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Aqueous Systems for Paraffin Removal


G. L. Sutton,Halliburton

@Copyright 1976
Amer$ Institute ofMining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Ex@neers, Inc.

Thispeperwaspreparedfor theSocietyof PetroleumEngineersof AIMESymposium on For-

mationDemageControl,to be heldin i%uston,
Tx.,Jan 29-30,19’?6.Permission to copyis re-
strictedto m abstractof not morethan300words. Illustrationsmay notbe copied.The
of whereandby whomthepaperis presented.
afterpublicationIn theJOURNAL(ZPIH!ROLEUMTECH
WUIUVALis usuallygranteduponrequestto the Editorof the appropriate
journal,providedagreementto givepropercreditis made.
discussionof thispaperis invited.Threecopiesof any discussionshouldbe sentto the
Societyof Petroleum office. Suchdiscussion
Engineers may be presentedat the abovemeeting
and,withthepaperymaybe considered forpublication
in one of the twoSPE magazines.

ABSTRACT wellbore and surfaceflow lines

often hamper productionof crude
There are a variety of tech- oils. Very few fields in petro-
niques used in the oil field to leum producingareas are completely
periodicallyremove paraffin free of paraffinproblems. These
depositedon downholetubular goods paraffinproblemsmay be so severe
and in surfaceflow lines. Some of that the removal of the deposits
these removalmethods may have must be done as often as once a
certain drawbacks. Hot-oiling,a week in order to maintainproduc-
popularmethod of removingdeposited tion. On the other hand, paraffin
paraffinsmay contributeto forma- depositionmay be only seasonal.
tion damage if used repeatedlyIn That is, during cold weather
low temperature,low pressurewells. paraffinmay only plug surface
This paper describesa water base flow lines. These organicdeposits
chemicalsystemwhich has been can and often do present a constant
found to effectivelyremcveparaffin source of aggravationto many field
from metal surfaces. A simple operators. Unless operators
procedureis ol~tlined in the text initiatesystematicremedialtreat-
for testing aqueousparaffinre- ments to remove these deposits;
moval systems. A variety of crude productiongraduallydecreases,
appll.cationsfor such a chemical revenueis lost, and the possibility
system and some field results are increasesthat expensivemechanical
also described. failureswill result.
—— There are many reasonswhy
paraffindepositsfrom crude oil.
Depositionand accumulation Reistlsz,andmany subsequent
of para~fintype depositsin the investigatorshave describedthe
mechanismof paraffindeposition
Referencesand illustrationsat in great detail. However,quite
end of paper. simply,paraffindepositionoccurs

because the crude oil loses its LABORATORY Evaluation OF WATER.

abilityto hold the paraffinin BASED PARAFFIN REMOVAL AGENTS
solution. That is, at some point
betweenthe formationand a sur- A simple test was devisedto
face tank batteryor holding comparevariouswater solubleand
facility,the paraffin exceeds its water dispersibleparaffinre-
volubilityin the crude oil. This moval agents. This test was de-
is due to temperaturechanges in signed to visuallycomparethe
the wellbore,loss of light ends, ability of certainchemicalsto
coolingdue to gas evolution;etc. remove paraffinand disperseit in
Once the volubilityhas been water. The resultsof such a test
exceeded,the solid paraffin are qualitativein that the
clustersprecipitatingfrom the amountsof paraffinremoveddep?nd
oil begin to attach themselvesto to a great extent on the nature of
metal pipe surfacesand a paraffin the paraffin,i.e., the consistency
depositbegins to build. of paraffin. The test was not
designedto duplicatefield condi-
Two of the most common tech- tions under which the chemicals
niques for removing organic de- might be used.
posits from downhole equipment are
hot-oiling and scraping. However, The test procedureconsisted
there is some evidence that hot- of weighingten grams of a crude
oiling may be detrimental to crude paraffininto a clean 4 oz. bottle.
oil production, particularly in The bottle was then placed in
wells having low pressure and a boilingwater until the paraffin
bottom hole temperature less than had completelymelted. The bottle
160”F. The possibilityof was removedfrom the hot water and
damagingproducingformationswith as tha paraffinbegan t~ solidify
hot-oiltreatmentshas also been the”bottlewas tilted horizontally
mentionedby other investigators.a and rolled. Thus, the solid
Damage to the producingformation paraffincompletelycoated the
may be due to forcingparaffin- inside of the bottle. The bottles
laden fluid into the formation were left to cool to room
matrix at a temperature higher temperature.
than the formation temperature.
As these fluids cool, the paraffin One-hundredmillilitersof
will then reprecipitate. Also, tap water containinga variety of
inorganic solids, associated with water ,Solubleand water dispersi-
most organic depositsz~=, may be ble chemicalsin varying concen-
carried into the formation with trationswere added to the paraffin
the hot-o~l fluid and cause damage coated bottles. The bottleswere
to the formation. sealed,andclamped into a wrist
act?.onshaker and allowedto shake
This paper describestech- for 3 to 24 hours at room tempera-
niques using water based fluids to ture. Visual results were notedj
removeparaffin accumulations. however, in some cases the bottles
Certainchemicalsare available were reweighed to determine the
that when added to a water carrier amount of paraffinremoved.
in low concentrationshave the
abilityto remove and disperse DISCUSSIONOF TEST RESULTS
paraffin. Since water comprises
90-c38~of the removal system,this As noted above, the paraffin-
would be a relativelyinexpensive coated bottle tests were only
paraffinremoval system as compared meant as a comparativeevaluation
with hydrocarbonparaffinsolvents. and most observationswere visual.
In some cases more crude paraffin However,Table I illustrates
can be removedwith the water comparativeresultson test solutions
based system than is dissolvedin where the bottleswere reweighed
conventionalsolvents. followingthe paraffinremovaltests.
AJJ--JI WY W* -. =-.. -..

These data were collectedon and the 140 BOPD productionmain-

paraffinwhich had been scraped from tained.
a well producingfrom the Big Injun
formationnear Parkersburg,W. Well No. 2: This well produced
Virginia. Paraffinsamplesfrom 147 BuFIrand was also hot-oiledon
other crudes generallyshowed the a monthly basis. Initialtreatment
same trend. It can be observed consSstedof 20 barrels of warm
from Table I that most water solu- Iease brine and 20 gallOnS Of SyStem
ble chemicalsand some water disper- A, which was injecteddown the
sible chemicalstested removed annulus and flowed back through
little or no paraffinfrom the the tubing and flow lines. The
bottlewalls. The water dispersible well stabilizedat 167 BOPD. The
chemicalsystem A effectively operatorcontinuedtreatmentsat
removedthe paraffin. Some paraffin 20 barrelsof warm lease brine and
was removed at concentrationsas 10 gallons of systemA every two
low as 2%. This systemnot only weeks. The well had not been hot-
had the abilityto remove paraffin oiled from Juiy 1, 2974 to January
but also dispersedthe paraffin 1, 1975. The productionincrease
into the aqueouscarrier as very was maintained.
finely dividedpartic~es.
B. ClintonFormation
In a test, designedto deter-
mine the maximum amount of paraffin Seven old wells producingfrom
removed,it was found that an the Clinton formationwere selected
equivalentof one pound of paraffin for test puwposes. All of these
per gallon of solutioncould be wells produce a high paraffincon-
removed and dispersedat room tent crude oil. The treatments
temperature. This test was con- consistedof pumping30 barrelsof
ducted using a paraffindeposited water containing20 gallonsof
from a Trenton formationcrude oil system A down the annulusand
and a 10~ solutionof system A. pumping it up the tubing. C@lec-
The paraffin removed in this test tive productionincreasedfrom
was more than could be dissolved 2000 barrelsof oil per month to
with conventionalparaffinsolvents 3100 barrelsof oil per month.
at room temperature. Several of the wells produced so
much paraffin after treatment that
Results of these tests indica- it plugged the water knGck-out
ted system A would have excellent system. Heat had to be appliedto
applicationfor removal of down- the system to keep it free of
hole paraffindepositsand in paraffin immediatelyfollowingthe
surfaceflowlineswhere other re- treatments.
moval systemswere either undesir-
able or impractical. Twelve treatmentswere per-
formed in the Clinton sands of
FIELD RESULTSI NortheasternOhio with a 60$
success ratio. These wells had
A. Trenton Formation been fracturedand the operator
felt that paraffinwas plugging
Well No. 1: This well produced the fracture. The treatingpro-
.110BOPD and was hot-oiledon a cedure was to mix 110 gallonsof
monthly basis to remove depostted system A in 200 barrelsof water
paraffin. One week after an initial and displaceinto the :ormatlon.
treatmentwith 20 barrelsof warm In some instancesa small amount
lease brine and 20 gallonsof of treatingsolutionwas displaced
chemicalsystem A the well had Into the tubing to aid in cleaning
stabilizedat 140 BOPD. The operator of tubing and rods. Pump rates
continuedtreatmentsat 20 barrels variea from 5-28 BPM and treating
of warm lease brine anti10 gallons pressureranged between0-3250
of system A every two weeks. The psi with the wells on vacuum
well had not been hot-oiledfrom within 5 minutes of shut-in. The
July 1, 1974 to January1, 1975 wells were shut-infor 5-24 hours

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and returned to pump. In instances rates such as during fracturing

where production did not increase, treatments. If paraffinand/or
a large amount of paraffin and BS scale 1s present in the tubing,
returnedto surface. This was true these depositsmay be sloughed
even in a well which had been off during treatmentand plug
recentlyhot-oiledand was consider- the producingformation. It is
ed by the operatorto be clean. recommendedthat a water solution
of system A be used to clean the
c. Kansas tubingprior to stimulation. If
scale is present then the chemical
A well in Kansas was treated can be dispersedin acid for both
with 20 gellons of system A in 20 scale and paraffinremoval.
barrels of water,, The treating
solution was dumped down the annulus 2, Preflushfor Fracturing
and pumped off over the weekend.
The pump was pulled and the rods In areas havingextremely
and pump were found to be free of cold winter temperatures,the use
paraffin. The well was back in of cold treatingfluids (particu-
operationwithin one day. Previous larly fracturingfluids may cause
pump pulling jobs required3 to 4 paraffinprecipitation1n the
days due to the paraffin accumula- formation.4 Paraffinprecipitation
tions in the tubing and around the in the fracturefaces can cause
pump. damage to productionor result in
slow well cleanup. Incorporating.
D. Additional Field Results the water dispersiblesystemA in
the preflush ahead of the frac-
A tabulationof eleven addi- turing treatmentshould help
tional field tests is shown in alleviatethe paraffinprecipita-
Table II. tion prcblem. One possible
explanationfor this is that the
It should be pointed out, that minute paraffincrystalswould
in most of the treatmentsdescribed dispersein the water and not
above, a productionincreasewas adhereto the formationmatrix.
noted. However,this should not These would then be producedback
be used as a criteriafor success. with the treatingfluids.
Productionincreaseswill occur
only if there is superficial CONCLUSIONS
paraffindamage to the producing
formation. If the well does not Laboratorytests indicate
have this paraffindamage, the that system A effectivelyremoves
successof the treatmentshould be and dispersesparaffindeposits.
judged on the amount of paraffin Field resultsusing systemA have
removed from the tubing and substantiatedthe laboratorydata
returnedto the surface. and indicatethat this system
could be used as an alternativeto
In additionto the removalof
paraffin accumulationsin tubing I want to thank the management
or flow lines, these water disper- of HalliMrton Services for per-
sible chemicalshave other applica- mission to present this paper and
tions. those In the Pittsburgh Division
of Halliburton Services who contri-
1. Wellbore CleanoutPrior buted treatment results. Also,
I appreciate the cooperation of
various oil companies who were
In some jnstances,no willing to field test these paraffin
thought is given LO cleaningthe removalchemicals.
tubing or wellboreprior tc stimu-
lation treatmentsusing high pump

SPE-5704 G. D. utton 159

r 3
REFERENCES Fulford,R. S.: “Oil~ellParaffin
PreventionChemicals, SPE
X Reistle,C. D., Jr.: “Paraffi~ RegionalMeeting,OklahomaCity,
and Con ealing - Oil Problems, Okla. Mar. 1975 PreprintNo.
Bull. 3f8, USBM (1932). SPE-5i130
a Bilderback,C. A.; McDougall,L.A.: Sutton,G. D., Roberts,L.D.:
“CompleteParetfinCofitrol in “ParaffinPrecipitatlfin
PetroleumProduction, J. Pet. FractureStimulation, J. Pet.
Tech., Vol. 21 (Sept.,1-51. Tech. (Sept.1974) 997-1~

= ~OoF
Lbs Paraffin
Chemical Concentration volubility* Removedper Gal-
Systems in Tap Water in Water Time lon of Solution
A 10$% Dispersible 3 hrs. 0.55
A 5$ Dispersible 3 hrs. 0.22
A 2$ Dispersible 3 hrs. 0.07
A 5$ Dispersible 24 hrs. 0.23
A 2$ Dispersible 24 hrs. 0.13
B 10$ Dispersible 3 hrs. 0.21
c lo~ Dispersible 3 hrs. 0.03
D 10% Dispersible 3 hrs. 0.16
E 2$ Soluble 24 hrs. c
E 5% Soluble 24 hrs. o
F 10$ Dispersible 3 hrs. 0
G lo? Soluble 3 hrs. 0
Ker)sene+ 10% Dispersible 3 Ms. 0
H lo% Soluble 3 hrs. 0
I 10$ Soluble 3 hrs. 0.02
J 10$% Soluble 3 hrs. 0,02

*Refersto the volubilitycf chemicalin water.

AverageDaily Production
Pertent 30 Days Days
Chemical Treatment Before -After After
Location ConcentrationVolume(bbls) Treatment Treatment Treatment
TrumbullCo., Ohio 2.4 30 90 MCF 133 MCF 100 MCF
TrumbullCo., Ohio 2 ●4 30 87 MCF 133 MCF 103 MCF
TrumbullCo., Ohio 2.4 30 87 MCF 133 MCF 123 MCF
TrumbullCo., Ohio 2.4 30 87 MCF 120 MCF 90 MCF
TrumbullCo., Ohio 2.4 so 40 MCF 63 MCF 53 MCF
Morrow Co., Ohio 2.4 25 6 BO 20 BO 13 BO
Morrow CO., Ohio 2.4 25 6 BO 20 BO 12 BO
Morrow Co., Ohio 2.4 25 9 BO Not Produced 13 BO
Morrow Co., Ohio 2.4 25 8 BO 20 BO 25 Bo
Morrow Co., Ohio 2.4 25 9 BO 7 BO 13 Bo
Morrow Co., Ohio 2.4 25 8 BO T BO 13 BO

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