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Ali et al. (2016)The effect of inhalation aromatherapy with damask rose ( Rosa damascene )

essence on the pain intensity after dressing in patients with burns : A clinical randomized trial

(Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research , P 247 , 2016 )

Review of journal article

Alaa saad - 201727018

(Al-Zaytoonah University)

Faculty of nursing

Review of journal article

Brief Summary of the Article :

This is a study of the effect of aromatherapy on the pain intensity after dressing in patients with

burns. Researchers conducted the study at the Burn ward of Besal Therapeutic and Educational

Center of Hamden University of Medical Sciences , Hamadan , Iran . The sample participants

consisted of 50 patients in two groups of experimental and control with second and third degree

of burn wounds . The participants in experimental group inhaled five drops of damask Rosa ,

while in control group inhaled five drops of distilled water as placebo .the pain intensity was

assessed by using visual analogue scale at 15 to 30 min after the patient exited from the dressing

rom . The researchers then analyzed the data and presented the results of the study in the article.

They found that pain intensity state could be significantly affected by the aromatherapy , Pain

is a common feeling in human beings and anyway to lessen the experience I believe is worthy of

investigative research. Research Problem The problem statement is clear and persuasive

supported by findings on the subject stating that “patient with sever burn describe the pain as the

work kind and excruciating ” (carrougher GJ ,2006, p81). It was easy to locate—first sentence

of the research article—and suggests reasonable evidence to further research the effects of

aromatherapy with Damask Rose inhalation therapy in “decreasing patient pain with the post

dressing for patient with wound burns . A positivist paradigm is implied for use in this

quantitative article, further evidenced by the use of deductive reasoning to tests the hypothesis

and the researchers’ intent to seek generalizability in nursing practice. The purpose of the study

is to “determine the effect of aromatherapy with Damask rose therapy on the intensity of pain .

he purpose statement and research hypothesis clearly identified the variables and specified

population for the research study. Both purpose and hypothesis were properly stated suggesting

the nature of inquiry of the research. Several earlier studies were found to support.

The suggested research hypothesis.

This is not a null hypothesis, though the null hypothesis is implied though not stated. Theoretical

or Conceptual Framework and Definitions and Design This is a quantitative study that explicitly

stated the use of the Relationship-Based Care (RBC) delivery model to support the study. The

concepts used in the study are consistent with the category of care of patients only. In this

quantitative article, operational definitions were consistent with the conceptual definition of

caring. Review of the Literature For this research article, gave a period from 2007-2013 therefore

literature reviewed for this topic is considered up-to-date. Some of the sources used in the study

included some primary sources, but mostly referenced what seemed like secondary sources and

opinion articles and included some referenced testing tools used for the testing tools used for the

testing procedures used in the article . And this article published in peer reviewed journal . The

research question was therapy question, And most rigorous design was used—which are

randomized controlled trials. The researchers had one control group and one intervention group.

though it was randomized, the comparison strategy was effective in highlighting key

relationships between aromatherapy (intervention) and patients’ outcomes in the pilot study. The

intervention was stated clearly and accurately in the article. The research design was not able to

control when the patient was going to be transferred or discharge, therefore a rival explanation—

such as the cause preceding the effect—may contribute towards the patients’ outcomes. And also

, What type of pain medications the patient received and other pain distractions used by patients

were external factors not considered that could interfere with the study’s external validity.

Keywords: Burn dressing , Damask rose essence , inhalation therapy , Pain



Bikmoradi, A., & Harorani, M.,& RAoshanaei , G., &Moradkhani,S.,Falahinia ,G.H. (2016). The

effect of inhalation aromatherapy withdamask rose ( rosa damascena ) essence on the

pain intensity after dressing in patients with burns : a clinical randomized. Journal of

Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 21, 247-54.


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