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Jacopo Cassetti, text for Vivaldi’s Juditha triumphans

Original text and translations

Pars prima

Arma, cædes, vindictæ, furores

Latin text English translation

CHORUS (militum pugnantium in acie cum CHOIR (of soldiers fighting on the battlefield,
timpano bellico) with battle drums)
Arma, cædes, vindictæ, furores, Weapons, carnage, vengeance, fury,
angustiæ, timores famine and fear:
precedite nos. precede us!
Rotate, Encircle,
pugnate give battle,
O bellicæ sortes, oh fates of War:
mille plagas, a thousand wounds,
mille mortes a thousand deaths,
adducite vos. inflict.

Felix en fausta dies

Felix et fausta dies [It is a] splendid and joyous day,
o magnanimi eroes et fortunati: you noble and fortunate heroes!
prospera vobis sors, sydera, cælum: The fate, the stars, the heaven are on your side:
et post sæcula tandem After so many centuries
venit optata lux, lux suspirata, has the long-awaited light come, which was
qua magni in vestro Duce, long-desired,
qua Dux Magnus in vobis: by which you will be great through your leader
cunctis æqua and your leader great through you.
erit tandem Victoria, Equally yet today
et vestro invicto Regi shall you share the victory
honor, et gloria. and with your undefeated king,
Nil arma, nil bella, honour and glory
nil fiamma furoris Nothing are the weapons, the battles,
si cor bellatoris nothing the flame of raging war
est cadens in se. if the warrior's heart
Si pugnat sperando, has sunk.
iam virtus pugnando He who fights with hope
vigescit in spe. shall find in hope
yet the strength to fight.
Mi Dux, Domine mi… VAGAUS
My commander, my Lord…
Et quid ne petis? HOLOFERNES
What do you want?
Felicitatis tuæ Nuncius accedo. VAGAUS
I come as the bearer of your good fortune.
Quidne fausti tu refers? HOLOFERNES
What good news do you bring?
Nil nisi Gloriæ tuæ grande incrementum, VAGAUS
et vere oculis tuis dulce portentum. Nothing but a great addition to your glory,
and, truly, a sweet portent to your eyes.

Matrona inimica/Huc accedat Matrona

Matrona inimica A noble lady of the enemy
te quærit ad arma is asking of you to the guards,
dux magne Holofernes. mighty lord Holofernes.
Et cito deh, credas, And soon, believe me,
tibi erit amica she will be yours
si lumina cernes. if you just set your gaze upon her.

Huc accedat Matrona, Let the noble lady through,
et sit armorum Marti ebrea Bellona. and may she be the Hebrew Bellona to the
In Bethulia vilescunt armies of Mars.
hostes miseri geni: undique luctus In Bethulia have become weak
sævus undique clamor. the armies of th[is] miserable people;
Hic anhelat, everywhere is mourning
hic gemit, ille plorat, and everywhere wild raging.
dolent omnes; There one gasps for breath,
nil nisi timor, nil nisi mærentium there another groans, another weeps,
ignavia, desperatio, afflictio, inopia, all suffer.
et lacrimarum copia. Nothing but fear, nothing but sorrow,
despondency, despair, pain, poverty,
and many tears are shed.

Veni fœmina illustris

Veni fœmina illustris, Come, illustrious lady,
pulchra bellatrix huc, beautiful warrior, come near;
lumine, et pede with your eyes and bearing
videntes feri, you bring close to you all who observe,
et generosa accede. approach, noble one.

Quocum patriæ me ducit amore Wherever the love of my fatherland
libertatis dulcissima spes, and sweetest hope of freedom lead me,
summo ductus a cæli fulgore as I'm guided by the highest rays of heaven,
tuto pergat per classica pes. may I walk safely among these throngs

Ne timeas non, lætare Do not fear, be glad,
casta Vidua dilecta virtuous and esteemed widow,
certa virtutis tuæ munera expecta. be certain that you shall receive
[rewards worthy of your virtue.
Vultus tui vago splendori Through the dazzling countenance of your face
cedit ira ridet amor. anger fades away, and smiles love.
Ac tui numinis honori And in honour of your spirit
lætus plaudit omnium clamor; all cry with shouts of joy.
vide, humilis prostrata Hark, humbly prostrated
in vultus tui nitore, before the glory of your face
quam estatica sit gens tanta armata. lie these well-armed people.

Nil moræ. Ad Holofernem No more! To Holofernes,
me ducite benigni please, guide me now,
duces bellici honoris, valiant leaders of battles.
pacis en nuntia venio, et non furoris. I come as a harbinger of peace, not of the rage
of war.

O quam vaga, venusta, o quam decora

O quam vaga, venusta, o quam decora, How lovely, fair, how pretty you are,
ospes nostræ victoriæ unica, et vera. our only and true hope of victory!

Tentoria vultu tuo ducis honora Honour the tent of the leader with your gaze,
et cuncta ab Holoferne attende, et spera. and place your hope in Holofernes.

Quem vides prope

Quem vides prope, aspectu He whom you see close-by, whose countenance
terribili, et suavi, is terrifying yet charming,
quem quæris, ipse hic est: amore, et fide, is the one whom you seek; with love and faith,
in ipso pulchra Sion spera, et confide. in him, fair Zion, place your trust, and have
Quamvis ferro, et ense gravis
dulcis tamen et suavis Though is sword is made of heavy iron,
pro te Dux erit, o bella. a sweet and gentle
leader he shall be for you, comely one.
Tibi tua tu sors et fatum,
nec per te fremit iratum, Yours are your fate and destiny,
tua pupilla fit tua stella. and he shan't tremble with rage fore you;
may your eye be your guiding star.
Quid cerno! Oculi mei HOLOFERNES
stupidi quid videtis! What do I see? My baffled eyes,
solis, an cæli splendor! what did you see?
ah summæ prolis The sun, the splendor of heaven!
vincunt lumina sua lumina solis. Ah, best of beings,
your eyes shame the sun's light!
Sistite, viatrici!
preparate trophea, spargite flores, Stay put, merchant-ladies!
et obvient Divæ suæ teneri Amores. Prepare tributes, spread flowers
and may tender cupids come meet their

Summe Rex, strenue miles

Summe Rex, strenue miles, Greatest king, valiant soldier,
nabuc Regis cor, cuius in manu heart of king Nebuch, in whose hands
stat suprema potestas, nutui cuius rests supreme power, whose will fate
fortuna, et sors obedit, and fortune obey
et cuncta iura sua gloria concedit. and whose glory ensures all justice.

O quam pulchrior in pulchro Oh, how much prietter sounds virtue
virtus est ore sonans! Quidnam petis, when spoken by a pretty mouth! What do you
suavissima supplex? seek,
most charming of supplicants?

Non mihi, patriæ meæ

Non mihi, patriæ meæ Not for me, [but] for my homeland
spem salutis exoro, I beg for the hope of salvation,
et sic Bethuliæ a te pacem imploro. and thus I implore you to give peace to
Quanto magis generosa, Bethulia.
plus victori gloriosa How much more magnanimous,
venia victo magis cara. how much more glorious to the conquerer
O quam pulchra tua potentia how much dearer [is] mercy to the conquered.
illustrata tua clementia! How greater [would] your power be
parce Dux, ac tolle amara. [if] shown by your mercy!
Spare [us], Lord, and ease our bitter condition.

Magna, o fœmina petis

Magna, o fœmina petis, You ask great things, woman,
quæ maxima, si dentur! yet even bigger you'd be given, if you asked
majora sed a me tibi debentur. them!
O timpana silete, But I owe you even more.
recedite o Phalanges, Be silent, drums,
cedite amori meo, cedite invictæ move back, phalanxes,
faces, tela, sagittæ, yield to my love, yield to the undefeated
et vos bellica in campo impia tormenta countenance, spears, arrows,
estote in gaudio meo nova contenta. and you, wicked engines of war on the
Hic sede amica mea. battlefield,
find new fulfillment in my joy.
JUDITHA Sit here, my love.
Non tantus honor
tuæ famulæ donetur. JUDITH
Such great honour
HOLOFERNES shouldn't be given to your servant.
Tu me honoras.
JUDITHA You bring me honour.
Te colo.
HOLOFERNES I am your servant .
Sedeas hic.
JUDITHA Be seated here.
Non debeo, non.
I shouldn't, no.

Sede, o cara

Sic jubeo, et volo. That's what I command, and wish.

Sede, o cara, Sit, my dear,

dilecta speciosa my beloved beautiful
mea vivida rosa, lively rose,
mea fulgida fax. my shimmering flame.
Tu Marti triumphanti, To Mars in his triumph,
tu bellico amanti to the warring lover
pulcherrima Pax. most beautiful peace.

Tu Judex es, tu Dominus, tu potens You are judge, commander, and powerful
in exercitu tanto, et tuæ dextræ victrici of such a mighty army, and your victorious
semper aspectu sint astra felici. right arm
always bless the stars.
Felix per te, HOLOFERNES
magisque felix ero, I am happy because of you,
si dum sepulta manet and shall be even happier,
lux Apollinis unda, if, while buried under the sea
me te dignum remains Apollo's light,
in convivio tu reddas, you shall do me the honour
ut melius pacis nostræ amatæ, et caræ, of joining me for supper,
solemnia tecum possim celebrare. so that better our loved and cherished peace
may I solemnly with you celebrate.
Inter convivia, et dapes JUDITH
torpescent labia mea During feasts and banquets
in jeiunio assueta: my lips become numb
tristis, nec unquam læta as I am used to fasting:
in eduliis astricta saddened, never pleased
nescia est delitiæ tantæ anima afflicta. by food,
my afflicted sould knows not such pleasures.

Agitata infido flatu

Agitata infido flatu Tossed around by the treacherous wind
diu volatu in its long flight,
vagabundo the wandering
mæsta hirundo sad swallow
it plorando goes weeping,
boni ignara. remembering no good.

Sed impulsu auræ serenæ But propelled by the force of a fair breeze,
tantæ cito oblita pœnæ suddenly forgetting such sorrow,
in dilecta in its delightfully
dulcia tecta tender nest
gaudii ridet haud avara. it laughs joyfully, desiring no more.

In tentorio supernæ

In tentorio supernæ In my tent let it be
sint in ordine cœnæ. served a superb supper.
Quid, quid natat in Ponto, Whatever flies in the Pontus,
quid, quid in cælo, whatever [is] in the sky,
et terra nutrit and [whatever] earth nourishes
ne sit legere grave. shall not be hard to obtain.
Hinc nostræ Reginæ, Here, to our queen,
cui Vagæ, tu deservies, whom you, Vagaus, will serve,
sit cretensis Lyei donum suave. be given the sweet gift of the Cretan Lyaeus

O servi volate
O servi volate, Servants, fly
et Domino meo and for my Lord
vos mensas parate prepare supper,
si proxima nox. as night fast approaches.
Invicto Holoferni To the undefeated Holofernes
cantemus alterni, let us sing in alternate verses;
honoris, amoris to honours and love-making
sit consona nox. may the night be propitious.

Honoris, amoris, To honours and love-making
sit consona vox. may our voices be propitious.

Tu quoque hebraica ancilla And you as well, Hebrew handmaid,
in nostro gaudio tanto shall find, amidst our great joy,
eris in corde tuo læta, et tranquilla. gladness of heart, and peace.

Quam audacter discurrit With what audacity speaks
non minus servus suo Domino nequam. the servant, never to be outdone by his Lord.
Properemus Juditha: ubique semper Let's hurry, Judith: everywhere and always,
tecum sperans in cælis as you, confident in the heavens
ero Dominæ meæ socia fidelis. shall I be, a faithful companion to my mistress.


Veni, veni, me sequere fida Come, come, follow me, my faithful
Abra amata, beloved maid,
sponso orbata. deprived of your husband.
Turtur gemo ac spiro in te. Like a turtle-dove I hoot and sigh with you.
Diræ sortis tu socia confida In this dire fate you are my trusted companion,
debellata and when we'll have fulfilled
sorte ingrata, our ungrateful destiny,
sociam lætæ habebis me. you shall have me also as a joyful companion.

Venio Juditha, venio: animo fave, I come, Judith, I come: have courage,
amori crede tuo nil erit grave. there shall be no ill consequence to your love.
Fulgeat sol frontis decoræ, May the sun shine to deck your face,
et afflictæ abeat Auroræ and may the sad dew of dawn
rosa vaga tua pupilla. disappear from your beautiful eyes.
Ama, langue, finge ardere Love, languish, feign to be burning for him,
nostræ sorti si favore if our destiny can be favoured
potest una tua favilla. by a single spark from you.
In Urbe interim pia Meanwhile in our holy city
incertas audi voces, aura levis I hear confused voices, a light breeze
fert murmur voti brings murmurs of your vow
et gloriæ, credo, tuæ. and, I believe, of your glory.
Gemunt et orant una As one cry and pray
virgines Juda, incertæ sortis suæ. the maidens of Judah, uncertain of their destiny.

Mundi Rector de cælo micanti

CHORUS (virginum psalentium in Bethulia) CHORUS (of maidens singing psalms in

Mundi Rector de cælo micanti Bethulia)
audi preces, et suscipe vota Ruler of the world and of the sparkling heaven,
quæ de corde pro te dimicanti hear the prayers and accept the offerings
sunt pietatis in sinu devota. that to you are offered with devotion
In Juditha tuæ legi dicata by faithful hearts devoted to you.
flammas dulcis tui amoris accende In Judith, who is consacrated to your law,
feritatis sic hostis domata light the fire of your sweet love,
in Bethuliæ spem pacis intende. so that, once the savage enemy is tamed,
Redi, redi iam Victrix pugnando the hope of peace return to Bethulia.
in cilicio in prece revive May she return victorious from battle,
de Holoferne sic hodie triumphando find strength in penitence and prayer
pia Juditha per sæcula vive. and, defeating Holofernes in triumph today,
may devout Judith forever live.

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