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“Dialogue With Patien Hipertenton About Diet For Hipertention”

In The Morning In Pavilium, Eria Room No.3 RSUD Dr Harjono Ponorogo

Nurse : Good Morning miss Emi, How are You today ? My Name is ... i am nurse in here,
and i will give you some health education about How to diet Hipertention Disease,
whould You Ready?

Patient : Yes I am Ready and i want to know how to diet because i am not understand about
hipertention diet

Nurse : Oke, I am Sorry Now what ms emi feel?

Patient : I am Fine but usually i feel dizzy

Nurse : Oke, i will give some imformation obout your disease and how to Preventing and
Overcoming High Blood Pressure, Before what is madam know about hipertenttion ?

Patient : I know a little but i dont know fully understand

Nurse : Oke So, Hipertention is ypertension as a blood pressure higher than 130 over 80
millimeters of mercury (mmHg), according to guidelines issued. and the management
of the diet is

 Reduce consumption of salt in your food. If you already have high blood pressure, you
should avoid salt-containing foods.
 Eat foods that contain potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium, magnesium and
calcium can reduce high blood pressure.
 Reduce drinking or alcoholic foods. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should
avoid excessive alcohol consumption. For men who suffer from hypertension, the
amount of alcohol allowed is a maximum of 30 ml of alcohol per day while women are
15 ml per day.
 Regular exercise can reduce high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood
pressure, choose light exercise such as walking, cycling, running relaxed, and
swimming. Do it for 30 to 45 minutes a day 3 times a week.
 Eat high-fiber vegetables and fruits such as green vegetables, bananas, tomatoes,
carrots, melons, and oranges.
 Run anti-stress therapy to reduce stress and you are able to control your emotions.
 Quitting smoking also plays a major role in reducing high blood pressure or
 Take control of your cholesterol levels.
 Control your diabetes.
 Avoid drugs that can increase blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you receive
treatment for certain diseases, to ask for drugs that do not increase blood pressure.

Nurse : How Miss Emi has understood the information ?

Patient : Yes Of course Nurse, I more understand now and i will I will apply the information to
my health

Nurse : Thanks You Mrs Emi I pray you get well again

Patient : I am So Thank You With You

Nurse : Most Welcome 

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