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UAVs Photogrammetry

February 21, 2015 - Berita, Foto Udara, U A V

Terminologi baru UAV fotogrametri (Eisenbeiss, 2008) adalah wahan / media / platform dalam fotogrametri, yang
beroperasi dengan cara di kendalikan dari jarak jauh, semi-otonom atau otonom, tanpa pilot duduk dalam wahana.
Wahana ini dilengkapi dengan sistem fotogrametri yaitu kamera dalam ukuran small atau medium. Tidak terbatas
hanya pada sensor kamera, pada wahana juga bisa tumpangi sensor video atau kamera video, sistem kamera termal
atau inframerah, sistem LIDAR udara, atau kombinasinya. Saat UAV standar memungkinkan pelacakan posisi
(tracking positioning) dan orientasi sensor diimplementasikan dalam sistem koordinat lokal atau global. Oleh karena
itu, UAV fotogrametri dapat dipahami sebagai alat pengukuran baru fotogrametri. UAV fotogrametri dapat digunakan
untuk berbagai aplikasi baru dalam rentang domain dekat, menggabungkan udara dan darat fotogrametri, tetapi juga
memperkenalkan aplikasi real time dan murah alternatif untuk klasik photogrammtery udara berawak.

UAV yang ada saat ini dapat digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi skala besar dan skala kecil. Harga UAV sistem
bervariasi, tergantung pada kompleksitas sistem. Dengan biaya antara 1.000 Euro hingga juta Euro, sistem dapat sama
atau bahkan lebih tinggi harga dibandingkan dengan sistem pesawat berawak standar.

Topographical survey is an important part of all land development projects. usually, topographic
surveys done using a terrestrial or ground to high ground surface observations. This survey is
quite accurate, but it takes a long time to comb the survey area. Before an area can be built,
accurate topographic surveys necessary for several reasons:

 To ensure the initial land development (physical changes in soil) managed so as to allow
proper water flow to the drainage.
 To document the topography in relation to the catastrophic conditions for the prevention
of damage and insurance.
 To view the location of connectivity with the surrounding area. Is the transport equipment
can come in and create an optimal distribution channel.
 To measure the value of land that are tailored to the tax value of the land, to do with the
ownership and the price of a building.

To that end, the necessary means for the implementation of the project survey can be
implemented quickly and effectively. In order to reduce operating costs a great project. Traditional
topographic survey requires the collection of GPS points (or "shots") in a predetermined grid.

For example, for an area of 85 hectares. With 50 × 50 grid conditions, Shooting GPS collected
every 50 feet on each cross grid. This means that as many as 1,632 shots GPS survey were
collected in an area measuring 85 hectares. Without UAV, a field survey to collect ± 20 points /
hour (1 point every 3 minutes or so), shots GPS survey will take about 82 hours. 82 hours of field
survey means that project developers will wait at least one week of field work before the
processing and review of data. After that, it takes 3-4 days to go before the final results can be

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