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sleaves with the processof extraction. This research is done because there are so

many bamboo leaves in Indonesia. In this study used bamboo leaves apus and ori

in wet or dry and using alum generators, tunjung and lime tohor. In this study the

raw materials used are bamboo leaves weighing 500 gram and 5 liters of water.

Water is used as a solvent because it has an economical price, safe and

environmentally friendly. Bamboo leaves are extracted so that the pigment of dye

contained in the bamboo leaf becomes the solution of natural dye extract. The

dyestuff extract solution is then cooled, then the cut fabricis dyed for 15 minutes.

Then it was raised by using alum, lime tohor and tunjung respectively with a ratio

of 1 : 20. After doing the testing turns out the type of generation and the amound

of immersion greatly affects the strength of the dye on the fabric. The results

showed that the stronger cloths were five times immersed and raised with tunjung

and brighter when raised with lime tohor. The thunder test in this study aims to

find out the strength of the stronger dye on the fabric.

Keywords : extraction, bambooleaves, tunjung, alum, lime tohor, and

natural dyes.

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