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DESIGN OF ONE WAY SLAB as per IS456-2000

Project: Slab ID: S1 Date: ###
Clear span of the slab 0.90 m
Overall Depth of the 1m Wide Slab : 150 mm
Assumed Dia of main Bar : 8 mm Concreete 20
Effective depth of Slab : 126 mm Steel 415
Effective Span : 0.96 m One Way Slab
Loads Value Unit Check for deflection (456)
Self weight : 3.75 kN/m2 Mod. factor ast 2.00
Floor Finish : 1.50 kN/m2 Mod. factor asc 1
Live Load : 2.00 kN/m2 L/d Ratio 7
Partition wall : 0.00 kN/m2 Eff. Depth req. 64
Other : 1.50 kN/m2 Overall depth reqd. 88
Tota UDl: : 8.75 kN/m2
Factored UDL Load (w) : 13.125 kN/m2 O.K
Service Point Load(W) : 0.00 KN

Design for Flexure

Moment Ast Dia of Required Provided %pt
Support Condition Mu kNm Mu/bd2 % pt
mm2 Rein bar spacing Spacing provided
Cantilever 6.09 0.38 0.15 189.00 8 266 200 0.20
OK Distribution Steel 0.15 225.00 8 223 200 0.20

Check for Shear Reinf. Check

Shear Stress 0.09 N/mm2
Shear Force (KN) 11.81 OK OK
Perm. Stress 0.42 N/mm2
DESIGN OF TWO WAY SLAB as per IS456-2002 B.M. Coeff. For
Project: Slab ID: store room slab Date: 10-Dec-18###
Length of Shorter Span, Lx : 4.88 m Dimensions-meter Material ###
Length of Longer Span Ly : 6.58 m Shorter, x 4.75 Conc. 25 ###
Overall depth of the Slab , D : 150 mm Longer, y 6.45 Steel 415 ###
Assumed Dia of main Bar : 10 mm ###
Effective depth of the slab, d : 125 mm TWO WAY SLAB ###
Loads Value Unit Check for Deflection (456) ###
Self weight : 3.75 kN/m 2
Modification factor ast 1.68###
Floor Finish : 1.50 kN/m2 Modification factor asc 1 ###
Live Load : 2.00 kN/m2 L/d Ratio 26 ###
Partition wall : 0.00 kN/m2 Eff. Depth Required (mm) 112 ###
Other : 0.00 kN/m2 Overall Depth Required (mm) 137 ###
Total Load : 7.25 kN/m2 tau
Factored Load : 10.875 kN/m2 ###
Support Conditon 9.Four Edges Disc. ###
Desing Moment Coefficients 9 Check For One Way Shear
ly/lx -ax +ax -ay +ay 785 Fact. Shear Force 25.83 KN ###
1.3 0 0.079 - - Shear Stress 0.22 N/mm ###

1.4 0 0.085 - - Actual Shear Stress 0.70 N/mm2 ###

1.35 0.000 0.082 0 0.056 OK

Design for Flexure

Mu, kNm Dia of Req.spaci spacing pt

Moment Mu/bd2 % pt Ast mm2 Check
rein bar ng mm provided provided ###
-Mx 0.00 0.00 0.15 187.50 10 419 100 0.63 OK Interpolation:
+Mx 21.17 1.36 0.40 502.98 10 156 100 0.63 OK ###
-My 0.00 0.00 0.15 180.00 10 436 150 0.42 OK ###
+My 14.47 1.01 0.29 351.29 10 224 150 0.42 OK ###
DESIGN OF TWO WAY SLAB as per IS456-2002 B.M. Coeff. For
Project: Slab ID: store room slab Date: 10-Dec-18###
Length of Shorter Span, Lx : 3.43 m Dimensions-meter Material ###
Length of Longer Span Ly : 4.63 m Shorter, x 3.3 Conc. 25 ###
Overall depth of the Slab , D : 150 mm Longer, y 4.5 Steel 415 ###
Assumed Dia of main Bar : 8 mm ###
Effective depth of the slab, d : 126 mm TWO WAY SLAB ###
Loads Value Unit Check for Deflection (456) ###
Self weight : 3.75 kN/m 2
Modification factor ast 2.00###
Floor Finish : 1.50 kN/m2 Modification factor asc 1 ###
Live Load : 2.00 kN/m2 L/d Ratio 26 ###
Partition wall : 0.00 kN/m2 Eff. Depth Required (mm) 66 ###
Other : 1.50 kN/m2 Overall Depth Required (mm) 90 ###
Total Load : 8.75 kN/m 2
Factored Load : 13.125 kN/m2 ###
Support Conditon 4.Two Adjacent Edges Disc. ###
Desing Moment Coefficients 4 Check For One Way Shear
ly/lx -ax +ax -ay +ay 335 Fact. Shear Force 21.66 KN ###
1.3 0.065 0.049 - - Shear Stress 0.18 N/mm ###

1.4 0.071 0.053 - - Actual Shear Stress 0.49 N/mm2 ###

1.35 0.068 0.051 0.047 0.035 OK

Design for Flexure

Mu, kNm Dia of Req.spaci spacing pt

Moment Mu/bd2 % pt Ast mm2 Check
rein bar ng mm provided provided ###
-Mx 10.48 0.66 0.19 237.90 8 211 150 0.27 OK Interpolation:
+Mx 7.86 0.49 0.15 189.00 8 266 150 0.27 OK ###
-My 7.24 0.46 0.15 183.00 8 275 175 0.23 OK ###
+My 5.39 0.36 0.15 183.00 8 275 175 0.23 OK ###
DESIGN OF TWO WAY SLAB as per IS456-2002 B.M. Coeff. For
Project: Slab ID: store room slab Date: 10-Dec-18###
Length of Shorter Span, Lx : 4.23 m Dimensions-meter Material ###
Length of Longer Span Ly : 4.63 m Shorter, x 4.1 Conc. 25 ###
Overall depth of the Slab , D : 150 mm Longer, y 4.5 Steel 415 ###
Assumed Dia of main Bar : 10 mm ###
Effective depth of the slab, d : 125 mm TWO WAY SLAB ###
Loads Value Unit Check for Deflection (456) ###
Self weight : 3.75 kN/m 2
Modification factor ast 2.00###
Floor Finish : 1.50 kN/m2 Modification factor asc 1 ###
Live Load : 2.00 kN/m2 L/d Ratio 26 ###
Partition wall : 0.00 kN/m2 Eff. Depth Required (mm) 81 ###
Other : 1.50 kN/m2 Overall Depth Required (mm) 106 ###
Total Load : 8.75 kN/m2 tau
Factored Load : 13.125 kN/m2 ###
Support Conditon 8.Three Edges Disc(Ones S.E CONT.) ###
Desing Moment Coefficients 8 Check For One Way Shear
ly/lx -ax +ax -ay +ay 449 Fact. Shear Force 26.91 KN ###
1 0 0.043 - - Shear Stress 0.23 N/mm ###

1.1 0 0.051 - - Actual Shear Stress 0.55 N/mm2 ###

1.09 0.000 0.051 0.057 0.043 OK

Design for Flexure

Mu, kNm Dia of Req.spaci spacing pt

Moment Mu/bd2 % pt Ast mm2 Check
rein bar ng mm provided provided ###
-Mx 0.00 0.00 0.15 187.50 10 419 175 0.36 OK Interpolation:
+Mx 11.85 0.76 0.22 272.54 10 288 175 0.36 OK ###
-My 13.35 0.85 0.25 296.36 10 265 200 0.31 OK ###
+My 10.07 0.70 0.20 240.65 10 326 200 0.31 OK ###
DESIGN OF TWO WAY SLAB as per IS456-2002 B.M. Coeff. For
Project: Slab ID: store room slab Date: 10-Dec-18###
Length of Shorter Span, Lx : 3.53 m Dimensions-meter Material ###
Length of Longer Span Ly : 6.23 m Shorter, x 3.4 Conc. 25 ###
Overall depth of the Slab , D : 150 mm Longer, y 6.1 Steel 415 ###
Assumed Dia of main Bar : 10 mm ###
Effective depth of the slab, d : 125 mm TWO WAY SLAB ###
Loads Value Unit Check for Deflection (456) ###
Self weight : 3.75 kN/m 2
Modification factor ast 2.00###
Floor Finish : 1.50 kN/m2 Modification factor asc 1 ###
Live Load : 2.00 kN/m2 L/d Ratio 26 ###
Partition wall : 0.00 kN/m2 Eff. Depth Required (mm) 68 ###
Other : 1.00 kN/m2 Overall Depth Required (mm) 93 ###
Total Load : 8.25 kN/m 2
Factored Load : 12.375 kN/m2 ###
Support Conditon 4.Two Adjacent Edges Disc. ###
Desing Moment Coefficients 4 Check For One Way Shear
ly/lx -ax +ax -ay +ay 393 Fact. Shear Force 21.04 KN ###
1.75 0.084 0.063 - - Shear Stress 0.18 N/mm ###

2 0.091 0.069 - - Actual Shear Stress 0.52 N/mm2 ###

1.77 0.084 0.063 0.047 0.035 OK

Design for Flexure

Mu, kNm Dia of Req.spaci spacing pt

Moment Mu/bd2 % pt Ast mm2 Check
rein bar ng mm provided provided ###
-Mx 12.99 0.83 0.24 299.80 10 262 200 0.31 OK Interpolation:
+Mx 9.75 0.62 0.18 222.64 10 353 200 0.31 OK ###
-My 7.23 0.46 0.15 180.00 8 279 200 0.20 OK ###
+My 5.38 0.37 0.15 180.00 8 279 200 0.20 OK ###
DESIGN OF TWO WAY SLAB as per IS456-2002 B.M. Coeff. For
Project: Slab ID: store room slab Date: 10-Dec-18###
Length of Shorter Span, Lx : 3.73 m Dimensions-meter Material ###
Length of Longer Span Ly : 6.23 m Shorter, x 3.6 Conc. 25 ###
Overall depth of the Slab , D : 150 mm Longer, y 6.1 Steel 415 ###
Assumed Dia of main Bar : 10 mm ###
Effective depth of the slab, d : 125 mm TWO WAY SLAB ###
Loads Value Unit Check for Deflection (456) ###
Self weight : 3.75 kN/m 2
Modification factor ast 2.00###
Floor Finish : 1.50 kN/m2 Modification factor asc 1 ###
Live Load : 2.00 kN/m2 L/d Ratio 26 ###
Partition wall : 0.00 kN/m2 Eff. Depth Required (mm) 72 ###
Other : 1.00 kN/m2 Overall Depth Required (mm) 97 ###
Total Load : 8.25 kN/m 2
Factored Load : 12.375 kN/m2 ###
Support Conditon 4.Two Adjacent Edges Disc. ###
Desing Moment Coefficients 4 Check For One Way Shear
ly/lx -ax +ax -ay +ay 393 Fact. Shear Force 22.28 KN ###
1.5 0.075 0.056 - - Shear Stress 0.19 N/mm ###

1.75 0.084 0.063 - - Actual Shear Stress 0.52 N/mm2 ###

1.67 0.081 0.061 0.047 0.035 OK

Design for Flexure

Mu, kNm Dia of Req.spaci spacing pt

Moment Mu/bd2 % pt Ast mm2 Check
rein bar ng mm provided provided ###
-Mx 13.94 0.89 0.26 322.78 10 243 200 0.31 OK Interpolation:
+Mx 10.44 0.67 0.19 239.00 10 329 200 0.31 OK ###
-My 8.07 0.52 0.15 180.00 8 279 200 0.20 OK ###
+My 6.01 0.42 0.15 180.00 8 279 200 0.20 OK ###

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