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A framework for evaluating the impact of

structural health monitoring on bridge management

Matteo Pozzi & Daniele Zonta
DIMS, University of Trento, Via Mesiano 77, 38123 Trento, Italy
Wenjian Wang
Weidlinger Associates Inc., 201 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139-1955, USA
Genda Chen
Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Missouri University of Science and
Technology, Rolla, MO 65409-0030, USA

ABSTRACT: Although structural monitoring has been recognized as a powerful information tool, bridge
managers often make decisions based on their experience or on common sense, somehow regardless of the ac-
tion suggested by instrumental damage detection algorithms. In fact, managers weight differently the out-
comes of the detection based on his/her prior perception of the state of the structure and decide keeping in
mind the possible effects of the action he/she can undertake. In this paper we propose a rational framework to
include the impact of the mentioned issues on decision making. The methodology is applied to the Bill Emer-
son Memorial Bridge, a new 1206 meter long cable-stayed structure across the Mississippi River, instru-
mented with an 84-channel seismic instrumentation system. Using a finite element model, we estimate the
probability distributions of the response of the bridge for a possible damage scenario involving formation of
plastic hinges at the intersection of tower columns and cap beams. The example shows how it is possible to
estimate the economic benefit of a monitoring system for any event which requires a damage assessment.

Keywords: condition assessment, decision-making, bridge management, artificial neural network

1 INTRODUTION In this paper we propose a rational framework

taking account of the impact of the mentioned issues
Permanent monitoring of bridges is commonly pre- on decision making. The theoretical basis of this ap-
sented as a powerful tool supporting transportation proach will be introduced in the next section. Rather
agencies’ decisions. Potentially it allows real-time than formulating a general theory, our aim here is to
evaluation of the need for any further inspection or provide the reader with the logic underlying quanti-
repair, thus reducing the costs of routine inspection. tative decision, when monitoring is the source of in-
The economic motivation has partially justified the formation.
intensive research carried out in the field of struc- To quantitatively rate the benefit of health moni-
tural health monitoring in the last twenty years: as toring on bridge management, we will use the con-
well as Doebling et al. (1996) and Masri et al., cept of Value of Information (VoI), which in the pre-
(1996), see Chen et al, (2004, 2005). sent case represents the cost the owner is willing to
Nevertheless, in real-life we often observe how carry for any interrogation of the monitoring system.
bridge operators take decisions based on their ex- To focus on a real-life case, we apply this idea to the
perience or on common sense, somehow regardless Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge, a new 1206 meter
of the action suggested by instrumental damage de- long cable-stayed structure across the Mississippi
tection. The first reason for this is that damage de- River, instrumented with an 84-channel seismic in-
tection is normally affected by modeling errors and strumentation system. Section 3 briefly describes the
environmental noise: damage features are not deter- bridge along with the damage detection algorithm
ministically related to the state and decision makers currently used to detect and estimate possible dam-
will weight differently the outcomes of the detection age after an earthquake. In Section 4 we illustrate
based on their prior perception of the state of the with a simple exercise, the procedure for calculating
structure. The second point is that infrastructure the VoI of an interrogation in this case. Last, some
owners are very concerned with the consequences of remarks are made at the end of the paper.
wrong action, and so will decide keeping in mind the
possible effects of the action they can undertake.
2 COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF MONITORING intervention when the undamaged or damaged situa-
tion most likely occurs.
In real life, the behavior of decision makers can
2.1 Problem statement
be more complex for a number of reasons. First, they
will weight in a different manner the outcomes of
In principle, we can state the problem from a very
the detection based on their prior perception of the
general point of view, defining manifold scenarios
state of the structure. Second, they are essentially
and different possible options in structure manage-
concerned over the consequences of a wrong action,
ment. Here it is useful to offer the reader an idea of
and so will decide keeping in mind the possible ef-
how the general approach works in a simple and
fects of the actions they can undertake.
specific case.
The former issue can be addressed formally by
Assume for example, that we are monitoring a
using Bayesian logic (MacKay 2003, Beck &
bridge that can be in only one of two discrete states,
Katafygiotis 1998), while the latter point suggests
damaged (D) or undamaged (U), which represent a
the problem be recast in the more general framework
set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive possibili-
of decision theory (Russell & Wefald 1991). Below,
we outline a rational approach to quantifying the
prob(D) + prob(U) = 1 (1) economic impact of the information provided by the
monitoring system, as expected by a rational agent.
The bridge is monitored with a number of in-
struments and the data collected by these instru-
ments are processed through a damage detection al- 2.2 Probabilistic Bayesian framework
gorithm. Whatever the complexity of the algorithm,
at the end of the process, the response delivered to Again, to keep the problem simple, we assume that
the manager is normally a set of parameters indicat- the only option, alternative to doing nothing, is to
ing the state of the bridge. For easy illustrations, the carry out further inspection on the bridge, to better
outcome of the analysis is considered as a single understand the nature of the damage.
damage index x, reflecting, for example, the loss in Any action selected by the manager may involve
stiffness of a critical element of the bridge. a cost that largely depends on the effects of the deci-
Based on this damage index the manager has sion. For instance, doing nothing has no cost if the
some options: qualitatively, if the response of the structure is actually safe, while underestimating the
monitoring does not cause concern, he can decide to damage condition will result in a future economic
do nothing. Conversely, if the value of x is a source cost of repairing and possibly in an indirect social
of concern, he can take action. The damage detection cost when this situation jeopardizes user safety.
method itself normally suggests how to classify the Without going into detail, we can suppose that both
state of the structure (U or D) based on this damage direct and indirect costs can be calculated and sum-
index. The damage classification is normally not de- marized as an overall undershooting cost CUS. The
terministic because in real life we have to deal with cost of inspection includes primarily the direct eco-
uncertainties stemming from modeling errors, in- nomic cost inherent in practical execution of the in-
strumentation noise and unknown inputs, quantities spection; in addition, during the inspection, the
that are generically referred to as noise. bridge has to be closed to traffic and this involves an
Assume that the ability of the method to dis- indirect cost to the user. So we can in general state
criminate the structural state is encoded in the two that if an inspection is undertaken, this will involve
theoretical or empirical Probability Density Func- a cost CI; and this cost is independent of the actual
tions (PDF) of x, PDF(x|D) and PDF(x|U), given the state, damaged or undamaged, of the structure.
damaged and intact situation respectively. Qualita- These concepts can be formally summarized in the
tively it is evident that when the two distributions following cost-per-action table:
are well separated, with essentially no overlap, the
damage can easily be classified. On the contrary, the
decision is more difficult when the two distributions
tend to be similar. Table I: Costs per action and state
In any case, given a specific value of damage in- System State
dex, comparison of the two PDFs tell us which of
Undamaged Damaged
the two states, U or D, is the most likely. The value
(U) (D)
of x where PDF(x|D) = PDF(x|U) can be regarded as
Do nothing (N) 0 CUS
the point of separation between the likely-damaged Action
and likely-undamaged fields, thus might be used as a Inspection (I) CI CI
threshold in the decision process.
At a first sight, the decision criterion appears ob- Based on this table, the manager estimates the cost
vious: the manager will do nothing or undertake an involved in any action. While the cost of inspection
is identically equal to CI, regardless of the state of manager will decide on inspection not when the
the bridge, the cost of the do-nothing scenario de- damage detection shows that damage is more likely
pends on the manager’s estimation of the probability than non-damage, but when the loss expected for do-
of being in the damaged state. Assume, as a first ing-nothing is greater that the cost of an inspection
step, that the manager has no knowledge of the out- CI.
come of monitoring; then, he will quantify the cost
of the do-nothing option as:
2.3 Estimation of value of information
CN =CUS prob(D) (2)
where prob(D) is the probability a priori of struc- Eq. 7 quantifies the loss in the case when a specific
tural damage, evaluated based on his prior knowl- damage index x is yielded by the monitoring system.
edge or experience. At this point we must define the We now want to calculate the loss expected a priori,
principle driving the manager’s decision. If the man- i.e. before interrogating the system. To do so we
ager behaves rationally (not necessarily the most have to marginalize the loss expressed by Eq. 7 us-
common case) we can assume that he will decide ing the evidence of index x, PDF(x):
with the objective of minimizing the expected cost. ∞
More specifically, he will carry out the inspection
Cneat * = Cneat * ( x ) ⋅ PDF ( x ) ⋅ dx
∫ (8)
when CN>CI and he will do nothing when CI>CN. In
conclusion the loss C* estimated by the manager in 0
the prior situation is: This quantity encodes the expected cost of a deci-
C* = min(CI, CN) (3) sion process based on the information yielded by the
damage detection algorithm, and can be seen as a
As a second step, let us analyze how the knowledge metric for evaluating the effectiveness of the moni-
of x, as estimated by the network, changes the man- toring system. As is evidenced in Eqs. 7 and 8, this
ager’s decision, and consequently the expected loss cost depends not only on the PDFs of x, but also on
associated with this decision. The decision-maker the scenarios’ costs and on the prior knowledge of
knows the distributions PDF(x|D) and PDF(x|U) of x the system state. Because it is based on a broader set
in the damaged and intact cases. For those familiar of information, Cneat*, the prior cost including moni-
with Bayesian methods these distributions are also toring, is necessarily equal or lower than C*, the ex-
known as the evidence of damage and evidence of pected cost not including monitoring. Borrowing a
no-damage. Using his/her prior judgment the deci- concept commonly used in decision analysis, we de-
sion-maker can also predict the distribution of x, be- fine the Value of Information (VoI) of monitoring as
fore this data is available, by marginalizing on the difference between the two costs:
system states:
VoI = C* – Cneat* (9)
PDF(x)=PDF(x|D)·prob(D)+PDF(x|U)·prob(U) (4)
The VoI represents the money saved every time the
This latter PDF is usually referred to as model evi- manager interrogates the monitoring system after a
dence in Bayesian theory. Now, when the monitor- potentially damaging event. It can be likewise re-
ing result x is available to the manager, he can up- garded as the maximum price the rational agent is
date his estimate of the probability of damage using willing to pay for the information from the monitor-
Bayes’ formula: ing system.
prob(D|x)=PDF(x|D)/PDF(x)·prob(D) (5)
where prob(D|x) is the posterior probability of dam- 3 CASE STUDY AND DAMAGE DETECTION
age, taking the outcome of the network into account. STRATEGY
The new (a posteriori) estimates of the losses asso-
ciated with actions do-nothing or inspection are: 3.1 The Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge
CN|x=CUS·prob(D|x) CI|x=CI (6) The Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge is a 1206 meters
Once again, if the manager’s decision is driven by an long, cable-stayed structure connecting Missouri
economic principle, he/she will choose the least ex- Route 34 and Route 74 with Illinois Route 146
pensive option, thus the loss associated to the deci- across the Mississippi River between Cape
sion, in the posterior condition, is: Girardeau, Missouri, and East Cape Girardeau, Illi-
nois. Jointly owned by the states of Missouri and Il-
Cneat*(x)=min(CI|x,CN|x)=min(CI,CUS prob(D|x)) (7) linois, the Bill Emerson Memorial Bridge is located
where index neat is to remember that this cost, approximately 50 miles (80 km) from New Madrid,
unlike that of Eq. 3, is estimated taking account of Missouri, where 3 of the largest earthquakes on the
the monitoring information. The expression formu- U.S. continent have occurred. Each of the 3 most
lated in Eq. 7 deserves the reader’s attention: the significant earthquakes had a magnitude of above
8.0 (Celebi, 2006). During the winter of 1811-1812 health monitoring using neural network based meth-
alone, this seismic region was shaken by a total of ods (Masri et al., 1993; Xu et al., 2004; Kesavan et
more than 2,000 events, over 200 of which were al., 2006). In almost all previous work, natural fre-
evaluated to have been moderate to large earth- quencies and mode shapes were used as damage in-
quakes. In the past 3 years, 2 earthquakes with mag- dicators, which require eigenvalue analysis. More
nitudes of over 4.0 have been recorded in the New recently, a three-step neural network strategy was
Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). proposed for the stiffness and damping identification
Before opening in December, 2003, the Bill Em- of multi-story buildings using free-vibration accel-
erson Memorial Bridge and its adjacent area were eration responses (Xu & Chen, 2005). A similar
fitted with an 84-channel seismic instrumentation strategy was used to identify the stiffness of the Bill
system. The main reason for this monitoring installa- Emerson Bridge using seismic responses. But a
tion was the criticality of the bridge and its prox- critical issue related to earthquake randomness is
imity to the NMSZ. In detail, the system consists of addressed in the training of reliable neural networks.
a total of 84 Kinemetrics EpiSensor accelerometers, A new damage indicator, named response weighted
Q330 digitizers, and Baler units for data concentra- root mean square (RW-RMS), was adopted.
tion and mass storage. The accelerometers installed In assessing the condition of the Bill Emerson
throughout the bridge structure and adjacent free Bridge, damage is defined as any change in the ge-
field sites allow recording of structural vibration of ometry of various members in an existing structure.
the bridge and free field motion at surface and The identification of damage derives from the com-
down-hole locations. They were deployed so that the parison between two states of structural behavior –
acquired data can be used to understand the overall undamaged and damaged. The undamaged state
response and behavior of the cable-stayed bridge, in- means the “as-built” or healthy condition of the ex-
cluding torsional, rocking and translational soil- isting structure, which will be referred to as an “as-
structure interactions at foundation levels. built” structure. To identify the location, severity,
To interpret the measurements provided by the and type of damage in the current state of the exist-
monitoring system and assess a possible damage ing structure, some understanding of typical damage
state, a methodology based on two neural networks scenarios that would most likely occur in the “as-
has been developed. This methodology will be in- built” structure must be available. The structure with
troduced in the next section, while the reader is re- a typical scenario of damage will be referred to as a
ferred to the work of Wang et al. (2007) for detailed “damaged” structure.
information. Two back-propagation neural networks are
adopted for the system identification of the Bill Em-
3.2 Damage detection approach erson Cable-stayed Bridge using seismic response
time history. The first Emulator Neural Network
The approach developed for processing the monitor- (ENN) is developed to accurately predict the current
ing data recorded on the Bill Emerson Memorial response of a “healthy” structure based on its previ-
Bridge is based on two sequential neural networks, ous response. The characteristics of the “healthy”
respectively trained for modeling i) the healthy re- structure will be stored implicitly in the final weight
sponse of the bridge and ii) the relation between and bias of the trained neural network. Specifically,
damage and variation in the response. the ENN is a multi-layer back-propagation neural
Neural network-based techniques for health network (Hagan et al., 1996). As shown in Figure 1
monitoring have been applied in civil engineering (left), the input and output of the neural network are
since 1989 (Flood, 1989) due to their remarkable the dynamic responses of the “as-built” bridge at
ability to derive meaning from complex or inade- time step K and K+1, respectively. The relationship
quate data. Much research work has been done on between the responses at time steps K and K+1 is

Figure 1. Architecture of the ENN (left) and of the PENN (right).

implicitly stored and represented by the weights and obtained after training.
biases of the trained neural network. After training
the neural network, the response at K+1 step can be
predicted by the response at step K. 3.3 Training the networks
The ENN trained for the “healthy” structure can-
not accurately predict the next step response for a A 3-D FEM of the Bill Emerson Memorial cable-
damaged structure. The prediction error in the form stayed bridge was developed using SAP2000 struc-
of response weighted root-mean-square (RW-RMS) tural analysis software. The overview of this model
(Wang & Chen, 2007) will be used to detect the is shown in Figure 2. Modal analysis was conducted
level and location of damage. The second network is for the bridge to find its dynamic characteristics. The
a Parameter Evaluator Neural Network (PENN), natural frequencies of the FEM bridge model were
trained for the “damaged” bridge in combination compared with those from measured data induced by
with the well-trained ENN. the earthquake on May 1, 2005, which occurred
Several scenarios of the “damaged” bridge are in- about 180 kilometers from the bridge, with Richter
troduced based on theoretical or numerical analysis. Magnitude 4.1. The calculated frequencies agree
The number of damaged cases depends largely on well with those from the field measured data with
the complexity of the structure. Using finite element the maximum prediction error less than 8% for the
or analytical methods, the dynamic response of each first 22 natural frequencies.
“damaged” structure can be determined correspond- The “as-built” bridge was represented using FEM
ing to a specific set of structural parameters. Since model and validated by field measured earthquake
every “damaged” bridge is different from the “as- data. Time history analysis was conducted to iden-
built” bridge, there also exists a difference between tify potential damage and determine damage scenar-
their dynamic responses. The difference in dynamic ios to simulate “damaged” structure. Three earth-
response is used as an input of the PENN. The out- quakes with magnitude over 8.0 on the Richter scale
put of the neural network is the set of structural pa- occurred in 1811-1812 in NMSZ. Even in the past 3
rameters such as stiffness of the “damaged” struc- years, there have been a few earthquakes with ampli-
ture, corresponding to the particular response tude higher than 4.0 including the earthquake occur-
difference. More specifically, for each “damaged” ring on May 1, 2005. Although many typical earth-
bridge, the dynamic response at time step K+1 can quake waves such as El Centro (1940), and
be calculated with a SAP2000 model. At the same Northridge (1994), Mexico (1985) have been widely
time, the dynamic response of the “damaged” bridge used by many researchers, the measured data on
at time step K+1 can be predicted by the ENN from May 1, 2005 at the bridge site will be amplified in
the dynamic response at time step K. The difference peak acceleration to represent the bedrock motion
between the calculated and the predicted responses for stiffness identification of the bridge. Such earth-
can be evaluated in the RW-RMS form. A sufficient quake inputs have already taken into account the site
number of “damaged” structures are included to condition and the general seismic characteristics in
cover possible damages to the structure in the train- the NMSZ.
ing of the PENN. The well-trained PENN represents The results of time history analysis indicated that
the implicit relationship between the change in dy- the maximum moment occurs at the bottoms of two
namic response and bridge parameters. The weight towers, B and D, and at the intersections of tower
and bias associated with the trained PENN are then columns and cap beams, A and C, as shown in Fig-

Figure 2. Computer model of Bill Emerson Memorial Cable-stayed Bridge.

identified stiffness ratio seems independent of the
level of damage in the columns.
Two levels of noise, 3% and 5% were considered.
The maximum prediction error is 6.67 percent with
3 percent noise and 10.0 percent with 5 percent
noise. Comparing with the case without noise, this
indicates that noise in measured data degrades the
performance of the proposed strategy in damage de-
tection. As noise level increases, the prediction error
also increases. Considering that 5% noise is very
Missouri Illinois
side side
high for the bridge under investigation, the proposed
neural network-based strategy is sufficiently accu-
A A C C rate for potential implementation. Besides, for off-
line damage detection, the measured data can always
be reprocessed and noise level will be less than 5%.
For on-line identification, the effect of noise can be
B B D D reduced to a certain degree by including noise in the
training data sets (Hölmstrom & Koistinen, 1992).
Figure 3. Positions for the possible plastic hinges on the
bridge towers, assumed in the damage assessment.
ure 3. In this Section we illustrate how the procedure for
Four pairs of damage locations A, B, C and D estimating the value of information applies to the
were considered and each damage location includes damage detection system of the Bill Emerson Me-
two plastic hinges. The relative rotation response morial Bridge. Once again our goal is not to perform
time history was used to train the ENN. Since the ro- a complex decision analysis to estimate in great de-
tation responses at each pair of plastic hinges are tail the VoI of the system, rather to let the reader un-
very similar, only the response at one plastic hinge derstand the philosophy of the method proposed in
(A or B) was included in the training data. If the re- Section 2 keeping the problem as simple as possible.
sponses at both plastic hinges were used, training the As a first simplification, we will limit our analysis to
ENN would become more difficult due to redundant the case of a single interrogation of the system after
information included in the training sets. Based on a seismic event. Also, for the sake of clarity, we will
the verified FEM of the cable-stayed bridge, time arbitrarily consider in this exercise only two possible
history analyses were conducted for the “healthy” states resulting from the earthquake action: (U) un-
structure in order to generate the required training damaged; (D) 12% reduction in rotational stiffness
data. at hinges A. Similarly, the sole two decision options
The second neural network, PENN was estab- of Section 2 (do-nothing and inspection) will be
lished to relate the predicted error by the ENN to the considered. Evidently, in real-life analysis the same
reduction in column stiffness. The prediction error procedure applies equally well to any number of
was measured by the RW-RMS error. Therefore, the damage scenarios and decision options.
relationship between RW-RMS errors and damage Under these conditions, calculation of VoI in-
indices must be established. For this purpose, the volves knowledge of:
RW-RMS prediction errors in rotations at A, B, C - the two likelihood distributions of the system re-
and D were evaluated for a large number of possible sponse, in PDF(x|D) and PDF(x|U), in damaged and
damage scenarios. Therefore, a RW-RMS error vec- undamaged conditions;
tor of four elements can be determined correspond- - the prior probability of damage prob(D);
ing to each damage scenario: these were used to - the overall inspection cost CI and undershooting
train the PENN. cost CUS.
After the training process, the two networks are The response of the neural network is modeled
applied to evaluation of the current condition of the here as a single continuous parameter x, which
existing bridge. The proposed neural network based represents the rotational stiffness amplification fac-
technique can not only detect each damage scenario tor for hinges A respect to the design values; viz.
successfully, but also identify the location of x=1 means: hinges are intact, while x<1 means: the
changes correctly. Indeed, the maximum identifica- reduced stiffness is x times the original one. In an
tion error for the stiffness ratios is less than 5 per- ideal world, where the neural network is perfectly
cent for all the conditions used in the training of the trained, the system would deterministically yield
networks. It is also observed that the accuracy of the x=1, for undamaged state U, and x=0.88 for damage
state D. In real life we have to deal with a number of where logN(x,µ,σ) indicates the log-normal distribu-
uncertainties, including signal noise, imperfect train- tion of random variable x, with log-normal parame-
ing of the network and imprecision of the FEM. ters µ and σ.
To estimate the two empirical likelihood distribu- Prior probability prob(D) should reflect the man-
tions, a Monte Carlo analysis has been performed. A ager/owner perception of the possibility of damage
number of numerical simulations have been carried at hinges A following an earthquake; in this exercise
out on the FEM in the damaged D and intact U it is assumed equal to 30%. The cost of inspection is
situations, introducing various sources of distur- estimated in CI=$700K, which also accounts for the
bances. In all experiments, the FEM was excited by user cost due to a 2-day downtime of the bridge. Us-
a specific ground motion (namely: El Centro), add- ing a similar logic, we estimate in CUS=$2M the cost
ing a white noise force with 5% noise-to-signal ratio of undershooting.
to the input. Similarly a 5% white noise was applied Assume first that the monitoring system is not in-
to each sensor response. To account for the uncer- stalled: Eq. 2 suggests us that the prior loss relevant
tainties of the FEM and for the natural variability of to the do-nothing scenario is CN=$600K: therefore,
the mechanical properties of construction materials, in this case do-nothing is the best option if no in-
the stiffness of the elements of the two piers of the strumental information is available.
bridge was randomly perturbed by modifying the Let us assume now that the monitoring system is
Young modulus with a 5% noise, uniform on each up and operating. The upper graph of Figure 4 re-
pier but each independent of the other. ports likelihood distributions for the two scenarios
The empirical distribution of x in the undamaged along with the corresponding evidence (black
state, resulting from the Monte Carlo analysis, ex- dashed lines), as functions of the test output x. The
hibits a mean value of 0.982 with a standard devia- central graph shows the updated probabilities of
tion of 0.137, while the damaged distribution has a damaged and no-damage, while the lower reports the
mean value of 0.873 with standard deviation of loss associated to options N and I (CN|x and CI|x) and
0.116. The two empirical samples have been fitted the minimum of the two, C*neat(x). Figure 4 clearly
with log-normal distributions, obtaining the follow- shows that the damaged scenario becomes more
ing expressions for the two likelihoods: likely than the undamaged only when x<0.80. How-
PDF(x|U) = logN(x,-0.0278,0.1389) ever, the inspection is the more economic option
even when x<0.89.
PDF(x|D) = logN(x,-0.1447,0.1328) (10) Eqs. 8 and 9 allow to calculate that, when the
monitoring system is operating, the prior expected

C* = $ 600K, Cneat* = $ 500K, VoI = $ 100K

3 PDF(xID)



2 CIx
cost [M$]


0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
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