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The Randy Dellosa Holistic Therapies

for Healing and Well-being

(Strictly by appointment. All therapies are administered by Dr. Randy Dellosa himself.)
Correct imbalances in your Meridian energy system through:
Qigong Energy Healing and Massage
Overcome stress, depression, and anxiety through:
Psychiatric Acupuncture
Experience relief from muscular pain and tension through:
Clinical Back Pain Therapy
Balance your life energies through:
Polarity Touch Therapy and Massage
Heal yourself from back pain and stress through:
Bowen Touch Therapy
Release trapped emotions from your body through:
Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing
Align your spine and correct uneven leg lengths through:
The Dorn Method
Enjoy deep mind relaxation through:
Brain Spa Therapy
Correct your distorted posture through:
Posture Alignment Touch Therapy

Qigong Energy Healing and Massage

What is Qigong Energy Healing and Massage?
Qigong Energy Healing and Massage is a gentle and soothing therapy that aims to cleanse,
unblock, balance, recharge and rejuvenate the human energy field.
This human energy field or “life force energy” is defined as a low-level electromagnetic field that
exists within and around the body. Sensitive electronic instruments such as the EEG, ECG, and
heat measuring devices can detect it and cameras can even capture the energy surrounding the
body through Kirlian photography.
Disruptions in the electromagnetic energy of the body occur throughout our lifetime as a result of
poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, emotional and physical trauma, and environmental toxins. When
there is any disturbance or imbalance in the body’s electromagnetic field, physical, mental, or
emotional symptoms occur.
How did Qigong Energy Healing and Massage originate?
Qigong Energy Healing and Massage (also known as Medical Qigong Therapy) is one of the four
main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This treatment modality has been successfully
used in hospitals throughout China for hundreds of years.
Who can benefit from Qigong Energy Healing and Massage?
Qigong Energy Healing and Massage is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
Qigong Energy Healing and Massage is useful for a wide range of conditions which include the
• Stress
• Chronic fatigue syndrome
• Depression
• Anxiety/ Panic Attacks
• Body pain
• Internal Organ Dysfunction
• Weakened immune system
What happens during a session?
The patient lies fully dressed on a massage table. Throughout the session, the hands are waved
above or applied on specific body areas where the flow of energy is commonly blocked.
Qigong Energy Healing and Massage is particularly effective in facilitating the release of
suppressed emotions that have become toxic to the body's tissues.
Sensations of warmth, tingling, and magnetism are commonly felt as the life force starts moving
smoothly and freely throughout the body.
The treatment lasts for approximately 50 minutes.
How will you feel after treatment?
Patients often feel relaxed and rejuvenated after the session, with an over-all sense of well-being.
The healing effects of Qigong Energy Healing and Massage continue beyond treatment session.
What are the benefits of Qigong Energy Healing and Massage?
• Eliminates stress and promotes deep relaxation
• Strengthens the immune system allowing the body to fight off illness
• Eases depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks
• Improves memory, creativity, and learning ability
• Creates positive personality and attitudinal changes
How many treatments will be needed?
For the maintenance of wellness and good health, weekly sessions are advised.

Psychiatric Acupuncture
What is Psychiatric Acupuncture?
Practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years, acupuncture is a treatment
procedure which uses needles and is one of the key components of Traditional Chinese Medicine
A major theory in TCM is that disease is caused by an imbalance of yin and yang factors in the
body, leading to a blockage in the flow of Qi (vital energy).
Acupuncture is commonly used for psychological and emotional conditions.
What is the history of Acupuncture?
The earliest recorded use of acupuncture dates from 200 BCE. However, up until the early 1970s,
most Americans had never heard of acupuncture. It was only in 1997 that the U.S. National
Institutes of Health formally recognized acupuncture as a mainstream medicine healing therapy.
How does Acupuncture work?
One theory is that stimulated nerve fibers transmit signals to the spinal cord and brain activating
the body’s central nervous system. The brain then releases hormones responsible for improving
overall health.
Who can benefit from Psychiatric Acupuncture?
Psychiatric acupuncture is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
Psychiatric acupuncture is useful for a wide range of conditions which include the following:
• Stress and Fatigue
• Depression
• Anxiety/ Panic Attacks
• Sexual Difficulties
• Insomnia
• Addiction
• Bipolar Disorder
• Schizophrenia
What happens during a session?
The acupuncturist makes an initial clinical interview and then does a physical examination.
The patient lies down on a medical table as the acupuncturist inserts the needles. The needles,
which are sterile, metallic, and hair-thin, will be inserted into the skin for 30 minutes. The patient
may not feel the needles at all, or s/he may feel a slight twitch or a quick twinge of pain that
disappears when the needle is completely inserted. Once the needles are all in place, the patient
simply rests, feels relaxed, or even dozes off.
Occasionally, the acupuncturist will stroke or manipulate the needles to make the treatment more
At the end of the session, the acupuncturist quickly and painlessly removes the needles.
A whole session lasts for approximately an hour.
How will you feel after treatment?
Patients feel relaxed and rejuvenated after the session, with an over-all sense of well-being.
The healing effects of Psychiatric Acupuncture continue beyond treatment session.
Avoid strenuous physical activity, heavy meals, alcohol intake, or sexual activity for up to 8 hours
after a treatment.
How many treatments do I need?
Psychiatric conditions may require treatments once or twice a week for several months to achieve
good results.
For the maintenance of wellness and good health, weekly sessions are advised.
Acupuncture is not recommended during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

Clinical Back Pain Therapy

What is Clinical Back Pain Therapy?
Poor posture, poor body mechanics, and strained muscles create all sorts of neck, back, and hip
problems as we age.
Clinical Back Pain Therapy brings relief, relaxation and over-all health to tired and aching neck,
back, and hip muscles.
Anyone, even those without back pain, may undergo this therapy..
What does the Clinical Back Pain Therapy include?
• Postural Analysis
• Deep Tissue Massage
• Trigger Point Therapy
• Osteopathic Palm Pressure
• Spine-Pelvis Mobilization
• Balancing of Uneven Leg Lengths
• Postural Exercises
What happens during a session?
The individual lies on a cushioned table, with minimal or no clothing to expose the back area.
Draping with a light blanket or sheet will be used.
The therapy is done with the use of mentholated analgesic oil.
A complete session lasts for approximately an hour.
How will you feel after the session?
Most people experience relaxation and a decrease or disappearance of their original back
For some individuals, a sensation of heaviness is experienced due to the deep pressure applied. A
few individuals feel some back soreness (actually a “pleasure-pain”), just as one experiences after
having exercised. The heaviness and soreness naturally disappears within 2 days.
It is advised that plenty of fluids are taken after the therapy in order to flush out lactic acid and
other toxins that had been released through the therapy.
Will one session be enough?
It all depends on the patient’s condition. Back pain could require several sessions. Most people
will benefit from a minimum of 5 weekly sessions.
For the maintenance of back muscle wellness, weekly sessions are recommended.

Polarity Therapy Energy Work and Massage

What is Polarity Therapy?
Polarity Therapy focuses on the body as an electro-magnetic system.
It is a holistic health care system which uses massage, energy healing, diet, and exercise to
correct distortions in the body’s electro-magnetic flow.
The positive pole consists of the head and right side of the body. The negative pole consists of the
feet and left side of the body. The spine and center of the body are considered a neutral zone.
It is the interaction between the positive and negative poles which keep the 'life energy' flowing in
constant motion. When there is a blockage or disharmony in the flow of energy, tension, pain,
disorders, or illness results.
With Polarity Therapy, the blockages and restrictions are cleared, thereby allowing the body to
heal itself naturally.
How did Polarity Therapy originate?
Polarity therapy was founded in the mid-20th century by Dr Randolph Stone, an Austrian-born
doctor of Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Naturopathic Medicine.
In his 60 years of clinical practice, Dr. Stone incorporated the healing disciplines of Indian
Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine into his osteopathic and chiropractic work.
Polarity Therapy is therefore a synthesis Eastern and Western concepts of health.
He also pioneered many of the techniques of Cranio-Sacral Therapy that were later developed by
John Upledger.
Upon retirement, Dr. Stone moved to India where he continued his practice in a free health clinic.
Who can benefit from Polarity Therapy?
Polarity Therapy is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
Though Polarity Therapy primarily focuses on the electro-magnetic field of the body, it also
influences the body’s nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, and
digestive systems.
Polarity Therapy is helpful for people experiencing the following conditions:
• Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Migraine and Tension Headaches
• Sexual Dysfunction
What happens during a Polarity Therapy session?

A session begins with an interview about your medical history and lifestyle.
You are then asked to lie minimally dressed on the treatment table where you will receive body
therapy in the form of an energy-balancing touch therapy or massage.
Depending on the assessment, your therapist will work on certain body areas and apply the
appropriate type of touch- light pressure (for body awareness and balance), medium pressure
(for energy stimulation), and deep pressure (for releasing blocked energy).
During treatment people may have a variety of experiences ranging from relaxation to emotional
outbursts as areas of energetic stagnation are cleared.
The treatment lasts for one hour.
After the treatment, stretching exercises and cleansing diet are going to be prescribed.
The healing effects of Polarity Therapy continue beyond treatment session.
How many Polarity Therapy treatments will be needed?
Weekly sessions are recommended for the relief of stress, depression, or anxiety.
Maintenance weekly sessions may be continue afterwards.

Bowen Touch Therapy

What is Bowen Therapy?
Bowen Therapy is a holistic system of healing which stimulates a person’s self-healing abilitites
through very small gentle touches over the muscles and soft tissue.
Bowen Therapy is believed to work on the muscle’s stretch and golgi tendon reflexes as well as
joint proprioceptors. This can sometimes lead to strange sensations such as heat release, tingling
and a general increased awareness of the areas being worked.
How did Bowen Therapy originate?
Bowen Therapy was developed by the Australian Osteopath Tom Bowen after the 2nd world war.
Tom Bowen believed that the human body had an innate ability to heal itself and he developed a
bodywork technique that has been able to help thousands of people.
Since his death, Bowen Therapy then has become popular in Australia, America, and Europe.
Who can benefit from Bowen Therapy?
Bowen Therapy is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
The following conditions have been helped by Bowen Therapy:
• Back and Neck Pain
• Anxiety, Depression, Stress, and Burnout
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Sexual Dysfunction
• Other Disorders
What happens during a Bowen Therapy session?

A Bowen Therapy session lasts for one hour.

The client is minimally dressed and draped. The hands-on treatment is applied directly on the skin
and muscles.
The therapist uses thumbs and fingers at precise points on the body to make rolling type
movements which aim to stimulate energy into the muscles and soft tissue. During the treatment
the therapist will leave the room for short periods, allowing the client to rest while the body
responds to the moves already performed and makes subtle adjustments to initiate the healing
Bowen Therapy often results in rapid and lasting relief from pain and discomfort. It is a very
gentle menthod and can often be very relaxing.
How will you feel after the session?
After a Bowen Therapy session, clients often report a sense of well-being, improvement in energy
levels, and the feeling that a burden has been taken off their backs.
Despite the light touch in Bowen Therapy, it is powerful enough to flush out toxins from the body.
This may make some people experience a “healing crisis” wherein they feel dizzy, tired, and
heavy, with flu-like symptoms. All these symptoms are temporary and just means that the Bowen
Therapy was effective in creating changes in the body system.
The healing effects of Bowen Therapy continue even after the treatment session in the clinic is
How many treatments will be needed?
The client must finish a series of 3 weekly sessions for the Bowen Therapy to be effective.
The client must not receive any type of body therapy (such as massage, chiropractic,
acupuncture, acupressure or physiotherapy)one week before the first session,one week after the
last session, and in between the 3 Bowen Therapy sessions. This allows Bowen Therapy to do its
healing work without any disturbance from other body therapies.
Weekly sessions are recommended for the relief of stress, depression, or anxiety.

Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing

What is Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing?
Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing is a form of hands-on, body focused psychotherapy for
integrating the body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing utilizes scientific, psychotherapeutic, ethical, artful, and
respectful application of touch on the body.
Through this type of touch, unresolved emotional experiences, forgotten memories, buried
feelings, energy blockages, and unconscious attitudes that had been hidden within the body
finally surface and get released.
When clients become aware of the psychological and emotional issues hidden within their body,
they become empowered to break free from the unconscious self-defeating patterns of their lives.
Who can benefit from Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing?
Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing is useful for a wide range of conditions which include the
• Those pursuing a path of self-discovery and personal growth
• Those seeking emotional healing, integration, and wholeness
• Those exploring the body-mind connection
• Those seeking release from physical symptoms caused by or
aggravated by emotional factors
• Those suffering from stress, tension, anxiety, panic attacks, and
What happens during a session of Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing?
The individual lies on a cushioned table, with minimal clothing, draped with a light blanket or
The Touch Therapist applies gentle yet firm touch on different areas of the body such as the back,
shoulders, chest, upper and lower abdomen, and extremities.
After approximately 45 minutes, a brief discussion is made to process the experience.

A complete Touch Therapy session lasts for an hour.

What are the benefits of Touch Therapy for Emotional Healing?
• Greater physical relaxation
• Greater emotional health
• Deeper self-knowledge and elf-awareness
• Deeper re-connection to self and to others
• More vitality, meaning, and joyfulness in life
How many sessions are needed?
It is recommended to have a minimum of 3 weekly sessions.
For the maintenance of emotional health and wellness, weekly sessions are advised.

The Dorn Method

What is the Dorn Method?
The Dorn Method is a hands-on therapy used to correct misalignments in the spinal column and
other joints.
Misalignments of the spine may cause nerve compression which can cause physical and
psychological disorders.
The Dorn Method relaxes the muscles of the back, neck, and hips so that the skeletal structure is
able to reposition and balance itself.
How is Chiropractic Therapy different from Dorn Method?
Chiropractic Dorn Method
Abrupt, fast corrections Gentle, sensitive corrections
Uses traction (stretching) Uses gentle pressure only (No traction!)
Correction in static position Correction in dynamic motion
Surprises the muscles Diverts the muscle's attention
Very few repetitions possible Unlimited repetitions possible
Clients remain passive Clients cooperate actively
Numerous contra-indications Very few contra-indications
Some risk Almost no risk
No self-help exercises Numerous self-help exercises
How did Dorn Method originate?
It was developed in the 1970s by the German lay-healer Dieter Dorn.
About 30 years ago, while lifting a heavy log, Dieter Dorn suffered a lumbago (sciatic pain) that
immobilized him and hindered him from working. Looking for quick remedy, he consulted an old
farmer in his village that was known to heal afflictions in a painless and remarkable way.

With just a light push of a thumb and some simple movements, Dieter Dorn quickly recovered.
Impressed by this simple yet effective therapy, he asked the farmer to be taught the healing
method. Over the years, Dieter Dorn treated and helped many people over many years while he
experimented and developed his method as we know it today.
Who can benefit from Dorn Method?
Dorn Method is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
Dorn Method is helpful for the following conditions:
• Back, Neck, and Hip Pains
• Back, Neck, and Hip Muscular Tension
• Left and Right Shoulder Height Imbalances
• Left and Right/ Front and Back Hip Imbalances
• Uneven Leg Lengths
• Other Disorder
Dorn Method is gentle and non-invasive and thus, no physical harm can result from it. It is safely
used on children and the elderly.

What happens during a Dorn Method session?

During a treatment, the practitioner palpates the patient's spine. If any 'unbalanced' areas are
found, possible underlying misalignments are treated with gentle pressure using the thumb or
hand against the spinous processes, while the patient enacts guided movements such as swinging
the leg or arms to distract the muscles' inertia; this is similar to the principle of mechanics known
as 'counter pressure'. In case of pain, the patient is advised to stop the procedure in order to avoid
any damage to the body.
Patients often report positive results immediately after treatment. Afterwards, they are taught
self-help exercises that simulate the 'corrections' made during the treatment.
A treatment session lasts for about an hour.
How will you feel after treatment?
Most people will experience relief and relaxation after the treatment.
Despite the gentleness of the Dorn Method, some people may experience a “healing crisis”
wherein they feel dizzy, tired, and heavy, with flu-like symptoms. All these symptoms are
temporary and just means that the Dorn Method was effective in creating changes in the body
How many Dorn Method sessions are needed?
Weekly sessions are recommended for treatment and maintenance of spinal health.

Brain Spa Therapy

What is Brain Spa Therapy?
Brain Spa Therapy is a sophisticated form of audio-visual therapy.
It produces mental, emotional, and physical benefits that are usually attained only after many
years of deep meditation.
How does “audio” aspect of Brain Spa Therapy work?
Brain Spa Therapy uses theta sound waves that influence the brain to produce deeply-relaxing
brain wave patterns.
Theta waves create a state of deep meditation and creativity. Theta waves are produced right
before falling asleep. In this state, a lot of imagery is produced.
How does “visual” aspect of Brain Spa Therapy work?
Brain Spa Therapy uses flashing lights at a safe frequency of 1-7 cycles/ second.
Ever since the discovery of the EEG in the 1920's, it has been known that the mind relaxes as it
gets exposed to flashing lights of this frequency.
What are the Benefits of Brain Spa Therapy?
• Dramatic reduction in stress and anxiety
• Greater sense of mental, emotional and physical well-being
• Release of neuro-chemicals that slow down the aging process
• Improved mental abilities, better memory and concentration,
heightened creativity
• Better, more restful sleep
What happens during a Brain Spa Therapy session?
The patient is seated upright throughout the session and will be told to wear special eye gear
which emits flashing lights and headphones from which the therapeutic sound waves are emitted.
During the session, the patient attains a level of relaxation similar to the levels attained by Zen
monks in deep meditation.
Patients usually feel refreshed and energized after the session.
The whole Brain Spa Therapy session lasts for one hour.
How many Brain Spa Therapy sessions are needed?
Weekly sessions are recommended for stress reduction and for the maintenance of brain health.
Posture Alignment Touch Therapy
What is Posture Alignment Touch Therapy?
Posture Alignment Touch Therapy is a simple yet powerful body therapy for the alignment of the
body’s center of gravity.
The body’s center of gravity is located at the area between the 5th lumbar vertebrae and the first
sacral vertebrae. Since this is the center of the skeletal structure, it is prone to the strain and
pressure of gravity. When a person’s center of gravity is out of position, it causes strained back
muscles and organ displacements which result in back pains, head aches, mood changes,
hormonal and physiologic imbalances, stress-related ailments, and many other health problems.
Posture Alignment Touch Therapy therefore focuses its primary adjustment at the sacrum (literally
"the sacred bone"). Through the use of very light and gentle touch techniques, Posture
Alignment Touch Therapy releases tension in the muscles, vertebrae and nerves.
This release of tension allows the body to return to its normal posture and makes the person
regain over-all health.
Who can benefit from Posture Alignment Touch Therapy?
Posture Alignment Touch Therapy is for anyone pursuing health and wellness.
Though Posture Alignment Touch Therapy is best known for helping with back ailments and
postural distortions, it is also highly effective for a wide range of conditions which includes the
• Scoliosis
• Back and Neck Pains
• Migraine and Tension Headaches
• Gastro-intestinal Disorders
• Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
• Skin Conditions
• Sexual Dysfunction
• Asthma and other Mild Respiratory Complaints
• High Blood Pressure
• Other Disorders
Posture Alignment Touch Therapy is gentle and non-invasive and thus, no physical harm can result
from it. It is safely used on children and the elderly. It can also be used with any other medication
or treatment and enhances the effect of these.

What happens during a session?

For easy access to the back area, your entire back and buttocks will be exposed and draped
during treatment. In the first few minutes, you will be assessed for postural distortions and
misalignments. You will then be asked to lie face down on a treatment table. Based on the
findings from the assessment, a sequence of light and gentle touch techniques will be made over
the buttocks, the sacrum, the spine, shoulders, neck, back of the head, and the abdomen. During
treatment, you may experience a variety of sensations including warmth, tingling, and relaxation.
The treatment lasts for approximately 30 minutes.
How will you feel after treatment?
Responses to Posture Alignment Touch Therapy will vary from patient to patient. People generally
feel lighter, taller, straighter, and energized after a session.
Despite the light and gentle touch in Posture Alignment Touch Therapy, it is powerful enough to
flush out toxins from the body and to create subtle shifts in the skeletal system and the
positioning of other body organs. This may make some people experience a “healing crisis”
wherein they feel dizzy, tired, heavy, with flu-like symptoms. These are all temporary and just
means that the Posture Alignment Touch Therapy was effective in creating changes in the body
The healing effects of Posture Alignment Touch Therapy continue beyond treatment session.
How many treatments will be needed?
1-3 sessions per week, depending on the degree of your body’s distortion or misalignments.
For the maintenance of wellness and good health, weekly sessions are advised.

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