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Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project

Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project




The construction industry is coming under increasing pressure to make its activities
more environmentally acceptable good practice on site to preserve our
environment is now usually a high priority for clients, their professional advisors,
contractors and regulators.

Likewise, principal contractors are coming under increasing pressure to conduct

their site works with greater responsibility towards the environment and towards
persons on and around the site. Effective environmental management, a product
of good site management practice, can create improved environmental conditions
on a project. It enables the principal contractor to fulfill its environmental
responsibilities both on and around the site and ensure that environmental
legislation is met.

Effective environmental management focuses on ensuring that the site works are
planned, organized and carried out with full awareness and understanding of the
environmental effects that the works create. In this way, environmental safeguard
becomes an intrinsic part of managing the project.

The Ethiopian Roads Authority has entered into contract agreement with Amhara
Road Works Enterprise to perform the construction of Fiche – GohaTsion Road
Overlay Project.

The road, with a total length of approximately 75.5 km is located within the
bounds of the Oromia Regional State.

The following Environmental protection plan shall focus on the detailed

environmental protection activities carried out for the project.

The main areas which could have adverse impacts on the environment during the
course of the project are the widening sections, the construction of the road on
new alignments and material sources which probably have natural habitats
presently. Other areas are those to be used for construction of temporary works

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

such as detours, plant sites, workshops and stockpile areas etc. The impact of each
on the project operation will be discussed in detail.

In this regard the Consultant would like to outline our environmental protection
plan in project direction by discussing the environmental impacts in each section.

1. Construction in existing alignment sections

2. Construction in widening sections
3. Borrow pits
4. Quarries
5. Plant sites
6. Work shops
7. Main Camp

1. Construction in the Existing Alignment Sections

The section is considered to be a reconstruction or upgrading. The following

impacts will be anticipated during the initial stages of the construction operations
and their renovation plan will be discussed.

1.1 Impacts on Landscape, Trees and Shrubbery

During the reconstruction process it is necessary to accommodate the traffic on

detours. The detours are mostly located either on the left or right side of the main
road. It will be necessary to clear and grade the detour alignment in addition to
removal of some vegetables and trees including some side farmland.

Some sections of the existing alignments may require widening to meet the
required width. In this case, it will be necessary to clear and cut existing slopes to
widen the section which may result removal of some vegetables and tress.

 Renovation Plan

A. Special care will be taken to preserve the natural landscaping and shall
conduct the construction operation so as to prevent any unnecessary
destruction, scarring, or defacing of the natural surroundings in the
vicinity of the works.
B. The diversion will be made passable to vehicles after the traffic
accommodated on the finished road. The surface of the road will be
scarified so as to facilitate the natural re-vegetation of the grasses and

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

small bushes, which were originally in these areas. The surfacing

material, which used as the wearing course of diversions, will be
scarified or removed by an appropriate method.
C. The edges of clearing and cuts through tress, shrubbery, and vegetation
shall be irregularly shaped to soften the undesirable visual impact of
straight lines.
D. All trees and shrubbery which are not specifically required to be cleared
or removed for construction purposes shall be preserved and shall be
protected from any damage that may be caused by the construction
operation and equipment’s.
E. The water ways which were closed will be opened back to original

1.2 Water Pollution

Structural works are found in this section. In this regard there may be a possibility
of accidental spillage of solid matter, debris etc. in to flowing or dry watercourses.
Most pollutants in this section consist of demolished masonry and concrete. Since
most structural works will be carried out on areas where the streams and rivers are
dry the possibility of construction materials being washed away by water extinct.

 Renovation Plan

A. The Demolished part of any existing structure will be transported by

dump trucks to a dumping place accepted by the Engineer.
B. Excavated materials will not be deposited in watercourses. Instead they
will be transported to other approved places or reused as embankment
C. Any structural works or earthwork operation adjacent to or
encroaching on streams or watercourses shall be conducted in a manner
to prevent muddy water and eroded materials from entering the stream
or watercourses by construction of intercepting ditches, bypass channels,
barriers, setting ponds any other means recommended by the Engineer.

1.3 Dust and Air Pollution

During the construction of the works there is a possibility of dust pollution, which
results from passing traffic on detours. This can have a negative impact on the
adjacent environment such as atmosphere, cultivated fields, corps, residential
houses etc.

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

 Renovation Plan

A. The detours will be sprayed with water at reasonable intervals so as to

control the dust in the dry season to facilitate smooth passage of traffic.
B. Damaged crops or cultivated fields will be brought back to their original
conditions by an appropriate means approved by the Engineer.
C. The emission of dust into the atmosphere shall be strictly controlled
during the manufacturing, handling and storage of concrete and road
D. Equipment’s and vehicles that show excessive emissions of exhaust gases
due to poor engine adjustments or other inefficient operating
conditions shall not be operated until corrective repairs or adjustment
are made.
E. Burring of materials resulting from clearing of trees and brush,
combustible construction materials and rubbish will be carried out only
when the atmospheric conditions are considered favorable.

1.4 Noise Pollution

The Contractor will comply with regulations concerning prevention control of

excessive noise. These shall include maintenance of machineries on a regular basis,
avoiding of using excessively used machineries and etc.

1.5 Light Pollution

The Contractor shall be responsible for correcting lighting problems when they

1.6 Pesticides

When the Contractor finds it necessary to use pesticide in work areas of the
contract, he shall submit the plan for such use to the Engineer for written

The Contractor shall read and comply with all labeling requirements when using

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

1.7 Waste Materials

During the reconstruction operation waste materials may be obtained from

different sources like demolished materials, unsuitable soils that have to be
replaced, and excess asphalted material.

 Renovation Plan

A. Demolished materials will be dumped to an approved dumping place

during the progress of the works. Spoil areas will be identified and
submitted for the Engineer’s approval
B. In addition unsuitable soils will be transported to a place where the
natural terrain has been disturbed for the purpose of the works, to be
used as corrective means.
C. Excess asphalted material will be stockpiled in an approved stockpile
area to be later use in further construction areas or for detour
constructions. If excess material is obtained after completion of the
works it will be utilized in an environmentally friendly way by
discussing with the local authorities and the engineer.

2. Construction on New Alignment

New constructions are the ones, which affect the natural environment more than
road construction on existing section. This is due to the fact that new areas have
to be touched by the construction, which changes the surrounding natural habitat

The following environmental impacts are the most likely to occur and the
renovation plan will be discussed as follows:-

2.1 Impact on Landscape and trees

In new construction sections the land will be used to construct a permanent road.
All trees, grazing land, crops and property have to be removed after the necessary
compensations by the Employer. In this case the section may be filled or cut to the
required grade by construction equipment’s. All other trees, shrubs etc. will be
protected from damages by construction equipment’s by an approved means to
be discussed below. Another important impact on the environment is during
blasting operations. During the course of the construction some important

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

historical and archaeological data may be encountered which may have to be


 Renovation Plan

A. Protective barriers such as pegs, barrels, flags etc. will be used to mark
the construction limits in the construction areas so that no damage will
occur to the trees and shrubs outside the construction areas or the right
of way boundary. In other words construction equipment will not be
allowed out of the right of way boundary to use these areas as turning
or parking places.
B. Special care will be taken to prevent the scattering of rocks outside the
work area so that no damage will occur to the surrounding trees and
shrubs. Special care will be implemented to regulate the explosion
C. The waste will be removed under the instructions of the Engineer since
it builds a barrier between habitats in addition to the restriction of the
movement of small animals which are part of the habitats and
contribute a lot for the overall functioning of a natural habitat.
D. Some important findings such as valuable historical and archaeological
data will be immediately reported after such findings so as to enable the
Employer preserve them in due time.

2.2 Impact on the Existing Drainage System

Depending on the nature of terrain, the drainage system of the surrounding may
negatively be affected by the construction activity. Deep cuts and high fills change
the flow direction of water of the previous catchments area resulting in change in
the water distribution of the natural habitats.

 Renovation Plan

A. All water streams in the previous alignment will have to be continued in

the widening section so that no ponding of the water occurs.
B. Deep investigations in the course of the construction will be carried out
and the negative effects on the drainage system due to the widening
will be reported to the Engineer with the proposed corrective measures.

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

3. Borrow Pits

It is necessary to locate and exploit borrow pits for earthwork and detour
constructions during the progress of the works. For this purpose the Contractor
shall obtain a site possessions for various borrow pits, which will be partially or
fully exhausted.
In most cases it is also necessary to construct access roads to this borrow pits. Both
borrow pits and their access roads have negative impact on the surrounding
environment since they represent the alteration of the existing natural system.

Each borrow pit has its own specific impacts on the natural system of the
surrounding. In most cases the Contractor will try to work out best solutions in
collaboration with the local agricultural and environmental authorities.

 Renovation Plan

A. After completion of the project the pit will be well trimmed so that no
erosion will take place that can affect the agricultural lands around the
B. The access road will be removed to make the land available for
vegetation growth.
C. The pit may be used as water storage after small technical adjustments
are made so that water will be available in the dry season for the cattle
if required.
D. The pit may be filled with suitable embankment material to be used as a
grazing if necessary.

4. Quarries

It is necessary to locate and exploit quarry sites to obtain raw material for
aggregate production for sub base, base course and surfacing aggregates. For this
purpose the Contractor shall obtain site possessions for the quarry sites which will
be partially or fully exhausted. In most cases it is also necessary to construct
access roads to the quarry sites. Both quarry sites and their access roads shall have
negative impact on the surrounding environment since they represent the
alteration of the existing natural system.

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

 Renovation Plan

A. The bare land can be covered with suitable soil, which can facilitate the
growth of plants on the upper part of the quarry after completion of
the project.
B. The access road will be cleaned of scattered rocks and the edges of the
adjacent farmland can be re-cultivated.
C. The drainage of the area will be adjusted to the natural drain system
after the completion of the exploitation
D. If the quarry is nearly exploited fully, then there will be a possibility of
covering the section with trees of suitable type in order to re-cultivate
the surrounding.
E. After completion of the works the site will be reshaped to provide a
living condition for animals and plants by planting trees and
landscaping the surrounding if possible.
F. Other protective measures like protecting the nearby farmland during
blasting activities will be undertaken. In this case there is a possibility of
using physical barriers to protect the scattering of rocks on the crops.

5. Plant Sites

The crusher and asphalt plant will be located at area selected by the Contractor
and approved by the Engineer. During the production of aggregates and surfacing
material, the plants release relativelyhigh amounts of dust into the surrounding
atmosphere. The dust is usually accumulated in the nearby surrounding and
natural vegetation.

 Renovation Plan

A. Although the effects of the crusher dust on the surrounding is not that
much significant, some protective measures are still required to
minimize the dust. For this purpose a water tank with hose system has
been provided which sprinkles water on the cone and conveyor belts so
as to suppress the dust to an acceptable limit.
B. The aggregate stockpiles will have to be removed and the land covered
with suitable soil to facilitate the growth of plants and crops after
completion of the project.
C. Some part of the soil contaminated with leak fuel, oil and grease will be
removed and replaced with suitable soil.
D. The drainage of the area will be checked to fit the original condition.

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

E. The access road will also be removed and made similar to the original
condition by scraping off and make the place habitable for plant species

6. Workshops

The major contaminants in the workshop are fuels, oils, greases etc. Considerable
amount of solid soil is also available like different spare part packages, damaged
tires and spare parts. The environmental impact of these wastes on the
surrounding habitat is significant when compared to other operations of the
project. Special care will be taken so that no waste fluid enters in to the surface
water by filtration or other mechanism since this can cause health damages to the
community including plants and animals.

 Renovation Plan

A. The majority of the solid waste will have to be removed by disposal to

an approved dump area after making the necessary arrangements with
the local authorities
B. Waste oils and greases will be handled specially in order to prevent
accidental spillages into nearby water streams and farmland. Since these
wastes have negative influence on the biodiversity their disposal by
burning seems to be the best solution to eliminate them. Special care
will be taken to prevent fire hazards during burning.
C. Non-combustible materials can also be removed by burying after
arranging the land with the local authorities. The top surface of the
burial will be covered with at least 0.6 meter of earth material after
D. Sanitary wastes will be disposed in constructed pits at approved places.

7. Camp Site

The campsite will be located at approved area for the Engineer’s and Contractor’s
quarters including main laboratories, offices, and accommodation, workshop,
crusher site, asphalt plant site, and production yards. The contractor’s quarter will
be removed after completion of the works. Some concrete bases will be removed
from the site. The area shall be graded as required so that allsurface drains
naturally bind with the natural terrain and are left in a condition that will facilitate
natural re-vegetation, provide for proper drainage and prevent erosion. Sanitary
wastes and garbage are the major waste products in the main camp.

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan

Amhara Road Works Enterprise Addis Abeba –Gohatsion Road Asphalt overlay Project
Contract III: Fiche–Gohatsion Road Overlay Project

 Renovation Plan

A. The place will be graded and left in a manner confirming to the natural
appearance of the landscape.
B. Re-vegetation will also be considered after making some adjustments to
the drainage of the area
C. Sanitary wastes and garbage are disposed at pits approved by the
D. Disposal of combustible materials shall be by burning. All material to be
burned shall be piled in designated areas in such a manner as will cause
the least fire hazards. The Contractor will take special precautions to
prevent fire from spreading beyond the piles being burned.
E. Material to be disposed by dumping shall be hauled to the approved
dumping sites.
F. Material to be disposed by burial shall buried in location, size and depth
approved by the Engineer.

Ethiopian Road Authority Environmental Protection Plan


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