ismail-Beigi,
tin: Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 E. Moghissi, M. Tiktin, S.E. Inzucchi.
Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44122-4951. Analysis and interpretation of the data: F. Ismail-Beigi, E. Moghissi, I.B.
Dr. Moghissi: 4644 Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 409, Marina Del Rey, CA Hirsch, S.E. Inzucchi, S. Genuth.
90292. Drafting of the article: F. Ismail-Beigi, E. Moghissi, M. Tiktin, I.B.
Dr. Hirsch: University of Washington Medical Center, 1959 Northeast Hirsch, S. Genuth.
Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98915-6176. Critical revision of the article for important intellectual content:
Dr. Inzucchi: Yale University School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, F. Ismail-Beigi, E. Moghissi, M. Tiktin, I.B. Hirsch, S.E. Inzucchi,
New Haven, CT 06520. S. Genuth.
Final approval of the article: F. Ismail-Beigi, E. Moghissi, M. Tiktin, I.B.
Hirsch, S.E. Inzucchi, S. Genuth.
Collection and assembly of data: F. Ismail-Beigi, E. Moghissi.

W-196 19 April 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 154 • Number 8

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