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Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.

Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


According to Professor Dr. Phyllis J. Watson (2006) in today’s modern age where

computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the country’s

institutions still do not adapt the high technology. Particularly in most medical clinic

facilities, daily clinic transactions are still done on paper. We all know that modern

clinics are now operating at great pace striving to serve as many patients as possible

with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of patients has

grown and various medical cases arise that the manual method of managing patients’

records, prescriptions, billing and appointment schedule, is no longer practical.

Medical health records form an essential part of a patient’s present and future

health care. As a written collection of information about a patient’s health and treatment,

they are used essentially for the present and continuing care of the patient. In addition,

medical records are used in the management and planning of health care facilities and

services, for medical research and the production of health care statistics. Doctors,

nurses and other health care professionals write up medical/health records so that

previous medical information is available when the patient returns to the health care

facility. The medical/health record must therefore be available. This is the job of the

medical record worker. If a medical record cannot be located, the patient may suffer

because information, which could be vital for their continuing care, is not available. If the

medical/health record cannot be produced when needed for patient care, the medical

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
record system is not working properly and confidence in the overall work of the

medical/health record service is affected.

Also according to Dick RS, Steen EB, Detmer DE (1997) the patient record is the

principal repository for information concerning a patient's health care. It affects, in some

way, virtually everyone associated with providing, receiving, or reimbursing health care

services. Despite the many technological advances in health care over the past few

decades, the typical patient record of today is remarkably similar to the patient record of

50 years ago. This failure of patient records to evolve is now creating additional stress

within the already burdened U.S. health care system as the information needs of

practitioners, patients, administrators, third-party payers, researchers, and policymakers

often go unmet. As described by Ellwood, the intricate machinery of our health care

system can no longer grasp the threads of experience… Too often, payers, physicians,

and health care executives do not share common insights into the life of the patient…

The health care system has become an organism guided by misguided choices; it is

unstable, confused, and desperately in need of a central nervous system that can help it

cope with the complexities of modern medicine. Patient record improvement could make

major contributions to improving the health care system of this nation. A 1991 General

Accounting Office (GAO) report on automated medical records identified three major

ways in which improved patient records could benefit health care (GAO, 1991). First,

automated patient records can improve health care delivery by providing medical

personnel with better data access, faster data retrieval, higher quality data, and more

versatility in data display. Automated patient records can also support decision making

and quality assurance activities and provide clinical reminders to assist in patient care.

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
Second, automated patient records can enhance outcomes research programs by

electronically capturing clinical information for evaluation. Third, automated patient

records can increase hospital efficiency by reducing costs and improving staff

productivity. Several sources support these conclusions.

The 21st Century, the age of technology, people nowadays rely more on

technology to help them with their current situations. So we thought, why not apply that

technology somewhere else – our school. People at school who are in charge of most of

the medical paper works struggle to deal with their jobs. So why not use the advantages

given to us by the technology we have today to help them. Not to boast but our group

has pretty much the brains to do research about this certain topic – which is supposedly

the hardest one. So what if we use this intellect to research about the modernized

process of arranging the school’s medical records. We thought of helping the people in

charge to organize the said records through computers so that it is easier and more

helpful to everyone.

In this study, we hope to develop a web-based application that will minimize all

paper works and manual records keeping, therefore allowing doctors and staff ease in

keeping track of patients, reducing patients’ waiting time and increasing the number of

patients served – a system that is fully automated, user-friendly, time effective and


Background of the Study

According to Brad Justus (2011) simply virtue of being alive, each man, woman,

and child has a history. And in this technology-enabled age of the Quantified Self, more

and more people are taking an active interest in their personal history—downloading

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
apps to track calories and mood swings, blogging about runs and test scores. But

arguably the most important record is your medical record—and for people born in the

past century, that record has advanced in both importance and technology.

Prior to 1900, there was no standard method for keeping medical records. In fact,

many doctors didn’t even touch their patients except to check a pulse; many of their

observations centered on studying the patient’s complexion, urine, and other excretions.

So there wasn’t much to write down. Some more substantial narratives did exist; the

ancient Greeks wrote down advice for patients, lessons for doctors, and stories of

particularly notable diseases. This practice was revived in the 14th century, then again

with a scientific revolution in the 16th century—marked by a growing scholarly interest in

the natural world and the inner workings of the body—fueled the expansion of this

practice and the publishing of medical “observations.” One of the most extensive

surviving collections of medical records from this time were written by Simon Forman

and Richard Napier; you can read more about their work at The Casebooks Project. But

they were the exception to the rule. Other doctors might have kept account books, a list

of patients along with their payments for treatments and prescriptions.

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

1.) What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
1.3 Grade Level

2.) What are the difficulties faced by the respondents using the manual


3.) Is there any significance correlation achieved between computerized

medical system and effectiveness of the school?


 There is no significant correlation achieved between computerized medical

system and effectiveness of the school

Significance of the Study

This study significant to the following:

A. Socio-economic significance

In this study, the proposed system will inspire other students to

develop an effective and efficient system.

B. Technological significance

The proposed system will introduce technology to the medical

clinics that are until now adapting the manual method of clinic

management. The result of this study is beneficial to the following:

C. Clinic

The proposed system will simplify and automate everyday clinic

tasks and can help maximize time spent with clients thereby providing

better service making it more profitable.

D. Nurses

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
The proposed system will make it easier for the nurses to manage

the clinic and convenient when it comes to retrieving patient records.

E. Patients

Patients are the doctor’s principal assets. And the reason why this

study is conducted is to provide a solution to doctors’ need to better serve

their patients.

F. Researchers

The researchers have developed their writing, analysis, and

interpretation skills needed to make a good thesis.

G. Future Researchers

This will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar studies

as they can get background information from the result of this study.

Scope and Delimitation

In general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and

development of an online clinic management system. About a medium sized medical

clinic with its nurse, staff and patients are randomly selected within Fr. Simpliciano

Academy, Inc. area only from school year 2018-2019. The study is largely dependent

on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents.

In this proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for

accessibility and portability. However, the proponents limit the online feature of the

system to parents, students, nurse, teachers, and staff only. The system has a secure

log-in for the selected people. Services, contacts, and information are also included in

this system.

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
Definition of Terms

Central Nervous System – is the part of the nervous system that includes the brain

and spinal cord.

Clinical Information - includes laboratory results, medicines, referrals, discharges

and other clinical documents.

Clinical Reminders - helps caregivers deliver higher quality care to patients for both

preventive health care and management for chronic conditions, and helps ensure

the timely clinical interventions are initiated.

Data Process – the process of putting information into a computer so that the

computer can organize it, change its form, etc.

Data Display - is viewed by many disciplines as a modern equivalent of visual


Data Retrieval - obtaining data from a database management system such as

ODBMS. In this case, it is considered that data is represented in a structured way,

and there’s no ambiguity in data.

GAO – General Accounting Office; is a legislative branch government agency that

provides auditing, evaluation, and investigative services for the United States


Health Care – the prevention or treatment of illness by doctors, dentists,

psychologists, etc.

Health Care Facilities - are places that provide health care.

Health Care Professionals -

Hospital Efficiency -

Computerized Medical System Correlates to the Effectiveness of the Students of Fr.
Simpliciano Academy Inc. S.Y. 2018-2019
Intricate Machinery -

Medical Record Worker -

Medical Research -

Modern Medicine -

Policy Worker -

Principal Repository -

Quantity Assurance Activity -

Quality Data -

Stuff Productivity -

Technological Advances -

Third-party Payers -

U.S Health Care System -

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