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The New Citizenship Proposal for America

by A. Monarch
The United States of America is a nation under constant turmoil. It is so divided and fractured in
fact, that to call it “The United States” is nothing other than wishful thinking. Every day there is
conflict, and not since the time of John Fitzgerald Kennedy had their ever been something
resembling unity among the American people. At the time of this writing, the American nation is on
the clear path to becoming either an Orwellian regime or a total wasteland. Neither of these
situations are ideal, but in case of collapse new order must be written, and it must be distinct and
incredibly explicit with the intent of making the nation whole again and potentially better than ever
before. One fundamental flaw of the current Constitution is the way it distributes citizenship. Under
the current regime, citizenship is simply handed out to anyone who happens to be born on
American soil, and while this may have seemed like a good idea in the 1770s, the consequences of
this are disastrous and being felt harder today than ever before. With this principle in place, petty
criminals, low-lifes, even active saboteurs who hate everything America was founded on are
guaranteed the same rights and powers as the rest of the citizenry. Distributing citizenship in this
manner is not only dangerous to the health of society, but it devalues the very idea of citizenship in
the first place. Being an American citizen means absolutely nothing if it is given to everyone for
naught. The whole principle of birthright citizenship is terribly flawed and will not lead to any good
unless it is practiced in a small, homogenous, and stable nation such as Switzerland or Japan. The
American nation is none of these, and thus the way it handles citizenship must be reworked entirely.
I propose that the residents of the American nation be divided into three distinct legal classes, with
both rights and requirements varying between each.
The lowest of these classes is the status of Resident. Resident status is what is granted to all those
born on American soil. Residents are permitted to purchase property and participate in the
economy, and are guaranteed most Constitutional rights. However, Residents are not permitted to
own firearms or participate in elections. Residents must be extant on U.S. soil for at least 15 years
before applying for citizenship. Eligibility for citizenship is voided if the Resident is convicted of
more than one felony. In addition, if the Resident in question is suspected to be potentially
subversive, dangerous, or otherwise harmful to the well being of the nation, their eligibility for
citizenship will be decided by a trial. Resident status is voided if the person is convicted of murder,
treason, serial rape, major drug trafficking, sex trafficking, child molestation, or illegal entry into the
nation. The subsequent punishment for those found guilty of the previously stated crimes is
immediate execution for murder, treason or serial rape, or deportation for the rest. In addition, if a
Resident is convicted of any felony within 15 years following their arrival in the nation, they will face
deportation to the country from whence they came. Residents convicted of the previously
mentioned unforgivable crimes that have been residents for longer than 15 years following their
arrival will be deported to a currently undecided location. Residents who have maintained a clean
criminal record and shown good faith in the nation and its laws will be granted the potential to
advance to citizenship.
The middle legal class, which will likely be composed of most of the population, is the Citizenry.
Citizen status is granted immediately to any person with no criminal background or evident
subversive intent upon reaching the age of 18, but only if the person has ancestry in the nation
dating back to the year 1920 A.D. on at least one side of the family. For all others, if they meet the
criteria previously mentioned, they are able to apply for citizenship. The details of the application
process have yet to be decided at the time of this writing. All those who pass this application will be
counted among American Citizenry, and will be granted full Constitutional rights and powers
following a formal oath. Citizens are permitted to own and keep any firearms and vote in all
elections. Citizenship can be voided in similar ways as Residency. Upon conviction of a second
felony, all Citizens will have their status demoted to Resident, and must wait at least 5 years before
being eligible for reapplication. If Citizens are found guilty of any of the seven unforgivable crimes
(murder, treason, serial rape, major drug trafficking, sex trafficking, child molestation, or illegal
entry), they will be subject to trial for deportation or execution in the case of murder, serial rape, or
treason. If a person maintains Citizenship status for at least ten years with a clean record and
evident desirable qualities, they are granted the opportunity to advance to the third and highest legal
class, High Citizen.
High Citizenry is composed of the very best of American society. The status of High Citizen is
granted to those who demonstrate exceptional quality and strength of character or have otherwise
shown to be capable of great things. Application requires the submission of a relatively detailed
paper regarding their lives, intentions, and reasons for applying for High Citizen status. These papers
will be subject to evaluation by a board of judges who will conduct a simple majority vote on the
approval of the application. In addition to having full Constitutional rights, High Citizens will be
granted numerous extended freedoms and privileges. They will be given the unique ability to run for
national political offices, and may possess military hardware of any kind should it be within their
means to afford it, including tanks, machine guns, and all other devices except for nuclear weapons.
This may seem bombastic and dangerous to many, but High Citizens are trusted through their
approval to use such devices only in three cases. These are personal enjoyment, defense of property
against armed intruders, and defense of property against foreign invaders. All applicants for High
Citizen status must have ancestry in this nation dating back to the year 1900 A.D. on both sides of
the family. High Citizens will be subject to the exact same judicial procedures as ordinary Citizens. If
a High Citizen is found guilty of any crime save for a minor traffic violation they will have their
status demoted to Citizen and must wait 1 year before reapplying in case of a misdemeanor or 5
years before reapplying in case of a felony. Punishments for the previously described seven
unforgivable crimes are the same. High Citizens shall be guaranteed basic income from the state, the
amount of which is yet to be decided at the time of this writing.
These requirements are designed with the establishment of an aristocracy based on merit, heritage,
and character, defining qualities any self-respecting nation should hold in high esteem. This system
was not devised to favor the wealthy or those in control of politics and the media, but those who,
regardless of any other quality, prove to be the truest of Americans. With this law in place, the
constituents of the American nation shall have motivation to become valuable to their community
and to themselves. The unequal distribution of rights and punishments shall ensure that those who
have good to offer will not go unrewarded, and that those who seek to do harm or are otherwise
nothing but a burden on the nation are expelled. This document is currently subject to revision and
has many details which must be worked out with discussion, but the general principles of it are held
in good faith to lead to a greater, healthier, American nation.

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