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1). Seek and you will find.

2​). The ​kofg​ is present. 
3). The hidden will be exposed. 
4). The golden rule. 
5). Mission instructions. ​Kofg​ in Q. 
6). Jesus not come to bring peace. He splits families. 
7). Jesus gives what has not been seen or heard. 
8). ​Kofg​ like a mustard seed. 
9). Thieves and being prepared. SofM is coming in Q2. 
10). Speck and log. 
11). What you hear proclaim. 
12). Lamps on a lampstand. 
13). Blind leading the blind. 
14). Taking things from the strong man. 
15). God provides through nature. 
16). The Pharisees are a blockage. 
17). To those who have more will be given and vice versa. 
18). The sin against the holy spirit not forgiven. SofM in Q2. 
19). From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 
20). The least in the​ kofg​ greater than John. 
21). You can’t serve two masters. 
22). Blessed the poor. To them belongs the ​kofg​. 
23). If you don’t hate father and mother as I do. 
24​). Carry the cross as I do. 
25). Two will recline: one is taken, one is left. 
26​). Granted from the things of my father. 
27. The ​kofg​ feast. 
28). Blessed the persecuted. SofM, heaven and prophets in Q. 
29. Blessed the hungry. They will be filled. 
30). Harvest needs labourers. So ask for them. 
31). Seek treasure in heaven. 
32). Why did you go into the desert? 
33). Foxes have holes. 
34). Inside and outside of cups. 
35). Give without getting back. 
36). The ​kofg​ is like leaven. 
37). ​Kofg​ like a shepherd hunting for his lost sheep. 
Kofg. Jesus the sage. Social disruption. Personal order. A sense of mission. Jesus 
not an apocalyptic figure here, not a Christ, not a sacrifice or saviour. Not to be 
handed over. Only self-reference possibly SofM. Q more semitic than Th. 

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