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Many members inside the church want to be use by God through soul winning but the
problem is they didn’t know what are the strategies in handling a Bible Study/ Cell group/

“God will not use dead tools for working living miracles;”-Charles Haddon

As being changed by the Lord we are now “ THE PATTERN TO LIGHT” it means that even we
don’t talk to unbelievers, even we don’t share the Word of God to them they will feel that we are
in Christ through our action and behavior that we show to them.

Jesus told His disciples, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). The
implication is that if we are really following, we'll be fishing -soul-winning. Jesus' last words
were, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19). The Christians in
the New Testament went everywhere, preaching the Word (Acts 8:4).

How, then, can you and I be effective witnesses for Him?

1. Ask God to give you an evangelistic burden for others.

Ask Him to help you see the world as He sees it, and to lay upon your heart a handful of
people for whom you can earnestly pray. Then pray over those names every day. Keep a
little prayer list, and pray for an opportunity of reaching these souls for Christ. An old
song says, "Lord, lay some soul upon my heart and love that soul through me; / And may
I humbly do my part to win that soul to Thee."

2. Live a consistent Christian life before these people.

Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. . . . Let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16). We
must live obedient lives of integrity and authentic faith. We must love when others hate,
and forgive when others harbor grudges. We must remain trusting when others panic,
and be honest when all around us are cooking the books. Not that we're going to be
perfect-only Christ was sinless. But we must have a growing, maturing Christian life that
others recognize and respect

3. Build bridges to others.

When the Lord shows you those needing Christ, seek to build a relationship with them.
Remember how Jesus went to the home of Zacchaeus where many sinners had
gathered? While we must be careful not to place ourselves in an environment where
we'll be pulled down, we must be equally careful to cultivate friendships with those
needing Christ. Perhaps Christ has placed you in your particular school or workplace just
to reach those whom no one else can reach.

4. Learn the Gospel

Memorize basic verses about : Love, Miracles, Healing, Comfort and Salvation and
practice the verses in the mirror or to another Christian until you’re comfortable sharing
them when someone needing Christ.
5. Watch for openings to share a word for Christ.
Peter said: "Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense
to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15).

6. If the right opportunity doesn't come naturally, create one.

Sometimes we wait too long, looking for just the right time to invite someone to church or
to share with them the message of the Gospel. There often comes a point when we must
prayerfully introduce the subject and do our best to impress someone with their need for

7. Leave the results with God.

We're responsible for sharing the Gospel, but only God can convert the soul. Having
done your best, let Him do the rest. And if you ever feel you've botched the job, think of
Edward Kimball. He was determined to win his Sunday school class to Christ, including
a teenager named Dwight Moody who tended to fall asleep on Sundays. His heart
pounding, Kimball entered the store where the young man worked. "I put my hand on his
shoulder, and as I leaned over I placed my foot upon a shoebox. I asked him to come to
Christ." It didn't seem to go well, and Kimball left thinking he had botched the job. Moody,
however, left the store that day a new person and eventually became the most
prominent evangelist in America during his generation.

The stated message above are the steps in soul winning, and to know more deeply the reasons
on how to do it, and now let us now talk about the strategies;


MATT. 28 VS 18-20; MARK 16:15-18

 Evangelism is the heart beat of God.
 Jesus did the two but more on PERSONAL EVANGELISM. John 4;
 HE SENT HIS DISCIPLES TO DO SO:- Matt. 10 :1; Luke 10:1,17-19;Mark 3:14; Mark
6:7;Mark 9:1


1. Never aim at just one sin, preach Christ forgiveness and New life.

2. Don’t be involved in an argument II Tm. 2:16 Titus. 3:9-11

3. Don’t give a tract you haven’t read

4. Don’t neglect follow-up, conversion of a soul does not end in a day.

5. Strive lawfully 2 Tm. 2:5. Don’t color the facts or express half-truths in order to make an
impression. Give true testimonies.
6. Refuse to be provoked or embarrassed. Maintain your cool.

7. Don’t make yourself a nuisance by frequent visits, insisting on decision. We are to inform and
not to enforce. Rather persuade and encourage.

8. As you close the discussion remember to take their prayer points and with politeness ask if
you can pray. Don’t appear super-spiritual.

9. Use few scriptures and work on the curiosity of the unbeliever.

10. Remember to first bring the people to Christ on your knees before you take the message of
the Gospel to them.

11. Dress well, maintain a good personal hygiene, and reflect the glory and beauty of the Lord

12. Be bold and confident, make your boast in the Lord expressing unshaken faith in the power
of Christ. PS.44:4&8, Pro. 3:26.
13. Ask them if they have any prayer request for their family or love ones.
14. Share first your testimony to encouraged them what was the LORD done to you.
15. Don’t condemn people when you are sharing the Gospel of Jesus.
1. Share first that Jesus loves them, and Jesus is waiting for them.
2. Tell them what Jesus has done.
3. Tell them that Jesus Christ die for our sins.
16. Don’t choose a place in evangelism, always look on the willingness of the heart of the


- List names of handle Bible Study and pray for them
- Join hands with another believer to pray for their conversion.
- Look for an opportunity and do good to them
- Tell them about Jesus and Salvation
- Invite them to the church and church programmes.

1. Do your homework. Anticipate the different types of questions your family, friends, co-
workers and neighbors will have when witnessing opportunities arise. Not everyone's
questions will be the same.
Try to think about every person in your sphere of influence and what sorts of issues they
are struggling with. What life experiences have shaped their view of life? What kinds of
struggles do they experience in their jobs?
Truth expressed in a relevant manner is the key to meeting an individual's needs.

1. Learn to listen. We must genuinely attempt to understand what the person is saying
and what his perspective is. As you listen, ask yourself, "Is this the real issue, or is this
merely a symptom of something deeper?" Remember to keep an open ear to the Lord.
Let Him speak to you about the person you are talking to.

2. Use questions wisely. Ask questions of the person in an attempt to answer his
questions. Just make sure you ask the right questions in the right way. This will often
allow an individual to see the answers to his own questions.
Jesus used this form of evangelism when the Pharisees questioned Him about the origin
of His authority (see Matt. 21:23-27). He responded by asking them where John the
Baptist's authority came from--heaven or Earth? When the Pharisees saw their
predicament, they answered that they did not know.
The point of using questions in evangelism is for the other party to see the inadequacy of
their worldview and a need for change, not just in their philosophy but also in their

3. Embrace humility. Don't come across as a know-it-all. Humbly admit that there are
some questions you just don't know the answers to. But always offer to try to find the

4. Don't pressure people. Jesus called us to make disciples, not decisions. Don't
pressure a person who has not fully considered the cost of discipleship. This results in a
premature step.

5. Trust God at all times. Many disastrous results could be avoided by simply following
this rule of thumb. Remember that Jesus did not pressure the rich young ruler to follow
Him (see Luke 18:18-23). Jesus presented the truth, which included what I call "the
sacrificial demands" of the gospel in a conviction-filled yet pressure-free environment.

Trust in God's power, not yours. We often forget that rational discussion alone will never
convert a human heart or mind.Remember, there are spiritual barriers as well that
attempt to inhibit the gospel's work, resulting in spiritual, not intellectual, blindness (see 2
Cor. 4:4).

Logic and rationale can lead a person to the cross but never through the cross. Only
God can do that.

But He does it graciously, and He chooses human vessels to use in this awesome
process called evangelism. That's why prayer and evangelism must go hand in hand.

1. Search Your Heart for any Indifference and then BE CLEAN

2. Ask God to Open the Door with Someone who is lost and then BE READY

3. Look for those openings that God may send your way and then BE SENSITIVE

4. Understand that God has equipped you with the Holy Spirit and then BE RELIANT

5. As you speak to the individual, simply tell him what God has done for you and then BE

Visitation, campaigns, tracts, door-knocking, and crusades are only effective when authentic,
genuine, radically-transformed grace is exposed through those who labor. Remember, if God
has saved you, He has given you the power, the witness, and the ability to lead others to
Himself. This is grace at work. This is our greatest strategy.

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