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Kecemasan pre operatif merupakan reaksi emosional terhadap persepsi

adanya bahaya, baik yang nyata maupun dibayangkan. Lebih dari 90% pasien pre
operatif mengalami kecemasan (Carpenito, 2011). Pada pre operatif sectio caesaria
kecemasan bervariasi dari ringan sampai berat (Ibrahim, 2012). Psikoterapi re-
edukasi (konseling) merupakan upaya untuk menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pasien
pre operatif.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh psikoterapi re-
edukasi (konseling) terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien pre operatif sectio caesaria di
Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUD Kota Bandung Tahun 2018.
Metode penelitian menggunakan pre eksperimental design (Non design)
dengan rancangan penelitian one group pretst- posttest design. Jumlah sampel 30
responden dengan metode purposive sampling dan menggunakan instrumen
SAS/SRAS untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan. Tempat penelitian di Instalasi Bedah
Sentral RSUD Kota bandung 31 Juli sampai dengan 8 Agustus 2018.
Hasil pengukuran tingkat kecemasan sebelum psikoterapi re-edukasi
(konseling) cemas ringan 3 responden (10%), sedang 24 responden (80%), dan berat
3 responden (10%). Setelah psikoterapi re-edukasi (konseling) normal 3 responden
(10%), ringan 22 responden (73,3%), sedang 3 responden (10%) dan berat 2
responden (6,7%).
Kesimpulan hasil uji Wilcoxon match pair tes didapatkan hasil P value =
0,000 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima maka ada pengaruh yang bermakna
pelaksanaan psikoterapi re-edukasi (konseling) terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien
pre operatif sectio caesaria diInstalasi Bedah Sentral Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah
Kota Bandung.
Saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan mampu mengkombinasi
pelaksanaan psikoterapi re-edukasi (konseling) dengan tekhnik lain agar mampu
menangani cemas lebih efektif.
Kata Kunci: Psikoterapi re-edukasi (konseling), Cemas, pre operatif, Sectio

Daftar Pustaka: 37 Buku

14 Jurnal

Pre-operative anxiety is an emotional reaction towards perception of danger

either real or imagination. More than 90% of preoperative patients experience
anxiety (Carpenito, 2011) patients preoperative of sectio caesaria have variation
anxiety from mild to severe (Ibrahim, 2012). re-education Psychotherapy
(counseling) is an effort to decrease anxiety level of pre-operative patients.
The aims of this research was to know the influence of re-education
Psychotherapy (counseling) to the anxiety level of pra operative sectio caesaria
patients at central operating theater RSUD Kota Bandung in 2018.
This research method used pra experimental design (non design) with
research designed used one group pre-test-post-test design. Sum of samples were 30
respondents with purposive sampling and used SAS/SRAS instrument to measure
anxiety levels. The place of research at central operating theater RSUD Kota
Bandung from 31st of July to 8th of August 2018.
The measurement results of anxiety levels before re-education Psychotherapy
(counseling) mild anxiety were 3 respondents (10%), medium were 24 respondents
(80%) and severe were 3 respondents (10%). After re-education Psychotherapy
(counseling) normal were 3 respondents (10%), mild were 22 respondents (73,3%),
medium were 3 respondents (10%) and severe were 2 respondents (6.7%).
The conclusion of Wilcoxon match pair test gained P value = 0.000 thus Ho
denied and Ha accepted there was a significant influence of implementing re-
education Psychotherapy (counseling) to pra operative sectio caesaria anxiety
patient level at central operating theater RSUD Kota Bandung,
The suggestions
For the next researcher can combine re-education Psychotherapy
(counseling) with another technique to relieve the anxiety more effective.

Keyword: re-education psychotherapy (counselling), anxiety, preoperative sectio

Bibliography: 37 books
14 journals

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