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Name: ____________________________ Review Questions

Directions: Search through the website and answer the following

Click on “How Big?”

1) Give the approximate magnification (not micrometers) needed for each of the
following to be seen clearly:
a. Dust Mite:
b. Ragweed Pollen:
c. Lymphocyte (white blood cell):
d. Red Blood Cell:
e. Baker’s Yeast:
f. E. coli:
g. Ebola Virus:
h. Rhinovirus:

Click on “Cell Models”

2) What types of organisms have a eukaryotic cell structure? What type(s) have a
prokaryotic cell structure? What is the basic difference between the two?

Click on “Cell Models Take Me to the Animation  Plant Cell”

3) What is the largest organelle inside a plant cell? What is the function of this

4) What organelles appear green inside a plant cell? What function do these serve
for the plant cell?

5) What is the outermost structure of a plant cell? What is its function?

6) What structures produce energy for both a plant and an animal cell?
Click on “Cell Models Take Me to the Animation  Animal Cell”
7) What is the largest, most visible structure in an animal cell? What two things are
found within this structure?

8) What is the outermost structure of an animal cell and what is its function?

Click on “Mitosis”
9) Play the interactive animation of mitosis. Answer the following questions:
a. At what stage can chromosomes (DNA) first be seen in the nucleus:

b. Describe the contents of the cell during Metaphase:

c. Describe what happens during Cytokinesis:

10) Click on Microbiology and then Dividing Bacteria. How quickly could two
bacteria cells divide if conditions are optimum? After increasing exponentially (J
curve) explain what happens during the death phase of bacteria growth.

11) Click on Microbiology and then Bacterial Motility. What types of movement can
bacteria perform (two ways)? What structures allow bacteria to move?
Directions: Go to
Between the words cell and bio there is a _ Browse through the tutorial
by clicking the NEXT button and answer the following questions.

1) How long ago is it believed prokaryotes appeared on Earth? How about


2) How many total cells and tissues are found in humans?

3) What are prokaryotes? What kingdom of life includes prokaryotes?

4) Match the following organelles/structures to their function. USE YOUR NOTES!

_____ Plasma Membrane a. store food and water

_____ Nucleus b. make proteins

_____ Mitochondria c. contains chromosomes and the nucleolus

_____ Chloroplasts d. regulates what enters and leaves cells

_____ Rough ER e. packages and processes proteins

_____ Ribosomes f. channels that create and metabolize lipids to

break down toxins

_____ Smooth ER g. digests cellular waste

_____ Golgi Body h. helps keep plant cells rigid and protects them

_____ Vacuole i. contains ribosomes; transports proteins

_____ Cell Wall j. functions in energy production

_____ Lysosome k. responsible for photosynthesis

5) Skip the virus section and Test Yourself by answering the 6 problems that follow
the section on viruses. Keep taking the test until you get all the problems correct!

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