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Why we shouldn't celebrate Diwali/Deepawali

When Ram was never born!!!

Jai-BHIM!!! Jai-Mulnivasi!!!
As Dr. Ambedkar said" History of India is nothing but the battle between Buddhism and Brahmanism i.e. Aryans and
Dravidas/Nagas." Arya Brahmins cunningly filtered so many crooked stories keeping sentiment of defeated
“Mulnivasis (Original inhabitant of India)” in mind. From generations to generations through these stories Brahmins
succeeded to the imbibe their culture which is suited only to establish Brahmanical Supremacy. During reign of
Sunga, we find lot of literature generated solely to subjugate permanently the warring Mulniwasis. We can find 22
main Puranas, Smruties like " Manusriti" and many versions of Ramayana/ Mahabharat's were written , enlarged
and reedited in this period. Even Ramayana has more than 18 versions tailored for local culture in various
languages. A celebration of imposed Brahmanical Festivals serves many purposes (For the benefit of Brahmanism).

(1) Through festivity which is as a natural desire of human can be exploited to impose Brahmanical morals.
Acceptance of this immorality based on birth determined inequality and Brahmins superiority gets strong footing
through festivals.
(2) With constant involvement of women folk in Brahmanical rituals creates psychological impact on
kids and thus influences whole family and entire future generation.
(3) People loose their real identity and history and disbelieve even When real history confronts them.
Because stories always judged diffently, which closes doors for any scrutiny. Stories and associated
festivals are always looking harmless but in reality it is deadliest weapon for cultural imposition.
(4) Once People lost identity they become permanent upholder of new/ imposed identity. Thus in India so called
followers of Hinduism are in reality is gullible people following Brahminism in sugar coated form. They don't realise
this since they have lost their
identity. Hence, any one who celebrate these Brahmanical Rituals/ Festivals; directly/ indirectly, knowingly/un
knowingly becomes party of his & his communities down fall.

About 3500 years ago, the Aryans came to India with many stories. However they revealed their stories when
Brihadritt, the grandson of King Asoka was killed by his Brahmin Senapati (Army Commander) Pushyamitra Shung
through a conspiracy plotted against him in BC 200. Pushyamitra killed many Buddhists monks, destroyed Buddha
Viharas and literature. After this Buddhism started diminishing and Brahminism was strengthening. Buddha Viharas
were converted to Hindu temples and the concept of God was rising. Valmiki, author of the Ramayana, lived during
the same period as that of Pushyamitra. Ramayana was created to encounter Buddha Dhamma. According to Lalai
Singh Yadav, author of 'The Master Key to true Ramayana', Ram, Sita, Laxman, Hanuman and Rama's parents
were never Born in ancient India. Since Rama did not exist, Ramayana should not have existed and the question of
burning Lanka by Hanuman also doesn't arise. As such, the whole Ramayana created by Valmiki is a fictitious
work. According to Dr. Ashok Adhav, the Ramayana is extracted from the Egyptian King Ramses It’s story. In
ancient Egyptian scripts, one of King Ramses its beautiful wives was kidnapped by neighboring (now Syria) King
Hittite. To rescue her, King Ramses II crossed River Nile and burned down Kadesh,
King Hittite's city, and brought his wife back to Egypt. Valmiki gave An Indian touch to this story with certain
exaggeration, and presented it in front of the people. However, he didn't know that 'a rooster will
definitely shriek, even if one hides it'. The Brahmins very cleverly kept the non-Brahmins away from knowledge,
since they feared that their fictitious stories would be revealed to the common man. A friend, as per Hindu myths,
Diwali/Deepawali is celebrated on Rama's return from fourteen years of exile. However, from the above, it is clear
that when Ram was never born, Ramayana is a fabricated story to
undermine Buddhism and fool non-Brahmins, why should we celebrate Diwali/Deepawali and surrender ourselves
to the mental slavery???
References: 1. Sugawa Magazine, Pune.
2. World Book. Vilas Gaikwad.204 Hill View, 86 Lulla Nagar,
Very good point. Simply we should not celebrate Any Hindu's festivals. Being a Buddhist and a follower of
Ambedkar lets follow 22 vows given by Bodhisattva Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on 14th oct 1956 at Nagpur. I m very
pleased to see such initiatives has been taken by people. In Mission
Takshak Chahande

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