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‘COLORED WOMAN MURDERED B UNKNOWN HAND Body of Mrs. Stella Ware Found Near Pool cf Blood Back of the Hamman Carpet Cleaning Works With Ugly Gash In the Head In- flicted By Heavy Blow. TUG TAYLOR, COLORED, HELD ON SUSPICION ee Circumstantial Evidence Points to Guilt of Ma Arrested; Who Pro- tests Innocence But Had Object- ed to Return of Mrs. Ware to Her Husband. _ — Se Seventy feet from a pool of blood, which had flowed from a wound in her head, Inflicted by an unknown hand and in an unknown manner, the body of Mrs. Stella Ware, a colgred woman, 26 years old, was found at %:35 o'clock yesterday morning back of the Hamman carpet cleaning works, corner of Franklin and Decatur streéts. Tug Taylor, also colored, who works at the carpet cleaning works and who has kept company with the dead woman for the past year or more, is detained in the city jail, with a strong web of circumstantial evidence weav- ing itself about him as the perpetrator of the crime, although he stoutly de- nies any knowledge of the affair. Threats said to have been made to Alvin Kelley, a brother of the mur- dered woman, and the fact that evi- dence given by certain persons who saw him, does not substantiate state- ments made by Taylor as to his where- abouts, point strongly to his guilt. Mrs. Ware was the wife of James Ware, sometimes known as Jean Gam- ble, of St Paul, Minn. She left her husband about two years ago, came to Decatur and resided in the home of her father, George Kelley, 848 South Colfax street. She had kept company with Taylor for the past year or more, according to her father, but lately had been thinking of returning to her husband in St. Paul. > “I would sooner see her dead than have her return to him, and would kill her before I would see her re- turn,” said Taylor some time ago to Alvin Kelley, the brother of Mrs, Ware, according to Kelley’s story. And this is proving one of the strong- est links in the chain of evidence against Taylor. Mrs. Ware had packed her trunk and was going to return to her hus- band either yesterday or today, but had kept her going a secret, fearing that Taylor might fulfill his threats if he knew that she was going away. Last Time Seen Alive, Mrs. Ware left her home- about 8 o'clock Saturday night intending to pay a bill down town, go to a moving picture show and return home. This was the last seen of her by her par- ents. She left home in company with Harry Lawrence, janitor of / Brown's business college, who had been to the Kelley home. According to Lawrence, he walked with Mrs. Stout as far as the Jackson school, when they met Taylor, and from there the three of them walked along Jackson street to his home, No. 527 in that street, and there he left them. ~This was the last seen of Mrs. Stout by any one except Taylor. : According to Taylor's story, as he told it to the police, he had made arrangements with Mrs. Stout to ac- company her to a show, and at 5:30 o'clock he telephoned to her and tol@ her to meet him down town “T did not wait for her, but started out to meet her,” he said, “and met her at the Jackson street school at the corner of Jackson and Colfax streets in company with a party by the name of Charley Lawrence.” According to his story they then came to Lawrence’s home, where he left them and they proceeded on down town, and when they came to the opera house he left her after giving her a dollar. He said that she went to the show and that was the last he saw of her. After that he said he went to the club rooms on East Main street and stayed there until 12 o'clock. Then he went to Carrol's poslroom in South Franklin street and returned to the club rooms about 1 o'clock and remained there until 6 a. m. Accord- ing to the statement of Robert Sims, who works at the rooms, however, he came to the rooms at about 1 o'clock, and had been drinking and went to sleep there. Sims woke him up and sent him away,.and as he left the = room Sims said he heard the clock by strike 4 o'clock. Others who were in Be the room at this time confirmed Sims’ ed statement. ch Twin Sister Interviewed. Se Rilla Dixon, a twin sister of the murdered woman, says that Taylor came up to Travers’ hall in East Wood Street, where she was, and gave her a quarter, which he told her to give to her sister; if he did not show up to ‘take her home, and to tell her to take acab. Mrs. Dixon waited at the hall until 11 o'clock to give the ney to her sister, but she falled to come for it. Sa . Taylor is said to have given 50 cents to another man to buy some whisky, and an empty quart bottle was found near the scene Of_the affair. Taylor's pocketbook was also found on the ground near the place, and when asked to explain this he said that he worked there. The authorities then asked him how it happened to be on the outside of the building and he stated that he did not know. A long piece of fence paling with the end covered with bloody hair, was found near the scene of the death. A plece of carpet stretcher was found rs Under some furniture in the building, ci- | 4nd when the officers demanded it of (Continued om Third Page.) » % si -+- COLORED WOMAN: IS MURDERED BY: UNKNOWN HAND - (Continued from First Page) eee ee a colored man by the name of Nickens, who was in the shop yesterday morn-| ing. he refused to give it to them. It, Was thought for a time th=t this might be the instrument with which the! wound was inflicted. | _ Chief of Police Koeppe was notified by the officer on the beat at 6:35) Oclock that there was a body lying. near the carpet cleaning works, and | | he instructed the officer not to touch, the same and to notify the coroner. | Coroner Buxton went to the scene of) | 1 the murder and the body was taken} to Moran’s undertaking parlors, and) later, upon the order of the father, Was transferred to Dawson's.

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