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Title: The light and its characteristics Subject: Science

Age: 10 Teacher’s name: Veronica Buda Country: ITALY

Objectives Students will develop:
• Problem solving skills

• Creative and critical thinking

• Ability to give answers

• Group work skills

Students will utilize:

• Information from the discussion with the teacher
• Information from books

• Information from the internet

• The attraction of a game-like activity

Students will practice:

• Finding information

• The use of Plickers Cards

• The use of Plickers rules

Students will identify:

• The use of the Internet for information, communication and research
• Plickers rules

Materials and • Interactive boards

• Books

• Worksheet
• Plickers cards

Directions Step 1:
• Pupils discuss with the teacher the subject matter of the quiz, and they
use the internet to search for information and see videos related to
the topic
Step 2:
• The lesson begins by explaining to children the use of Plickers and
• The central computer is connected to the Interactive Board, each
pupil is given a card and the teacher explains that she will project
the multiple choice questions on the Interactive Board. Pupils will
have to answer by lifting the card and turning the image so as to
show upwards the letter (A, B, C, D) corresponding to their answer.
Pupils will see their names, projected to the Interactive Board,
become coloured as they answer. When all children answer, they
will be able to see the correct answer and we will comment on the
wrong answers to understand their mistakes and get feedback.
Step 3:
• At the end of the quiz the students will see the results they have
achieved: the percentages of correct answers, a chart and a ranking.

Evaluation Handout for pupils to complete.

• The percentage of correct answers and the ranking of children is an
assessment itself

Teacher's observations of student preparedness.

• The children showed themselves enthusiastic and attracted to this type
of work
• Plickers is an application that integrates very well with any teaching
method, which can be used in all disciplines and is also very useful
as an instrument for inclusion. Lessons become more interesting,
engaging and interactive. Moreover, thanks to its strong visual
potential, Plickers promotes a particularly effective and shared

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