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Program Kecemerlangan Matematik Tingkatan 2

Name : _____________________________________________________ Class : _____________

Answer all questions.

1 a) Diagram 1(a) shows two ladders of the same length of 15 m which are leaning against a wall of 12 m.

Diagram 1(a)
Find the values of x and y.

1 b) At a park, there is a square fish pond covering an area of 20.25 m2. The park manager wants to build a paved
walkway of width 1.5 m all around the pond as shown in the following diagrams.

Diagram 1(b)

The cost of paving the walkway is RM45 per m2. Calculate the cost of paving the walkway.

2a) In Diagram 2(a), triangles R and S are drawn on a Cartesian plane.

Diagram 2(a)
S is the image of R under rotation.
i. State the angle of rotation. (90o)
ii. State the direction of rotation. (lawan arah jam)
iii. Find the coordinates of the centre of rotation. ( 7, 4 )

2b) Diagram 2(b) shows a chain wheel connected between wheel P with a radius of 3 cm and wheel Q with a radius of
6 cm as shown below. M and N are center of wheel P and wheel Q. Measure the length of the chain.
[Use π = 7 ]

Diagram 2 (b)

3a) Diagram 3(a) shows a rectangular plot of land, KLMN belonging to Jamilah.

Diagram 3(a)

Jamilah wants to fence up the plot of land. If the cost of erecting the fencing is RM32 per meter, find the total cost of
fencing up the land.

3b) In a marathon match, participants who are still in school will be charged RM2 cheaper than the adult participant. The
total collection of 36 participants who are still in school and 84 adult participants is RM888. Find the fee for adult
36(w-2)+84w=888 ………………………..1m
36w-72+84w=888 @ 120w=960 …………………….1m
w=8 …………………1m

3c) A house painter has two pails of paint. Pail P contains 1 liter of red paint and pail Q has 1 liter of white paint. The
painter pours 200ml of the white paint from pail Q into pail P and mixes it thoroughly. He then pours 200 ml of this
mixture back into pail Q. Now, each pail contains 1 liter of paint once again.

(i). What is the ratio of red paint to white paint in pail P?

(ii). What is the ratio of red paint to white pain in pail Q?

4a) A neon light blinks every 9 second whereas another neon light blinks every 12 seconds. If both the lights blink
together when the switch is on, after how many seconds will both the neon lights blink together again?

4b) Encik Harun is 45 years old and his son is 9 years old. How many years later will Encik Harun be three times as old as
his son?
Katakan x ialah bilangan tahun yang akan datang di mana umur En Harun adalah tiga kali umur anaknya.
3x-x=45-18 atau 2x=27


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