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aM EM SECULAR ALA BRISE (Whisper of me), Sop. Eb. 50 L'ANGE GARDIEN (The guardian Angel). Sop. Ep. M.-Sop. C. ‘AU PRINTEMPS (To Spring). Sop. Dp. AltoC. 50 AU ROSSIGNOL (To the Nightingale). Sop.G. M-Sop.F. Alto Es. 50 BIONDINA (Ob, Face the fairest). Sop. C. 75 BOLERO. Sop. Gm. M.-Sop. Fam, Alto Fm. 5 LE CIEL A VISITE LA TERRE (Adore and be still, Sop. F. Altos. 50 ENVOI DE FLEURS (The Message of Flowers). Sop.G. M.-Sop. F. Alto E>. 50 HO MESSO NUOVO CORDE (Again, my geatle Lute, M.Sop. E. 35 HYMNE A LA NUIT (Hymato the Night). Sop.C. Alto By, 50 IT IS NOT ALWAYS MAY, Ih-Sop. Ap. 0 MAID OF ATHENS, Sop. Fh. AltoC. 60 MEDSt. Sop. Fm. M.-Sop. Em. AltoDm. 50 MESSAGE D'AMOUR (Message of Love). Valse-Ariette, Sop. F. AltoD. 75 MIGNON. Sop. F. M.-Sop.E. AltoD. 50 MY BELOVED SPAKE, With Violin or ‘Cello. Sop. A. M.-Sop.F. 75 OH! THAT WE TWO WERE MAYING. Sop.E>, 40 A VOULEZ-VOUS ALLER? (1 " s,beautifal Maiden, Barcarolle. Sop.G. AltoE, 50 ‘The same. Wiiu\ 7 Flute or ‘Cello, Sop. . Alto, PERCHE PIA. wi dost thouweep?. Sop. Ay. AltoF. 50 PRIEBRE (ifyou wut ene’), Sop, Dm. AltoCm 35 RING ON, SWEET ANGELUS! So».F, M.-Sop. Ep, AltoD. 50 SENZA TE! (Without thee! Sop.E. AltoD, .50 LA SERA (Evening). Sor Sp. M-Sop.D, 50 “SERENADE (Sing, amile, somber). .9.G. M-Sop.F. Alto E>. 50 The same, With Violin or Flute or’Celln “Sop. € M.-Sop. Fr Alto Ep.” .60 SONG OF THE HEART. So zm. 50 TEMPLE, OUVRE-TOI! (Open thy Gates). 3. Am. AltoGm. 50 TU M'AIMESI (You love mel. Sop.C. 1 2p By, AltoAy. 50 LE VALLON (The Valley). Sop. E. M-S¢ Bass (or Alto) Bp WHEN IN THE EARLY MO! Dy. 50 THE WORKER, Sop.Dm . m, .60 RING OUT, WILD BELLS. Sop.( ». Alto Am. 50 SING, SMILE, SLUMBER! 4 SERENADE, Poesie de Musique de VICTOR HUGO. Rentered into English. by MR. CHARLES GOUNOD, 1. Quand tu chan ~~ 2 Quand te hen thou sing -— - At thy smile pS - tes ber-cé -e Le soir en-tre mes bri sur ta bou-che La- mour s'é- pa-non - i Besa Sa + eS 1 = est while nest-ling at eve-——cllose by my on thy lips bud-ding love breaks in- to blo: ———- let ¥ = + : > 08 Reytoved according to Actof Ongress A.D. 192, 19 Wer S Sebiomen, kate Chern ee atthe District Court or Fe Southern Distrtet of Ne Yore

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