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ISSN: 2347-3215 Volume 2 Number 3 (March-2014) pp.


Characteristics of Board of directors and creating Economic Value Added:

Evidence from Iran
Hediye Sadat Mirsharafoddini1, Maryam Ghasempoor Farhani2*, Zohreh Hajiha3, Emad
Yahaghi4, Mahnaz Samadi Honarvar5, Ebrahim Khodaverdi6, Vahid Behnood6 and
Elham Fakhar Tousi1
Department of Economic, Firoozkooh Branch ,Islamic Azad University , Firoozkooh, Iran
Master of accounting of Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, East Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Management, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

*Corresponding author


The purpose of this study is investigation of the Correlation between characteristics

Characteristics of board of board of directors and Economic Value Added (EVA) in companies listed in
of directors; Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). Therefore 80 manufacturing companies were chosen
Size of Board of for applying statistical analysis within five years (2005-2009).pooled regression
directors; analysis was used to test hypotheses with panel data. The basic hypothesis is on the
Proportion of outside basis of the relation between characteristics of board of directors as a corporate
directors; governance mechanism and EVA. The dependent variable is EVA and independent
CEO-chairman Duality; variables are size of Board of directors, Proportion of outside directors, and CEO-
Economic Value Added Chairman Duality (CEO: Chief Executive Officer) and control variable is the
(EVA). existence of internal audit. The results show a direct and significant relation between
CEO-Chairman Duality with EVA. But there is no significant relation between size
of Board of directors, Proportion of outside directors and EVA. The results comply
with the previous researches about characteristics of board of directors as a corporate
governance mechanism.


Beginning of corporate governance via the managers (Hasas Yeganeh, 2005).

share ownership has a substantial effect on There are various methods to define
the firm control method and according the corporate governance which are in the
owners assigned the firm management to spectrum of limited and centralized

definitions to corporate governance and Therefore, results of this research can
their shareholders trough comprehensive contribute to expand the literature in this
definitions and including responsiveness of area. Thus it is important to consider
corporate against all stockholders and relation between board characteristics and
society in total. However, based on a creation of economic added value. In the
general definition it can be dubbed research, board characteristics are
corporate governance as a system by which considered size of Board of directors,
a company is governed (Hasas Yeganeh, proportion of outside directors to all board
2005). Thus in view of shareholders, it is members, CEO-chairman Duality.
important to valuate manager's
performance. A number of papers link
corporate governance practices to value of Theoretical Framework
firm (Durnev and Kim, 2005). Most of
these researches endorse the significance of In corporations shareholders has no direct
level of corporate governance of firm, role on the controlling corporate but a
particularly in countries with feeble board of directors whom are selected by
legitimate safety for shareholders (Klapper stockholders will run the company.
and Love, 2004). Therefore, In fact, managers are agents that
the Boards select them. This linkage
Nowadays economic EVA is known as a between owners and, agents, is called
prominent mean for assessment of agency relationship (Resain and Asghari,
management performance in the world, 2007). Separation between ownership and
especially in advance economies by management (control) caused in an
accepting EVA as corporate approach institutional problem so called agency
(Sharma and Kumar, 2010). If the market is problem. One of the basic assumptions of
perfect-efficient and firms could finance in agency theory is that agents and ownership
this market, efforts that aim to improve are in interest conflict problem. One of the
corporate governance are meaningless basic hypotheses of agency theory is that
actions. But it is evidenced that most of agents and ownership are in interest
capital markets are not perfect-efficient conflict (Hasas Yeganeh, 2005).
then to promote corporate governance and
to augment manager's responsiveness to In the agency theory, managers are owner's
shareholders, the intervention in the agent but more often they are attempted
structure of board of directors is necessary. and prefer their personal interest (Van-
Therefore, we expect a significant relation Ness, 2010). In agency hypothesis
between characteristics of board and EVA managers may not always act on interest of
in the firms as a comprehensive measure of shareholders, when ownership is apart from
management performance since both management. In other words, they prefer
corporate governance and economic value- their interest over owners (Bonazzi and
added emphasize on the advocating Islam, 2007). Therefore, evaluation of
shareholders and value creation. In Iran so management performance is important for
far a few of researches have given to shareholders. They need to ensure that
consider linkage between board of director managers or agents follow their benefits
features as one of significant mechanisms and maximize their wealth in the company
of corporate governance and EVA as a tool (Hajiha and Ghasempoor Farhani, 2012).
to evaluate the performance. There are rare Distinction to chief executive officer and
studies on this relationship on emerging chairman (CEO-chairman Duality), using
markets. Better governance probebly powerful and influential (members in board
distinguishes between developed and and proportion of non-responsible members
developing markets (Bebchuk and of the board (outside directors) are arguable
Hamdani, 2009), and possibly also between in the agency theory (Van-Ness, 2010).
various developing markets (Durnev and Thus evaluation of manager's performance
Fauver, 2007). is important in view of shareholders.

Committee of board of directors specifies goal, they supervise the agent's
Reward managers. Board features is an performance and evaluate it (Namazi and
important mechanism of corporate Kermani, 2008). So the research analyzes
governance that can affect performance the effect of Characteristics of Board of
managers of the firm. Then a strong board Directors on the creating EVA in listed
can cause that managers improve firm company in TSE in respect of EVA.
performance. One of the best performance
measures is EVA. Then corporate
governance could be paid attention as Research Literature
problem-solving source of manager's
bonus. Fair policies and proper Research of Kumar Naveen and Singh J.P
remuneration has a substantial role in (2013) investigates the connection of board
financial performance growth (Mubbsher et size and predominant shareholders on firm
al., 2011). There are different methods for value of listed companies in the Bombay
performance evaluation, but financial stock exchange (BSE) in India, using linear
aspect is more important. Performance regression analysis. The sample contains
evaluation methods from financial aspect 176 companies between years 2008 and
have four categories: 1)Methods that use 2009. Tobin's Q was considered as a
accounting information, including Return performance variable. The study shows a
On Asset (ROA) and Return On Equity negative connection of board size and firm
(ROE), for evaluation; 2)Methods that used value. (kumar , 2013)
a combination of accounting and market
data to assess companies, like different
Tobin's Q ratios or P/E ratio; 3)Ratios that Research of Ujunwa Augustine (2012),
use financial management data, like return investigates the relation between board
per share or abnormal return of stock; characteristics and the financial
4)Ratios that use economic criteria rather performance of Nigerian companies. Board
than accounting information, such as size, skill, nationality, gender, ethnicity and
Market Value Added (MVA), Refined CEO-chairman separation are parameters of
Economic Value Added (REVA), and board characteristics. The study uses data
Economic Value Added(EVA) (Rasaeian from 122 companies in Nigeria from 1991
and Asghari, 2007). These groups are to 2008. This study shows that board size,
largely used by academic and professional CEO-chairman separation and gender have
community in recent years.EVA indicates negative relationship with performance,
flexibility, responsibility, and value while nationality, ethnicity and the number
creation of management and shows how the of board's with a PhD have affirmative
firm will be successful in future. EVA links relationship with performance. The result
interest, equity capital, net operating profit of the Intensity test using the similar board
etc (Girotra and Yadav, 2001) attribute for 160 not very large companies
One of the most profitable Efficiency revealed that the CEO-chairman separation
evaluation criterion and anticipation of firm was affirmatively associated with firm
values is EVA. EVA is influenced by all performance, Whereas PhD was not
decisions like investment, profit division, affirmatively associated with firm
capital return rate, financing, and capital performance. (Ujunwa, 2012).
cost rate. EVA shows that firm value
directly depends on management (Anvare Research of Hyun Kim et al. (2012)
Rostami et al, 2004).Meanwhile, corporate explores the ifluencess of size of the board
governance and EVA are basic criteria for of and board participation in strategy on
firm valuation and these indicators could financial performance. And the results
effect on the financial reports and shares revealed that board member's participation
market value ( ElMir and Seboui,2008). In in strategy and the numbers of the board's
agency relationships, the owners aim to members have an affirmative effect on a
maximize their wealth and to obtain this financial performance. (Hyun Kim, 2012)

Mentes (2011) has explored the linkage of effect of board combination on criteria of
board size and corporate performance in his financial function in 185 US firms were
research in 120 firms of Turkey Stock explored during 2006-2007. Dependent
Exchange during 6 years (2004 - 2009). He variables of this research include revenue,
explains that board of directors is the first return on asset (ROA), financial leverage,
protective bumper of shareholders right. market price to book value, free cash flows
Dependent variable in this research is board to Net income. Independent variables
size and independent variable, ROA (return include, CEO-COB separation (separation
on assets) and EVA. The results of research indicates to position in which one person
indicate a positive relationship between appointed both posts, chief executive
ROA and EVA with board size. In addition, officer(CEO) and Chief Officer of
the family relationship, social culture, legal boards(COB)), proportion of outside
structure and ownership focus have a major directors, average age of board members,
role in findings of this research. (Mentes, Gender-Diversity (firm with a larger
2011) . dimension of women to all members of
boards), Average board tenure, Board size,
Occupational Expertise . The results of
In research of Mubbsher et al. (2011), the paper indicate that there is no correlation
relation between corporate governance and between outside directors, Gender, Average
financial performance of corporation listed age of board members, and performance.
in Pakistan Stock Exchange was examined. Also, there is a correlation between
Corporate governance as an independent Duality, Occupational expertise, Board
variable includes seven factors: risk size, and, Board tenure with firm financial
management, internal audit, accountability, performance. (Van-ness, 2010).
shareholders structure, board's
compensation, dividend methods, and
activity sustainability. Financial The research of Alsinawi (2010) offers an
performance as a Affiliate variable includes empirical investigation of three variables
three elements: return on equity (ROE), that have an effect on financial
price/earning ratio (P/E), and earning per performance of 28 corporations listed in
share (EPS). The conclusion show that Palestine securities Exchange, during 4
shareholders structure, internal audit, years (2005-2008). One of these three
responsiveness, and sustainability have Variables is Board of directors themes
direct relation with performance, and (CEO-Chairman duality, and Board size).
reward of board of directors, risk The conclusions of the paper indicate that
management, and dividend policy have the CEO-Chairman separation has a
reverse relation with financial performance. fundamental effect on the financial
(Mubbsher, 2011). function. This paper finds out that the
Board size has a essential negative effect
on finance Performance (Alsinawi, 2010).
Van-ness et al (2010) have reviewed the
director combination and financial
performance in Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) El mir and Seboui (2008) also reviewed
environment. SOX Act of 2002 possibly is corporate governance and the linkage
one of most significant safety laws between EVA and created shareholder
influencing corporations since forming of value. In this research 4 cases have been
securities exchange commission in 1934. taken as general mechanism of corporate
This act was passed in July 2002 in USA to governance including: Board of directors
respond to corporate scandals. This law characteristics (number of meeting for the
was introduced to control managers board of directors, restitution committee,
behavior and corporate directors. This the number of meeting for the restitution
research examines how the board committee, Candidacy committee, the
combination may effects performance in number of meeting for the Candidacy
the current SOX space. In this regard, committee, board size, rate of board

included of outside director, and managers showed that there is an affirmative link
Entrenchment), Auditors quality, between institutional investor's proportion
Ownership structure, and Compensation and firm performance, but between large
mix. The research concludes that several stockholder, outside directors, and firm
corporate governance mechanisms like performance there is no effective
board independence, experience and coherence. In the research by Izadinia and
reputation of auditors, ownership structure Rasaeian (2010) the coherence between
and stock-option assignment are essential corporate governance mechanism tools and
and impressive to explaining in the economical and financial criteria of
relationship between created shareholder performance and governance was
value (CSV) and EVA. (El mir etal, 2008) investigated. Percentage of Outside
In the research of YammeeSri and Kanthi directors and institutional shareholders
(2008) the effect of board composition on percentage were considered as corporate
the EVA has been explored in 245 Thailand governance mechanisms, and ROA, Q
companies. The research concludes that Tobin ratio, ROE, and market value added
taking non-executive managers in the board as performance evaluation criterion. The
is not effective on the firm value increase. results showed that there was an affirmative
In another research the results showed the linkage between corporate governance and
education and board members expertise and ROA, Q Tobin, ROE, and market value
differentiation of board chairmanship added. Heydarian Chali (2009) studied the
position and managing director has not linkage between several corporate
effect on the increase of firm value. governance mechanisms and profit quality
(Yammeessri, 2008). of corporations in TSE. The conclusion
showed that there was a relationship
between ratio of outside directors, CEO-
Ho and Williams (2003) reviewsed the chairman separation and profit quality.
relationship between board attributes and
firm effectiveness for a specimen of 286
South Africa (84 firms), Sweden (94 firms), Method
and the UK (108 firms). Board attributes Hypotheses
are board configuration, managerial
shareholder, separation of CEO and
Chairman posts and the number of board The initial question of this research is that
members and performance is determined as is there a significant connection between
the effectiveness of value added. Findings Board of Directors Characteristics and
show linkage between board features and EVA in Iranian context?" according to
effectiveness of value added. Eventually, respond to this question, the hypotheses are
the research analyzed the linkage between provided below:
board features and corporate performance.
While general findings from studies using 1) There is a significant relationship
U.S. data, the empirical analysis as a whole between size of board of directors (SBD)
did not identify persistent meaningful and EVA;
connection between the four board features
and corporate performance among the three 2) There is a significant relationship
nations . However, each of board attributes between Proportion of outside directors
was found to effect corporate performance (OBD) and EVA;
in detached items. (Ho, 2003) . 3) There is a significant relationship
between CEO-chairman duality (DBD) and
EVA. (CEO: Chief Executive Officer)
In Iranian context there are also some
related researches. For instance, 2.2 Research variables and model
Bavandpoor's research (2010) investigated In the research like previous researches
corporate governance effect on the listed (Emir and Sebui, 2008; Van-Ness, 2010;
firm's performance in TSE. His results Mubbsher et al., 2011; Kumar and Singh

J.P, 2013), size of board of directors EVA = NOPAT (Cost of Capital Capital employed)
(SBD), Proportion of outside directors [1]
(OBD), and CEO-chairman Duality (DBD)
have been taken as independent variables, EVA = Net operating profit tax (Capital Cost of
we also used EVA measure as a dependent Capital)
variable and the internal audit entity (IA) as [2]
control variable. Internal auditor is one of If we consider return rate as ratio of NOPAT to capital,
the internal governance mechanisms and we have:
one of the tools of board of directors to
access goals of shareholders (Fakharian, EVA = (r c) Capital
2010). Value added role of internal audit [3]
and its effect on manager's performance EVA = (Capital return rate cost of Capital rate)
were tested in previous researches. Their Capital
results show that internal auditor creates
value added and improves performance of [4]
managers. Furthermore, a recent research in Only those companies with return more
Iranian context indicates that quality of IA than capital cost rate average, have a
can affect the timeliness of independent positive EVA. In other words, if net profit
audit; it implies that IA is a critical factor
of performance of a firm in a modern of a company is more than capital
approach (Hajiha and Rafiee, 2011). opportunity cost, company value and
Therefore, we controlled the effect of this wealth of shareholders will increase. EVA
variable on EVA.. shows that company value directly depends
on management performance, while other
Size of board of directors (SBD): In the measurement criteria of performance
research number of board members has cannot do this action (Rahnamye Rudposhti
been taken as a criticism to measure SBD. and Jalili, 2008). According to relation (4)
Proportion of outside directors (OBD): we have:
Under definition of regulation draft of
corporate governance rules issued by
Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), outside NOPAT
director is a part-time member of board r
who has no executive responsibility in the [5]
firm. In this research, proportion of outside c = wdkd + weke
directors has been obtained by dividing
number of outside director's members to all [6]
number of board members.
in which:
Duality of board of directors (DBD):
According to definition of regulation draft wd: debit weight
of TSE corporate governance rules, one kd: cost of debit
member of board should not be chairman we: common stock weight
and Chief Executive Officer
simultaneously. ke: common stock cost

Economic Value Added (EVA): In this D E D

c ( )Y(1 T) ( )( 0 100)
research, EVA is dependent variable. EVA D E D E P0
indicates whether operational profit is [7]
enough for cost of capital, or not. EVA is in which:
net operating profit minus the cost of D: total of interest-bearing dept
capital and tax (NOPAT):
E: market value of shares
Y: bank interest rate = 18%
T: tax rate = 22.5%

P0: market stock price skewness and positive kurtosis with mean
D0: divided of 15775.10, median of 6903.8, standard
deviation of 97265.792, and variance of
Regarding to hypotheses and variables of this research, 9460634352.862 Deviation of skewness
the research model is: and kurtosis factors are greater than
absolute of 1.96, therefore, the distribution
EVA = 0 + 1(SBD) + 2(OBD) + 3(DBD) + 4(IA) + [8] is not symmetric. Negative skewness
reveals that the farthest observation from
central indices is located in the left domain
In model (8), EVA is the dependent of scale. Positive kurtosis indicated that
variable. Independent variables are SBD, compression around central indices is more
than that of a normal distribution.
OBD, and DBD. Internal auditor (IA) is
control variable, which is 0 or 1 as a
dummy variable. is a constant factor and SBD has a positive skewness and a positive
is error factor. kurtosis with mean of 6.105, median of 6,
standard deviation of 0.721, and variance
Required information about EVA, of0.520. Deviation of skewness and
characteristics of board of directors, and kurtosis factors are greater than absolute of
internal auditor were provided from 1.96, and then the distribution is not
software extracted from the formal website symmetric. Namely, the distribution
of TSE. deviates from normal distribution.

Population and Sample OBD has a negative skewness and a

positive kurtosis with mean of 0.544,
median of 0.600, standard deviation of
Statistical population includes 0.190, and variance of 0.036. Deviation of
manufacturing companies listed in TSE skewness and kurtosis factors are greater
with the following constraints: than absolute of 1.96, and then the
distribution is not symmetric. Namely, the
distribution deviates from normal
Corporation was a member of TSE during distribution.
In terms of increase comparability, their
fiscal year ends in March. Required data for Table 2 indicates that in 96% percentage of
research variable can be available. Finally, companies, CEO and Chairman are
seperated .
80 companies with the above conditions
were selected as a research sample.
The table 3 shows descriptive statistics of
Results dependent variables. There are 75 firm-year
observations with internal auditor and 325
without it. Data are demonstrated in table 3.
Theoretical model and hypotheses were
examined by multi-variable regression. The Hypotheses Testing
results of descriptive statistics of
independent and explanatory variables are
as follows. Table 1 and 2 provides detailed Given that in the present research, the
statistics for our variables applied in the information has been gathered from a
tests. To test the hypotheses we used cross specimen of accepted corporations in TSE
sectional and panel data techniques. To for a few years. And research aims to test
achieve the research goals, EVAs for hypothesis and evaluate EVA model based
sample companies were calculated. The on board of director's characteristics in:
result indicates that EVA has a negative

reject absence of direct effect. But t statistic
Independent variables(SBD, OBD, DBD) and calculated significance level for
and Internal Audit (IA) as a control variables such as SBD, OBD has no enough
variable effect over dependent variable intensity to disclaim absence of direct
EVA. Thus required test is appropriate with effect. Hence in a multiple regression
regression analysis problem. Regarding to model the following variables have been
being temporal and fragmental, regression accepted:
analysis has been used in this research. In
the analysis with compositional data, this R2 is 217% which shows more than 22%
model has been evaluated based on the EVA changes is stated by 4 model
temporal a fragmental data. Statistical tests descriptive variables which is low ratio.
show that the studied variables distribution Thus it could be accepted that in general
is not normal. As variables of research only there is a direct and meaningful
distribution are not normal, but because of linkage between CEO-Chairman Duality
big sample volume and central limit and internal audit entity with EVA. The
theorem in statistics, we could take the results of this model are depicted in Table
variables normal. 4.

Theoretical model and research hypotheses, Test of Hypothesis 1:

recording to general variable of corporate
governance managerial mechanism were
explored at first during a multivariate There is a meaningful linkage between
model and then in the sub main models SBD and EVA.
with compositional regression analysis and
regarding to general mechanism, Internal First Hypothesis model: in this model, SBD
audit entity. index has independent variable role.
Meanwhile the control variable (IA) has
One main model and 3 sub main models entered in to the model as a descriptive
have been explored to test research variable.
hypothesis. In the main model, 3 indicators
are independent variables: SBD, OBD and To reject incidental effect compositional
DBD, and control variable of internal audit regression, the fixed effect compositional
entity (IA) have been entered into the regression has been evaluated. Durbin-
descriptive variables. Watson statistics has protected
autocorrelation absence (Fotoohi and
Model consideration with chaw test shows Asghari, 2004). Statistic f and model
that width of origins equality has been calculated significance level indicate that at
rejected and fitted effects model is relevant least one of detailed variables has linear
(Aflatooni and Nikbakht, 2011). Model correlation with EVA. t statistic and
consideration with incidental and fixed calculated significance level for SBD and t
effects has protected the relevance of statistics have not enough power to reject
incidental effects model. Thus, final model direct effect absence. But t statistic and
has been evaluated with compositional calculated significance level for IA entity
recursion of incidental effect. Durbin- have enough power to reject direct effect
Watson statistic supported autocorrelation absence. Therefore in a multiple regression
(Fotoohi and Asghari, 2004). f statistic and model, the SBD direct effect is not
calculated significance level indicates that accepted but internal audit entity is
at least one of the detailed variables has a accepted. R2 is 57%. Which indicates that
linear correlation with the EVA. t Statistic more than 50% of EVA changes is stated
and calculated significance level for DBD by two model descriptive variables.
and (IA) entity has a enough power to

As a result it can be claimed that there is no control variable named IA has been entered
signification correlation between SBD and in to the model as a detailed variable.
EVA. The details of this model are
depicted in Table No5.
To reject the fixed effect compositional
regression, the incidental effect
Test of Hypothesis 2: compositional regression model has been
evaluated. Durbin-Watson statistics has
There is a meaningful linkage between protected autocorrelation non- existence
OBD and EVA. (Fotoohi and Asghari, 2004). f Statistic and
calculated significance level for DBD and
IA have enough power to reject non-
Second sub main model: In this model, existence of direct effect. That is their t
OBD index of has independent variable statistic is bigger than absolute value 1.96
role. Meanwhile the control variable (IA) and calculated significance level is smaller
has entered in to the model as a detailed than 0.05.Therefore the direct effect of
variable. DBD and IA on the EVA is accepted. R2 is
0.211200 which shows that almost 21%
EVA is stated by two descriptive variables:
To reject the fixed effect compositional DBD and IA.
regression, model of incidental effect
compositional regression has been
evaluated. Durbin-Watson statistic has As a result it can be claimed that there is
protected autocorrelation non-existence meaningful and direct correlation between
(Fotoohi and Asghari, 2004). f statistic and DBD and EVA. The details of this model
model calculated significance level indicate are depicted in the table 7.
that at least one of detailed variable has
linear correlation with EVA. t statistic and Research hypotheses were tested, using
calculated significance level for OBD has
not enough power to reject direct effect compositional regression analysis test.
absence. But t statistic and calculated Among 3 tested hypotheses, one hypothesis
significance level for IA variable have this was affirmed and two were rejected.
power. Therefore in a multiple regression
model the direct effect of OBD is not Discussion
accepted and internal audit entity is
accepted. R2 is 15.7% which shows that
more than %16 EVA is stated by two In the research, the relationship between
model descriptive variables. Characteristics of Board of Directors as a
corporate governance mechanism and EVA
as a new performance evolution criteria is
As a result it can be claimed that there is no explored.
signification correlation between OBD and
EVA. The details of this model are depicted
in Table No6. Either variables of the research were
considered in two models. In the first
model all main variables were considered
Test of Hypothesis3: by intervention of control variable IA and
there was a direct and significant
There is a meaningful linkage between relationship between DBD and EVA but
DBD and EVA. there was not any relationship between
SBD and OBD with EVA. In the second
Third sub main model: in the model, CEO- model, either variables: SBD, OBD and
Chairman Duality is an independent DBD were considered with intervention of
variable role. In the model, meanwhile, IA separately and the results of tests show a

Table.1 Deceptive statistics for interval scale variables

Std. Deviation coeffient

Variables Number Mean median Variance Skewness Kurtosis
deviation Skewness Kurtosis
EVA 400
SBD 400
OBD 400

Table.2 CEO-Chairman duality position in the sample

CEO-Chairman Duality position Frequency Frequency
CEO-Chairman Duality 14 3.5 3.5
Not CEO-Chairman Duality 386 96.5 96.5
Sum 400 100 100

Table.3 Internal audit position in the Sample based on IAs position

Internal audit Year and position Number
Not Existence of
Internal audit Internal audit
position Existence of Internal

Table.4 Result of multiple regression analysis for test of variables

Dependent variable: EVA , period:5 years , section:80 , number of observations:400

Variable value Standard error t statistics sig
0 C Constant

1 SBD Size of board of director

2 OBD Outside directors

3 DBD CEO-Chairman Duality

4 IA Internal audit existence


Table.5 Result of regression analysis for test of size of board of director effect

Dependent variable: EVA , period:5 years , section:80 , number of observations:400

Variable value Standard error T sig
0 C Constant
1 SBD Size of board of director

2 IA Internal audit existence


Table.6 Result of regression analysis for test of outside directors effect

Dependent variable: EVA , period:5 years , section:80 , number of observations:400

Variable value Standard T sig

0 C Constant

1 OBD outside directors

2 IA Internal audit existence



Table.7 Result of regression analysis for test of CEO-Chairman Duality effect

Dependent variable: EVA, period:5 years, section:80, number of observations:400

Variable value Standard T sig
0 C Constant
of CEO-Chairman
2 IA Internal audit existence



positive and significant correlation between performance. The reasons to reject this
DBD with EVA that indicates the hypothesis may be said as follows: non-
importance of CEO-chairman duality as a responsible managers have no enough
corporate governance mechanism in Iran strategic and financial knowledge to create
business environment, but size of board of value added for shareholders, because they
directors and outside directors has no have not sufficient financial resources from
significant effect on the value creation. corporate than have no necessary
Also IA in all models has the effect which motorization to supervise and create value
shows the importance of Internal Audit as a added, simultaneous membership in the
governance index. In view of independent board of some corporates or that outside
auditing, active internal audit circle will directors really are not independent and
promote independent auditing quality and somehow are dependent to the corporate.
decrease its time and expenditure. The Automation of this hypothesis, relation
present research results are compatible with between DBD with EVA indicates the
Elmir and sebui, (2008), Alsinawi's relationship of board independence and
research (2010), van-Ness (2010), Ujunwa reduction of agency problem with
Augustine (2012) and the research of performance in accepted corporates in
Heydarian chali (2009). These researches IRAN stock exchange. But non-affirmation
reveal that there is a positive correlation of relationship hypotheses between SBD
between CEO-Chairman Duality and and OBD with EVA shows non-
performance. relationship of board independence and
agency problem increase with performance
The present test results show that there is in accepted corporates in IRAN stock
no correlation between size of board of Exchanges.
directors and EVA which is not compatible
with Hyun Kim et al. (2012), and van-Ness Acknowledgements
(2010) and mantis's researchs results, in
which the positive relationship has been
seen between board size and performance Lastly, I thank almighty, my Professors and
and Alsinawi (2010), and Kumar Naveen all those who helped us in completing this
(2013) in which the negative correlation task through various stages with their
has been seen between board size and valuable information and guidance.
performance. The reason to reject this
hypothesis can be: non-efficiency, non-
professionality and dependence of board References
members. According to Iran trade law,
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