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This tactical summary paper was authorized by the Federation Council on Stardate 54557, in
compliance with Regulation C3.C of the mandate of the Borg Tactical Commission. It is the goal
and mission of Borg Tactical (a subset of Starfleet Command) to project the long-range strategic
goals of the Borg Collective in the Alpha Quadrant, and provide tactical and strategic choices for
the United Federation of Planets in dealing with this implacably hostile force. Currently, only
four states have the capability to attack and defeat the Federation: the Dominion, the Borg, the
Romulans, and the Klingons.

Since its’ inception on Stardate 43921, Borg Tactical has strategized with some of the most
prominent think tanks in the Alpha Quadrant, including the Daystrom Defense Institute, the
Zakdorn Command Authority, and even the Romulan Tal Shiar organization. Several important
conclusions have been made in regards to Borg intentions in the Alpha Quadrant. Analysis of
Borg weapons and actions in the last two years has revealed vital information about the
Collective's agenda, especially in Federation space. The primary objective of the Borg is to
'assimilate' the United Federation of Planets into the Collective, and below are a list of actions
that the Borg have taken to date to ensure that assimilation:

*Destruction of a significant portion of Utopia Planitia during the initial Borg invasion on
Stardate 43977. This damage has been repaired and the facilities expanded at Utopia Planitia.

*Assimilation of the strategic Penzatti Homeworld, with their extremely advanced organic

*Development of transwarp conduits to attack the Federation and our allies wherever and
whenever they want.

*Attempted assimilation of the high-tech Tolat Homeworld.

Several vital objectives could cripple the Federation if the Borg chose to exploit their strategic
mobility. Control of the Bajoran and Pike System Wormholes is a strategic goal of nearly every
foreign power, including the Borg. The Bajoran Wormhole is this galaxy's hottest and most
crucial strategic choke points. Also, the Borg Collective have failed to assimilate Earth several
times, possibly encouraging the Borg to focus on 'assimilation nodes'-major worlds of the
Federation which could be assimilated to further the total overall assimilation of the Federation.
Such nodes are noted as follows:

*The Binar Homeworld (advanced computer society),

*Militar (major military world in the Federation),

*Vulcan (homeworld of logic and Founding Member of the Federation),

*Tellar (economic cornerstone of the Federation),

*Memory Prime (memory system linchpin),

*Guardian Planet (time travel),

*Tolat Homeworld (advanced engineering center),

*Dubhe System (major dilithium production and seven inhabited worlds),

*Bolarus (homeworld of the Bolians and a strategic Federation member),

The Alpha Quadrant is currently in a state of major flux. Although the growing political and
economic turmoil within the Federation and the growing regional aspirations of the Romulans,
are leading events in this change, several important reports have reached Borg Tactical that is
encouraging to UFP military projections:

*Possible lessening of conflict with the Dominion (death of all changelings and possible civil
war to fill the power vacuum),
*Military alliance with the Romulan Star Empire (which places 30+ Romulan Warbirds at the
Federation's immediate disposal),

*Potential major breakthroughs in: phasers, shields, torpedoes, and warp speed theory.

In conclusion, it is the opinion of analysts at Borg Tactical that the United Federation of Planets
hold the Bajoran Wormhole at all costs, against a Dominion assault or a Borg attack. The
Bajoran Wormhole is considered by our experts to be one of the five most vulnerable objectives
which neutralization by hostile forces not only will cause tremendous harm to the well being,
perhaps the very existence of, the security of the Alpha Quadrant, but is also very easy to
accomplish. Controlling the Bajoran Wormhole is presently a key Dominion objective to the
point of risking armed conflicts with the regional states and even the Federation.

The Pike System Wormhole (discovered 40 years ago) is also a major strategic choke point
within Federation space. The PSW dominates more than the commercial and economic life lines
into and out of the rapidly expanding worlds of the Alpha and Beta Sectors of the Federation.
The strategic growth and expansion of aspiring powers can be contained and regulated through
the mere control over the movement of any forces through the Pike System Wormhole. Transits
times from the Alpha Sector of the Federation to the Beta (where the Bajoran homeworld,
Bolarus, and the Cardassian Empire are located) is virtually instantaneous through the PSW,
while normal warp speed travel to some of the colonies in the Federation's Beta Sector takes

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