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Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
Managing Learning (Managing behaviour of the students in the classroom).

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I will use positive reinforcement by praising the students and giving them stickers to encourage them.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
If the students are listening to my instructions and following my directions and behaving.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

-Students will name and identify the animals: camel,
KG2 English polar bear, bear, snake, frog, monkey, elephant, and
-Students will use colours do describe animals: blue,
brown, red, pink, black, orange, white, elephant,
giraffe, lion, camel, snake, monkey, frog, dog”
2 Ayesha Hassan Al Ali
Activity 1
Resources (what materials/equipment will you Preparation (what do you need to make or check
and the students use? Be specific) before class?)

Circle time (Polar bear polar bear what do you Check if the computer and TV are working
hear? By Bill Martin JR\ Eric Carle)
Make sure all the materials are available for student’s
Animals poster use

Colour the Igloo poster Key vocabulary

Animals world map poster Camel, polar bear, bear, snake, frog, monkey, elephant,
It’s warm up time song Some words from the story polar bear polar bear what
o do you hear? (A polar bear, a lion, a hippopotamus, a
flamingo, a zebra, a boa constrictor, an elephant, a
Activity 1: leopard, a peacock, a walrus).

Animals flashcards “ elephant, giraffe, lion, camel,

Colours: blue, brown, red, pink, black, orange, white.
snake, monkey, frog, dog”
Sight words: I can see a
Colour flashcards: blue, brown, red, pink, black,
orange, white This is a\an

Sticky tack

Telescopes made of paper (simple ones)

Activity 2:

Board game: look, say and remember

A coin\ paper with happy face on a side and sad

face on the other

Counter for each child playing the game

Activity 3:

Cards of “elephant, giraffe, lion, camel, snake,

monkey, frog, dog” that are cut out form the
middle (the head part- the body part)
Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

Start with greeting the students

Let students stand up and perform it’s warm up time song.

Sit with the students in the circle and display the animals, colour the igloo, and animal’s world map
posters on the board.

Each time ask the students can you see a. And name an animal from the poster, let one student
come and point out at the animal. (Formative assessment: Asking questions\ raised hands)

Explain the world map to the students and tell them that this represents the whole world and then
ask them about where do the animals live, each animal at a time and let a student come and point it
out and then discuss about where do he live.

Encourage students to say sentences instead of pointing only to the picture “ I can see a…”

Repeat until all animals are finished.

At the end point out to the polar bear and ask them what is this, where does it live?

(Formative assessment: Asking questions)

Explain that it lives in the arctic and that it is very cold.

Time: 15 -20 min

Introduce polar bear polar bear what do you hear story to the students and then read it to them. Ask
students about the sounds of the animals while reading.

Distribute students into learning centres

4 Ayesha Hassan Al Ali
Activity 1
Guided Experience (small group activity 1)

Stick flashcards of colours and animals. Put one colour beside one animal at a time and stick them
around the corridor or the playground.

Give students the telescopes and tell them that we are going on animals hunting and they should
hold their telescopes and search for animals.

While searching ask them “Children children what do you see?

Model some sentences and guide them through their answers.

I can see a “Pink frog” for example.

(Formative assessments: Observation and note taking)

Guided students Experience (small group activity 2)
40Mins Play board game: look, say and remember

The teacher choose one student who played the game and knows it well and let him guide the
group activity by telling the students what to do.

The student takes the role of the teacher.

Each child has a counter and they start by putting on the start line. Each child gets his turn to flip
the coin or the paper. If he had sad face he doesn’t move his counter. If he got a happy face he
moves his counter one step forward and describes the picture that he put his counter on like for
example an elephant, grey, big.

Try to finish the game and everyone gets to the finish line.
Pair\ independent Experience (small group activity 3)

Put the Cards of “elephant, giraffe, lion, camel, snake, monkey, frog, dog” that are cut out form the
middle (the head part- the body part)

Let students guess and match the cards so they would form the pictures of animals

Encourage them to describe them between each other.

Gather students back to the carpet

Revise with the students the animals names and where do they live.

Ask them about polar bear polar bear story and which animals they recall from it and show them
Time: 3-5min

their pictures.

(Formative assessment: Asking questions).


Whole group: check if the students know the animals that are in the poster: camel, lion, polar bear, bear,
snake, frog, monkey, elephant, lion.

Whole group: Check if students know about polar bear and where do he live.

Activity 1: Check if students can recall animal’s names and colours.

Check if students can use the sight words I can see a.

Closing: Asking about animals that they can recall from the story.
6 Ayesha Hassan Al Ali
Activity 1

Whole group posters:

Activity 3
8 Ayesha Hassan Al Ali
Activity 1

Activity 2

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