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March 2, 2010 - Tuesday&nbsp;
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<td width="30"><img heig
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_530177852">Pocket Universes and Multiple Timelines</label>

<!--- blog body --->
<div id="pBl
ogBody_530177852" class="blogContent"><div>this is just MY two cents, but I beli
eve that time travel and FTL travel are inexorably linked. Solve one and you wi
ll have the answer to the other also. In the generally accepted Big Bang theory
of the universe, there was a period when the universe expanded many times the s
peed of light-- "The Inflationary Epoch"-- and physicists generally explain this
by saying that the faster than light law violating relativity only exists withi
n space-time.... because the universe was expanding "into" a different medium (h
igher dimensions?), it doesnt have to follow those laws. I agree with this! Re
lativity only applies to our space-time-- because Einstein didnt make any allowa
nce for the existence of other dimensions, what lies outside (or surrounds) the
universe etc-- remember his theories came from the turn of the 20th century. Ju
st like Newton was superseded by Einstein, so will Einstein be superseded by a m
ore complete "unified" theory that takes into account Relativity, Quantum Mechan
ics AND Gravity. Speaking of which, the interesting thing about the universe ex
panding into a different medium is this-- the big bang was a singularity-- black
holes are singularities-- both generated an immense amount of gravity that had
to be overcome somehow. This is where FTL velocities come in-- for the big bang
to actually occur, for the cosmic egg to explode like it did-- we needed FTL ve
locities. Now, one thing we know about the universe is that its symmetrical on
many different scales-- you have the atom, with the nucleus at the center and th
e electrons in outer shells... you have the solar system with the sun at the cen
ter and the planets in orbits.... you have the galaxy with the supermassive blac
k hole at the nucleus and stars orbiting it.... so why not think of black holes
as miniature versions of the big bang, and if that is the case, isnt it also pos
sible for matter to "escape" from them and to wind up in another portion of the
universe, merely by the fact that to become a singularity, a black hole has to "
pinch itself off" from the rest of the universe? Solving this riddle could not
only solve the problems of FTL, but time travel also (read some of my posts on c
losed timelike curves, which are a product of applying Relativity to black hole
physics.) Kerr black holes are a special case of black holes that spin-- and th
e fact they spin makes it theoretically possible for them to be transversible--
in other words, you could create a transportation device from a Kerr black hole
without being crushed to death by the intense gravity pull. Why is that? Becau
se in a Kerr black hole, unlike conventional black holes, the gravity doesnt inc
rease to infinity at the center, rather the area of most intense gravity lies in
a ring-- and, properly navigated, you could journey through a Kerr black hole a
nd wind up in some other portion of the universe without risking being crushed.<
/div><div><br /></div><div>Also, Im not sure if you are aware of the theory of m
ultiple dimensions of time. This is a theory that's actually gained quite a lar
ge following in the physics community, as it helps solve a number of problems--
not the least of which is the big bang singularity. Ive posted links to imagina
ry time, and the theory of multiple temporal dimensions before-- and there reall
y isnt a reason why there shouldnt be multiple temporal dimensions-- after all w
e have multiple spatial dimensions. Think of time as existing on an x-axis as w
ell as a y-axis, and it makes the idea of multiple time streams more easily acce
ssible, as each time stream would have its own slope and Y intercept... some mig
ht not even have a Y intercept but have a slope of infinity and an X intercept--
I sure hope any prospective time traveler doesnt accidentally wind up in one of
those time streams!€<br /></div><br />Another theoretical aspect of this, which I
ve addressed in the past, is the possible existence of micro black holes-- that
is, black holes the size of subatomic particles-- as a way of explaining the Cas
imir effect-- the "winking" into and out of existence of virtual particles-- and
vacuum energy. These virtual particles could merely be teleported into and out
of different parts of the universe (or between different universes)-- and this
would preserve the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy, instead of leaving a gapi
ng hole within it, as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle wants to do. As a ma
tter of fact, vacuum energy could solve the problem Phineas outlined earlier-- t
he problem of generating enough energy to create our own transversible wormholes
. Space is packed with vacuum energy!<br /><br /><div>This is why I think time
travel, faster than light travel, gravity and time are all linked together. The
fact is, out of the four fundamental forces, its gravity which doesnt seem to "
belong" with the others-- it is so different that physicists are starting to thi
nk it doesnt even originate in our universe! This would offer an explanation of
why gravity is so intense inside black holes-- the fact is, since black holes a
re pinched off singularities, separate from the rest of the universe, they have
closer access to the "source" of gravity. As a matter of fact, Einstein's descr
iption of gravity as being able to cause space-time to curve downwards, might ju
st be more evidence that points to an extradimensional source for gravitation--
perhaps space-time itself is curving towards that source and black holes, being
an extreme source of gravitation, cause so much curving that space-time has pinc
hed itself off around it (this is how physicists explain black holes, as a matte
r of fact.) Its quite ironic that an everyday property of our existence-- Gravi
ty-- may have such an exotic source, but it shows how, though theoretical physic
s might be esoteric, it underlies everyday life in a multitude of ways (the sam
e is true of the Casimir effect, imagine being able to verify the existence of a
multiverse and transversible wormholes in an ordinary high school lab!)-- and t
he laws we hold dear-- things like the Gravitational Constant, Relativity, etc--
may just be approximations of reality based on our own limited knowledge of rea
lity! By the same token that gravity doesnt seem to belong with the other 3 fun
damental forces, so time doesnt seem to belong with the other 3 dimensions. Is
time even real-- and if it is real-- does it, too exist in multiple dimensions,
or does it behave in an even more exotic way outside of space-time? This can ha
ve wide ranging implications since it is now known that even everyday biological
systems are subject to quantum mechanics. Does time even have any meaning outs
ide of space-time, or is causality only a property of our local reality? In oth
er universes (which have been postulated by Hawkings, among others), do the same
physical laws hold true, or does each universe have its own set of physical law
s that were randomly set during its big bang (and if they arent randomly set-- w
hat caused them to be the way they are, what caused the speed of light to be the
number it is, what causes the alpha fine structure constant to be the way it is
, what caused the gravitational constant to be the number it is, what about the
hubble constant or even the planck constant? where is all the antimatter?.... a
nd can they change over time, and what effect would that have on a given univers
e.... including ours? Would we even know they had changed or would the changing
of the constants alter the universe(s) in a fundamental way that would conspire
us from knowing they had changed? How would the primary structures of a given
universe be different-- galaxies, stars, planets, etc.? Could time flow in a d
ifferent direction in such a universe? What about the ratio of matter to antima
tter? Could life exist in a universe that had different physical laws than ours
has and how would it be different? Could we create our own pocket universe one
day to simulate and experiment with different universes of our own creation and
would there be a way to tap into their almost limitless energies to create a hu
ge amount of power in a controlled, systematic way? Could we tweak said aritifi
cial universe to contain physical laws and constants the way WE want them to be?
How about generating life made entirely of antimatter or even exotic particles
or energy? Could we tweak the flow of time to be in reverse, for example, and
thus create a pocket universe where time travel was not only possible, but extre
mely efficient? Was our own universe created in this way? Is our universe open
ended, closed or oscillating, and if the latter two are the case, will the dire
ction of time change during the collapse? If its an oscillating one-- which we
seem to have growing evidence for-- will the next "bounce" retain any memory of
the previous one, will it have the same physical laws and constants, or will the
y change, and by how much? Would life still be possible if they changed?) What
caused the Big Bang(s) in the first place? (And my own personal favorite-- if
the cosmic egg is indeed just a larger version of a black hole, could the superm
assive black hole at the center of an exceptionally massive galaxy-- M87 in Virg
o, for example-- cause a whole new Big Bang?) Lots of questions and very littl
e answers-- but it is fun to speculate. Perhaps when the Alcubierre space-warp
drive becomes reality (or we can create a large enough collider).... we will fin
ally find some answers.... because it will be able to pinch itself off from spac
e-time and we should be able to tell if space-time is undergoing changes right u
nder our feet, so to speak And maybe even create other physical realities! <br
/></div><div><br /></div><div> Many thanks to LF272 for finding this article in
the Times; I made my post before I had a chance to read it, and it seems like i
t dovetails nicely with the end of my previous post.<br /><br />It seems like we
're on our way to creating new physical laws (and perhaps the collider is the po
cket universe I was speaking of) on the most fundamental of levels (and like I
mentioned earlier-- its absolutely amazing how the universe is symmetrical and c
ircular on so many scales-- to think that experimenting on the quantum level of
quarks could cause a discovery that would have cosmic scale implications is trul
y mind boggling)....<br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><a href="
/2010/02/16/science/16quark.html?scp=1&sq=brookhaven&st=cse</a></div><div><br />
</div><div>In Brookhaven Collider, Scientists Briefly Break a Law of Nature <br
/><br />By DENNIS OVERBYE<br />Published: February 15, 2010 <br /><br />Physicis
ts said Monday that they had whacked a tiny region of space with enough energy t
o briefly distort the laws of physics, providing the first laboratory demonstrat
ion of the kind of process that scientists suspect has shaped cosmic history.<br
/>Enlarge This Image<br /> <br />Brookhaven National Laboratory<br /><br />HOT
A computer rendition of 4-trillion-degree Celsius quark-gluon plasma created in
a demonstration of what scientists suspect shaped cosmic history. <br /><br /> <
br /><br />The blow was delivered in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, or RHI
C, at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, where, since 2000, phys
icists have been accelerating gold nuclei around a 2.4-mile underground ring to
99.995 percent of the speed of light and then colliding them in an effort to mel
t protons and neutrons and free their constituents — quarks and gluons. The goal h
as been a state of matter called a quark-gluon plasma, which theorists believe e
xisted when the universe was only a microsecond old.<br /><br />The departure fr
om normal physics manifested itself in the apparent ability of the briefly freed
quarks to tell right from left. That breaks one of the fundamental laws of natu
re, known as parity, which requires that the laws of physics remain unchanged if
we view nature in a mirror.<br /><br />This happened in bubbles smaller than th
e nucleus of an atom, which lasted only a billionth of a billionth of a billiont
h of a second. But in these bubbles were “hints of profound physics,” in the words o
f Steven Vigdor, associate director for nuclear and particle physics at Brookhav
en. Very similar symmetry-breaking bubbles, at an earlier period in the universe
, are believed to have been responsible for breaking the balance between matter
and its opposite antimatter and leaving the universe with a preponderance of mat
ter. <br /><br />“We now have a hook” into how these processes occur, Dr. Vigdor sai
d, adding in an e-mail message, “IF the interpretation of the RHIC results turns o
ut to be correct.” Other physicists said the results were an important window into
the complicated dynamics of quarks, which goes by the somewhat whimsical name o
f Quantum Chromo Dynamics.<br /><br />Frank Wilczek, a physicist at the Massachu
setts Institute of Technology who won the Nobel Prize for work on the theory of
quarks, called the new results “interesting and surprising,” and said understanding
them would help understand the behavior of quarks in unusual circumstances.<br /
><br />“It is comparable, I suppose, to understanding better how galaxies form, or
astrophysical black holes,” he said.<br /><br />The Brookhaven scientists and the
ir colleagues discussed their latest results from RHIC in talks and a news confe
rence at a meeting of the American Physical Society Monday in Washington, and in
a pair of papers submitted to Physical Review Letters. “This is a view of what th
e world was like at 2 microseconds,” said Jack Sandweiss of Yale, a member of the
Brookhaven team, calling it, “a seething cauldron.”<br /><br />Among other things, t
he group announced it had succeeded in measuring the temperature of the quark-gl
uon plasma as 4 trillion degrees Celsius, “by far the hottest matter ever made,” Dr.
Vigdor said. That is 250,000 times hotter than the center of the Sun and well a
bove the temperature at which theorists calculate that protons and neutrons shou
ld melt, but the quark-gluon plasma does not act the way theorists had predicted
. <br /><br />Instead of behaving like a perfect gas, in which every quark goes
its own way independent of the others, the plasma seemed to act like a liquid. “It
was a very big surprise,” Dr. Vigdor said, when it was discovered in 2005. Since
then, however, theorists have revisited their calculations and found that the qu
ark soup can be either a liquid or a gas, depending on the temperature, he expla
ined. “This is not your father’s quark-gluon plasma,” said Barbara V. Jacak, of the St
ate University at Stony Brook, speaking for the team that made the new measureme
nts.<br /><br />It is now thought that the plasma would have to be a million tim
es more energetic to become a perfect gas. That is beyond the reach of any conce
ivable laboratory experiment, but the experiments colliding lead nuclei in the L
arge Hadron Collider outside Geneva next winter should reach energies high enoug
h to see some evolution from a liquid to a gas.<br /><br />Parity, the idea that
the laws of physics are the same when left and right are switched, as in a mirr
or reflection, is one of the most fundamental symmetries of space-time as we kno
w it. Physicists were surprised to discover in 1956, however, that parity is not
obeyed by all the laws of nature after all. The universe is slightly lopsided i
n this regard. The so-called weak force, which governs some radioactive decays,
seems to be left-handed, causing neutrinos, the ghostlike elementary particles t
hat are governed by that force, to spin clockwise, when viewed oncoming, but nev
er counterclockwise.</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br />Under nor
mal conditions, the laws of quark behavior observe the principle of mirror symme
try, but Dmitri Kharzeev of Brookhaven, a longtime student of symmetry changes i
n the universe, had suggested in 1998 that those laws might change under the ver
y abnormal conditions in the RHIC fireball. Conditions in that fireball are such
that a cube with sides about one quarter the thickness of a human hair could co
ntain the total amount of energy consumed in the United States in a year. <br />
RSS Feed<br />Get Science News From The New York Times »<br /> <br /><br />All thi
s energy, he said, could put a twist in the gluon force fields, which give quark
s their marching orders. There can be left-hand twists and right-hand twists, he
explained, resulting in space within each little bubble getting a local directi
on. <br /><br />What makes the violation of mirror symmetry observable in the co
llider is the combination of this corkscrewed space with a magnetic field, produ
ced by the charged gold ions blasting at one another. The quarks were then drawn
one way or the other along the magnetic field, depending on their electrical ch
arges.<br /><br />The magnetic fields produced by the collisions are the most in
tense ever observed, roughly 100 million billion gauss, Dr. Sandweiss said. <br
/><br />The directions of the magnetic field and of the corkscrew effect can be
different in every bubble, the presumed parity violations can only be studied st
atistically, averaged over 14 million bubble events. In each of them, the mirror
symmetry could be broken in a different direction, Dr. Sandweiss explained, but
the effect would always be the same, with positive quarks going one way and neg
ative ones the other. That is what was recorded in RHIC’s STAR detector (STAR bein
g short for Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC) by Dr. Sandweiss and his colleagues. Dr.
Sandweiss cautioned that it was still possible that some other effect could be
mimicking the parity violation, and he d held off publication of the results for
a year, trying unsuccessfully to find one. So they decided, he said, that it wa
s worthy of discussion.<br /><br />One test of the result, he said, would be to
run RHIC at a lower energy and see if the effect went away when there was not en
ough oomph in the beam to distort space-time. The idea of parity might seem like
a very abstract and mathematical concept, but it affects our chemistry and biol
ogy. It is not only neutrinos that are skewed. So are many of the molecules of l
ife, including proteins, which are left-handed, and sugars, which are right-hand
ed.<br /><br />The chirality, or handedness, of molecules prevents certain react
ions from taking place in chemistry and biophysics, Dr. Sandweiss noted, and aff
ects what we can digest.<br /><br />Physicists suspect that the left-handedness
of neutrinos might have contributed to the most lopsided feature of the universe
of all, the fact that it is composed of matter and not antimatter, even though
the present-day laws do not discriminate. The amount of parity violation that ph
ysicists have measured in experiments, however, is not enough to explain how the
universe got so unbalanced today. We like symmetry, Dr. Kharzeev, of Brookhaven
, noted, but if the symmetry between matter and antimatter had not been broken l
ong ago, “the universe would be a very desolate place.”<br /><br />The new measureme
nt from the quark plasma does not explain the antimatter problem either, Dr. San
dweiss said, but it helps show how departures from symmetry can appear in bubble
s like the ones in RHIC in the course of cosmic evolution. Scientists think that
the laws of physics went through a series of changes, or “phase transitions,” like
water freezing to ice, as the universe cooled during the stupendously hot early
moments of the Big Bang. Symmetry-violating bubbles like those of RHIC are more
likely to form during these cosmic changeovers. “If you learn more about it from t
his experiment, we could then illuminate the process that gives rise to these bu
bbles,” Dr. Sandweiss said.<br /><br />Dr. Vigdor said: “A lot of physics sounds lik
e science fiction. There is a lot of speculation on what happened in the early u
niverse. The amazing thing is that we have this chance to test any of this.”<br />
<br /></div></div>
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_530177446">The multidimensional afterlife</label>

<!--- blog body --->
<div id="pBl
ogBody_530177446" class="blogContent">the idea has been proposed that "ghosts" c
ould be different time lines super imposed on one another, which is why some rep
orts of ghosts make them seem oblivious to their surroundings, having the abilit
y to walk thru walls, etc. This could be an indication that there are different
time lines superimposing on another and reaching a crossing point or nexus (and
not each time line would necessarily proceed at the same rate of time.) Or the
y could all be hoaxes <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />As far as other para
normal phenomena, such as ESP, some models of consciousness that involve quantum
mechanics (such as the one formulated by Sir Roger Penrose, a theoretical physi
cist honored in Britain for his contributions with knighthood) indicate that suc
h properties as quantum entanglement might be possible on a subconscious level.<
br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="
lraXBlZGlh">http://en.wikipedia</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><b
r /><a href="
yY2gtT1I="></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /
><br /><br />Needless to say, these theories (even the ones put forth by highly
decorated scientists) are highly controversial-- as one would expect them to be,
after all we are talking about the very forefront of human scientific knowledge
in multiple disclipines and, in many cases, somewhat beyond that. Not only tha
t, but some of these conflict with religion and spirituality (or, in some cases,
run parallel or even converge.)<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />As far as my own c
onjecturing is concerned, I wonder if its possible that what we consider spirit
or soul, etc., is just a projection of the human being in multiple dimensions.
That, in fact, all objects in our physical reality exist in multiple higher dime
nsions, and our physical bodies are but shadows upon a wall (the analogy being d
rawn here is trying to describe a three dimensional body by the shadow it casts
on a two dimensional wall.) The fact is, our 5 senses arent equipped to process
multiple higher dimensions, so if we do exist in higher dimensions that exist b
eyond what we can perceive as space-time, then this would go a ways towards expl
aining the timelessness of the soul, spirit etc-- and perhaps even reincarnation
, as you brought up (and have major implications on things like life after death
-- or perhaps the ending of the physical body, but the continuation of the timel
ess soul, which exists in higher dimensions.) As a matter of fact, we can even
use the Carl Jung theory of collective unconscious and theorize that we exist in
higher dimensions as a network of higher consciousness, connected to those clos
e to us through a network of "webs" (for a lack of a better analogy) and wheneve
r a traumatic or stressful incident occurs it sends ripples along the web, and c
an contribute to us sensing when another is in trouble (naturally those closest
to us are correspondingly closer to us on this network of webs and thus the ripp
les are larger)-- for example, a mother's instinct towards her children, two sib
lings who are exceptionally close or any two people "connecting" on a special le
vel. And the fact that consciousness can exist on a cellular level (which has
been proven to exist in unicellular organisms also-- as per a research paper I p
osted on here a few months back.) And since distance and time do not matter in
higher dimensions, physical distance and/or time have no meaning here. Childr
en and animals seem to be particularly adept with their "instincts" and intuitio
n," perhaps they are better able to screen out the distracting background enviro
nment and think on a more fundamental level.<br /><br />I feel that religion, sp
irituality and philosophy in general seek ultimate truths, but, by the very natu
re of their subjectiveness, they fail to get the whole picture. But this doesnt
mean that they dont get a part of the picture-- a fragment of the truth. Mytho
logy often seems to evolve a whole history based on a kernel of reality... and t
he same may be true of spirituality, religion and philosophy. (There have been
studies done on the value of prayer in healing-- and, as an agnostic, while I d
ont subscribe to any religion, I do believe that well wishes, thoughts, and the
desire for another's well being can have an effect on that higher level I spoke
of.) Perhaps we can sense some sort of higher order because we are a part of i
t (like Plato's idea of multiple layers of reality or Immanuel Kant's "island un
iverses" or Carl Jung's collective unconscious, even poetry, art and music and i
ndeed, that of the very nature of creativity.... whose underlying intricate beau
ties speak to our souls and echo a similar beauty that exists in the artistry of
the universe itself and all the creations that lie within)-- not only are we ob
servers of the universe but we are also a fundamental aspect of it, and perhaps
we are connected to the rest of it (and each other) in ways we cant even imagine
yet-- and yet, on some basic but indescribably fundamental level, we can....
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_528163920">The Multiverse</label>

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<div id="pBl
ogBody_528163920" class="blogContent">Quantum Gravity is actually a very viable
alternative, and there are also numerous alternatives to the existence of dark m
atter, dark energy, etc, like Modified Newtonian Dynamics. The existence of mul
tiple dimensions and alternative universes, while mathematically eloquent, has y
et to be proven, but with high energy physics probing farther and farther, I thi
nk that its just a matter of time. Gravity, the weakest of the four fundamenta
l forces is hypothesized to originate outside of normal space-time, which makes
sense if you consider that singularities like black holes are the strongest sour
ce of gravity-- perhaps because they have pinched themselves out of space-time a
nd are closest to the ultimate "source" of gravity. I do believe that gravity i
s as out of place among the four known forces as time is among the four known di
mensions-- and the two are inextricably connected. Read this interesting articl
e of Closed TimeLike Curves, which are a property of relativity and occur near b
lack holes. <br /><br /><a href="
lZGlh">http://en.wikipedia</a>....timelike_curves<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I
n a Lorentzian manifold, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a worldline of a mater
ial particle in spacetime that is "closed," returning to its starting point. Thi
s possibility was first raised by Kurt Gödel in 1949, who discovered a solution to
the equations of general relativity (GR) allowing CTCs known as the Gödel metric,
and since then other GR solutions containing CTCs have been found, such as the
Tipler cylinder and traversable wormholes. If CTCs exist, their existence would
seem to imply at least the theoretical possibility of time travel backwards in t
ime, raising the spectre of the grandfather paradox. Some physicists speculate t
hat the CTCs which appear in certain GR solutions might be ruled out by a future
theory of quantum gravity which would replace GR, an idea which Stephen Hawking
has labeled the chronology protection conjectur<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />On
e feature of a CTC is that it opens the possibility of a worldline which is not
connected to earlier times, and so the existence of events that cannot be traced
to an earlier cause. Ordinarily, causality demands that each event in spacetime
is preceded by its cause in every rest frame. This principle is critical in det
erminism, which in the language of general relativity states complete knowledge
of the universe on a spacelike Cauchy surface can be used to calculate the compl
ete state of the rest of spacetime. However, in a CTC, causality breaks down, be
cause an event can be "simultaneous" with its cause – in some sense an event may b
e able to cause itself. It is impossible to determine based only on knowledge of
the past whether or not something exists in the CTC that can interfere with oth
er objects in spacetime. A CTC therefore results in a Cauchy horizon, and a regi
on of spacetime that cannot be predicted from perfect knowledge of some past tim
e.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="
ud2lraXBlZGlh">http://en.wikipedia</a>....tonian_dynamics<br /><br /><br />In ph
ysics, Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is a hypothesis that proposes a modifi
cation of Newton's law of gravity to explain the galaxy rotation problem. When t
he uniform velocity of rotation of galaxies was first observed, it was unexpecte
d because Newtonian theory of gravity predicts that objects that are farther out
will have lower velocities. For example, planets in the Solar System orbit with
velocities that decrease as their distance from the Sun increases.<br /><br />M
OND was proposed by Mordehai Milgrom in 1983 as a way to model this observed uni
form velocity data. [1] Milgrom noted that Newton's law for gravitational force
has been verified only where gravitational acceleration is large, and suggested
that for extremely low accelerations the theory may not hold. MOND theory posits
that acceleration is not linearly proportional to force at low values.<br /><br
/>MOND stands in contrast to the more widely accepted theory of dark matter. Da
rk matter theory suggests that each galaxy contains a halo of an as yet unidenti
fied type of matter that provides an overall mass distribution different from th
e observed distribution of normal matter. This dark matter modifies gravity so a
s to cause the uniform rotation velocity data.<br /><br /><br /><br />According
to the Modified Newtonian Dynamics theory, every physical process that involves
small accelerations due to gravity will have an outcome different from that pred
icted by the simple law F=ma. Therefore, astronomers need to look for all such p
rocesses and verify that MOND remains compatible with observations, that is, wit
hin the limit of the uncertainties on the data. There is, however, a complicatio
n overlooked up to this point but that strongly affects the compatibility betwee
n MOND and the observed world: in a system considered as isolated, for example a
single satellite orbiting a planet, the effect of MOND results in an increased
velocity beyond a given range (actually, below a given acceleration, but for cir
cular orbits it is the same thing) that depends on the mass of both the planet a
nd the satellite. However, if the same system is actually orbiting a star, the p
lanet and the satellite will be accelerated in the star's gravitational field. F
or the satellite, the sum of the two fields could yield acceleration greater tha
n a0, and the orbit would not be the same as that in an isolated system.<br /><b
r />For this reason, the typical acceleration of any physical process is not the
only parameter astronomers must consider. Also critical is the process's enviro
nment, which is all external forces that are usually neglected. In his paper, Mi
lgrom arranged the typical acceleration of various physical processes in a two-d
imensional diagram. One parameter is the acceleration of the process itself, the
other parameter is the acceleration induced by the environment.<br /><br />This
affects MOND's application to experimental observation and empirical data becau
se all experiments done on Earth or its neighborhood are subject to the Sun's gr
avitational field, and this field is so strong that all objects in the Solar sys
tem undergo an acceleration greater than a0. This explains why the flattening of
galaxies' rotation curve, or the MOND effect, had not been detected until the e
arly 1980s, when astronomers first gathered empirical data on the rotation of ga
laxies.<br /><br />Therefore, only galaxies and other large systems are expected
to exhibit the dynamics that will allow astronomers to verify that MOND agrees
with observation. Since Milgrom's theory first appeared in 1983, the most accura
te data has come from observations of distant galaxies and neighbors of the Milk
y Way. Within the uncertainties of the data, MOND has remained valid. The Milky
Way itself is scattered with clouds of gas and interstellar dust, and until now
it has not been possible to draw a rotation curve for the galaxy. Finally, the u
ncertainties on the velocity of galaxies within clusters and larger systems have
been too large to conclude in favor of or against MOND. Indeed, conditions for
conducting an experiment that could confirm or disprove MOND can only be perform
ed outside the Solar system — farther even than the positions that the Pioneer and
Voyager space probes have reached[citation needed].<br /><br />In search of obs
ervations that would validate his theory, Milgrom noticed that a special class o
f objects, the low surface brightness galaxies (LSB), is of particular interest:
the radius of an LSB is large compared to its mass, and thus almost all stars a
re within the flat part of the rotation curve. Also, other theories predict that
the velocity at the edge depends on the average surface brightness in addition
to the LSB mass. Finally, no data on the rotation curve of these galaxies was av
ailable at the time. Milgrom thus could make the prediction that LSBs would have
a rotation curve which is essentially flat, and with a relation between the fla
t velocity and the mass of the LSB identical to that of brighter galaxies.<br />
<br />Since then, the majority of LSBs observed has been consistent with the rot
ational curve predicted by MOND.[4]<br /><br />An exception to MOND other than L
SB is prediction of the speeds of galaxies that gyrate around the center of a ga
laxy cluster. Our galaxy is part of the Virgo supercluster. MOND predicts a rate
of rotation of these galaxies about their center, and temperature distributions
, that are contrary to observation.[5][6]<br /><br />One experiment that might t
est MOND would be to observe the particles proposed to contribute to the greater
part of the Universe’s mass; several experiments are endeavoring to do this under
the assumption that the particles have weak interactions.[citation needed] Anot
her approach to test MOND is to apply it to the evolution of cosmic structure or
to the dynamics and evolution of observed galaxies.[citation needed].<br /><br
/>A recent proposal is that MOND successfully predicts the local galactic escape
speed of the Milky Way, a measure of the mass beyond the galactocentric radius
of the Sun.[7]<br /><br />Lee Smolin and co-workers have tried unsuccessfully to
obtain a theoretical basis for MOND from quantum gravity. His conclusion is "MO
ND is a tantalizing mystery, but not one that can be resolved now."[8]<br /><br
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />If you look at the "weird" behavior of quantum p
articles (like quantum teleportation) or how virtual particles can literally win
k in and out of existence (the Casimir Effect), the most eloquent explanation do
es involve random fluctuations of quantum density via folding-- something that i
f we can control on a larger level, can open a vast source of energy for us-- wh
ich we can use to probe the universe (or universes) even further. I do agree wi
th you that the closer we think we are to the "solution" the more we realize tha
t there is no final solution. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />One of the mo
st fascinating ideas Ive heard Hawkings come up with, besides the idea of bubble
universes, each with its own set of physical laws and constants, determining fo
rm and structure, is the idea of an extra dimension of time, or imaginary time.
The idea of multiple dimensions of time makes time travel much more plausible i
n my mind (just like multiple higher spatial dimensions makes FTL achievable by
folding space-time through higher dimensions (perhaps through transversable worm
holes, which might actually be possible through a spinning black hole, its centr
ifugal force balancing out the intense gravity near the center, allowing safe "p
assage"-- in other words, the same way the universe expanded during its Inflatio
nary Period-- an aspect of the Big Bang theory widely accepted now-- which is wh
ere the idea of Dark Flow comes from-- which are objects of mass existing beyond
the number of light years the universe is known to exist, detectable by their g
ravitational pull on closer-in objects.). And if you can travel along more tha
n one set of coordinates in the temporal plane then you should be able to have m
ultiple temporal streams or branches and should be able to go to the past and fu
ture without violating causality and causing paradoxes.<br /><br /><br /><br /><
br /><a href="">http://en.wi
kipedia</a>..../Imaginary_time<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Imaginary time is di
fficult to visualize. If we imagine "regular time" as a horizontal line running
between "past" in one direction and "future" in the other, then imaginary time w
ould run perpendicular to this line as the imaginary numbers run perpendicular t
o the real numbers in the complex plane. However, imaginary time is not imaginar
y in the sense that it is unreal or made-up — it simply runs in a direction differ
ent from the type of time we experience. In essence, imaginary time is a way of
looking at the time dimension as if it were a dimension of space: you can move f
orward and backward along imaginary time, just like you can move right and left
in space.<br /><br />The concept is useful in cosmology because it can help smoo
th out gravitational singularities in models of the universe (see Hartle-Hawking
state). Singularities pose a problem for physicists because these are areas whe
re known physical laws do not apply. The Big Bang, for example, appears as a sin
gularity in "regular time." But when visualized with imaginary time, the singula
rity is removed and the Big Bang functions like any other point in spacetime.<br
/><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="
FodHRwOi8vZW4ud2lraXBlZGlh">http://en.wikipedia</a>....ationary_theory<br /><br
/><br /><br /><br />In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation, cosmological inflat
ion or just inflation is the theorized exponential expansion of the universe at
the end of the grand unification epoch, 10−36 seconds after the Big Bang, driven b
y a negative pressure vacuum energy density.[1] The term "inflation" is also use
d to refer to the hypothesis that inflation occurred, to the theory of inflation
, or to the inflationary epoch.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />While the det
ailed particle physics mechanism responsible for inflation is not known, the bas
ic picture makes a number of predictions that have been confirmed by observation
. Inflation is thus now considered part of the standard hot big bang cosmology.
The hypothetical particle or field thought to be responsible for inflation is ca
lled the inflaton.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="
iki/Wormhole</a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Lorentzian traversable wormh
oles would allow travel from one part of the universe to another part of that sa
me universe very quickly or would allow travel from one universe to another. The
possibility of traversable wormholes in general relativity was first demonstrat
ed by Kip Thorne and his graduate student Mike Morris in a 1988 paper; for this
reason, the type of traversable wormhole they proposed, held open by a spherical
shell of exotic matter, is referred to as a Morris Thorne wormhole. Later, othe
r types of traversable wormholes were discovered as allowable solutions to the e
quations of general relativity, including a variety analyzed in a 1989 paper by
Matt Visser, in which a path through the wormhole can be made in which the trave
rsing path does not pass through a region of exotic matter. However in the pure
Gauss Bonnet theory exotic matter is not needed in order for wormholes to exist 
they can exist even with no matter.[2] A type held open by negative mass cosmic
strings was put forth by Visser in collaboration with Cramer et al.,[3] in whic
h it was proposed that such wormholes could have been naturally created in the e
arly universe.<br /><br />Wormholes connect two points in spacetime, which means
that they would in principle allow travel in time, as well as in space. In 1988
, Morris, Thorne and Yurtsever worked out explicitly how to convert a wormhole t
raversing space into one traversing time.[4] However, it has been said a time tr
aversing wormhole cannot take a person back to before it was made[citation neede
d] but this is disputed<br /><br /><br />Faster than light travel<br /><br />Spe
cial relativity only applies locally. Wormholes allow superluminal (faster than 
light) travel by ensuring that the speed of light is not exceeded locally at any
time. While traveling through a wormhole, subluminal (slower than light) speeds
are used. If two points are connected by a wormhole, the time taken to traverse
it would be less than the time it would take a light beam to make the journey i
f it took a path through the space outside the wormhole. However, a light beam t
raveling through the wormhole would always beat the traveler. As an analogy, run
ning around to the opposite side of a mountain at maximum speed may take longer
than walking through a tunnel crossing it.<br />[edit]<br />Time travel<br /><br
/>A wormhole could allow time travel.[4] This could be accomplished by accelera
ting one end of the wormhole to a high velocity relative to the other, and then
sometime later bringing it back; relativistic time dilation would result in the
accelerated wormhole mouth aging less than the stationary one as seen by an exte
rnal observer, similar to what is seen in the twin paradox. However, time connec
ts differently through the wormhole than outside it, so that synchronized clocks
at each mouth will remain synchronized to someone traveling through the wormhol
e itself, no matter how the mouths move around. This means that anything which e
ntered the accelerated wormhole mouth would exit the stationary one at a point i
n time prior to its entry.<br /><br />For example, consider two clocks at both m
ouths both showing the date as 2000. After being taken on a trip at relativistic
velocities, the accelerated mouth is brought back to the same region as the sta
tionary mouth with the accelerated mouth's clock reading 2005 while the stationa
ry mouth's clock read 2010. A traveller who entered the accelerated mouth at thi
s moment would exit the stationary mouth when its clock also read 2005, in the s
ame region but now five years in the past. Such a configuration of wormholes wou
ld allow for a particle's world line to form a closed loop in spacetime, known a
s a closed timelike curve.<br /><br />It is thought that it may not be possible
to convert a wormhole into a time machine in this manner; some analyses using th
e semiclassical approach to incorporating quantum effects into general relativit
y indicate that a feedback loop of virtual particles would circulate through the
wormhole with ever increasing intensity, destroying it before any information c
ould be passed through it, in keeping with the chronology protection conjecture.
This has been called into question by the suggestion that radiation would dispe
rse after traveling through the wormhole, therefore preventing infinite accumula
tion. The debate on this matter is described by Kip S. Thorne in the book Black
Holes and Time Warps. There is also the Roman ring, which is a configuration of
more than one wormhole. This ring seems to allow a closed time loop with stable
wormholes when analyzed using semiclassical gravity, although without a full the
ory of quantum gravity it is uncertain whether the semiclassical approach is rel
iable in this case.<br /><br />Characterizing inter universe wormholes is more d
ifficult. For example, one can imagine a 'baby' universe connected to its 'paren
t' by a narrow 'umbilicus'. One might like to regard the umbilicus as the throat
of a wormhole, but the spacetime is simply connected.<br /><br /><br /><br /><b
r /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />By the way, going back to the disc
ussion about Gravity, Loop Quantum Gravity seems to have some legs...<br /><br /
><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="
BlZGlh">http://en.wikipedia</a>....um_loop_gravity<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Loop quantum gravity (LQG), also known as loop gravity and quantum geometry, is
a proposed quantum theory of spacetime which attempts to reconcile the theories
of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Loop quantum gravity suggests that
space can be viewed as an extremely fine fabric or network "weaved" of finite qu
antised loops of excited gravitational fields called spin networks. When viewed
over time, these spin networks are called spin foam, which should not be confuse
d with quantum foam. A major grand unified theory contender with string theory,
loop quantum gravity incorporates general relativity without requiring string th
eory's higher dimensions.<br /><br />LQG preserves many of the important feature
s of general relativity, while simultaneously employing quantization of both spa
ce and time at the Planck scale in the tradition of quantum mechanics. The techn
ique of loop quantization was developed for the nonperturbative quantization of
diffeomorphism invariant gauge theory. Roughly, LQG tries to establish a quantum
theory of gravity in which the very space itself, where all other physical phen
omena occur, becomes quantized.<br /><br />LQG is one of a family of theories ca
lled canonical quantum gravity. The LQG theory also includes matter and forces,
but does not address the problem of the unification of all physical forces the w
ay some other quantum gravity theories such as string theory do.<br /><br /><br
/><br /><br /><br />Earlier, I talked about how the Casimir Effect might be link
ed to the idea of the existence of other dimensions and universes. Quite indepe
ndently of the following article, my idea was that microwormholes exist within t
he fabric of space time that allow these virtual particles to transport between
different dimensions and/or universes... preserving the Law of Conservation of M
ass Energy, but on a higher scale (call it the Multiverse scale if you will.) I
n other words, virtual particles coming into and out of existence out of nowhere
dont violate conservation laws because they were teleported into and out of spa
ce time, but from our perspective they seem to wink into and out of existence 
literally from nowhere and to nowhere. Imagine my surprise when I found the fol
lowing piece on wiki:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><a href="http://www.msplinks.
/><br /><br /><br /><br />Relation to other theories<br /><br />Quantum foam is
theorized to be created by virtual particles of very high energy. Virtual partic
les appear in quantum field theory, where they arise briefly and then annihilate
during particle interactions, in such a way that they affect the measured outpu
ts of the interaction even though the virtual particles are themselves never dir
ectly observed. They can also appear and annihilate briefly in empty space, and
these "vacuum fluctuations" affect the properties of the vacuum, giving it a non
zero energy known as vacuum energy, a type of zero point energy (however, physic
ists are uncertain about the magnitude of this energy [3]). The Casimir effect c
an also be understood in terms of the behavior of virtual particles in the empty
space between two parallel plates. Ordinarily quantum field theory does not dea
l with virtual particles of sufficient energy to curve spacetime significantly,
so quantum foam is a speculative extension of these concepts which imagines the
consequences of such high energy virtual particles at very short distances and t
imes.<br /><br />The "foamy" spacetime would look like a complex turbulent storm
tossed sea. Some physicists theorize the formation of wormholes therein; specul
ation arising from this includes the possibility of hyperspatial links to other
universes.<br /></div>
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d="pBlogSubject_520435250">The Art of Nature</label>
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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520435250" class="blogContent"><a href="
rth/</a><br /><br />I wanted to share my thoughts as far as the kind of feelings
they inspired in me.<br /><br />I love how the camera can preserve the beauty o
f a scene forever, sometimes I go back to old photos and see things in there Id
never seen before. I think we take our surroundings for granted far too much and
then we wonder about the meaning of life and why we are here... and well, the a
nswer is all around us, to experience and understand even a tiny bit of the wond
ers of our world and what may lie beyond, as well as the wonders of the human mi
nd and the human heart that it can witness and appreciate these things of beauty
, even though our lives are but a millisecond compared to the timelessness of na
ture and our surroundings. This is why I dont drink or take any drugs-- why do w
e need to escape from reality, all we need to do is find a part of reality that
makes us truly happy, appreciate it and hold onto it with all our might, no matt
er how far away it is and feel special knowing that we are here to experience it
.<br /><br /><br />I think these pictures prove that Nature is the greatest arti
st of them all, she has had billions of years to perfect her Art so that we can
all be here to appreciate it.<br /></div>
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November 29, 2009 - Sunday&nbsp;
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520435013">The Art and Science of Manual Photography</label>

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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520435013" class="blogContent"><div>Why use manual mode? €Because it gives
you full creative control of your images. €For example, if you want to get that pe
rfect moon shot, the camera will expose for the black sky in the background, bec
ause there is so much more of it compared to the relatively small size of the mo
on, that your image will be blown out and the moon will seem like a brilliant wh
ite orb in the sky with no surface details whatsoever. €Manual mode isnt as daunti
ng as it first seems, after awhile your mind will memorize the perfect settings
for each situation (for the moon its 1/80 sec shutter speed at f/6.3 and iso 100
) and it will seem like second nature for you-- basically your brain will become
a much larger, much more powerful camera than the one youre using to actually c
reate the images. €There are a few things you need to realize before this can be a
ccomplished:</div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br /></div><div>Basica
lly every time you double the iso you shorten the exposure by half. But you also
increase noise levels. ISO 400 should be fine though-- its a nice middle ground
. <br /></div><br /><br /><br />DONT USE AN ND4 FILTER!!! ND isnt the same as GN
D. ND filters are used to slow down your shutter speed, GND's are used to preser
ve DR in contrasty situations. The only time you'd really need to use an ND4 fil
ter is in very bright sunlight-- it slows down your exposure speed by a factor o
f 2 stops-- thus turning a 1 second exposure into an 4 second one . One stop = d
oubling (or 2x) the exposure, so 2 stops = 2^2 = 4x. Thats what the 4 in ND4 mea
ns. So, umm, without that ND4 filter, your 10 second exposure would have been ab
out 2.5 seconds! (Easiest way to figure this out is to half your shutter speed t
wice-- for example 10/2 ~ 5/2 ~ 2.5). So the ND changed your shutter speed from
2.5 seconds to 10 seconds.<br /><br /><br /><br />Now one reason that some photo
graphers do use ND filters is to give flowing water that silky smooth effect (th
e slower shutter speed combines the droplets to give that effect). But this is n
ormally only needed in BRIGHT sunlight. That 2.5 second shutter speed without th
e ND4 filter would have been just fine in your case. OR just set the iso to 100
(that iso 400 actually negated the 2 stops off your ND4 filter and added some no
ise into the image to boot-- making the filter useless. Basically, iso 400 with
an ND4 filter is the same as iso 100 with NO filter!) Increasing the iso to 400
decreased the shutter speed by 2 stops, while putting on an ND4 increased it by
2 stops-- so they canceled each other out. If you hadnt used an ND4 filter at al
l and had set your iso to 400, you would have had a shutter speed of 2.5 seconds
, which is still fine for the effect you want. At iso 100 and without that filte
r, you would have kept your 10 second shutter speed anyway, which IMO is overkil
l.<br /><br /><br /><br />The easiest way to remember all this is to recall that
one stop = halving or doubling of a given exposure value (depending on whether
its an increase or decrease). Two stops = quarter or four times. Three stops = o
ne eighth or eight times. Its all about powers of 2. 2^1(stop)=2 2^2(stop)=4, 2^
3(stop)=8, etc.<br /><br /><br /><br />Here's the difference between a GND and a
normal ND. While an ND filter darkens the whole image (in your case by 2 stops)
, a GND only darkens one half of the image. That way, the part of the image that
would have been exposed correctly without the GND should be on the "bright side
" of the filter and the other part on the "dark side." (Rotate it like you would
a Polarizer.) The GND filter I received a couple weeks ago was a GND0.6, meanin
g, it filters out about 2 stops of light on the "dark" side (same as your ND4),
and none at all on the bright side. <br /><br /><br /><br />Remember that, in ma
ny cases, the best filter is no filter at all. No filter can ever increase the a
mount of light coming into your camera, all they do is decrease, so use them spa
ringly and only in very specific situations. <br /><br /><br /><br />BTW when yo
ure messing with manual settings (I always use full manual mode, even on my so c
alled point and shoot camera, as well as dslr-- unless Im trying to create a spe
cial effect with one of the scene modes), let the live histogram guide you (I th
ink you need to use Live View for this.) Make sure that the curve doesnt cut off
to the right or left and that none of the colors are clipped (that is, none rea
ch the top of the histogram.) The best and simplest way to do this is to just se
t your aperture to 5.6 and mess around with the shutter speed until you get it t
o look the right way. Also, try to keep your iso fixed at 200 for best image qua
lity (400 is ok though.) A well-kept secret with these kit lenses is that when y
ou have the aperture number set at less than 5.6, it can make the image soft and
dull. Thats why people buy the super expensive lenses-- to be able to use apert
ure values like 2.8, 3.2, 3.5, 4, etc. with no loss in image quality. For landsc
ape shots, you shouldnt be going lower than 5.6 anyway-- to get the most amount
of the image in focus (the higher the aperture number, the greater the depth of
field.) An aperture of 8 or 11 would be even better. BTW, aperture works the sam
e way as shutter speed and iso, except that a doubling or halving is a change in
TWO stops. I believe this is because aperture refers to the AREA of the lens be
ing used to create the image (and area is a two dimensional number, as opposed t
o iso and shutter speed which are single dimensional.) To get a one stop differe
ntial in aperture, multiply/divide (depending on whether its one stop less or on
e stop more of light, respectively) the f-number by the square root of 2, or app
roximately 1.42. For example, an image at f/11 that requires a shutter speed of
2 seconds, can be taken at f/8 (f/11 divided by 1.42) with a shutter speed of 1
second. And can be taken at f/5.6 with a shutter speed of half a second. (Reason
being that decreasing the aperture number decreases depth of field-- good for p
ortaits-- but increases the amount of light being let in, and so requires a quic
ker shutter speed, stop for stop.) Conversely, the same image can be taken at f/
16 (f/11 multiplied by 1.42) with a shutter speed of 4 seconds or f/22 at 8 seco
nds. (Larger f-number increases depth of field-- good for landscapes-- but also
decreases the amount of light entering the lens, thus the need for longer shutte
r speeds, stop for stop.) And an image taken with iso 100 and a shutter speed of
2 seconds is the same exposure as one with an iso of 200 and a shutter speed of
1 second or an iso of 400 and a shutter speed of one half second. All those "in
between" apertures like 3.2, 3.5, etc. correspond to 1/3 stops (you get these w
ith shutter speeds too)-- if you'll notice, there's always two values between ev
ery doubling or halving of shutter speed (for example: 1/200, 1/250, 1/320, 1/40
0) or one stop of aperture (for example: f/4, f/4.5, f/4.8, f/5.6). That's why t
heyre considered 1/3 stops. Sometimes, you can even obtain 1/3 stops in ISO (for
example: 100, 125, 160, 200-- though this is normally only done by the camera i
n auto iso mode.) This also integrates into exposure compensation and EV, which
work the same way, except that they dont give you as much control as simply manu
ally altering the aperture, shutter speed and iso.<br /><br /><br /><br />PS- if
we really want to make things complicated and work with all 3 factors together,
an exposure of f/5.6 with a shutter speed of 1/500 second and iso 200 is the sa
me as an exposure of f/8 with a shutter speed of 1/1000 second and iso 800! (ape
rture subtracts one stop of light, shutter speed subtracts another stop, iso add
s two stops = net effect of 0 stops, thus equivalent exposure, although the dept
h of field and the focused area is larger with the higher f-number aperture plus
higher noise at iso 800.) This should show you how the three are all tied in to
gether. In general, you want aperture numbers like f/8 and f/11 or greater for l
andscape work to give a greater depth of field and focus and lesser aperture num
bers for portraits, to retain shallow dof and to accentuate your subject. A more
complicated example utilizing 1/3 stops : an image with an f/3.5 (like yours) a
perture at 1/800 second shutter speed at iso 200 has the same exposure value as
an image at f/8 and 1/1250 second at iso 1600. (In the second case, the f-number
is 2.3 stops slower-- remember doubling the f-number has a 2 stop effect (for e
xample f/4 and f/8)-- plus add 0.3 stop for the difference between f/3.5 and f/4
, the shutter speed is 0.7 stops slower-- two thirds of a stop is rounded to 0.7
-- (if it was 1/1600 second (half of 1/800 second) it would have been a full sto
p), but the iso is 3 stops faster = net stop differential of 0.)<br /><br /><br
/><br />Remember that doubling or halving the iso or shutter speeds results in a
one stop difference in exposure; doubling or halving the aperture results in a
two stop difference, but also either doubles or halves the depth of field (the f
ormer if the f-number went up, the latter if it went down.) Just remember how ap
erture and iso affect shutter speeds and each other and vice versa (and also kee
p an eye on noise at higher iso's) and youre good to go. Use the lowest iso you
can get away with, unless youre trying to freeze fast action.<br /><br /><br /><
br />You can do exposure bracketing (or just take a bunch of pics at slightly di
fferent settings) and go back and look at the review histogram of each to see wh
ich one came out best. Eyeing the LCD before (live view) or after (review) helps
out alot as well. Finally, trust your own instincts and your own eyes-- you hav
e the talent to figure out what looks best to you and Im sure if you let your in
nate abilities guide you-- you'll do just fine! Remember that photography is mor
e than just math-- its an art!!!<br /></div>
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November 29, 2009 - Sunday&nbsp;
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<div class="blog
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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520434340" class="blogContent">Angel Hero Forever<br /><br />As I was lyi
ng half awake, half asleep, in a bed of soft and fragrant grass, gazing up at th
e stars, my hands softly lit by the light of the moon, my mind began to drift aw
ay. I gazed at the stars and imagined the eyes of my Angel, sparkling down upon
me. I, the hero, had been through many battles, had been hurt in so many places,
so many times before. But that which had been hurt the most, was my heart. It l
ay in pieces... But the hero's Angel had been sleeping outside on the very same
night, and in the light of the moon, had noticed something sparkling. It was a p
iece of her Hero's heart. She picked it up, and a little further away, she found
another piece, and as she kept walking she kept finding more and more pieces. <
br />Meanwhile, the hero noticed the grass was wet; it was wet with the tears of
his Angel. He carefully brushed the grass with his hands, collecting every sing
le teardrop, and he crawled on his hands and knees, as far as the trail of tears
would lead him. Thus the two of them traveled, day and night, never straying fr
om the trail of tears or the road of hearts. <br />The Angel had picked up every
single piece and carefully pieced them all together, and added many parts of he
r own heart, the most beautiful parts that were not even there before his heart
broke..and thus their hearts were joined before they even met. And the Hero crie
d because his Angel had been crying, her pain is his pain, and he wept his tears
upon her tears, and because tears come from parts of the soul melting away, the
Angel's soul and the Hero's soul were joined thus before they ever met. <br />T
hen on the dawn of one beautiful summer day, the trail of tears and the road of
hearts ended... The Hero looked up from his crouched pose, and the Angel looked
down....The Hero saw the blush on the cheeks of his Angel, more beautiful than a
ny dawn ever could be...Their gaze met, eyes locked, hearts joined, two souls as
one....The Hero held out his hands, full of the tears he had collected from his
Angel, plus his own tears which had been shed, two souls joined as one. <br />T
he Angel held out her hands, full of the pieces of his broken heart which she ha
d collected, plus the parts of her heart, which she had added to his, two hearts
joined as one. Their hands reached out for each other, their rings sparkled bri
ghtly against each other...and thus the hearts and souls of the Hero and Angel w
ere joined, never to be separated again.<br /><br /><br />Sunrise Smile<br /><br
/>Watching the moon rising from beyond the bubbling stream, which is steaming i
n the cool night air is like looking into your eyes through the mists of distanc
e... and you are so beautiful to me... and, just like the moon, the distance can
not alter or diminish you in any way.<br />I sit lurking under the darkness of
murky shadows, waiting for the clear vision of your warm smile to bring light in
to the darkness of my soul, in nervous waiting for a beautif
ul sunrise over a darkened landscape...knowing in my mind's eye how beautiful it
will be, the first blush of dawn reminding me of your tender rosy cheeks, yet t
he real wonder of your smile not fully revealed til it is before me, for not eve
n the greatest mind can fully comprehend the joy of your *sunrise smile* until i
t is is upon thee.<br />Wonders when I reach out my hands to you, if you can fee
l it; and when I hold my hands in each other....wrapping four fingers of my righ
t hand under the four fingers of my left and the thumb over them... if you can f
eel me holding your hands in mine. Wonders when I press my hands to my chest, if
you can feel me touching your heart. Wonders when I shed my tears if you can fe
el the rain falling down...although there are no clouds... Wonders if when I cal
l out your name and say "Sweet honey, I know it sounds so crazy to have these fe
elings so early, but I feel this from deep within my soul... I think I'm falling
in love you"...if you can hear me. <br />A deep heartfelt sigh, as the cold wes
t wind blows and dries my tears before they can touch your tender cheeks, taking
my hand away from my chest, to reveal a snow encrusted long-stemmed rose, spark
ling like countless stars in the first light of dawn. Placing it gently upon you
r pillow, and then slowly backing away, not wanting to disturb your sleep. Gazin
g at you from afar, in appreciation and admlration for who you are, awaiting you
r smile like the first light of the Sun after a long cold and lonely night and t
he sparkle of your eyes like the twinkle of the Morning Star.<br />Slowly depart
ing, across the endless emerald fields of grass, teary eyed and overcome with th
e beauty and joy of what I just saw, my tear drops intermingling with the mornin
g dew that you see when you venture outside, glittering with the brilliance of y
our *Sunrise Smile* bringing light to all the shadows upon the landscape and gui
ding me and keeping me warm upon my long journey home... the memory of you bring
ing me hope and comfort and something to look forward to til the next time we me
et...<br /><br /><br />My One and Only<br /><br />Let me tell you this right bef
ore I start :<br />At first sight you part the door to my heart .<br /><br />A w
ritten rhyme that forever preserves<br />Is the least your breathtaking shape de
serves .<br /><br />Before we met, I planned to run lonely ;<br />Now, you're my
true pet, MY ONE AND ONLY .<br /><br />For you, in my heart, there is no rival
.<br />Your true, unequaled love's my survival .<br /><br />When we meet, the su
n glows into my soul .<br />Then I greet the ONE who knows my heart whole .<br /
><br />Every glorious day I glimpse your face ,<br />I see flawless beauty and s
wan-like grace .<br /><br />Your hair is a halo of flaming fire .<br />Having yo
ur care is my deepest desire .<br /><br />My heart can soar when I hear your lau
ghter .<br />I know, then, you're my humors' clear master .<br /><br />When you'
re laughing, light glitters in your eyes ;<br />Then, each dazzling bright diamo
nd drops disguise !<br /><br />The sad twinkling tears streaming while you cry ,
<br />Are like shooting stars streaking through the sky !<br /><br />Your soft,
rapturous, ruby red lips screen <br />Twin strings of precious pearls fit for a
queen .<br /><br />A kiss from your lips, my sweet darling love ,<br />Is an ang
el's touch from Heaven above .<br /><br />Your voice is sultry as a summer's nig
ht .<br />To my soul's darkest depth, your smile brings light .<br /><br />An un
surpassed face the texture of cream ;<br />Beauty from some place past my wildes
t dream !<br /><br />Each hand as smooth as a butterfly wing ;<br />Tanned arms
that soothe my demand by warming .<br /><br />Your legs look like golden oars at
first glance ;<br />Or eagles that soar when immersed in dance .<br /><br />Tho
ugh seeing your splendid shape may entice ,<br />Only your love can bring me par
adise .<br /><br /><br />Why I Love You So Much<br /><br />Living life is like w
alking through a fog, except that you don't know that you are in the fog, until
a bright light cuts through it, and shows you the way out of the darkness. And a
ll of a sudden that light not only illuminates the paths you had previously take
n, and all the wrong turns, pitfalls and mistakes you made along the way...but i
t also shows you the right road ahead, the road to happiness, the path to the fu
ture you had always dreamed of, but never dared hope could exist. <br />A future
with true love. One special day this light dawns in your is the
light of the smile of the one you love, your one and is the light in
her sparkling eyes, shining down upon you with love, making you feel so special,
so happy, so protected, so loved. Your heart opens up to her, full of love, blo
ssoms like a rose, her sweetness overwhelming you like the sweet aroma of jasmin
e in the air, making your cheeks glow like the morning's dew drops make rose pet
als sparkle.<br />True Love is like sight to the blind man: unless you have it,
you don't know what you're missing. I was that blind man until I met you. Every
time you tell me "I love you," it feels like the first time. It's because not on
ly have you healed my heart, and picked up pieces broken along the way, but your
love has added new parts that were never there before. You have made my heart,
and my soul, so much stronger and happier than it ever was, stronger and happier
more than even before the first time it was hurt.<br />This is so wonderful and
rare, not only have you given me back what I thought I had lost forever, you ga
ve me something better and more special than I have ever had before, or even bel
ieved could be possible to have...Your Love. And every time you tell me "I love
you," you touch one of those new parts of my heart which you have created, a new
and different one each and every time, that's why every "I love you" feels like
the first "I love you." <br />You are like the blind man's first sunrise, the f
irst light dawning on a new day, a day of Hope, a day of Love. You are like the
first time a deaf man hears his own heart beating... he feels life within him th
at he never knew existed. I used to settle for less, but being loved by you now,
I know that True Happiness only lies along the road which leads me to you. I've
told you before, sweetheart, a million years of pain and a million miles of unh
appiness are all worth it, as long as you're waiting for me at the end of that r
oad.<br />I would climb the highest mountain barefoot, as long as I knew you wai
ted for me on the peak; you, my Love, being my warmth and my shelter, as the res
t of the world falls beneath us. I would dive into the deepest ocean without scu
ba gear, as long as I knew you waited for me at the sea bottom, your sweet soft
breath being the only air I would ever need to breathe.<br />Like the morning su
n rises over my garden, revealing more and more beauty with each passing moment,
my love for you grows day by day, getting stronger and stronger in every way. E
ven though at any one particular moment it doesn't seem it could grow any greate
r, just like the beauty of my roses, the very next moment exceeds all expectatio
ns and every new moment I discover a new reason of why..........................
.............. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !<br /></div>
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November 29, 2009 - Sunday&nbsp;
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520434014">Philosophy on Love</label>

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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520434014" class="blogContent">Love is the perfect union of two souls-- t
his union not <br />necessarily of soul mates, but can also be "soul sibling" or
"soul parent" love... <br />pure love in all its forms, is what we must all str
ive to achieve, and whether <br />or not we ever do achieve that perfect love is
not the point, its the pursuit of <br />it that helps us grow as people, and he
lps us to realize the greater beauty of <br />the world around us. I would add h
ere that perfect love or any pursuit of such <br />begins from within, and if we
do not have love for ourselves we do not have love <br />to share with others.
Now it may seem selfish to think of loving ourselves, but <br />never mistake se
lfishness for love... because jealousy, manipulation and <br />dishonesty-- all
necessary components of selfishness, are mutually exclusive of <br />true love.
By loving ourselves, I mean we need to understand that no matter who <br />we ar
e, we all play a key role in the success of our society, and we are all <br />im
portant, and to give of ourselves in order to make our society a better place--
<br />this is what loving ourselves means. It is this generosity of giving of <b
r />ourselves that also shares our love, not only with people that we know, but
also <br />with people that we do not know-- love (I feel) is a logarithmic equa
tion) that <br />is twice blessed, once for the giver and once for the receiver-
- and every time <br />it is shared, that love and a share of the heart of the g
iver reside inside the <br />receiver, making their heart that much bigger and r
eadier to share love with <br />others. We touch so many people without even kno
wing who, or how we touched them.<br /><br />Children are a representation, a <b
r />personification, of perfect love... that is why I feel all children are perf
ect <br />as they are born unto the world, until their environment can begin to
corrupt <br />them. I have no children, but just looking at the purity of a baby
's smile or <br />the innocent sparkle in their eyes, proves it to me... they se
e the world in a <br />whole different light than we do, they see it for the tru
ly beautiful and <br />inspirational place it can be because each child sees the
world in a whole new <br />way; like a diamond with an infinite number of facet
s, the birth of a new child <br />opens up a whole new reality and path to the f
uture in front of us. This newness <br />of a child's world view is essential to
creativity and the future of humankind-- <br />without it culture would stagnat
e and humanity would descend into-- my <br />favorite word-- BOREDOM (lol)-- and
disorder. A new child represents a new <br />motivation for us to succeed, one
not only for ourselves, but also for them... <br />to make them proud of us, and
to be a role model for them. As such, children <br />have much to teach us-- no
t only about them, but also about ourselves, about <br />what love really is, an
d about what true beauty exists in our world today, and <br />our desire to pres
erve it for their tomorrow. Children aren't just a little <br />version of us, t
hey are a BETTER version of us, nature (and our) attempt to <br />achieve an eve
n greater perfection than was achieved with the previous <br />generation. We bu
ild upon the successes and mistakes of the previous generation <br />in order to
achieve a better tomorrow with our heirs. We all have a little child <br />insi
de of us, that purity that hasn't been tarnished, and that will always be <br />
the best part of us-- the part that lets us be creative, the part that lets us <
br />imagine, and the part that helps us to dream what may happen, if we but try
-- in <br />short it's the part that I (and many others, I suspect) access when
we write, or <br />do anything else creative or productive. Children, whether we
speak of the <br />biological variety, or of the inner child inside all of us,
are our hope for the <br />present and the future, as well as our link to the pa
st-- without them society <br />would lose its very foundation, its reason for c
aring and its motivation to make <br />the world a better place.<br /><br />Chil
dren are the greatest teachers of the greatest lesson the world has ever <br />k
nown. And that lesson is love.<br /><br /><br />Love to me is a multifaceted jew
el that exists on so many levels, that what we <br />as humans understand as lov
e is just one small part of it. Yes there are <br />different forms of love, lov
e of self, love of soulmate, love of sibling, love <br />of parents, and love of
friends and other family. BUT I feel that there is also <br />other forms of mo
re subtle love. Animals can love... Plants can love, even <br />inanimate object
s such as the earth itself can love. Think about how it supports <br />all of us
, gives all of us its precious resources so we might survive. The same <br />can
be said of the sun. As another example-- what is music but the perfect <br />ph
ysical representation of love through the medium of sound carried on air <br />m
olecules? No one can sit here and say that music is not a pure form of love-- <b
r />scientific studies have shown its abilities in healing, even in infants, and
<br />also how it can aid (or degrade lol) brain development. One of the very <
br />qualities of love itself, is harmony, and the word harmony has music as its
<br />source...<br /><br />I also believe (as I wrote in blogs previous to this
) that to love another one <br />must love oneself first... and make no mistake,
this is no narcissistic self-love <br />I am typing of here, but the kind that
creates and engenders respect for oneself <br />and for others, where one realiz
es (to a degree-- not absolutely, or else there <br />would be no purpose to lif
e) ones place in the grand scheme of things. If one <br />does not have uncondit
ional love of self than one does not have love to share <br />with others.<br />
<br />Finally I believe that the greatest teachers of love are children and anim
als. <br />They love unconditionally, from birth, because they know no other way
to be. We <br />can learn much from them that we have forgotten along the way b
ecause of the <br />corruption the environment around us causes. Love is a great
circle and the <br />greatest example of that is how the teachers (adults) beco
me students and how <br />students (kids) become teachers of love to the previou
s generation. €Love can also be described as a circle because a circle has no begi
nning and no end and when you have unconditional love, it seems like its always
existed, even before you knew the object of your love (no beginning) and will ex
ist forever, even beyond death (no end).<br /><br />One of love's most healing q
ualities is its <br />restoration of faith into the faithless and the restoratio
n of hope into the <br />hopeless. How does it do this? I believe that love is a
fundamental force of the <br />universe as much as any of the 4 physical forces
... and that it exerts pressure <br />on all of us, living or inanimate... it co
nnects us all to each other, so the <br />healthier parts can help heal the unhe
althy ones. Love is like the glue that <br />holds together the many strands of
the web which connects us all to each other, <br />an ever-renewing glue that se
eks to make every strand as unbreakable as the <br />strongest one. Ever notice
how we can tell a loved one is in danger before we <br />know whats going on? Th
is is just one example of how love makes our connections <br />stronger-- in thi
s case thru ESP. It may not always succeed-- but that is mostly <br />due to the
weight already placed on said strand-- rather than some fundamental <br /><div>
flaw with love itself.<br /></div><div><br /></div><div>In another essay, I pres
ented my theories on the soul/spirit being higher multidimensional in its source
, and I believe the same to be true of love. €Love, in its essence, is the way the
soul communicates to another soul, and because the soul exists beyond the three
dimensional world we can detect with our senses, we can at best describe it vag
uely. €Love, in quite the same manner, has given both scientists and philosophers
quite a conundrum in its ability to heal both the mind and the body (miraculous
cures have been done with the healing power of love alone-- one example of how h
igher multidimensional reality can easily accomplish what seems impossible in co
nventional three dimensional reality-- and is thus dubbed a "miracle".) €In my the
ory, the reason why love is so hard to define in our three dimensional reality i
s because its origins-- as well as the origins of the soul/spirit and of creativ
ity itself (which is why such things as art and music bring such satisfaction to
the soul-- they speak to our very spirit itself, in its own higher multidimensi
onal language-- this is a subject for another essay, but when we create somethin
g new, it either has more substance in physical reality or in higher dimensional
reality-- in the latter case, it "speaks to our soul" and in the former case it
s more "practical"); these deeper parts of us lie in the part of ourselves that
exists beyond the three dimensional plane in which our five senses roam free. €Bec
ause of this, it becomes difficult to associate any of these qualities with thin
gs we are familiar with in our very day existence. €Its like two dimensional being
s viewing us as cardboard cutouts and thinking that's all there is to humanity. €I
n higher multidimensional reality, our physical existence really is only a cardb
oard cutout compared to the "true us" the parts of us that exist on those higher
planes. €A part of love is indeed physical (because three dimensional reality is
a part of higher dimensional existence) but its only a very small part-- but, un
fortunately, its the only part most people can comprehend. €That's why when we tal
k about such things as sex, yes its a part of love, but only a very small part--
most of the elation, euphoria and ecstasy caused by love comes from its higher
dimensional aspects, unfortunately, physicality, which is the only form of exist
ence conventional society can comprehend, cannot understand this higher dimensio
nality and therefore ignores it. €Science is only beginning to probe higher dimens
ional reality in the form of quantum mechanics, and as it advances, I think we'l
l see a dovetailing of science and spirituality, and when they meet, we will fin
d the soul/spirit, creativity, consciousness and the true nature of love and our
existence itself waiting for us. €As of right now, the closest our three dimensio
nal aspects can get to higher multidimensional reality is when we experience tha
t magically close connection through love or in the world of dreams, where we ca
n sometimes access the higher dimensional parts of our being-- and we see that d
istance and time become meaningless, just as they are in higher multidimensional
reality.) €In conventional society, physicality reigns supreme, and the result is
a depressed morose population that seeks to pop pills, drink alcohol or have sh
allow liaisons in order to compensate for true love. €Its not that they dont want
true love-- they have no idea how to obtain it, because conventional society cho
ses to ignore that which it cannot understand and that which is beyond the purvi
ew of its jurisdiction. €Its almost like humankind pretends that which it cannot u
nderstand doesnt exist, and for this ignorance it pays very dearly, for it cuts
itself off from its own life giving roots. €Not only that, but power and greed, be
ing afraid of something it doesnt understand, tries to close off society from th
at which could heal it by offering these substitutes for love, being afraid that
if we ever did find it on our own, their power would be ended, and their greed
would be cut off at the roots. €Little children and animals, which are pure and in
nocent, havent yet been coached into this culture of ignorance, and therefore in
stinctively understand what unconditional love really is, and if we could get aw
ay from the detrimental effects of society, so could we. €All we have to do is to
listen to our inner voice, it speaks true, as it has from the first day of exist
ence. €If we trust our instincts and intuition, they can lead us back to the path
on which nature intended us to be on all along. €And then we will find true love w
aiting for us, as it has been all along. €
<font size="3" style="border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-famil
y: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: medium; font-style: normal; font-variant: norma
l; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2;
text-align: auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal;
widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px; -webkit-bo
rder-vertical-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none; -webkit-te
xt-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; " class="Apple-style-span"
><font size="undefined" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: verdana, ari
al, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; " class="Apple-style-span">And why i
s love timeless? €Because time doesnt exist in these higher dimensions, that's why
true love is a circle, without a beginning or an ending...</font></font>
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November 29, 2009 - Sunday&nbsp;
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520433731">Older stuff I wrote when I was immature</label>

<!--- blog body --->
<div id="pBl
ogBody_520433731" class="blogContent">City Rock 1 -- The Many Faces of New York<
br /><br /><br /><br />Who wants to live in that wide open space ?<br />Some spa
rse far-flung unpopulated place !<br />I need New York's wild and nutty rat race
,<br />Not some small hick town's mild and steady pace .<br />I try to see the
night's cat and mouse chase ;<br />Rat so fat that house cat hides in safe place
!<br />Grisly news of the latest murder case ;<br />Great views of the daily po
lice car chase !<br />Where a neighbor who has a charming face ,<br />May have b
een released from alarming place !<br />(10)<br />Where the term "tree" means te
lephone pole's base <br />And "grass" is drug used to forget this place !<br />W
here smog has its not-so-secret base ;<br />Air that can stun you like a can of
mace !<br />Dial the wrong phone number-- what a disgrace!<br />Area code overlo
ad is in place<br />See informants vanish without a trace ;<br />Some more snitc
hes the mob had to erase !<br />Where the people who corrupt and debase <br />Ar
e just politicians we must replace !<br />(20)<br />You'll see a man make babies
like an ace ,<br />Then leave the mother in utter disgrace .<br />Keep your cou
ntry ladies with charm and grace ;<br />Give me some city girls in see-through l
ace !<br />In daylight, kids pitch, hit balls and reach base ;<br />At night the
y'll find subway trains to deface !<br />Those who don't have money to leave thi
s place ,<br />Steal a sniff to think they're in outer space !<br />Where you'll
see the great urban taxi race ;<br />Cabbies with turbans all over the place !<
br />(30)<br />Where, when you catch them after a long chase ,<br />Their fare's
enough to go to outer space !<br />A day's pay is needed for parking space ;<br
/>Park in the dark; stereo's out of place !<br />Your car is older than his fre
sh young face !<br />Or they joyride and end up in a race ;<br />Lead police on
a twenty mile car chase ,<br />Which ends when your front fender meets tree's ba
se !<br />Shake hands with a salesman and you must brace ;<br />With his left ha
nd, he'll your wallet displace !<br />(40)<br />It's agreed that, to get out of
this place ,<br />You need greed to succeed, let doubt erase .<br />If you get l
ost and shall try to retrace ,<br />Then a mugger you shall surely embrace !<br
/>Late night stroll: I hear steps; see a strange face ;<br />With great delight,
I spray my can of mace !<br />Where greedy thugs who steal at rapid pace <br />
Are made needy by drugs, not born one race .<br />Powers say, "stress and proble
ms we'll erase ,"<br />But I see distress: people out of place ,<br />Hopeless a
nd homeless vanished without trace ,<br />Helpless misery; doubt on every face .
<br />Sadness as they stare into empty space ;<br />Madness that no flashy words
can displace .<br />(54)<br /><br /><br />City Rock 2 <br />City Rock 2 -- The
Lost Continent/City of New York<br /><br />-------------------------------------
------------------ {1} OPENING (1-11)<br />As you know, I live in New York City<
br />(No I don't!)<br />And this poem will surely be witty<br />(No it won't!)<b
r />But it gets down to the nitty-gritty<br />It's born after a nine month wait<
br />After City Rock I-- the Great<br />The basic credo of City Rock:<br />So li
ttle time and so much to mock<br />So let's let the saga continue<br />(You didn
't think I'd stop now, did you?)<br />------------------------------------------
------------- {2} CHILD (12-113)<br />It may seem like magic<br />That I actuall
y wrote a sequel<br />But it's really tragic<br />To continue from the original<
br />In the class room, there is no space<br />And the teachers are a disgrace<b
r />There's no motivation<br />For good education<br />Only desperation<br />The
re's no innovation<br />We're all on vacation!<br />All the teachers are stinkin
g<br />So our test scores are sinking<br />Because we aren't thinking<br />We'd
all rather be drinking!<br />Or we are playing pool<br />That, we all say, is co
ol<br />It is a jewel<br />But even pool<br />(Like any school)<br />Can be crue
l<br />To a fool<br />Who doesn't know the rules<br />Truly, just like life<br /
>Can cut like a knife<br />Those who have lost direction<br />And can't make a c
orrection<br />(38)<br />And those who think it is a joke<br />Those poor delude
d souls; they won't think it's so funny<br />When they are thirty and haven't go
t any money<br />Not even enough<br />Of holy green stuff<br />To support their
habit<br />They just do not have it<br />Can't even buy a joint to smoke!<br />T
hink they're still in mother's womb<br />And that their parents will forever ten
d them<br />Even though they will not ever respect them<br />And they will get a
rude awakening when<br />They are kicked out of their room<br />A helping hand
no one will ever lend them<br />And the police will forever suspect them <br />T
rouble on every corner awaiting when <br />All alone to face their doom<br />Rem
embering the good old days<br />When they were living for free<br />Never mendin
g their lazy ways<br />Sitting back, watching TV<br />And when they don't learn<
br />Because they haven't gone to college<br />Haven't used their mind<br />Thei
r bridges are burned<br />Because they haven't got the knowledge<br />And got le
ft behind<br />Their biggest influence:<br />Watching TV violence (67)<br />.N<b
r />Instead of learning computers<br />They are becoming gun shooters<br />Bad h
abitual drug users<br />And/or area store looters<br />They can't get a job<br /
>Then, they have to rob<br />Or work for the mob<br />They don't want any real w
ork<br />(Unless graffiti's artwork!)<br />Just want to be full-time jerks!<br /
>(They say they'll find something tomorrow<br />All their promises are so hollow
)<br />And they lie, they cheat, they steal<br />They'll take away your car's wh
eels!<br />And they will get caught<br />Or worse still, get shot<br />(83)<br /
>Commit their first crime<br />End up in jail<br />System's so overcrowded<br />
Get out on bail<br />Their minds' still shrouded<br />System has failed<br />Won
't be their last time<br />Because, they will be in and out<br />To them, that's
what life's all about<br />They don't know that future's in doubt<br />And they
will not listen<br />Will not learn their lesson<br />Not even in prison<br />I
n jail, they learn<br />How they can earn<br />That the more laws you break<br /
>The more money you'll make!<br />And they have no goals<br />They live for now<
br />Never learned their roles<br />Never learned how<br />How to love or to liv
e<br />To receive or to give<br />And they will make more mistakes<br />'Cause t
hey'll find new laws to break<br />Illegal money to make<br />Much counterfeit c
ash to fake<br />And new drugs to sell and take<br />He'll cough and sneeze<br /
>And spread disease<br />-------------------------------------------------------
{3} "MAN" (114-155)<br />He'll find a girl who doesn't know any better<br />And
(now what do you think?) pregnant he will get her<br />Man who, when he comes h
ome<br />Instead of greeting<br />(What's he thinking?)<br />When they are all a
lone<br />Gives her a beating<br />(He's been drinking)<br />For talking on the
phone<br />He thinks she's cheating<br />The baby that's born<br />Already down
one strike<br />A family that's torn<br />Daddy's taken a hike<br />Mother's got
no house<br />And she's got no spouse<br />And, I will never leave her<br />Tha
t's what he had said<br />But that was to deceive her<br />Get her into bed<br /
>(133)<br />Just because he's a man<br />And just because he can<br />He just go
t up and ran<br />Or maybe he meant it<br />Saying he would never leave<br />But
could you ever believe<br />Someone so demented<br />Could long stay out of tro
uble?<br />He's always on the bubble<br />How do you ever hold out hope<br />For
a guy never far from dope?<br />For him, a wild young fool<br />She dropped out
of high school<br />They didn't use protection during sex<br />And now two othe
r young lives he has wrecked<br />Because he didn't know it is lethal<br />To in
ject yourself with the same needle<br />(Like the TV shows depicted<br />Even th
e baby's addicted)<br />The poor young girl he's laid<br />And the baby they've
made<br />Also succumb to AIDS<br />--------------------------------------------
-----------{4} PROTECTION?(156-175)<br />We want to carry guns<br />To protect o
ur loved ones<br />But all that just hurts us<br />Only adds more danger<br />Ou
r courage deserts us<br />When we see a stranger<br />The burglar isn't caught<b
r />And it's we who've been shot<br />(163)<br />You hear a strange noise<br />A
nd you lose your poise<br />So you use your gun<br />You shoot a loved one<br />
Guns aren't are our protection<br />They are just an infection<br />And for the
thousandth-and-first time <br />They go, once again, to jail<br />Released on go
od behavior<br />Again, the system has failed<br />Now who will be our savior<br
/>From this unending wave of crime?<br />--------------------------------------
-----------------{5} CONCLUSION (176-206)<br />Because, there is only one escape
<br />From the worst enemy we've ever faced<br />Foe with hideously ugly shape<b
r />A mind is a terrible thing to waste<br />And no time to wait<br />We can't h
esitate<br />Don't procrastinate<br />Before it's too late<br />We must educate<
br />In very great haste<br />Open the door<br />To so much more<br />Because, w
e've got to build a bridge<br />Narrow the very gap<br />Between the high school
and college<br />So much talent to tap<br />Show dedication and courage<br />Ho
peless must repeat this song<br />Repeat this again and again:<br />He wants to
act like a child<br />To live free and to run wild<br />Wants to think this is b
liss<br />Pretend nothing's amiss<br />He's not crazy!<br />He's just lazy!<br /
>Doesn't want to sweat<br />He's always in debt<br />Just to pass the time along
<br />Not realizing they're wrong<br />Just continuing to pretend<br />'Til they
reach their very DEAD END (206)<br /><br /><br />Put Down Poetry!<br /><br />I
have a teacher who thinks she can jest ;<br />Knows no humor, just how to be a p
est !<br />She tells very stale and such STUPID jokes .<br />And, on her own lau
ghter, I think she chokes !<br />When she tries to laugh, her mouth opens wide ;
<br />THAT smells like somebody crawled in and died !<br />"Her jokes loosen the
tension," someone said .<br />I say, "What's LOOSE is a screw in her head !"<br
/>The REAL reason we laugh, tiny teacher ,<br />Is because you're SUCH an UGLY
creature !<br />(10)<br />She gave this cruel and unusual test ,<br />When I lef
t school I was truly depressed ;<br />But nothing nearly like what she must feel
,<br />Because she's really got no sex appeal !<br />In class she displays her
incompetence <br />And, alas, disgusting incontinence !<br />From afar you can s
ee her facial flaws ;<br />Her getting a man is a futile cause !<br />Forget abo
ut her having sex for free ;<br />She can't even get any for a fee !<br />(20)<b
r />Not with those ugly, grubby little paws ;<br />Sharp gross nails hanging dow
n like lion's claws !<br />At very first sight, I viewed her in awe ;<br />From
afar, I was scared at what I saw :<br />A smurf-like V-shaped pointy little jaw
;<br />A Pinocchio-like vast nasal flaw !<br />And many others caused me to guff
aw !<br />When we do not pass her test, she is glad ;<br />For, I see the crooke
d teeth as she smiles ;<br />Worse than failing is to smell breath so bad ;<br /
>And seeing vile jaws like a crocodile's !<br />(31)<br />A voice like chalk squ
eaking on the blackboard ;<br />Erratic elf which puberty ignored !<br />I've st
ared for a long time and tried my best ;<br />Unless I'm blind wrong, she has go
t no breast !<br />I think our little Ms. Pee Wee pervert <br />May have got doc
tor's cooperation .<br />An obvious unsuccessful convert ;<br />Made her "female
" in sex operation !<br />No change resulted; she is still inert !<br />Still ca
n't have any sexual dessert !<br />No man can inside her, his stick insert !<br
/>(42)<br />She wears a scarf; I wish it were a noose ;<br />Look at the dwarf's
back, she lacks a caboose !<br />All during class, she picks her pointy nose ;<
br />Models the latest in midget-sized clothes !<br />Forget about her seeing ey
e to eye ;<br />Teacher can just barely see eye to thigh !<br />A smurfette that
is so very little ,<br />Can't do it with a guy; she's so brittle !<br />(50)<b
r />The cream of the crop always rises to the top ;<br />But she's sunk; stage p
rop who is a gross flop !<br />Possesses a mouth that can't ever quit !<br />She
is total and colossal nitwit ;<br />Inside which no man's "appendage" can fit !
<br />CONTINUED <br />The "men" she dates are NOT local heroes ;<br />They ARE s
ocial and physical zeroes !<br />No sane man could want that eccentric elf ,<br
/>So deprived, she would satisfy herself !<br />Or go shopping for a hooker and
lie ,<br />Tell her (EASY TO BELIEVE) she's a guy !<br />False "lady" Pee Wee no
real guy would choose ,<br />Not even if she could ply him with booze !<br />Th
ey know her womanhood is just a ruse !<br />Can't see her without elevator shoes
!<br />(65)<br />Sometimes, with great effort, she will land guys ;<br />It mus
t be someone who's not very wise !<br />And for her to a poor soul victimize ,<b
r />Must be someone who has very bad eyes ;<br />Not to notice she is no beauty
prize !<br />In a while, he'll finally realize ;<br />When the effect of the boo
ze she drugged dies ;<br />When he loses his long drug-induced highs ;<br />That
, only his horror, she satisfies ;<br />She won't give him any passionate sighs
;<br />She can't even get his Organ to rise !<br />She AND his stick are both mi
niscule size !<br />(The man won't be able to maximize ;<br />From now on, stick
will only minimize !)<br />By careful observation he descries ;<br />Making sur
e he's not wrong, he twice espies ;<br />And that, despite how loudly she denies
;<br />That everything she'd said were really lies .<br />What would have cause
d him to so criticize ?<br />What could have happened to make him chastise ?<br
/>What caused him to her suddenly despise ?<br />What did lead to her ultimate d
emise ?<br />You'd already know if you'd heard his cries <br />That her womanhoo
d was a thin disguise ,<br />When, despite how valiantly he tries ;<br />Then, i
n spite of how hard he really pries ,<br />To poor man's total and complete surp
rise ,<br />He had found no entrance between her thighs !<br />(93)<br />One loo
k at a pygmy so impudent ,<br />Could make a man completely impotent !<br />Ms.
Manikin could not date any bum ,<br />Even if he should be small as Tom Thumb !<
br />Couldn't get any for a ton of rum !<br />Just the sight of her makes most m
en feel numb !<br />Her "womanhood," guys would hate and despise ;<br />All men,
tall or small: of any measure ;<br />Because, no matter how hard teacher tries
,<br />She can't give even a moment's pleasure !<br />Tiny teacher has scrawny c
hicken thighs !<br />(104)<br />It did not matter how long she could coax ;<br /
>Or how strong was that wee "lady's" demand ;<br />No real man could have ever l
aid a hand <br />On someone whose womanhood was a hoax !<br />The truth of this
I swear to you by oath :<br />That the real reason she can't a man lure , <br />
More than that she's "female" miniature ;<br />No man ever has any "joystick" gr
owth !<br />(112)<br />Just as a lame one-legged woman she walks ;<br />Like a p
arrot with a sore throat she talks !<br />That "lady" has no chance with nerds o
r jocks ;<br />Comes to school with two different-colored socks !<br />Teacher h
as got a dense brain full of rocks ;<br />The marks on her face look like chicke
n pox !<br />In an ugly head shaped like a square box !<br />I'll tell you once
again: she is NO fox ;<br />To us, her sex is complete paradox !<br />(121)<br /
>CONTINUED <br />Once a young fool did fall into her trance ;<br />On his loneli
ness she made strong advance .<br />He was one of those horny guys from France ;
<br />A typical Frenchman; big on romance !<br />They went off to a dark nightcl
ub to dance .<br />You could tell that the witch has, at first chance, <br />Put
in his drink a narcotic she plants .<br />(From his weird leg-moves and ungainl
y slants ,<br />His horrible-to-behold horse-like prance ;<br />And his voodoo m
an-like ungodly chants !)<br />This is the way the Ugly One enchants !<br />When
they're alone, she's in sexual stance ;<br />Use of his body, in drugged state,
he grants .<br />Just then, the drug wears off and, at a glance, <br />He sees
she's barely bigger than most ants !<br />The result of insect-like human enhanc
e !<br />He tries to run; enraged she chops his "lance !"<br />He'll be known no
w as Mister Empty Pants !<br />(139)<br />Once a nymphomaniac who was crazed ,<b
r />Upon her barely nude body had gazed .<br />At first his mania had his eyes h
azed ,<br />His thirst for sex had his sight-sense nerve dazed ;<br />For, he ha
d, her "feminine beauty" praised !<br />But then his sickness which had had him
fazed <br />Wore off and the man was truly amazed !<br />Her so-called "beauty"
had left him unfazed !<br />In this poor madman, no desire had blazed !<br />She
hadn't even a "nympho's" stick raised !<br />(149)<br />She will never be able
to appease ;<br />Not in her wildest dreams able to please<br />Even a nymphoman
iacal sleaze <br />When she really does her so-called "strip-tease ."<br />Then
poor guy will certainly cough and sneeze ;<br />He will truly struggle to breath
e: he'll wheeze <br />And his "vital organ" will surely freeze ;<br />Finally, m
an will jump into the trees <br />As her smell is brought over by the breeze <br
/>And he first glimpses and then truly sees <br />That this so-called "lady" ha
s got no cheese !<br />What she truly has are ankle-high knees <br />And to show
her "body," she pays the fees !<br />(162)<br />CONTINUED <br />.N<br />When sh
e wants to have men in a bad mood ;<br />Put them into an awful attitude ;<br />
(Like she tried to do to my good friend Jude .)<br />She shall then, in her mind
, have smart plan brewed .<br />Teacher will perform an act very shrewd :<br />S
he shall appear before them in the nude !<br />The tragic result of an act so le
wd ?<br />What do all of you think would have ensued ?<br />Ever seen such a fem
ale form intrude ?<br />Have you ever such a weird shape construed ?<br />Have y
ou ever, by a witch, been pursued ?<br />Here's what should happen to our viewer
-dude ;<br />Who would witness our teacher's act so rude :<br />Well, first of a
ll, he would have cursed and booed ;<br />Trying to scare the dumb pest, should
have shooed ;<br />Blood would rush from his face; face could be blued ;<br />Wh
atever he drank, whatever he chewed :<br />He would have emitted his daily food
;<br />Unnamed biological acts issued !<br />Forever, his sight her shape would
occlude .<br />For a lifetime he would have sex eschewed ;<br />Because his sex
drive's forever subdued !<br />Even a pervert would become a prude !<br />He wou
ld, from all women, himself seclude .<br />"Girls look just like us," he had mis
construed .<br />Besides the fact that she could have been sued ;<br />But then
the wise judge would have to conclude :<br />By her stripping in an awful denude
,<br />That she was trying to a male delude <br />By having on her body, fake b
reasts glued !<br />Failing utterly to have a man wooed ;<br />Unsuccessful in g
etting herself screwed ;<br />By displaying a female form so crude ;<br />Becaus
e she is a freak; vicissitude !<br />That should have caused a deaf cow to have
mooed !<br />(Photos from the crime lab would have him clued )<br />Our pygmy pe
rvert must be unglued ;<br />Insanity would, from jail time, preclude .<br />Unu
sed mannikin completely unscrewed ;<br />A leftover from an alien brood !<br />T
he human species, she doesn't include !<br />(203)<br />CONTINUED <br />.N<br />
When she cannot seduce the town prior <br />And gets turned down by the saintly
friar <br />Then, she fails to deflower boys' church choir ;<br />Her sex drive'
s hornier than a briar ;<br />Her need for satisfaction is so dire ;<br />Within
herself, there burns such a strong fire ;<br />Deep-red coals of a hot burning
desire ;<br />That she now becomes a lady for hire !<br />She will tell all of t
hose who inquire <br />That she certainly doesn't ever tire ;<br />That she will
make them hotter than a pyre !<br />But she doesn't find a single buyer ;<br />
They all know she's nothing but a liar ;<br />In her entrance, can't even fit a
wire !<br />(217)<br />When the creature we call Teacher shall near ;<br />When
we the pitter-patter of heels hear ,<br />Some people will make fun of her and l
eer ;<br />They will make cruel jokes; shout at her and sneer ;<br />(They want
to throw the witch off a short pier !)<br />Others will shake and quiver in grea
t fear !<br />Paralyzed like headlights to a stray deer !<br />They think that t
heir manliness she will shear !<br />Afraid that her ugliness brings Death's bie
r !<br />All comment on lack of twin frontal gear !<br />All comment on her none
xistent rear !<br />Her gender is one thing that is not clear !<br />Out of her
path all shall attempt to steer ;<br />If she comes close, they change direction
; veer ;<br />They all think that she is really a queer !<br />Not one person sh
all ever hold her dear !<br />(Not even should she fill the guy with beer !)<br
/>Because no man can pierce her with his spear !<br />When she will tire and get
out here ,<br />Then every creature, tall or small, shall cheer ;<br />Not one
person shall even shed a tear !<br />They sigh in relief and say what was here ;
<br />What came out of the blue to interfere ,<br />After a travel of many a yea
r :<br />Alien outcast from final frontier !<br />(Kind that make crop circles a
nd eat raw steer !)<br />(243)<br />Normally, she can't even touch first base !<
br />But sometimes, after a very quick pace ;<br />On foot, a long and difficult
man chase ;<br />She will corner a guy in a dark place .<br />She will try to d
eflower and disgrace ;<br />Maybe even try to wallet displace !<br />He'll yell
at the sight of hideous face ;<br />A so-called "lady" with no charm or grace ;<
br />Nothing worth noting under see-through lace ;<br />At first, he tries to av
oid her embrace ;<br />But, not succeeding, he can only brace .<br />Hope to mem
ory of the event erase .<br />But then he realizes she's no ace ;<br />She can't
even fit him in her dark space !<br />He'll reach into pocket and spray with ma
ce ;<br />She will yell at him that she will deface ,<br />He worries about her
threat, just in case .<br />He'll get up and vanish without a trace ,<br />Back
to his own home his steps he'll retrace .<br />Wondering, where before had he se
en that face ?<br />He'll recall a movie at girlfriend's place <br />Where he ha
d seen just that same kind of face <br />It's about aliens from outer space !<br
/>With ugly designs, they humans replace !<br />(267)<br />CONTINUED <br />.N<b
r />Sometimes to get guys, she'll dress like a whore ;<br />When she sees one, s
he'll beg and implore <br />Ask permission to his body explore .<br />He says no
; she does something I deplore .<br />Injects him with drugs to get him to snore
!<br />(She doesn't know the act is such a bore ;<br />Never did she get any ma
n to soar ;<br />Could never lift any man's oar !<br />Sex is enough to get a gu
y to snore !)<br />While he's sleeping, his body she'll adore !<br />But he'll c
ertainly wake up before <br />She has a chance to do anything more .<br />Before
she completes her sexual chore <br />He'll see himself under her on the floor <
br />Of a dirty pornographic bookstore !<br />The guy's so disgusted; a soul so
poor ,<br />Her ugliness shakes him to his own core !<br />Can't bear the burden
of this anymore ;<br />With a knife, he'll certainly himself gore !<br />(286)<
br />When she goes out with a guy on a date ;<br />From the start to the finish,
they her hate ;<br />They can't stand her walk, her lame one-legged gait !<br /
>Nothing she has ever done has been great ;<br />She can't any man's sex appetit
e sate .<br />Couldn't even his hormones activate !<br />Can't even a man's unit
motivate !<br />Nothing she will do can lift a man's "freight !"<br />With her
undesirable feather weight !<br />Scale of one to ten, minus five they rate !<br
/>No matter how much they slow down or wait ,<br />She can't give them pleasure
early or late !<br />And there's something they don't anticipate :<br />They ca
n't even open up her small gate !<br />She thinks its the man's fault; calls him
ingrate !<br />It's not her fault, just a quirk of cruel fate ;<br />Just the r
esult of a something innate !<br />Ugly enough to be fisherman's bait !<br />Kil
ls fish with bad breath from garlic she ate !<br />Her "womanhood" is a matter o
f debate !<br />(306)<br />When she's on a quest to find the right mate ,<br />A
man who won't jest and dump on first date ,<br />She would go to a certain well
-known place ,<br />In search of the longest-suffering male ;<br />The only men
who would let her embrace ,<br />Are the ones that she could get out on bail !<b
r />(312)<br />When she comes, unshaven men stare and shout ;<br />She thinks th
ey crave her; that's NOT what they meant !<br />The thing that they're truly tal
king about :<br />They're betting who'll drop dead first from her scent !<br />I
n time, she'll pick out the ugliest one ,<br />Slimeball who thinks that she's a
guy named Stan !<br />The only males who, at first glance, won't run , <br />Ar
e those who prefer to be with a man !<br />(320)<br /></div>
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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520431492" class="blogContent"><br />(11/23/2009 6:10:49 PM) superman-_-@ and I can be spiritual without believing in a god or in any religion--
I believe humanity is too simple minded to comprehend the true nature of the un
iverse and so we create associations with deities that are like ourselves but on
a higher level<br />(11/23/2009 6:11:23 PM) like for exam
ple lets say you were a two dimensional creature trying to understand what a per
son was<br />(11/23/2009 6:11:32 PM) you couldnt because y
ou cant see them as they really are<br />(11/23/2009 6:11:41 PM) superman-_-@liv all you can see is the shadow they cast on a wall<br />(11/23/2009 6:11:4
9 PM) because the shadow is two dimensional<br />(11/23/20
09 6:12:01 PM) I think the part of reality we see is a sha
dow also<br />(11/23/2009 6:12:18 PM) we cant comprehend t
rue reality because our senses arent equipped to think that way<br />(11/23/2009
6:12:36 PM) however, I believe that mathematics and intui
tion can...<br />(11/23/2009 6:12:54 PM) basically, I feel
we have the abilities inside our own minds to see beyond our senses<br />(11/23
/2009 6:13:02 PM) Im sure you know of Stephen Hawking<br /
>(11/23/2009 6:13:11 PM) he had an associate named Sir Rog
er Penrose<br />(11/23/2009 6:13:19 PM) who wrote a book a
bout the quantum mind<br />(11/23/2009 6:14:17 PM) that co
nsciousness cannot be described by classical science because it exists within hi
gher dimensions, that the reason our minds can be intuitive leaps and things lik
e extrasensory perception can exist is because it comes from that part of our mi
nd that exists on this higher plane, in these higher dimensions<br />(11/23/2009
6:14:31 PM) and he created a mathematical and scientific
model to describe it<br />(11/23/2009 6:14:35 PM) its fasc
inating<br />(11/23/2009 6:14:44 PM) I had my views before
I ever saw his work<br />(11/23/2009 6:14:58 PM) but once
I saw it, I knew that this is what I was trying to describe<br />(11/23/2009 6:
15:09 PM) lol sorry, Im reaching new heights of geekiness
now<br />(11/23/2009 6:16:07 PM) my personal belief or hyp
othesis is that some people are particularly better connected to each other, eve
n if there is distance between them <br />(11/23/2009 6:16:24 PM) superman-_-@li it could be because of family ties, close friendship or an even stronger
emotional bond<br />(11/23/2009 6:16:34 PM) that when som
ething happens to one of them the other instantly feels it<br />(11/23/2009 6:17
:18 PM) because their minds, souls, etc are connected on t
his higher plane, where distance becomes meaningless-- sort of like a wormhole t
hat can burrow through space time and get you from one corner of the universe to
the other instantly, no matter how far apart they are<br />(11/23/2009 6:17:30
PM) because within these other dimensions the distances be
come meaningless<br />(11/23/2009 6:17:48 PM) sort of like
going from america to china by burrowing through the earth rather than having t
o go all the way across<br /><div>(11/23/2009 6:18:06 PM)
that is a simple analogy, but you get my point<br /></div><div>(11/23/2009 6:21:
31 PM) yes but one day we'll have teleportation devices li
ke they use on stargate or star trek and going from point a to point b will be i
nstantaneous and distance will become meaningless<br /></div><div><br /></div><d
iv>Ive come to the conclusion that all the answers are out there if we just ask
the right questions, and see not only with our eyes and our minds, but also with
our hearts. €Why do I feel this way? €Because some of my greatest insights came whe
n I felt emotionally connected to something so strongly that my heart made that
intuitive leap first and my mind comprehended afterwards...</div></div>
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520428991">Most of my internet conversations are like soliloquys

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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520428991" class="blogContent"><br />(11/29/2009 4:26:44 PM) Alex: Im muc
h more fascinated by things that happen around me or things just beyond our gras
p<br />(11/29/2009 4:26:54 PM) Alex: Im going to tell you whats got me so fascin
ated with the supermatural and existence after death<br />(11/29/2009 4:27:03 PM
) Alex: this happened a year after my mom passed away<br />(11/29/2009 4:27:12 P
M) Alex: and the worst thing that can happen, worse than a child losing its moth
er, is a mother losing her child<br />(11/29/2009 4:27:23 PM) Alex: and my grand
mother was heartbroken beyond repair when my mom passed away<br />(11/29/2009 4:
27:32 PM) Alex: and she was in declining health<br />(11/29/2009 4:27:41 PM) Ale
x: my grandmother had 8 children but my mom and I were closest to her<br />(11/2
9/2009 4:27:59 PM) katie Blacklock :P: so sorry ..:(<br />(11/29/2009 4
:28:10 PM) Alex: we always took care of her when she was visiting<br />(11/29/20
09 4:28:18 PM) Alex: its ok, being around you is very comforting...<br />(11/29/
2009 4:28:28 PM) Alex: and we had a special place in her heart<br />(11/29/2009
4:28:41 PM) Alex: my grandmother was very good with animals<br />(11/29/2009 4:2
8:51 PM) katie Blacklock :P: :)<br />(11/29/2009 4:28:52 PM) Alex: even normally
distrustful ones<br />(11/29/2009 4:29:44 PM) Alex: birds would alight next to
her and she would feed them<br />(11/29/2009 4:29:52 PM) Alex: she was a natural
when it came to animals<br />(11/29/2009 4:29:59 PM) Alex: well one early march
morning my sister my dad and I were having breakfast together<br />(11/29/2009
4:30:07 PM) Alex: I think it was a sunday<br />(11/29/2009 4:30:15 PM) Alex: and
it was overcast and looked like it wanted to rain<br />(11/29/2009 4:30:22 PM)
Alex: it was also very windy and cold<br />(11/29/2009 4:30:30 PM) Alex: all of
a sudden the wind died down to calm<br />(11/29/2009 4:30:39 PM) Alex: and a lar
ge flock of black birds swept down from the skies<br />(11/29/2009 4:30:47 PM) A
lex: and landed in my yard<br />(11/29/2009 4:30:55 PM) Alex: and didnt move onc
e they were on the ground<br />(11/29/2009 4:31:03 PM) Alex: just sat there in t
hat eery calm<br />(11/29/2009 4:31:10 PM) Alex: made it seem like they were wai
ting for something to happen<br />(11/29/2009 4:31:18 PM) Alex: it seemed like t
he whole world was waiting because of how quiet it had become<br />(11/29/2009 4
:31:26 PM) Alex: you could have heard a pin drop and echo it was so quiet<br />(
11/29/2009 4:31:28 PM) katie Blacklock :P: aww:(<br />(11/29/2009 4:31:35 PM) Al
ex: out of nowhere the phone starts to ring<br />(11/29/2009 4:31:46 PM) Alex: i
t sounds like a harsh metallic noise piercing through the soft silence<br />(11/
29/2009 4:31:53 PM) Alex: like a sharp knife cutting through hot butter<br />(11
/29/2009 4:32:02 PM) Alex: and we all look at each other<br />(11/29/2009 4:32:0
9 PM) Alex: none of us wants to answer the call<br />(11/29/2009 4:32:16 PM) Ale
x: but it wont stop ringing<br />(11/29/2009 4:32:25 PM) Alex: we all have the s
ame bad feeling, as if we know exactly what the call will be about...<br />(11/2
9/2009 4:32:35 PM) Alex: its one of my uncles, in tears, grandmother just passed
away...<br />(11/29/2009 4:32:45 PM) Alex: as my sister turns to tell us, the b
irds, as if on a signal, fly away together and the wind starts to blow again and
the sky clears <br />(11/29/2009 4:32:56 PM) Alex: and in that moment, for a br
ief second I felt completely at peace...<br />(11/29/2009 4:33:03 PM) Alex: as i
f the birds were her messengers and she was trying to tell us she was ok, and th
at my mum was ok and not to worry...<br />(11/29/2009 4:33:16 PM) Alex: nd in th
at moment I knew there was something more beyond death's door and ever since tha
t moment I have strived to learn what could lie beyond, through both science and
spirituality, through an inner search within myself as well as through analyzin
g my environment and existence<br />(11/29/2009 4:33:46 PM) Alex: I believe in w
hat i call collective unconscience<br />(11/29/2009 4:33:59 PM) Alex: that super
natural powers that exist beyond our understanding are actually superintelligent
alien species that have colonized the universe<br />(11/29/2009 4:34:06 PM) Ale
x: and these are what we consider "god" or "gods"<br />(11/29/2009 4:34:14 PM) A
lex: I believe in ascendance, that people exist beyond matter<br />(11/29/2009 4
:34:21 PM) Alex: in a higher energy state<br /></div>
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November 29, 2009 - Sunday&nbsp;
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520428494">Quantum Immortality-- an intelligent internet convers
ation-- yes those exist!</label>

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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520428494" class="blogContent"><br />(11/29/2009 4:36:48 PM) Alex: time t
ravel, it exists and has been proven to exist on the molecular level the way it
would work is when you go back in time youre not changing the past<br />(11/29/2
009 4:36:55 PM) Alex: youre creating another time line<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:02
PM) Alex: another branch on the time tree<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:08 PM) Alex: th
ere are an infinite amount of futures and going back in time just leads to anoth
er road<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:16 PM) Alex: also, there is more than one time, b
elieve I read somewhere there are at least two dimensions to time<br />(11/29/20
09 4:37:22 PM) Alex: one that goes back and forth<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:30 PM) A
lex: and one that goes up and down<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:36 PM) Alex: and there
is also imaginary time<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:46 PM) Alex: which is time which ex
isted before the big bang<br />(11/29/2009 4:37:54 PM) Alex: they all exist simu
ltaneously, but to do time travel you would have to separate them<br />(11/29/20
09 4:38:01 PM) Alex: theyre like a ball of twine<br />(11/29/2009 4:38:08 PM) Al
ex: all wrapped up together<br />(11/29/2009 4:38:20 PM) Alex: the strands seem
inseparable but you can separate them with a large amount of energy<br />(11/29/
2009 4:38:25 PM) Alex: like the large collider<br />(11/29/2009 4:38:31 PM) Alex
: which is how they discovered time travel<br />(11/29/2009 4:38:38 PM) Alex: on
the subatomic scale<br />(11/29/2009 4:38:44 PM) Alex: of course you need much
more energy<br />(11/29/2009 4:38:51 PM) Alex: to do it on this scale<br />(11/2
9/2009 4:38:58 PM) Alex: but think about it<br />(11/29/2009 4:39:04 PM) Alex: t
here are parallel times out there<br />(11/29/2009 4:39:10 PM) Alex: where someo
ne you cared about didnt die<br />(11/29/2009 4:39:22 PM) Alex: or where you die
d instead<br />(11/29/2009 4:39:27 PM) Alex: or various other differences<br />(
11/29/2009 4:39:39 PM) katie Blacklock :P: yeahh...<br />(11/29/2009 4:39:39 PM)
Alex: quantum immortality is the idea<br />(11/29/2009 4:39:53 PM) Alex: that i
f we could jump from parallel world to parallel world<br />(11/29/2009 4:40:01 P
M) Alex: or parallel time to parallel time*<br />(11/29/2009 4:40:08 PM) Alex: t
hat its possible we could never die<br />(11/29/2009 4:40:16 PM) Alex: because t
here will always be an existence where we do and where we dont<br />(11/29/2009
4:40:24 PM) Alex: if we leave that particular existence just before we are about
to die<br />(11/29/2009 4:40:32 PM) Alex: and jump into another where we dont<b
r />(11/29/2009 4:40:38 PM) katie Blacklock :P: mmm<br />(11/29/2009 4:40:39 PM)
Alex: then we're safe<br />(11/29/2009 4:40:47 PM) Alex: but we would have to k
eep jumping<br />(11/29/2009 4:41:04 PM) Alex: because eventually it will be tim
e to die in the new one also<br />(11/29/2009 4:41:10 PM) Alex: ha you wanted de
ep, now you have deep<br />(11/29/2009 4:41:18 PM) Alex: I dont talk like this t
o ANYONE lol<br />(11/29/2009 4:41:55 PM) Alex: the real question is<br />(11/29
/2009 4:42:02 PM) Alex: if you fell in love with someone<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:0
8 PM) Alex: and you had to make a decision<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:15 PM) Alex: to
stay in a particular existence<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:17 PM) Alex: or leave<br /
>(11/29/2009 4:42:23 PM) Alex: to ensure your survival<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:26
PM) Alex: what would you do<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:35 PM) Alex: because the same
person would exist in the new time line<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:40 PM) Alex: but t
hey would be changed in some way<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:48 PM) Alex: perhaps thei
r childhood was different<br />(11/29/2009 4:42:55 PM) Alex: perhaps they lost s
omeone or got hurt<br />(11/29/2009 4:43:15 PM) Alex: or maybe its a minor chang
e like they failed maths class<br />(11/29/2009 4:43:16 PM) Alex: haha<br />(11/
29/2009 4:43:46 PM) Alex: you have to make a choice-- do you leave that time lin
e and go to a new one and leave the one you love for the one you dont know and r
isk losing out on love<br /><div>(11/29/2009 4:43:53 PM) Alex: or do you stay an
d risk losing your life...<br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br />(11/24/2009 2:
17:23 PM) in the new parallel time you would still have fr
iends and family but it wouldnt be the same people<br />(11/24/2009 2:17:27 PM) they would have different memories<br />(11/24/2009 2:17:3
2 PM) depending on the new time line<br />(11/24/2009 2:17
:32 PM) yes<br />(11/24/2009 2:17:37 PM) superman-_-@live.
com: you could find another me<br />(11/24/2009 2:17:40 PM)
: he would not be the same<br />(11/24/2009 2:17:48 PM) th
ere could be slight differences<br />(11/24/2009 2:17:51 PM)
m: or major differences<br /></div><div><br /></div><div><br />(11/24/2009 2:25:
08 PM) also, I think there is another solution, which I do
nt here people talk about lol, maybe it would be too hard to do<br />(11/24/2009
2:25:21 PM) I call it "out of time" or "out of space time
" or whatever<br />(11/24/2009 2:25:47 PM) basically space
travel at faster than light speeds and time travel are connected-- the faster y
ou go the slower the time moves<br />(11/24/2009 2:25:56 PM)
m: there is a way to leave time and space completely<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:01 PM
) like make a bubble<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:13 PM) superman it would be like having your own universe<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:19
PM) with its own set of scientific laws<br />(11/24/2009
2:26:28 PM) as a matter of fact thats whats on the other s
ide of a black hole<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:41 PM) and you c
ould come and go at your leisure I suppose<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:44 PM) superman I read about this too<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:50 PM) superman-_-@liv the black hole would have to be spinning<br />(11/24/2009 2:26:58 PM) sup so you wouldnt get crushed by gravity lol<br />(11/24/2009 2:
27:17 PM) and you would end up in some other part of the u
niverse or in another universe entirely<br /></div></div>
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November 29, 2009 - Sunday&nbsp;
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520426941">Mind over Matter Part 1</label>

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<div id="pBl
ogBody_520426941" class="blogContent">Deep Thoughts... <br /><br />My friend had
been having dreams about native americans and about being really <br />fond of
horses, yet he really had had no contact with them. We ended up going to <br />s
omeone who helped him to remember more... through regressive hypnosis, and <br /
>found out that in a previous life he had been a chief in the sioux indian tribe
, <br />and then we went to a reservation in south dakota, where people seemed t
o <br />instantly recognize him, though they had no idea who he was. And another
strange <br />thing was that, the local horses, some of whom are extremely stub
orn and wont <br />let anyone ride them... were very friendly around him... so m
uch so, that when <br />we read of that tribes history and such, we were to iden
tify exactly who he had <br />been in this previous life! After we left there, r
aymond felt more at peace with <br />the world, and felt like a more complete pe
rson...<br /><br />The following are my own original thoughts, I havent ever see
n anything like <br />this written or talked about elsewhere, it just makes sens
e to me:<br /><br />I do believe in God... or a higher spiritual force... but my
beliefs are <br />somewhat complicated. I feel that all of us, human beings, an
imals, plants, even <br />the very earth itself and all other celestial bodies,
to some degree or another <br />contain an element I will call Consciousness...
I believe that this element was <br />created when the Universe itself was born,
and was distributed to varying <br />degrees or another throughout all objects
within our Universe. It is more <br />concentrated in plants, and even more so i
n animals... but in intelligent beings <br />such as human beings... it is the m
ost concentrated of all. And yes I do believe <br />there is other intelligent l
ife out there; how can there not be, when we are <br />just a speck of dust in t
his galaxy, which is itself a speck of a speck in an <br />all-emcompassing univ
erse? Anyway, I believe that this element I call <br />Consciousness is what is
the primary motivation force behind creation in this <br />universe... and we ha
ve a particularly high concentration of it within ourselves. <br />Think about i
t... of all the creatures that live on this planet, human beings <br />are the c
losest to what we call the Creator... we create so many things... on a <br />lar
ge and small scale (according to our standards)... and what we call God... <br /
>creates as well, just on a much larger scale.<br /><br />I believe, that just l
ike Science, Religion seeks to answer the same questions, <br />but neither of t
hem gets it quite right. Science approaches the issue from the <br />realm of th
e 5 senses, what we can see, hear, taste, touch and feel... and the <br />proble
m is, spirituality is beyond all of these. Religion seeks to use our inner <br /
>self, our "soul" or what I call Consciousness Personified, as its basis, and <b
r />comes up with a set of hard and fast rules and "books" (like the Bible), whi
ch <br />codify these "rules." The problem with Religion is that its much too se
lf <br />centered and ethnocentric and conservative... brings us back to when pe
ople <br />thought the earth was the center of the universe. WE (human beings) a
re NOT the <br />only creatures that have souls, and religion concentrates so he
avily on people, <br />it ignores the Universe as a whole. Thats why, in so many
religions "God" looks <br />like a human, he is the "son" or whatever... I dont
believe ANY of this. I think <br />religion is simply man's subjective attempt
to understand the universe, and each <br />different religion is like a differen
t language, they all have the same goal of <br />communicating with this Higher
Power in mind... but they all have different <br />methods of getting there. Sci
ence, on the other hand is an objective method of <br />understanding the univer
se... but it too has a vulnerability: we do not even <br />understand ourselves,
let alone the environment around us, and are limited from <br />understanding i
t through our 5 senses. Science has its "rules" and "laws" too, <br />and the pr
oblem with these is that we dont completely understand enough about <br />the Un
iverse to make these "laws" hard and fast... in short Universal. I believe <br /
>that because science is limited (at the current time) to just the 5 senses... <
br />theres a huge part of the Universe that lies beyond its grasp... and that t
he <br />Final Answer lies somewhere in between Science and Spirituality... It r
eminds me <br />of Newton and Einstein; Newton's Laws fit the Universe perfectly
... as it was <br />known to be in the 1600s... he was an amazing genius FAR ahe
ad of his time... <br />but then Einstein came along 300 yrs later and totally c
hanged everything... but <br />Einstein was a product of the time he lived in, o
f world war 2... when science <br />and physics in particular was developing ult
rafast to meet society's (unfortunate) <br />warlike needs... it didnt make Newt
on any less of a genius that he wasnt correct <br />about his vision of the Univ
erse, he just had limited data to work with, and his <br />"universe" is just a
subset of Einstein's. It's still correct, just not complete... <br />And I dont
think Einstein's is either (theres probably something wrong with E=mc^2 <br />th
at we havent figured out just yet... its probably more like E=mc^1.99999 lol- <b
r />and that would make a HUGE difference on a universal scale)... and once we <
br />figure out space and time travel... (we are just beginning to, through quan
tum <br />physics), we will begin to realize that Einstein's universe is just a
small part <br />of a larger Universe as well...<br /><br />To answer an unasked
question, I do not believe that this God has a human form, <br />although I bel
ieve IT can appear in one. There is no reason to believe that we <br />are any d
ifferent or special from any of the other intelligent species in the <br />Unive
rse, so I dont beleive there is any reason for "God" to look human in its <br />
native appearance either. I believe it is something which has no specific form,
<br />but is connected through all the objects of its Creation by a network of w
hat I <br />would call the "Consciousness Force." That is, every human being, an
imal, plant, <br />and even inanimate objects are connected to each other and to
the very planet <br />itself like a spiders web. Now some threads are closer to
each other than others <br />are, for example, a parent sibling, close friend e
tc...and some are especially <br />close... like a twin. In these instances the
Consciousness Force manifests <br />itself especially strongly, and we feel "con
nected"... including experiencing <br />something we call ESP.... like when we k
now someone especially close to us is in <br />danger, or being able to reads th
eir thoughts... these are ripples or waves (depending <br />on how strong they a
re), along that Psychic Web that the Consciousness Force <br />links together. W
e feel uneasy, or happy, or any of a thousand emotions in <br />between when we
get hit by these "waves" and the reason we cant explain this <br />sixth sense i
s because... well in our physically oriented world... they arent <br />supposed
to exist... so we live in denial. I also feel that after we die and <br />before
we move onto the next life or level or whatever it is... we dont simply <br />c
ease to exist; our lifeforce or Conscious as Ive been calling it, continues to <
br />exist, without physical form, as a ghost or spirit, and the method of death
is <br />very important in determining what kind of personality this spiritual
being <br />possesses... for example a violent death would mean a restless spiri
t while a <br />more natural one would mean one more at peace with itself. And t
here are those <br />among the living, whether it be close relatives or friends,
or what we call "channelers" <br />who can communicate with these spirits, beca
use they have special connections <br />along the Psychic Web that allow them to
feel these delicate ripples that they <br />create. (I will tell you about my "
Ghost" experiences sometime if you want, <br />somewhat scarey but really enjoya
ble on a cold winter's night!)<br /><br />As a further extension of the "after d
eath experience" I do believe that <br />Personal Consciousness (aka our "spirit
s") do get recycled after death and re-emerge <br />within a physical framework.
.. whether human or nonhuman, or even inanimate... <br />depending upon the circ
umstances of "death" or more accurately, the "end of its <br />current existence
." We keep memories of our previous existences buried within <br />our brains (a
fter all human beings use only 10-15% of their brains consciously) <br />because
all the brain clutter would probably drive us insane with confusion! It <br />t
akes something like regressive hypnosis (like in the case I mentioned above) or
<br />some kind of traumatic experience (there's so many documented cases of thi
s!) to <br />bring it out...<br /><br />I do believe that science, specifically
quantum physics, is getting closer and <br />closer to understanding this, and o
ne day, science, spirituality, and everything <br />in between will merge in as
one large body of knowledge, I just wish I was alive <br />to see that day, but
I dont think it will happen for a few hundred years... <br />about the same time
as space (faster than light) or time travel as well. (Dont <br />get me started
on that, I also believe that time travel is possible, because <br />time isnt l
ike a single stream, but like many branches of a rushing river, there <br />are
an infinite number of pasts, presents and futures, and a new branch is made <br
/>each time we make a choice... and that we can travel into the past without <br
/>altering it, because when (not if) we do... we simply create a new branch alo
ng <br />the river of time.)<br /><br />I wanted to add something I was thinking
about today... and that is how perfect <br />the symmetry is that we exist in.
If there is one unbreakable Law that exists in <br />our Universe, it's that eve
rything is part of something Greater and we are all <br />connected somehow. Jus
t think of it... the atom that all matter is based on... <br />looks like our so
lar system on a miniaturized scale, with the nucleus being the <br />sun and the
electrons being the planets, and the solar system is in turn the <br />Galazy o
n a smaller scale... its as if nature has a recurring symmetry on many <br />dif
ferent scales and shows us how everything is part of something greater.<br /><br
/><br />Spiritually too, we seek to be connected, to be part of something Great
er... to <br />find some meaning in our lives. That is the basic purpose of reli
gion. I firmly <br />believe in what I call the Community of Consciousness, that
is, that we're all <br />linked to each other through our spiritual force, and
that all our emotions, joy, <br />fear, happiness and sadness, are the result of
waves or ripples along the bonds <br />of this shared community... and that the
degree of the emotion we are feeling is <br />directly linked to how close we a
re to others, and how strong our connections <br />are... this is where the term
"empath" comes in...<br /><br />It occurs to me that what applies to humans bei
ng part of a Conscious Collective, <br />can also apply to individual organs. I'
m sure you have heard of stories of <br />cellular or organic consciousness... t
hat is, to be more specific, cases of <br />organ donations having dreams about
the donors or their families... something of <br />which they would know nothing
about unless it were possible for individual <br />organs to store memories...
something which isnt so far-fetched, considering the <br />fact that all our cel
ls, have the capacity to store memories in our DNA/RNA <br />complex, its simply
that the ability is normally switched off to keep "information <br />clutter" t
o a minimum. However, the fact that recipients of organ donations can <br />in f
act dream about the details of the donor's personal life proves (at least to <br
/>me) that consciousness is not simply limited to our brains and does not <br /
>necessarily die with it...a first step to proving that we ourselves are a <br /
>collective conscious of our individual organs and tissue, and ourselves are par
t <br />of a more global conscious collective.<br /><br />By the way, many scien
tists are coming around to my point of view, and Princeton <br />University even
has an ongoing project used to measure the emotional tendency of <br />humanity
as a whole... and uses it to predict oncoming disasters... it was used <br />wi
th success in 9/11 as well as the indonesian tsunami... it seems as if our <br /
>instincts tell us when something bad is about to happen, but with all the extra
<br />sensory input of our environment we tend to ignore it. This is why animal
s are <br />so much better at being able to avoid tragedy... for example, hours
before the <br />tsumani hit all the large animals on the island of Sumatra migr
ated up into the <br />hills, while so-called "superior" human beings were mindl
essly sunning <br />themselves on the beaches...<br /><br />Ive become intereste
d also in the power of prayer as well as psychic projection <br />through dreams
etc... and research at Duke University and Maimonides Hospital in <br />New Yor
k is showing, in double blind studies that it is indeed possible for <br />consc
ious people to project their thoughts into people who are dreaming... which <br
/>seems to fit in with my Shared Consciousness theory, in that we are all part o
f <br />something bigger, a greater Human mind, composed of all our individual m
inds as <br />it were. And studies are also showing that when people pray for te
rminal <br />patients, even if the patients dont know theyre being prayed for, a
nd in double <br />blind fashion, that these terminal patients health markedly i
mproves... and to <br />me this shows the power of our collective minds able to
heal other parts of the <br />"Human Collective"... like a spider repairing brok
en strands of thread in its <br />own web.<br /><br />I believe that the Governm
ent has done work in this area for decades now, as <br />have other Govts around
the world, and there is ample evidence to show that not <br />only has the nati
onal Govt done secret classified projects but local law <br />enforcement also u
ses the services of people who possess ESP powers to solve <br />crimes... like
people who experience crime scenes through out of body <br />experiences, astral
projection, remote viewing, etc. Ive seen evidence that the <br />CIA recruits
these "special people" right out of high school and such... and <br />puts them
on special projects and sends them to school in places which take them <br />awa
y from their families. Not a very comforting thought, I must say. But the <br />
fact that ESP does exist proves my "shared consciousness" theory, because ESP is
<br />one of the glues that hold everything together... its something we all po
ssess, <br />and keeps us connected to each other... its just a matter of encour
aging our <br />natural abilities instead of just concentrating on just what the
5 senses <br />provide us... not a very easy thing to do in a physically not ps
ychically <br />oriented world. However slowly but surely, as we communicate wit
h other cultures <br />and share information, we are coming to understand how co
nnected we all are, and <br />these establishment barriers are going down. And w
ho knows, maybe one day, we <br />will be able to communicate with an ET civiliz
ation and truly realize we are all <br />of one mind...<br /><br /><br /><a href
RtbA=="></a><br /><br />^that link cont
ains some info about the collective mind theory Ive been talking <br />about...<
br /></div>
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520426552">Mind over Matter Part 2</label>

<!--- blog body --->
<div id="pBl
ogBody_520426552" class="blogContent">Teleportation <br /><br /><a href="http://
xMjQwOA=="></a><br /><br />Her
e's an excerpt:<br /><br />Dr Olsen (front) and Dr Haine being transported Telep
ortation, a concept <br />popularised in the original Star Trek television serie
s, is edging closer to <br />reality through work being conducted by theorists f
rom The University of <br />Queensland and Australian National University. Resea
rchers from UQ's Australian <br />Research Centre for Quantum Atom Optics (Dr As
hton Bradley, Dr Simon Haine and <br />Dr Murray Olsen) and Australian National
University (Joseph Hope) have proposed <br />a new way of teleporting matter wav
es. "We propose a scheme which allows an atom <br />laser beam to disappear at o
ne location and reappear at another," Dr Bradley <br />said. "We feel that our s
cheme is closer in spirit to the original fictional <br />concept," Dr Haine sai
d. <br /><br />"Our scheme is quite different from what is usually coined quantu
m teleportation <br />because it gets around the need for the sender and receive
r to share <br />entanglement, as the quantum state to be teleported is never ac
tually measured," <br />Dr Bradley said. "As our scheme doesn't rely on the qual
ity of the entanglement, <br />it may be possible to achieve more accurate telep
ortation via this method," he <br />said. Dr Bradley said the team would now emb
ark on more detailed calculations, <br />which took into account more complicate
d effects including the effects of the <br />atoms colliding with each other, wh
ich could degrade the fidelity of the <br />teleportation. Dr John Close at ANU
also has plans to implement these <br />experiments and related ones in the next
few years. <br /><br />Interesting how what was seen as fantasy slowly becomes
possible as our <br />technology and knowledge of science improves! To me, telep
ortation can be <br />thought of as matter or energy passing from our universe i
nto another and back <br />into ours at a different point in space/time. Another
thing I thought about <br />regarding our discussion of parallel universes and
the multiverse was Heisenberg's <br />Uncertainty Principle, the Law of Conserva
tion of Mass-Energy and something <br />called vacuum energy. I dont know if you
re familiar with this or not but, when <br />quantum mechanics came into promine
nce, something called Heisenberg's Uncertainy <br />Principle became one of the
central pillars of QM (much to Einstein's chagrin.) <br />In brief, this states
that you cant know, exactly, the position and the mass of <br />a particle at th
e same time. For example, in the process of measuring where an <br />electron is
, we have to use photons of light, and these photons of light nudge <br />it awa
y from the position we were measuring it to be. On the macroscopic scale, <br />
the effect is much more neglible... but it is still there. The Uncertainty <br /
>Principle has an interesting corollary: a vacuum could never be truly empty. Fo
r, <br />if it was, you already knew its mass or rest energy without measuring i
t (0) and <br />all that would remain would be to ascertain its position, thereb
y breaking the <br />Principle of Uncertainty. Thus was born the idea of vacuum
energy and the theory <br />behind it, which involves "virtual particles." That
is, that no vacuum is truly <br />a vacuum because subatomic particles are conti
nuously created and destroyed at <br />an incredible pace, much too fast for us
to measure directly. Think of it as the <br />scan lines on a CRT monitor. The s
can frequency is usually so high (85 Hz or so) <br />that our eyes see one conti
nuous picture. A vacuum is the same way. The <br />particles are created and des
troyed so fast that we dont detect them-- that's <br />why they are virtual part
icles. Evem though, this theory seems esoteric (and <br />makes our universe app
ear to be random and chaotic-- which is why Einstein HATED <br />it), it actuall
y explains a great deal. For example, our universe is thought to <br />have come
into existence in this way, a massive virtual particle that <br />explosively e
xpanded before it could "wink out." Other universes could form in <br />the same
way, while universes too instable (whether it be because of incipient <br />law
s of physics of said universe or not) would have their "bubbles popped" and <br
/>be destroyed like ordinary virtual particles. Is there any proof of the <br />
existence of virtual particles and vacuum energy, you ask? Well, yes-- look up <
br />the Casimir Effect. It is possible to detect the effects of virtual particl
es <br />without detecting the particles themselves, and this is how it was prov
en that <br />vacuums arent really empty and virtual particles are real.<br /><b
r />My little essay on vacuum energy and virtual particles is leading up to my p
oint <br />about parallel universes. As you can see, what the Heisenberg Uncerta
inty <br />Principle has done has essentially found a violation for one of the m
ajor laws <br />of physics: the law of conservation of mass-energy (the mass-ene
rgy connotation <br />is a nod to the fact that mass can be converted back and f
orth from energy, <br />obeying Einstein's famous e=mc2-- now you see why Einste
in hated quantum <br />mechanics so much-- it poked holes in his ideas!) This vi
olation of conservation <br />exists on a very small, but very fundamental scale
. Consider the fact that <br />although the violation can only be detected at th
e subatomic level, our universe <br />was, at one stage, a subatomic particle an
d we might owe our very existence to <br />the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
as well as vacuum energy and virtual <br />particles. Also consider the fact tha
t this vacuum energy might be able to be <br />tapped into one day, to harness p
ower that mankind might need to traverse the <br />stars-- the fact that we can
find "free energy" in the vacuum of space, far away <br />from our own sun, is a
very attractive idea, dont you think?<br /><br />There is just one thing that d
oesnt sit well with me. Where does this free <br />energy come from? How can par
ticles and energy come into being from nothing? It <br />just seemed very illogi
cal and disorderly to me. And anything that seems <br />illogical yet proven to
exist in science is usually the result of a piece of<br />the puzzle being missi
ng-- there's something that's being left out that would <br />make sense out of
our observations and theories. And I believe that's the <br />multiverse concept
. I got to thinking about our discussion concerning parallel <br />universes as
well as reading this article I linked you. What if this virtual <br />mass/energ
y doesnt come into being from nothing at all, but is just being <br />teleported
from one parallel universe into another? That is, what if the law of <br />cons
ervation of mass-energy is preserved, but it covers the whole multiverse, <br />
not just our own? That would follow the pattern of other conservation laws that
<br />were seemingly broken, only to be found to be preserved at a "higher level
." <br />What I propose is that the virtual mass/energy is spontaneously telepor
ted from <br />one universe to another (into and out of our own) through some ye
t-unknown <br />quantum mechanical means and that the total mass-energy of the m
ultiverse <br />remains the same at all times, just where a certain particle of
mass or photon <br />of energy is located is what remains in question. (See, my
little idea preserves <br />not only Conservation of Mass-Energy but also Heisen
berg's Uncertainty Principle <br />as we are still uncertain of a particle's exa
ct location.) To my mind, this idea <br />sounds very logical and follows in the
history of previous theories that <br />explained violations of cornerstone law
s of physics in that the violation only <br />occured because we werent analyzin
g the whole system (when we speak of just one <br />universe); that, instead, we
need to look at it from a larger perspective-- that <br />our universe isnt a c
losed system in and of itself but is part of a bigger <br />multiverse where our
laws of physics are preserved on a much higher level. <br />Another idea that c
ame to me is that one day we might find some use of this <br />untapped virtual
energy-- when our species advances to a sufficient <br />technological level we
could one day create some sort of pump (read: artificial <br />wormhole) to acce
ss energy from other universes; of course, we would also have <br />to find a wa
y to get rid of any excess to keep our universe in balance (read: <br />artifici
al black hole.) Come to think of it, that's ANOTHER puzzle my little <br />idea
solves-- the paradox of what happens when matter enters a black hole. In <br />t
he past, scientists would simply say "all laws of physics break down." Well, to
<br />me, that's the chicken's way out. What they are afraid to admit is that, i
n <br />current theories of physics, black holes are a mass-energy "leak". That
is <br />matter and energy are disappearing from the universe and going down int
o the <br />infinite gravity well that is a black hole. But what if, instead of
being a mass-energy <br />leak, black holes were really a balance? What if black
holes are just leveling <br />out the mass/energy we receive from quantum telep
ortation via microwormholes (my <br />word for how virtual particles come into e
xistence in our universe and others.)? <br />In that case, they would be essenti
al in maintaining the functional stability of <br />our universe (as well as oth
ers) by channeling excess mass/energy into another <br />universe (effectively a
black hole in one universe would be the wormhole into <br />another!) And if my
idea about microwormholes is correct, we have countless <br />trillions of them
around us all the time! For the Casimir Effect is very mundane <br />and notice
able even to high school students in a school lab! :P Virtual <br />particles an
d energy are all around us. The process of detection by effect might <br />also
help us identity the true nature and function of dark matter and dark <br />ener
gy-- it could be large conglomerates of virtual particles and energy that <br />
surround us, that aggregate together and, by their very nature, go undetected, <
br />except by indirect means. The funny thing is, scientists had long been sear
ching <br />for wormholes, because they are the only way around the speed of lig
ht limit (according <br />to Einstein) and mathematically predicted both by Eins
tein and by Quantum <br />Mechanics, yet they have been so elusive as to have go
ne completely<br />undetected, even though, if I am correct, they are right unde
r our noses! Since <br />microblackholes have already been theorized to exist (a
nd, in my view, serve the <br />essential function of "sucking out" excess virtu
al particles and energy buildup)-- <br />the existence of microwormholes is a lo
gical extension of theory.<br /><br />I am very excited at the prospect of how t
his might open up new areas within <br />science for us to explore in the coming
decades and how technology could, one <br />day, make use of this untapped sour
ce of near-limitless energy. Once again, we <br />see that the very minute and t
he very large are interconnected-- the world of <br />subatomic particles, while
seeming to be illogical and mysterious-- has a huge <br />impact on the macrosc
opic universe around us and something as esoteric as the <br />Uncertainty Princ
iple, vacuum energy, virtual particles and teleportation not <br />only can prov
e the existence of multiple universes, but the origin of our very <br />own, as
well as one day maybe providing the final answer to our species' quest <br />for
more energy to be able to propel us in both time and space on a quest to <br />
understand the very nature of existence and our own place in this grand <br />mu
ltiverse of ours.<br /></div>
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<div class="blog
<label i
d="pBlogSubject_520426184">Mind over Matter Part 3</label>

<!--- blog body --->
<div id="pBl
ogBody_520426184" class="blogContent">Expansion <br /><br />branching time theor
y-- in quantum physics its called the MWT- or many worlds <br />theory- and ther
e's proof to back up this theory in the celebrated light <br />experiment which
created an interference pattern of light and dark, which can <br />only be expla
ined clearly by assuming that the same photons are branching off <br />and passi
ng through different parallel universes (and back again) in which the <br />phot
ons trajectory is subtly altered, permitting them to be in more than one <br />p
lace at the same time. Lol, now my head is hurting. Personally, I feel that <br
/>photons and gravitons (massless particles) are the key to travel through <br /
>parallel universes, as the speed of light is a fundamental constant that serves
<br />as a "barrier" (I say barrier in quotes because I dont believe its a barr
ier in <br />an absolute sense, rather it is a "wall" that separates our univers
e from others <br />and like all other walls, there's always a way around it, if
our technological <br />expertise reaches that level.) As far as gravitons, the
fundamental particle of <br />gravity is concerned, it is actually the only par
ticle which seems to break that <br />"barrier." That is, gravity acts instaneou
sly, without regard to the light speed <br />barrier; there is no delay in expre
ssion. If the sun were to disappear, the <br />earth wouldnt continue to spin ar
ound nothingness for 8 minutes (the length of <br />time it takes sunlight to re
ach us.) Rather, the motion would stop immediately. <br />This has also been pro
ven through telescopic observations of supernovae. Gravity <br />is seen as a fu
ndamental component of space-time... but what if it's much more <br />than that?
What if the reason that gravity acts instantaneously and does not "fit <br />in
" with the other fundamental forces is that it exists outside of our universe <b
r />and is a force of the greater multiverse? That is, I believe, gravity is the
<br />glue that holds all the different universes together and the reason why n
one of <br />our natural laws explain it fully is because it exists outside of o
ur universe <br />and we only see the part of it that our senses (and universe)
can convey. <br />Remember, there are many dimensions outside of the 3 spatial d
imensions we are <br />familiar with, even though they are not fully expressed i
n our universe. (These <br />extra dimensions are needed to explain how the Big
Bang <br />could have expanded from a cosmic egg to something so huge so fast.)
Well, <br />gravity could possibly exist in those other dimensions and our scien
ce isnt at <br />the level to explore those dimensions just yet-- therefore our
understanding of <br />it is incomplete. The same goes for dark matter and dark
energy-- the reason <br />that we cant observe it is because-- once again-- it i
s a fundamental property <br />of the greater multiverse and existed before our
own universe was created, so we <br />cant detect it with our senses directly, b
ut need indirect means like-- you <br />guessed it-- its gravitation effect on t
he normal matter around it. There's alot <br />of research on all these items th
at Ive done in my free time and Ive saved it <br />all and will show you this wh
en we have more time. Which is paradoxical for me <br />to say, since some of th
e articles Ive read, point to time not existing at all, <br />but just being our
brain's way of comprehending changes in our environment-- and <br />on the smal
lest level, the Planck Scale, time completely stopping. This <br />reinforces an
other of my personal beliefs: that all our theories and everything <br />that we
sense as biological organisms, is just an approximation of the truth. A <br />c
onvenient approximation that helps us comprehend a nearly incomprehensible <br /
>universe. If we go down to scales smaller and smaller, we find that our natural
<br />laws keep changing and when we reach the smallest of scales, they break d
own <br />completely. It seems to me our natural laws are just an approximation
of reality, <br />generalities that are more than 99 pct accurate on our scale o
f the universe, <br />but if we analyze our universe on the subatomic scale, we
see that the universe <br />is completely different. It's like looking at your s
creen from far away and <br />seeing a crystal clear and crisp image, but when y
ou look at things more closely <br />you can see the graininess of individual pi
xels. Our brain does a good <br />approximation of what's out there, but reality
is far more complex than what we <br />can comprehend. BTW, the same decoupling
exists on larger scales as well; the <br />structure of star clusters, galaxies
and galactic clusters needs further <br />refinement of our natural laws (like
the addition of dark matter and dark energy <br />and einstein's cosmological co
nstant-- things we cannot detect on our own scales-- <br />even though we may be
surrounded by the stuff). Our natural laws simply cover a <br />very small part
of the total spectrum-- much like our vision comprises a very <br />small part
of the total electromagnetic spectrum. If it werent for <br />instrumentation an
d the magic of technology, that small visual spectrum would be <br />all the uni
verse that we know. But it's that very development of technology and <br />the c
ontinued evolution of science that gives us hope for a better understanding <br
/>of the universe around us with every passing generation. One hundred years ago
<br />who would have thought you and I would have bene communicating in this ma
nner? <br />Surely, almost as unbelievable as teleportation was to us just a few
years ago-- <br />and yet the nearly impossible is not only possible, but proba
bly quite likely. <br />That is the jist of what I am saying-- that our wonderfu
lly complex and <br />interconnected multiverse makes the almost impossible quit
e likely-- our brains <br />are fundamentally (and quantumly) connected to the r
est of the universe, <br />therefore no matter how wild the theories we might dr
eam up-- there is a good <br />chance that somewhere (whether it's our universe
or another or somewhere in <br />between) those dreams are likely to be real.<br
/><br />Just wanted to add the dual nature of light-- both as particle and wave
-- can be <br />explained by multiple parallel universes in which light behaves
as one or the <br />other and both universes being superimposed on each other (i
.e.--parallel) being <br />the way to explain how light can be both particle and
wave at the same "time." <br />It's a neat way to explain a puzzling paradox--
how can light be two <br />fundamentally different things at the same time? Well
, how about it is two <br />different things in two different universes, but lig
ht being massless, can <br />freely pass back and forth between universes and wh
at we detect is after it <br />comes back from a parallel universe through a mic
ro-wormhole. Another paradox is <br />how does something massless like light get
affected by gravity (like that inside <br />black holes)? Well, if both are fun
damental components of a greater multiverse <br />than perhaps what a black hole
really is, is a "leak" between different <br />universes and it's this leak tha
t traps light. For us to achieve a greater <br />understanding of our universe,
we must acknowledge that we are limited by the <br />precision of our instrument
s and the fallibility of our senses. For example, for <br />a long time, the pro
ton, neutron and electron were though of as the fundamental <br />particles of m
atter. But then, a large range of subatomic particles were <br />discovered (in
the 60s) and physicists decided that something was wrong, and <br />there must b
e something more fundamental that was beyond the range of our <br />instruments
and our science. Thus the quark and gluon was born and a whole host <br />of oth
er subatomic particles that were discovered in our minds before they were <br />
ever found in the lab. Not only did these new particles revolutionize subatomic
<br />physics, they revolutionized every othe branch of science because of wide-
reaching <br />impacts. Not only physics, but biology (some enzymes are thought
to work through <br />quantum processes), chemistry (which is just physics on a
macroscopic scale), <br />even psychology and the study of human consciousness a
nd where it originates. <br />Some of the new particles were discovered at extre
mely high energies like just <br />after the Big Bang, when the fundamental forc
es of the universe were just One <br />and these particles not only unified thos
e forces but acted like a time machine <br />to show us what went on when the Un
iverse was young. Not only that, but the <br />closer we peer into subatomic str
ucture, the more we understand about the whole <br />Universe-- paradoxical isnt
it, that to understand something so huge we must <br />look at something so tin
y?! This is just as paradoxical as gravity-- that a <br />force so weak on the s
ubatomic scale can be so strong as to govern the whole <br />fate of the univers
e. That is another reason I feel that it must be a property <br />of the multive
rse-- where the balance of its strength lies. The same goes for <br />dark energ
y (the force that causes the universe to expand at greater than light <br />spee
d) as well as dark matter-- we cant detect them because they are not <br />compl
etely in our universe, rather they are stretched across multiple dimensions <br
/>and multiple universes and we only know they are there because of the way they
<br />affect-- you guessed it-- gravity! These multiple dimensions fold in and
out of <br />real space (the space that we know and that our senses were biologi
cally built <br />to comprehend) and the way that gravity can act instaneously (
and the way we <br />might be able to travel faster than light) is through these
folds-- analogous to <br />a worm burrowing from one side of an apple to anothe
r without having to travel <br />all the way around. Time travel might be possib
le in a similar way (to me space <br />and time travel are linked.)<br /><br />T
o add to the mayhem, now it seems there might be a particle substructure beyond
<br />the quark, so the deeper and deeper we peer, the more layers our proverbia
l <br />onion seems to have. The important thing to understand is that, while ou
r <br />technology has its limits, our mind does not-- and all these exotic disc
overies <br />were first made inside the brain before they were ever found in th
e lab. <br />Einstein learned about the universe inside his own mind before ther
e was ever <br />any experimental verification of his ideas. The same goes for P
lanck, Bohr, <br />Heisenberg and the rest of the pioneers of quantum physics. B
ut great as these <br />theorists were, they were never able to bridge the gap b
etween the macroscopic <br />world (Einstein's theory of relativity) and the nan
oscopic world (that of <br />quantum mechanics). That frustrated Einstein til th
e end of his life (cant blame <br />him, the science was still in its infancy) a
nd it is the next frontier-- <br />something scientists have been working on ins
ide their fertile minds for decades <br />now. That is how cutting edge science
will need to work if it hopes to evolve <br />into creating a greater understand
ing of reality; somewhere our technology <br />cannot go as of now. The mind is
the birthplace of ideas, concepts and theories, <br />the function of technology
is to confirm them and to implement them to the <br />benefit of human society.
This symbiotic feedback relationship is necessary if <br />we are to flourish a
nd evolve as a species and survive to develop a greater <br />understanding of t
he Reality around us.<br /></div>
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