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Biol 101 exam 2 practice questions f18

I will post the key AFTER the review session

1. Why are biological membranes so important?

A. They provide structural organization to living things
B. They allow a cell to regulate what goes in and out
C. They separate the inside from the outside of the cell
D. All of the above

2.Which transport mechanism would be used for moving charged ions across a cell membrane
from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration?
A. Passive diffusion
B. Facilitated diffusion
C. Active transport
D. Exocytosis

3.Which is this image showing?

A. The plasma membrane of a cell, A is outside the cell A
B is inside the cell
B. The plasma membranes of 2 neighboring cells, A is
the inside of one cell, B in the inside of another cell
C. The plasma membranes of 2 neighboring cells. The
cells have different sugar concentrations, A has a
high concentration of sugar, B is low
D. A DNA molecule that has been un-twisted from its
regular spiral configuration

4.What is the difference between passive and active transport?

A. passive is transport in non-living system (plumbing for example), active transport is
found in living things
B. passive transport is up a gradient while active is down a gradient
C. passive transport is only movement of very large molecules whereas active transport is
only used to move small ions
D. passive transport is moving things around inside the cell, active transport is moving
things out of the cell
E. passive transport does not require energy, while active transport does
5. What process does this diagram show?
A diffusion
B osmosis
C active transport
D endocytosis

6. What process does this diagram show?

A facilitated diffusion
B osmosis
C active transport
D endocytosis
E exocytosis

7. What is this diagram showing?

A. active transport
B. passive transport
C. facilitated diffusion
D. endocytosis

8. When DNA sequence is packaged into chromosomes; what other category of molecule is also
A. lipid
B. carbohydrate
C. Nucleic acid
D. Protein

9. What do the blobs (green) clustered next to the ER membrane do?

A. Make messenger RNA
B. Translate the mRNA sequence into a chain of amino acids
C. Translate DNA sequence into a chain of amino acids
D. Generate ATP
E. Make steroids
10. What does this micrograph show?
A. Rough ER
B. Smooth ER
C. Mitochondrion
D. Golgi

11. C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP

In this equation what kind of molecule is ATP?
A. an amino acid
B. nucleic acid
C. carbohydrate
D. steroid

12. What is an organelle?

A. smaller version of an organ, for example worms have heartelles
B. a collection of cells that all perform the same function
C. Female reproductive organs
D. structures in cells that have specialized functions

13. Which of the following is not a function of epithelial cells?

A. Protects underlying tissue from microorganisms
B. Regulates what goes into underlying tissue
C. Regulates what is released into extra cellular environment
D. Senses the environment and sends signals to the brain

14. What category of tissue is bone derived from?

A. nervous
B. muscular
C. extracellular matrix
D. epithelial

15. This is a microscopy image of a tendon,

What category does it belong to?
A. nervous
B. muscular
C. extracellular matrix
D. epithelial
16. There is a muscle attached to
one of the hair follicles. What is it likely to do?
A. Make the hair more upright
B. cause bending of the arm
C. activate the sweat glands
D. block the blood vessel

17. Use what you know about membranes to work out what kind of molecule the integrin is?
A. Phospholipid
B. Steroid
C. Protein
D. Carbohydrate
E. Nucleic acid
18. This diagram shows a cross section of a vein (a blood vessel).
Which category of tissue is NOT shown in this diagram?
A. nervous
B. muscular
C. extracellular matrix
D. epithelial
E. Actually all four categories are represented

19. What is the function of the skull?

A. Helps move the body around
B. Protect the lungs and heart
C. Keep the upper body erect
D. Protect the brain

20. What does an osteoclast do?

A. Deposit new collagen
B. Absorb bone minerals
C. Destroy invading bacterial cells
D. Bring blood to bone tissue

21. The arrow is pointing to what kind of cell?

A. Osteoclast
B. Osteoblast
C. Osteocyte
D. erythrocyte

22. What kind of bone is highlighted by the dashed circle?

A. Spongy bone
B. Compact bone
C. yellow marrow
D. osteoblast bone
E. osteoclast bone

23. Based on our discussion in class, why should you NOT be afraid of skeleton armies attacking
A. Skeletons are brittle, like egg shell, so even a very light hit would make them crumble
B. Skeletons are weak because bone lacks compressive and tensile strength
C. Skeletons lack muscles, so cannot move
D. The skeleton’s only function is protection, it is not involved in movement
24. What is the function of red marrow?
A. It is where blood cells are made
B. It is a high anti-oxidant vegetable
C. It is provides tension resistance to bone
D. It is the name for blood vessels in bones, the blood brings oxygen, nutrients etc.

25. What is a sarcomere?

A. It is another word for muscle cell
B. It is the contractile unit of muscle cells
C. It is the name for endoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells
D. It is the protein that makes up the thick filaments in muscle cells
E. It is the protein that makes up the thin filaments in muscle cells

26. What is NOT TRUE about muscle cells?

A. There are lots of mitochondria because ATP is required for muscle function
B. The thick filaments slide along the thin filaments and this causes contraction
C. Calcium is important in muscle contraction because it stimulates ATP breakdown
D. Muscle contraction is started by stimulation from a nerve cell

27. Which is a characteristic of slow twitch muscle?

A. Mostly anaerobic
B. High glycogen
C. Used for stamina exercise
D. Use for high tension activity
E. Few mitochondria

28. What protein is the arrow pointing to?

A. actin, which makes up the thick filament
B. actin, which makes up the thin filament
C. myosin, which makes up the thick filament
D. myosin, which makes up the thin filament
29. Once a muscle has stopped contracting how does it go back to a relaxed state?
A. The contraction of the antagonistic muscle returns it to a relaxed state
B. The myosin head groups slide in the reverse direction along the thin filaments
C. The increase in calcium causes the thick filaments to stretch out and return to being thin
D. The actin releases the ATP and the thick filaments spring back into their original place

30. Why does rigor mortis happen when someone dies?

A. Because the actin and myosin merge into one linear structure called a deathomere
B. Because once ATP is used up the myosin is permanently attached to the actin
C. Because once the ATP is used up the actin crystalizes into a lattice that is rigid
D. Because the calcium blocks interaction between thick and thin filaments

31. When a nerve cell activates a muscle cell the calcium in the cytoplasm goes up, where does
that calcium come from?
A. The nerve cell
B. The mitochondria
C. The thick filaments
D. The thin filaments
E. The sarcoplasmic reticulum

32. What is the significant of lactic acid in muscles?

A. It binds hemoglobin is converted into bicarbonate in the red blood cells
C. It is produced when muscles contract in the absence of O2
D. It binds to DNA

33. What is an atrium?

A. The tough membrane that surrounds the heart
B. A valve in the heart that stops blood flowing the wrong way
C. It is the thick muscle that surrounds the heart
D. The first chamber in which blood enters the heart

34. Where would you find oxygenated blood? 3

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3 4
C. 2 and 4 2
D. 3 and 4
E. all four places

35. What color is deoxygenated blood?

A. Bright red
B. Darkish red
C. Purple
D. Blue
36. What do platelets do?
A. Transport glucose
B. Transport oxygen
C. Help blood clot
D. Transport hormones
E. Destroy invading bacterial cells

37. This diagram shows the 3 types of cells in human blood.

Which are the platelets? B C

38. What kind of muscle do blood vessels have?

A. smooth muscle
B. skeletal muscle
C. capillary muscle
D. cardiac muscle

39.What is NOT TRUE about capillaries?

A. They are very small blood vessels
B. They are not connected to arteries or veins but a separate transport system
C. They are a network of blood vessels that are interwoven into the tissues of the body
D. They are small, only 1 or 2 red blood cells in diameter
E. The blood flow in capillaries can be adjusted

40. When the flow in capillaries is reduced what is it called?

A. vasodilation
B. capillaration
C. vasoconstriction
D. arteriolation

41. When the valves in leg veins do not function properly what is this called?
A. Embolism
B. Thrombosis
C. Stroke
D. Varicose veins
42. What is this image showing?
A. Plaque build-up in a vein
B. A heart valve
C. An aneurysm
D. A heart node

43. What is the benefit of lots of tiny little alveoli for gas exchange, instead of just a single big
sack of a lung?
A. Multiple alveoli are necessary to distribute air to all of the bronchi
B. Lots of small alveoli means you can fit more air volume into the same chest cavity space
than you could with a single sack
C. Lots of small alveoli increase the lung’s surface area for capillary contact and gas

44. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mmHg. In order to Exhale, what pressure does the
air in your lungs need to have?
A. Less than 760 mmHg
B. Exactly 760 mmHg
C. Exactly 76mmHg
D. More than 760 mmHg

45. What is the diaphragm?

A. A connection between 2 bones
B. The muscles below the ribs that are involved in breathing
C. The muscles between the ribs that are involved in breathing
D. A connection between muscle and bone

46. What is the mechanism by which CO2 moves from the blood to the lungs?
A. There are special pumps in the capillary membrane
B. Diffusion- because of the difference in concentration
C. Through active transport
D. It is converted to glucose then transported through the capillary membrane and
released into the alveoli
47. Which is the trachea?

48. Which cell type in the blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues?
A. White blood cells
B. Red blood cells
C. Platelets
D. Bronchial cells

49. What is NOT TRUE about hemoglobin?

A. Fe2+ is an important component
B. It binds oxygen
C. Each red blood cell has 4 hemoglobin molecules
D. It is found in red blood cells

50. What happens to the bronchioles in someone with asthma?

A. The muscles relax and so the air is not pushed in and out
B. The air flow is constricted because of inflammation
C. Plaques of cholesterol block air flow
D. An embolism blocks air flow

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