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CHEST Postgraduate Education Corner


Severe Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

Part 2—Nonventilatory Strategies

Suhail Raoof, MD, FCCP; Keith Goulet, MD; Adebayo Esan, MD;
Dean R. Hess, PhD, RRT, FCCP; and Curtis N. Sessler, MD, FCCP

ARDS is characterized by hypoxemic respiratory failure, which can be refractory and life-
threatening. Modifications to traditional mechanical ventilation and nontraditional modes of ventila-
tion are discussed in Part 1 of this two-part series. In this second article, we examine nonventilatory
strategies that can influence oxygenation, with particular emphasis on their role in rescue from
severe hypoxemia. A literature search was conducted and a narrative review written to summarize
the use of adjunctive, nonventilatory interventions intended to improve oxygenation in ARDS.
Several adjunctive interventions have been demonstrated to rapidly ameliorate severe hypox-
emia in many patients with severe ARDS and therefore may be suitable as rescue therapy for
hypoxemia that is refractory to prior optimization of mechanical ventilation. These include neu-
romuscular blockade, inhaled vasoactive agents, prone positioning, and extracorporeal life sup-
port. Although these interventions have been linked to physiologic improvement, including relief
from severe hypoxemia, and some are associated with outcome benefits, such as shorter duration
of mechanical ventilation, demonstration of survival benefit has been rare in clinical trials. Fur-
thermore, some of these nonventilatory interventions carry additional risks andⲐor high cost;
thus, when used as rescue therapy for hypoxemia, it is important that they be demonstrated
to yield clinically significant improvement in gas exchange, which should be periodically reas-
sessed. Additionally, various management strategies can produce a more gradual improvement
in oxygenation in ARDS, such as conservative fluid management, intravenous corticosteroids, and
nutritional modification. Although improvement in oxygenation has been reported with such
strategies, demonstration of additional beneficial outcomes, such as reduced duration of mechanical
ventilation or ICU length of stay, or improved survival in randomized controlled trials, as well
as consideration of potential adverse effects should guide decisions on their use. Various non-
ventilatory interventions can positively impact oxygenation as well as outcomes of ARDS. These
interventions may be considered for use, particularly for cases of refractory severe hypoxemia, with
proper appreciation of potential costs and adverse effects. CHEST 2010; 137(6):1437–1448

Abbreviations: ALI 5 acute lung injury; ECLS 5 extracorporeal life support; EPA 5 eicosapentaenoic acid;
GLA 5 g-linoleic acid; iNO 5 inhaled nitric oxide; LOS 5 length of stay; NMBA 5 neuromuscular blocking agent;
PAP 5 pulmonary arterial pressure; RCT 5 randomized controlled trial

Hypoxemia is a core feature of ARDS and, more

broadly, acute lung injury (ALI). Management
of management are directed toward hastening the
recovery from hypoxemic respiratory failure, as well
of the underlying cause(s) of ARDS and provision as avoidance of further exacerbating lung injury or
of supportive care, including mechanical ventilation, gas exchange abnormalities. Such salutary interventions
are the key components of patient care. Many aspects may lead to improved oxygenation andⲐor better lung
mechanics. In some cases, these physiologic gains
Manuscript received October 9, 2009; revision accepted January
21, 2010. Correspondence to: Suhail Raoof, MD, FCCP, Division of Pulmo-
Affiliations: From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical nary and Critical Care Medicine, New York Methodist Hospital,
Care Medicine (Drs Raoof and Esan), New York Methodist 506 Sixth St, Brooklyn, NY 11215; e-mail:
Hospital, Brooklyn, NY; the Department of Pulmonary and © 2010 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproduction
Critical Care Medicine (Dr Goulet) and the Department of of this article is prohibited without written permission from the
Internal Medicine (Dr Sessler), Virginia Commonwealth University; American College of Chest Physicians ( www.chestpubs.orgⲐ
and Respiratory Care Services (Dr Hess), Massachusetts General siteⲐmiscⲐreprints.xhtml).
Hospital, Boston, MA. DOI: 10.1378Ⲑchest.09-2416 CHEST / 137 / 6 / JUNE, 2010 1437

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contribute to more rapid recovery from respiratory receiving sedation alone. Interestingly, these remark-
failure, resulting in shorter duration of mechanical able improvements in oxygenation occurred despite
ventilation and reduced ICU andⲐor hospital length the absence of patient-ventilator asynchrony at base-
of stay (LOS). The decision of whether to implement line. Although possible explanations for better oxy-
any intervention for a particular patient should be genation include improved chest wall compliance
based on assessment of benefit, strength of the evi- and reduced oxygen consumption, the investigators
dence supporting the therapy, potential risks, and also reported lower concentrations of pulmonary and
other barriers to use. systemic proinflammatory cytokines and postulated
In some cases, hypoxemia can be profound and that NMBAs may blunt the pulmonary inflammation
life threatening, being of such a severe reduction as associated with ARDS in some fashion.8 Enthusiasm
to present a threat to cellular function, and is often for use of NMBAs must be tempered by the recog-
refractory to conventional management. Such cases nized risks for prolonged weakness from myopathy,
are not uncommon. For example, 26% of patients with particularly when concomitantly administered with
ALI who enrolled in trial comparing two ventilatory systemic corticosteroids. There is evidence that pro-
strategies failed to achieve oxygen saturation . 88% longed weakness is more common with aminosteroid
or Pao2 . 55 mm Hg on Fio2 ⱖ 0.8 during the first agents, although it is seen with all classes of NMBA.6,9
7 days.1 In a similar study, 7% of patients experienced Administration of an NMBA can result in improve-
refractory hypoxemia, defined as Pao2 , 60 mm Hg ment in severe hypoxemia. However, given the risk
lasting at least 1 h while breathing Fio2 1.0.2 Ninety for myopathy, particularly if corticosteroids are used
percent of these patients died, often despite use of concomitantly, we recommend demonstrating clini-
rescue therapies.2 The clinician is faced with a diffi- cally significant improvement in oxygenation with a
cult situation, and various interventions that have a single dose prior to committing to continuous infu-
high likelihood of improving oxygenation to a clini- sion of NMBAs. Periodic retesting for the necessity
cally significant degree form the basis for rescue of continued therapy and using the train-of-four
therapy. In this paper, we review nonventilatory monitoring while on this class of medications is
interventions that can acutely improve oxygenation. recommended.
We also review interventions that have been demon-
strated to influence oxygenation in a more gradual
Inhaled Nitric Oxide and Vasoactive Therapy
fashion during the care of a critically ill mechanically
ventilated patient. Inhaled Nitric Oxide: By using an inhaled vasodi-
lator, such as inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), selective
Nonventilatory Interventions Associated vasodilation of the pulmonary blood vessels in ventilated
With the Potential for Rapid Improvement lung units may occur, often resulting in improved
of Hypoxemia ventilation-perfusion mismatch, better oxygenation,
and lower pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP).10 In a
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
study by Rossaint et al10 of patients with ARDS, iNO
From 25% to 55% of patients with ALI enrolled in redistributed pulmonary blood flow away from non-
contemporary multicenter randomized controlled ventilated lung zones to ventilated lung regions,
trials (RCTs) received neuromuscular blocking agents thus decreasing intrapulmonary shunting and
(NMBAs),1-4 a prevalence that increases further thereby improving arterial oxygenation, while
with use of nonconventional modes of ventilation, selectively reducing PAP without causing systemic
such as high-frequency oscillatory ventilation.5 The vasodilation.
most common reason for using an NMBA is to pro- In RCTs11-15 that examined the effect of iNO in
mote patient-ventilator synchrony and improve oxy- adults with ARDS, iNO was associated with a tran-
genation.6 Data that directly examine the impact of sient improvement in oxygenation. However, no sur-
NMBAs on oxygenation using an RCT design in the vival benefit or reduction in ventilator-free days has
era of lung-protective ventilation are, to our knowl- been observed. In a systemic review of five RCTs that
edge, limited to two studies by one group of inves- enrolled 535 patients (approximately 80% adults)
tigators.7,8 They studied patients with Pao2ⲐFio2 with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, oxygenation
ratio , 150 mm Hg who were receiving low tidal vol- was significantly improved, but no statistically signifi-
ume ventilation and were deeply sedated to eliminate cant effect on mortality was demonstrated.16 Sokol
spontaneous breathing. Administration of an NMBA et al16 concluded that iNO may be useful as a rescue
for 48 h resulted in sustained improvements in oxy- treatment to improve oxygenation for a short period
genation, with average increases in Pao2ⲐFio2 of of time (24-96 h) in acute hypoxemic respiratory
25% to 75% on day 1 and 50% to 140% by day 5, sig- failure. In a systematic review and metaanalysis of
nificantly higher than the control patients who were 1,237 patients with ALI or ARDS from 12 trials, iNO was

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associated with modest improvements in oxygenation tenol has been demonstrated to be an effective alter-
on day one, no effect on mean PAP, and no effect on native to iNO as a pulmonary vasodilator in the acute
survival or duration of mechanical ventilation.17 Influ- care setting.21-23 Aerosol delivery systems for epopros-
enced by the single largest study,13 a significantly tenol include various pneumatic and ultrasonic
increased risk of developing renal dysfunction was nebulizers.22-29 Because of its short half-life, epopros-
noted in patients randomized to iNO in this metaanal- tenol is continuously inhaled at 10 to 50 ngⲐkgⲐmin.
ysis.17 Although iNO may result in systemic methe- Iloprost is the first inhaled prostaglandin to be
moglobinemia or in generation of inhaled nitrogen approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
dioxide, dose-ranging studies demonstrate that these for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
effects are rare when , 80 ppm of iNO are used.13 Iloprost is a stable prostaglandin with a half-life of 20
Despite the lack of evidence that iNO improves to 30 min and duration of effect of up to 120 min.30,31
important outcomes, it is used as rescue therapy for A breath-actuated nebulizer system is the approved
refractory hypoxemia. In an RCT that investigated device for iloprost administration, but this device
ventilatory strategies for ARDS, about 20% of patients cannot be used during mechanical ventilation. A
received iNO.1 The acquisition cost of iNO in the delivery system for iloprost in critically ill patients has
United States is very high, generally assessed on an been described, but this awaits clinical confirma-
hourly basis—a cost that is not offset by third-party tion.32 Inhaled treprostinil and iloprost have been
reimbursement or in cost savings from fewer days on shown to produce comparable decreases in pulmo-
the ventilator. Because improvement in oxygenation nary vascular resistance, but inhaled treprostinil has
can be dramatic in the setting of life-threatening hyp- not been evaluated in critically ill patients.33 In an
oxemia, its use can be supported in this setting on a uncontrolled study of 15 patients with ARDS, aero-
trial basis, after optimization of mechanical ventila- solized alprostadil was associated with significant
tion. Clinically significant improvement in oxygena- increases in Pao2ⲐFio2, averaging 55 mm Hg and
tion following initiation of iNO should be demon- 84 mm Hg at 4 h and 24 h, respectively.34 Aerosolized
strated within the first hour of therapy to justify alprostadil improved oxygenation in infants with hyp-
continued use. Dose-ranging studies suggest that oxic respiratory failure as well.35 It should be pointed
peak oxygenation benefit typically occurs with iNO out that the dose of inhaled prostacyclin, delivered
dose ⱕ 20 ppm.18 through various nebulizer systems, may vary consid-
erably. Many different factors may affect the delivery
IV Phenylephrine: Phenylephrine is a nonselective of this medication, most notable of which is the neb-
a-receptor agonist, which produces both pulmonary ulizer. The type of nebulizer used may also affect the
and systemic vasoconstriction. In a study19 of 12 patients tidal volume delivered. Continuous nebulization of
with Pao2ⲐFio2 ⱕ 180 mm Hg, six of 12 patients (50%) prostacyclin may result in occlusion of the expiratory
showed a ⱖ 10 mm Hg improvement in Pao2 when filters and malfunction of the expiratory valves. In
given IV phenylephrine. When iNO alone was given summary, there are currently few data to support the
to this same group of patients, it resulted in similar use of inhaled pulmonary vasodilators as alternatives
improvement in 11 of 12 patients (92%). When phenyl- to iNO for severe refractory hypoxemia in ARDS,
ephrine was combined with iNO, this improvement was although this approach is increasingly used because
further accentuated in the phenylephrine responders of the high cost of iNO. Further research is needed in
as compared with the phenylephrine nonresponders. this area.
More work is needed before IV phenylephrine can
be endorsed as adjunctive therapy with or without
iNO for refractory hypoxemia. Avoidance of Systemic Vasodilators
Inhaled Prostacyclins: Prostacyclins are natu- Systemically administered vasodilators can pro-
rally occurring prostanoids that are endogenously pro- duce hypoxemia for a number of reasons, including
duced as metabolites of arachidonic acid in the vascu- altered distribution of pulmonary blood flow due to
lar endothelium.20 Inhalation of prostacyclins produces (1) increases in cardiac output, (2) impairment of
selective pulmonary vasodilation, which might improve hypoxic vasoconstriction as a direct drug effect or as a
oxygenation in some patients. However, the vast result of higher mixed venous Po2, (3) changes in
majority of the relevant research in adults is from stu- intracardiac pressure or PAP leading to redistribution
dies that address pulmonary hypertension andⲐor right of pulmonary blood flow, and (4) direct action on
heart failure, rather than ARDS. Although high-level pulmonary vascular tone.36 Nitroprusside,37 hydra-
evidence is lacking to support its use, aerosolized lazine,38,39 nitroglycerine,40,41 nifedipine,42-44 dopamine,
prostacyclin offers a lower-cost alternative to iNO as dobutamine,45 and other vasodilators can produce
a pulmonary vasodilator.21,22 Aerosolized epopros- this effect. Additionally, dopamine can depress the CHEST / 137 / 6 / JUNE, 2010 1439

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hypercapnic ventilatory response,46-48 potentially exac- have demonstrated the improvement in oxygenation.
erbating hypoxemia as a result of hypoventilation. However, physiologic benefit has not translated into a
Pulmonary vasodilation does not uniformly cause documented survival benefit.
worsening oxygenation. The effect of the vasodilator In a review,61 oxygenation was reported to improve
prostacyclin was tested in patients who had ARDS by various mechanisms, which include alveolar
and pulmonary hypertension.49 Infusion of prosta- recruitment,62 redistribution of ventilation toward
cyclin reduced PAP and increased cardiac output the dorsal regions resulting in enhanced ventilationⲐ
but significantly worsened intrapulmonary shunt. perfusion matching,63 and the elimination of com-
Overall, Pao2 was unchanged, believed to be due to pression of the lungs by the heart.64 Another mecha-
increased mixed venous Po2 balancing the effects of nism that has been reported for prone positioning is a
increased shunt. Prostaglandin E1 is a vasodilator decrease in shunt, as a result of better perfusion of
that additionally has potent inhibitory effects on neu- previously atelectatic lung regions that are recruited.60
trophil adhesion. In a multicenter placebo-controlled Both the redistribution of ventilation toward the dor-
RCT of patients with ARDS, liposomal prostaglandin sal lung regions and the decrease in shunt perfusion
E1 resulted in more rapid improvement in Pao2Ⲑ are believed to occur as a result of the redistribution
Fio2 and shorter duration of mechanical ventilation of the gravitational forces and the reduction in the
compared with placebo, but had more adverse events, pleural pressure gradient in these regions.60,65,66 Irre-
including systemic hypotension; no survival benefit spective of the mechanisms postulated, the extent of
was demonstrated.50 response or improvement in these patients has been
Bronchodilators, such as intravenous aminophyl- varied, ranging from approximately 61% to 92% in
line and inhaled albuterol and isoproterenol, possess some case series.56-60,67 Three groups of patients have
inotropic and vasodilator properties that can increase been described by Chatte et al59: (1) patients who do
perfusion of poorly ventilated lung units, potentially not respond to prone positioning (ie, nonresponders,
worsening hypoxemia.51,52 The preliminary results of 22%), (2) patients whose oxygenation improved when
a recently completed multicenter placebo-controlled prone but was not maintained when returned to the
RCT found nebulized albuterol to be ineffective in supine position (31%), and (3) patients whose oxy-
ALI, with no impact on ventilator-free days or 60-day genation improvement persists when returned to
mortality.53 In summary, numerous widely used vaso- the supine position (41%).
dilator medications can exacerbate hypoxemia—a There are four RCTs68-71 in which adults with ALI
consideration in the management of patients with or ARDS were randomized to conventional ventila-
hypoxemic respiratory failure. tion or to mechanical ventilation with prone posi-
tioning (Table 1). As a limitation of the three earlier
Almitrine trials, patients were ventilated with larger tidal
volumes than those recommended by the ARDS
Almitrine bismesylate is a selective pulmonary Network.72 Nevertheless, the majority of patients
vasoconstrictor that promotes hypoxic vasoconstric- undergoing prone positioning experienced an
tion when administered intravenously and has been improvement in their oxygenation. Although none of
demonstrated to improve oxygenation, particularly in these trials demonstrated a survival benefit, pro-
combination with iNO.54 In studies of patients with longed periods of prone ventilation were demon-
ARDS and sepsis who are responding to iNO, a dose- strated to be both feasible and safe.70 The findings of
dependent increase in Pao2ⲐFio2 ratio was demon- significant and persistent (up to 10 days) improve-
strated with addition of almitrine.54,55 In these studies, ment in Pao2ⲐFio2 ratio during prone positioning, but
the nonselective vasoconstrictor, norepinephrine, without impact on survival or days on mechanical
had no significant effect on oxygenation, although ventilation, was confirmed in a metaanalysis by
both almitrine and norepinephrine increased PAP. Alsaghir and Martin.73 Interestingly, the incidence of
Available in Europe, but not the United States, almi- ventilator-associated pneumonia showed a reduction
trine was used infrequently as rescue therapy for in the French trial,69 which was not borne out in the
refractory hypoxemia in a large European ARDS metaanalysis.73
RCT.1 In a post hoc analysis of the patients with ARDS,
Gattinoni et al68 found a significantly lower 10-day
mortality rate in the patients in the quartile with the
Prone Position
lowest Pao2ⲐFio2 ratio ( ⱕ 88 mm Hg; 23.1% vs
Placing a patient in the prone position is an adjunc- 47.2%; relative risk of death 0.49; 95% CI, 0.25-0.95)
tive strategy that has been used to improve oxygena- ventilated in the prone position as compared with the
tion in patients with severe ARDS, particularly those supine position. When pooled with similar results by
with refractory hypoxemia. A number of case series56-60 Mancebo et al,70 mortality was reduced in patients

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Table 1—Summary of Four Randomized Trials on Prone Position

Gattinoni et al68 Guerin et al69 Mancebo et al70 Taccone et al71

No. of patients 304 791 136 343
Prone 152 413 76 168
Supine 152 378 60 174
Enrollment criteria ALI ALI ARDS ARDS
Pao2ⲐFio2 , 300 Pao2ⲐFio2 , 300 Pao2ⲐFio2 , 200 Pao2ⲐFio2 , 200
Daily proning
Planned . 6 hⲐd . 8 hⲐd 20 hⲐd 20 hⲐd
Actual 7 hⲐd 8 hⲐd 13 hⲐd 18-20 hⲐd
Number of days 10 d 4d 10 d 28 d
Oxygenation Improved Improved Improved Improved
VAP Not assessed Reduced Not reduced Not assessed
Primary end point 10-d mortality 28-d mortality ICU mortality 28-d mortality
Prone vs supine 21.1% vs 25% 32.4% vs 31.5% 43% vs 58% 31.0% vs 32.8%
RR, 0.84 RR, 0.97 RR, 0.74 RR, 0.97
95% CI, 0.56-1.27 95% CI, 0.79-1.19 95% CI, 0.53-1.04 95% CI, 0.84-1.13
P 5 .50 P 5 .77 P 5 .12 P 5 .72
ALI 5 acute lung injury; RR 5 relative risk; VAP 5ventilator-associated pneumonia.

with higher illness severity (OR 5 0.29; 95% CI, 0.12- Prone positioning has been associated with compli-
0.70).73 Based on these findings in patients with cations that include pressure sores, endotracheal tube
ARDS with the most severe hypoxemia, a recently obstruction, unplanned extubation, loss of central
published unblinded RCT71 was performed to detect venous access, and increased use of sedation.68-71
the potential survival benefit of prone positioning. Despite these limitations, Girard and Bernard61 con-
This trial was performed while avoiding known limi- cluded that prone positioning may be considered
tations from previous trials68-70 that had been sug- a reasonable short-term therapy for patients with
gested as possible reasons for the negative results. ARDS requiring high Fio2 (. 0.6) or elevated pla-
This trial only included patients with ARDS who teau pressure (. 30 cm H2O). In light of recent find-
were randomized into prone and supine groups and ings,68,70,71 we recommend that prone positioning be
further stratified into moderate hypoxemia (Pao2Ⲑ considered in the subgroup of patients with severe
Fio2 100-200 mm Hg) and severe hypoxemia (Pao2Ⲑ refractory hypoxemia.
Fio2 , 100 mm Hg) patient subgroups. In addition,
mechanical ventilation was implemented using a pre- Extracorporeal Life Support
specified protocol in both study groups that limited
tidal volume to a maximum of 8 mLⲐkg of ideal body Extracorporeal life support (ECLS), also called
weight and airway plateau pressures to 30 cm H2O. extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, is used in
Furthermore, daily proning was performed in the specialized centers for neonatal, pediatric, and adult
prone position group for up to 20 h. However, despite respiratory and cardiac failure. The goal of ECLS is
the measures taken, namely, use of a standardized to support gas exchange, allowing the intensity of
mechanical ventilation protocol, early application mechanical ventilation to be reduced and thus
(within 72 h) of prone position, and the 20 h spent decreasing the potentially injurious effects of ventilator-
on prone position, there was no survival benefit induced lung injury until recovery. Furthermore,
between the prone and supine groups. This was ECLS might be considered the definitive rescue
reported in both the general population (prone vs therapy for refractory life-threatening hypoxemia
supine: 31.0% vs 32.8%; relative risk of death 0.97; since pulmonary gas exchange is not required. Evidence
95% CI, 0.84-1.13; P 5 .72) as well as the predefined supports its use in the neonatal population, but its use
study subgroups (moderate hypoxemia: 25.5% vs is controversial in adult respiratory failure.
22.5%; relative risk of death 1.04; 95% CI, 0.89- ECLS is a technique that removes blood from the
1.22; P 5 .62; and severe hypoxemia: 37.8% vs 46.1%; patient and circulates it through an artificial lung with
relative risk of death 0.87; 95% CI, 0.66-1.14; P 5 .31). a pump. Through 2008, registry data suggest that
Notably, the proportion of patients with complica- only about 2,000 adults have been treated with ECLS
tions as well as the incidence of a majority of the com- at 145 centers around the world.74 Venoarterial access
plications was significantly higher in the prone group. can be used, but venovenous access is favored for
Nevertheless, there was reported a statistically non- treating respiratory failure.75-77 In centers performing
significant 10% difference in mortality favoring the ECLS for respiratory failure, typical treatment crite-
prone patients in the severe hypoxemia subgroup. ria include severe respiratory failure from potentially CHEST / 137 / 6 / JUNE, 2010 1441

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reversible causes, limited time receiving mechanical include ECLS as an option for life-threatening hyp-
ventilation (ie , 7 days), absence of significant comor- oxemia, reserving it for cases with profound hypox-
bidities, age , 65 years, and no contraindication to emia that is refractory to other ventilatory and non-
anticoagulation.74 ventilatory interventions. Clinicians should weigh
An early RCT of venoarterial ECLS for acute patient characteristics associated with likelihood of
respiratory failure reported a 10% survival in patients survival as noted above, feasibility and safety of trans-
who received either ECLS or conventional ventila- port and implementation, and the inconclusive out-
tion.78 Another major RCT using venovenous ECLS comes data currently in the literature, when consid-
also reported no significant difference in survival with ering ECLS in this setting.
ECLS compared with mechanical ventilation.79 An
RCT of 180 patients comparing ECLS to conven- Nonventilatory Interventions Associated
tional ventilation (the Conventional Ventilatory Sup- With Gradual Improvement in Oxygenation
port vs Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for
Conservative Fluid Management
Severe Adult Respiratory Failure, or CESAR, trial)
was recently completed in the United Kingdom.80 Fluid administration increases hydrostatic pressure
Patients randomized to ECLS were transferred to a in the lungs and promotes fluid filtration and edema
single ECLS center to receive treatment, whereas formation, particularly in states of increased micro-
patients randomized to conventional ventilation vascular permeability, such as ARDS.88,89 Addition-
remained in regional hospitals. Survival without dis- ally, the administration of blood products can con-
ability in the group randomized to receive ECLS was tribute to circulatory overload or pulmonary edema
63% at 6 months (regardless of whether they received as a result of ALI (ie, transfusion-related ALI). Wors-
ECLS) compared with 47% in patients in the control ening pulmonary edema is associated with progres-
group (P 5 .03). This was an intention-to-treat analysis, sive hypoxemia. Patients with ARDS generally accu-
and only 68 of 90 patients who were randomized to mulate about 1 L of fluid per day with conventional
receive ECLS actually received this therapy because management.90,91 In RCTs, a conservative fluid-
of clinical improvement prior to initiating ECLS management strategy for patients with ARDS or
(n 5 16), death during transfer or within 48 h of transfer ALI resulted in lower intravascular pressures and
(n 5 5), or contraindication to heparin (n 5 1). An higher oncotic pressure,90 less extravascular lung
important criticism of this study is the lack of stan- water,92 shorter duration of mechanical ventilation,
dardized management of patients in the control group, and shorter ICU LOS.90,92,93 Interestingly, in a multi-
whereas many aspects of care, including adherence center RCT, conservative fluid management that
to low tidal volume ventilation, were protocolized in achieved a net even fluid balance over 7 days resulted
the ECLS group with significantly higher adherence. in only modest improvements in oxygenation, aver-
We conclude that because of the multiple confounding aging a 15% increase in Pao2ⲐFio2 over 7 days, com-
factors in trial design and implementation, firm con- pared with an 8% increase with liberal fluid manage-
clusions about the value of ECLS cannot be drawn ment (P 5 .07).90
from this trial. There is evidence that the concomitant adminis-
In addition to the RCTs, there are observational tration of colloid (albumin) infusions in concert with
reports of the benefit of ECLS in adults with severe diuretics allows for more effective fluid removal
hypoxemic respiratory failure.81-83 One hospital with and better oxygenation, at least in hypoproteinemic
nonneonatal ECLS therapy recently reported sur- patients.94,95 In a small placebo-controlled RCT,
vival of 53%. Survival with ECLS therapy was strongly Martin et al94 found that a 5-day protocol of albumin
correlated with the cause of respiratory failure, with infusions every 8 h and continuous furosemide infu-
the highest survival seen in those with viral or bacte- sion led to a 10-kg weight loss over 7 days and
rial pneumonia. Older age, multiple organ failure, increases in Pao2ⲐFio2 of 40% within 24 h, with the
prolonged ventilation prior to ECLS initiation, and oxygenation benefit persisting for 7 days. Somewhat
long ECLS runs were associated with decreased surprisingly, they observed no difference in oxygena-
survival.84 tion compared with the placebo group after 7 days. In
The role of ECLS in the treatment of patients with a subsequent study, the combination of albumin and
refractory hypoxemia is likely to remain controver- furosemide over 72 h was associated with greater
sial. A modest number of centers around the world negative fluid balance, more stable hemodynamic
are able to provide this therapy. It is invasive, it carries status, and significantly better oxygenation through
the risk of complications from anticoagulation, and it 72 h in comparison with furosemide alone.95 The
is expensive. Newer, less complex technical systems improvement in Pao2ⲐFio2 averaged 30% to 35% higher
may make ECLS more attractive and less risky in the than baseline from day 1 to day 7. In a subset analysis
future.85-87 In our management algorithm (Fig 1), we of patients with ARDS taken from a very large RCT,

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Figure 1. Nonventilatory strategies that can be used in patients with ALIⲐARDS with refractory
hypoxemia. These strategies supplement the ventilator strategies and should be reserved for centers
familiar with their use. “Conventional Management of ARDSⲐALI” includes conservative fluid manage-
ment, consideration of use of corticosteroids, and consideration of use of nutritional supplementation—
other measures that may improve oxygenation. ALI 5 acute lung injury; IBW 5 ideal body weight;
iNO 5 inhaled nitric oxide; Pplat 5 plateau pressure; Vt 5 tidal volume.

randomization to albumin rather than normal saline supported by evidence of moderate strength for
was not associated with survival benefit.96 improving oxygenation and hemodynamic status.94,95
The ideal fluid-management strategy remains to be
defined. However, many experts recommend using a
Corticosteroid Therapy
conservative approach that uses diuresis unless the
patient meets one of the following conditions: (1) is The role of corticosteroids in the management of
hypotensive, (2) has recently (, 12 h) received vaso- ARDS and ALI has been controversial since the
pressors, (3) has a very low central venous pressure 1980s and continues to incite debate. Studies con-
(, 4 mm Hg), or (4) is oliguric and has a central ducted in the past decade have assessed the impact
venous pressure of 4 to 8 mm Hg.90,91,97 The addition of corticosteroids administered in low-to-moderate
of albumin for hypoproteinemic patients is also doses (ie, , 2.5 mgⲐkgⲐd of methylprednisolone, or CHEST / 137 / 6 / JUNE, 2010 1443

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equivalent) for prolonged duration (ie, 4 weeks). international consensus statement conclude that
Although these clinical trials generally focused on moderate-dose glucocorticoids should be considered
critical outcomes, such as survival, ICU and hospital in the management strategy of patients with early
LOS, andⲐor duration of mechanical ventilation, there severe ARDS and before day 14 for patients with
is also evidence that corticosteroid treatment is asso- unresolving ARDS, giving this a 2B (weak) recom-
ciated with improved oxygenation. Corticosteroids mendation supported by moderate-quality evidence.102
are commonly administered to patients with ARDS, We concur with these recommendations.
including 40% to 50% of patients enrolled in large
international RCTs.1,2
Nutritional Supplementation Therapy
Improvement in oxygenation with corticosteroid
therapy was demonstrated for patients with ARDS There has been accumulating evidence that the
who had persistent respiratory failure despite at use of a nutritional product rich in antioxidants and
least 7 days of mechanical ventilation. In an RCT of supplemented with v-3 fatty acids, such as eicosap-
patients with severe persistent ARDS, those who entaenoic acid (EPA) and g-linoleic acid (GLA), can
received methylprednisolone (2 mgⲐkgⲐd initially, modulate proinflammatory properties in patients
then tapered over 32 days) demonstrated improved with ARDS and septic shock, resulting in improved
Pao2ⲐFio2 ratio, from an average of 110 mm Hg to oxygenation and favorable outcomes. Recent results
262 mm Hg, on study day 10.98 This improvement of a multicenter placebo-controlled RCT performed
was significantly (P , .001) greater than with placebo.98 by the ARDS Network investigators that was stopped
In a subsequent multicenter RCT conducted by the after enrollment of 272 patients, however, lacked
ARDS Network investigators in which patients with evidence that v-3 and antioxidant supplementation
persistent ARDS were randomized to methylpred- has any benefit and showed trends for worse results
nisolone or placebo, significantly higher Pao2ⲐFio2 regarding survival, ventilator-free days, and ICU-free
ratio was observed in the methylprednisolone group days (Todd Rice, MD, personal communication).
on days 3 and 14 after enrollment.99 Patients random- These findings contrast with earlier reports. Special
ized to methylprednisolone also had significantly nutritional products with these characteristics have
more ventilator-free days and shock-failure-free days, been compared in prospective trials to standard tube
but no difference in mortality compared with feeds in critically ill mechanically ventilated adults.103-107
placebo.95 The timing of initiation of therapy may be Gadek et al103 performed a multicenter placebo-
important since mortality was higher with methyl- controlled RCT in which patients who received
prednisolone compared with placebo in the small nutrition containing antioxidants and EPAⲐGLA had
subset of patients in whom randomization occurred improved gas exchange, decreased ICU LOS, and
. 13 days after ARDS onset.99 decreased organ failures in comparison with patients
A more recent RCT extended the observation of receiving a standard tube feed. Increases of 35% and
oxygenation benefit with methylprednisolone in 25% in Pao2ⲐFio2 ratio were noted by day 4 and day
ARDS to early treatment, being initiated within 72 h 7, respectively. A multicenter, double-blind, placebo-
of ARDS onset.100 Patients randomized to receive controlled RCT evaluated the impact of a tube feeding
methylprednisolone had an average increase in Pao2Ⲑ rich in EPA, GLA, and antioxidants on mortality in
Fio2 ratio from 118 mm Hg to 256 mm Hg on study patients with sepsis requiring mechanical ventilation
day 7, significantly (P 5 .006) higher than 179 mm Hg and found improvement in predefined hospital out-
(increased from 126 mm Hg at baseline) for patients comes and lower mortality rates.104 Improvements
who received placebo. A recent metaanalysis that in Pao2ⲐFio2 ratio by about 45% were noted at day
included six clinical trials that examined low-to- 4 and day 7 among patients treated with EPAⲐGLA-
moderate dose corticosteroids in ARDS confirmed supplemented nutrition, whereas patients who
significantly (P 5 .01) higher Pa o2ⲐFio2 ratios with received standard nutrition had no change in Pao2Ⲑ
corticosteroids compared with control.101 Although Fio2 ratio at either time point. Similarly, in a study of
there is evidence that corticosteroid therapy can result 100 trauma and surgery patients with ALI, Pao2ⲐFio2
in improved oxygenation, decisions regarding whether ratio was significantly higher at days 4 and 7 with v-3-
to administer low-dose long-duration corticosteroid based nutrition vs standard nutrition.105 In a metaanal-
treatment should weigh important outcome measures. ysis of these three studies, EPA 1 GLA nutrition was
The authors of the recent metaanalysis also demon- associated with significantly (P ⱕ .001 for all) higher
strated a lower overall relative risk for death, as well Pao2ⲐFio2 ratios, more ventilator-free and ICU-free
as improvement in ventilator-free days, ICU LOS, days, as well as lower mortality in comparison with
and multiple organ dysfunction scale score, with no standard nutrition.106 Although a careful review of the
increase in infection, neuromyopathy, or major com- peer-reviewed paper of the recent ARDS Network
plications with corticosteroids.101 The authors of an study is needed to more fully compare these results

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to those of previous RCTs, these new findings suggest recovery and reduced duration of hospitalization,
lack of benefit and do not exclude the potential for rather than oxygenation benefits per se. The treat-
harm with such supplements, thus dampening ments included in this review specifically address
enthusiasm for such an approach until full review is severe ARDS and may not be applicable to other causes
possible. Accordingly, we withhold recommendation of refractory hypoxemia, such as lobar pneumonia,
for or against use of nutritional supplementation with intracardiac shunt, massive pulmonary embolism, large
v-3 fatty acids and antioxidants until these new data pneumothorax, or atelectasis.
are available for careful review.
IV infusion of antioxidant-enriched parenteral
nutrition has also been tested in a limited scope.107
A small prospective, randomized, double-blind study FinancialⲐnonfinancial disclosures: The authors have reported
to CHEST the following conflicts of interest: Dr Hess has received
consisting of 16 consecutive patients with ARDS royalties from Impact. He was a consultant for Respironics and
demonstrated the safety of infusing a lipid emulsion Pari. He also has relationships with Cardinal (CaseFusion) and
enriched with v-3 fatty acids.107 The study did not Ikaria. Drs Raoof, Esan, Goulet, and Sessler report that no poten-
tial conflicts of interest exist with any companiesⲐorganizations
show any significant change in hemodynamic and gas whose products or services may be discussed in this article.
exchange parameters, but the infusion was maintained
for only 12 h. References
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