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Plan Risk Mgmt 1. Project charter 2. Project management plan Tools and Techniques 1. Analytical techniques 2. Expert judgment 1. Risk management plan Stakehoblers Tolerance Riskmanagementplan Costmanagement pian Schedule management plan ‘Qualty management plan Human resource management plan Scope baseline Activity cost estimates Activity durationestimates Stakeholder register 10. Project documents, 41 Procurement documents, Deer 13.080 3. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis 1. Risk reaister 2. Risk management plan 3. Scope baseline 4. EEF 5.OPA 3. Stakeholder register i 4. EEF va 8. Meetings Roles andResponsibilities Regarting Format —) 2. Identify Risks a 4. Documentation reviews 2. Information-gathering techniques Brainstormi Delphi Technique Imienviews oot Cause identification 3 Checklist analysis 4. Assumptions analysis 5. Diagramming techniques Ishikawa Diagram (fishbone diagram) Flowcharts Influence Oiaoram 8. SWOT analysis 7. Expert judgment SS Tools and Techniques 1, Risk probability and impact assessment 2. Probability and impact matrix 3. Risk data quality assessment 4. Risk categorization 5. Risk urgency assessment 6. Expert judgment mS 1. Risk register + List of sks + Possible basic cause and potamtal response e 1. Project documents updates “Risk Register Undates List of prioritized risks + Rick Categorias + Urgent Risks “Watch Lis = Assumptions log updates: = 1. Risk register 2. Risk management plan 3. Schedule management plan 4. Cost management plan 5. EEF 6. OPA 6. Plan Risk Responses 1. Risk register 2. Risk management plan Tools and Techniques 1. Data gathering and representation techniques Intarviews Probability Distribution 2. Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques Sensitity Analysis (Totrado Diagram) Expected Monetary Vaiue Decision Tree Analysis Simulation (MonteCarle technique) 3. Expert judgment Ss Tools and Techniques 1, Sirategies for negate risks (threats) ‘Avoid, Mitigate, Transfer and Accepl) 2. Strategies for postive risks (opportunities) (Expvolt, Enhance, Share and Accopt) 2. Contingent response strategies Schedule Plan Cost plan Quality Pian HR Plan wes: 4. Expert judgment 4. Project documents updates “Rsk Register Undates List of prioritized risks * Add imo|monay contingency resones + Improved lst of prioritized risks bead — 4. Project management plan updates 2. Project documents updates Project Cocunert Updates Assumotions = Technisal Mormation &doounert= = Contreency reserve ~ Fallock plans + Upcate assumptoniog = Updaie Oaniert Decisiers Rick Register Undates * Speedy ish one 8 risk eeion onrer * Riskiveees + Seceray risks Residual riske e 1. Risk register 2. Project management plan 3. Work performance data 4, Work performance reports Tools and Techniques | |. Risk reassessment Risk audits . Variance and trend analysis Technical performance measurement . Reserve analysis . Meetings 1. Change requests 2. Werk performance information 3. Project management plan updates 4, Project documents updates “Risk Register Undates Delete | Ada now sks 5. OPA Update ~The Lessons Leamt Datsbace ~ RBS (with new risks) Company terpates &

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