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Sekolah : Smpn 3 batusangkar

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa inggris
Kelas/semester : VIII/dua
Alokasi waktu : 2x40 menit

1. STANDAR KOMPETENSI: 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional

dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan sekitar
2. KOMPETENSI DASAR: 10.2 Mengungkap kan makna dalam monolog pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan
berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount
dan narrative
- Melakukan monolog sederhana dalam bentuk teks narrative.
4. JENIS TEKS: Esei pendek
5. ASPEK/SKILL: Speaking
6. TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN: Pada akhirnya siswa dapat mengungkapkan makna
dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan
narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
- Dapat dipercaya.
- kreatif.
- Percaya diri.
8. MATERI PEMBELAJARAN: Mengungkapkan makna teks narrative.
- Three phases technique.
- Tanya jawab
- Diskusi
- Latihan
10. Langkah-langkah pengajaran:
A. Kegiatan pendahuluan
- Salam.
- Mencek kehadiran siswa.
- Memberikan apersepsi(tanya jawab mengenai materi pelajaran) dan
motivasi(menjelaskan pentingnya materi dan kompetensi yang harus
dikuasai siswa).
- Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.
B. Kegiatan inti.
- Mendiskusikan kosa kata yang akan muncul dalam teks.
- Menentukan makna dan fungsi kata/kalimat yang didengar.
- Menirukan kalimat yang diucapkan guru.
- Guru memperdengarkan sebuah teks narrative dan kemudian menyuruh
siswa melafalkan kosa kata dengan tepat secara bersamaan.


- Guru memberikan sebuah contoh teks narrative kepada siswa.

The Three Brothers

There once lived three brothers named Hassim, Khaleel,

and Ali. Hassim and Khaleel went off to travel around the world.
Ali stayed behind and began to do his business and soon
became rich and successful. He married Laila, a kind beautiful
woman, who was also a very clever witch.

One day, two men in rags came to his door. Ali did not
recognize them at first, but in a moment, Ali realized that the
poor men were actually his brothers. They said that they went
around the world and lost their money.

Ali took them home and give them food, clothes and
money. The brothers stayed with Ali, but they began envy and
want to take over his riches.

The two brothers went up to Ali and suggested, “Let us

all go on a trip to a faraway land. We want to start afresh, but
we want you and your lovely wife to come with us as well.” Ali
agreed and they all set off by ship.

One morning, on the deck of the ship, Hassim and khaleel

pushed poor Ali off the ship. Laila was angry and she cast spell
on them and so they turned into dogs. She then save her
husband. But Ali is a good man, he forgive his brothers and
asked Laila to remove the spell. Hassim and Khaleel were
returned to their original forms. They are feeling ashamed of
- Guru menyuruh siswa menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan teks.

Answer the questions based on the text

1. Who are the characters of that story?

2. Who were travel around the world?
3. With whom Ali got married?
4. What did Hashim and Khaleel do to Ali on the ship?
5. Did Ali forgive his brothers?
- Guru menyuruh siswa mengungkapkan makna teks tersebut didepan kelas.


Guru memberi siswa tugas mengenai teks narrative dibawah ini dan kemudian
dihafalkan didepan kelas dengan menggunakan intonasi dan pengucapan yang

Tell your friends the story below!

Hi, friends. I’m going to tell you a story. Once there was a little boy who was
going for a walk along a bush track near a creek.

He stopped by a rock to watch some tadpoles in the creek. As he leant over

he fell in with a splash. Luckily his older sister had followed him.

She heard the splash and ran to the edge and was able to rescue him.

C. Kegiatan Akhir.
1. Menanyakan kesulitan kepada siswa selama PBM
- Students, Do you understand about our lesson today?
- Could you tell me what the topic that we’ve learn just now!
- What is generic structure of narrative text?
2. Menyimpulkan materi bersama.
3. Guru bersama siswa melakukan refleksi mengenai PBM yang dilakukan.
- Are you happy studying english today class?
4. Guru meminta siswa untuk memahami dan menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan
yang telah dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
- Contoh teks narrative
- Buku pelajaran yang relevan
- Internet
- Buku teks
A. Teknik : Tes Lisan.
B. Bentuk : Mengungkapkan makna teks narrative.
C. Instrumen :
- Guru memberikan teks narrative dan kemudian siswa diminta membaca teks
tersebut didepan kelas.

Hi, friends. I’m going to tell you a story. Once there was a little boy who
was going for a walk along a bush track near a creek.

He stopped by a rock to watch some tadpoles in the creek. As he leant

over he fell in with a splash. Luckily his older sister had followed him.

She heard the splash and ran to the edge and was able to rescue him.

- Nilai maksimal 100 jika siswa mampu melafalkan teks secara benar dan akurat sesuai
language feature dan tata kebahasaan.

Batusangkar, April 2013 Guru Mata Pelajaran

Kepala Sekolah SMPN 3 BATUSANGKAR Bahasa Inggris


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