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J.P Nagar, Bangalore

PGPM 3rd semester Examination, October
Subject: Marketing Research
Total Marks: 70

Section A ( 1 X 20 = 20 Marks )
1. The first step in the Marketing research process is:
a> Research objective
b> Research design
c> Estimating the value of information
d> Research purpose

2. Consumer research includes analysis of:

a> Sales promotion technique
b> Consumer reactions to a product concept
c> Consumer behaviour
d> Consumer perceptions of product strength

3. Criteria governing choice of sampling technique includes :

a> Degree of precision
b> Facilities available
c> Size of population
d> Questionnaire design

4. During the implementation stage, marketing research is concerned mainly

with :
a> Objectives
b> Profits
c> Sales
d> Budgets

5. A dependent variable is also known as a :

a> Exogenous variable
b> Endogenous variable
c> Explanatory variable
d> Continuous variable
6. Another name for exploratory research is _______________ research :
a> Survey research
b> Descriptive research
c> Causal research
d> Formulative research

7. Research design must be flexible in the case of :

a> Exploratory research studies
b> Descriptive research studies
c> Diagnostic research studies
d> Hypothesis testing research studies

8. Which of the following are external sources of secondary data?

a> Trade association
b> Annual reports
c> Sales report
d> Inventory records

9. Which type of scale is obtained by ranking objects or by arranging them

in order?
a> Nominal scale
b> Ratio scale
c> Interval scale
d> Ordinal scale

10. Which of the following is a type of probability sampling?

a> Convenience sampling
b> Cluster sampling
c> Judgement sampling
d> Quota sampling
11. Which of the following is not a concept of testing hypotheses?
a> Level of significance’
b> Decision rule
c> Sampling distribution
d> Type I error

12. Each question in the survey appears down the side of a page called the
---------- .
a> Stub
b> Banner
c> Variable
d> Cross tab
13. Perceptual maps describe the ___________ of companies or brands.
a> Dimension
b> Positioning
c> Attributes
d> Criteria

14. Which of the following types of reports is meant for a lay

a> Popular report
b> Summary report
c> Interim report
d> Research abstract

15. Respondents' rights include all the following, except:

a> Right to give false answer
b> Right to privacy
c> Right to safety
d> Right to know research results

16. The code of marketing research ethics of the Marketing Research

Association aims to “exercise all reasonable care and to observe the best
standards of ----------------- and accuracy in the development, collection,
processing and reporting of marketing and survey research information.
a> Reliability
b> Objectivity
c> Subjectivity
d> Validity

17. Which of the following is being used increasingly by Indian companies

to become more competitive?
a> High leverage phenomenon
b> TQM
c> Customer satisfaction research
d> Marketing skills audit
18. The extent to which consumers might tend to forego a high level
of one attribute in order to obtain a high level of another is known as :
a> Trade off
b> Positioning
c> Regression
d> Cross tabulation

19. Positive use of body language during an oral presentation means:

a> Speaking with your hands in your pockets
b> Clutching the lectern for support
c> Pacing back and forth
d> Moving closer to the audience while speaking

20. A research hypothesis is basically a:

a> Assumption
b> A statement of purpose
c> A research problem
d> A systematic plan

Section B ( 2 X 11 = 22 )

1. The objective of selective research is :

a> To develop marketing options
b> To test different decision alternatives
c> To evaluate performance of programs
d>To determine the structure for a given market

2. Measuring advertising recall is a part of :

a> Selective research
b) Programmatic research
c) Evaluative research
d) Product research

3. If a research study tries to determine the comparative impact of three

different advertising campaigns on sales, then the three different advertising
campaigns are examples of :
a> Control groups
b> Experimental units
c> Treatments
d>Research hypothesis.

4. A perceptual map helps to understand the following :

a> How to reposition brands
b> Brand loyalty
c> Brand awareness
d>Brand preferences

5. terms of topic and time means examining:

a) Data quality
b) Data pertinence
c) Data accuracy
d) Data reliability

6. Rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true is known as :

a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) Beta error
d) Two tailed test

7. Restricted sampling means :

a) A selected number may be replaced
b) A selected number is set aside
c) A random sample is drawn from each stratum
d) A certain number of sub samples are selected from a population

8. A report meant for the general public may include all the following except:
a) Visuals
b) Explanation of statistical analyses
c) Glossary of new terms used
d) Synopsis

9. The purpose of an abstract or synopsis is :

a> To appeal to a lay audience
b> To cut short the length of a research report
c> To give a bird's eye view of the entire report
d>To summarize a technical report

10. A respondent can abstain from answering which of the following questions?
a) A leading question on problems faced with a manufacturer’s brand
b) An open ended question regarding suggestions for improvement in service
c) A closed ended question on preferred holiday destinations
d) A question on smoking or drinking habits

11. Future competitiveness of a firm is measured through :

a> Comparison of relative cost
b> Customer satisfaction
c> Market share
d> R & D share

Section C ( 7 X 4 =28 )

1. Which of the following are part of experiments?

1. Treatments
2. Control groups
3. Hypotheses
4. Replication
5. Sample
6. Questionnaire
A. 1, 2, 3, 5
B. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 2, 3, 4, 5
D. 2, 3, 4, 6

2. Arrange the following steps in the marketing research design process in the
correct sequence and select one of the answers given below- 1. Determining the
scope of the research 2. Developing research hypotheses 3. Specifying
information to be gathered by the research 4.Estimating the value of information
5. Identifying problems or opportunities to be studied 6. Identifying the decision
a> . 5, 6, 3, 2, 1, 4
b> 3, 6, 5, 2,1, 4
c> 5, 6, 3, 4, 1, 2
d> 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4

3. Which of the following are characteristics of the panel method?

1. Trained field investigators
2. Large number of items
3. Collection of data from the same persons
4. One time collection of data
5. Use of mail or personal interview
6. Used for longitudinal studies
A. 1, 2, 5, 6
B. 1, 2, 4, 6
C. 2, 3, 5, 6
D. 1, 3, 5, 6

4. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Participant observation
2. Direct observation
3. Indirect observation
4. Controlled observation
Set B
a. Clear decisions on what, how & when to observe
b. Recording by mechanical devices
c. Recording of events as they occur
d. Concealing of researcher’s purpose
A. 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a
B. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
C. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b
D. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d

5. Arrange the following steps in hypothesis testing in the right sequence and
select one of the answers given below- 1. Comparing the probability 2.
Calculating the probability 3. Selecting a random sample & computing an
appropriate value 4. Deciding the distribution to use 5. Making a formal
statement 6. Selecting a significance level
a> 5, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1
b> 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
c> 5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3
d> 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1

6. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1) Cluster sampling
2) Area sampling
3) Multi-stage sampling
4) Replicated sampling
Set B
a) Selection of sub samples from population
b) Population scattered over a wide area
c) Geographical areas selected as sampling units
d) Sampling units consist of population elements
A. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
B. 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a
C. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a
D. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b

7. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Cross tabulation
2. Multiple regression
3. Perceptual mapping
4. Conjoint analysis
Set B
a. Choices between attributes
b. Comparison of competing firms on key attributes
c. Effect of other variables on dependent variable
d. Examination of variables for possible relationships
A. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
B. 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a
C. 1a, 2d, 3b, 4c
D. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b

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