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EDU 345 SFA Tutoring Final Exam (Summative Report)

Fall 1018
Elizabeth Troup
Introduction of Tutee

Drew is a female first grader who goes to an urban elementary school in the Ohio Valley.

She has a little sister. She also has a cousin who goes to the same elementary school. Drew is a

cheerful, sweet girl who is cooperative and ready to learn.

Pre-assessment and Formative Results

#1 Pre-assessment

Phonemic Awareness Mastered at least one objective.

Concepts about Print Mastered all the concepts of print on the pre-

Letter Skills Mastered set 1 for LS(1) and set 1 for LS (3)

Sight Words Did not master any of the sets, identified 3

sight words.

Word Skills Read two of the words from set 1 of WS(1)

but did not master the set.
Drew mastered her phonemic awareness sets and but she did not master any sets from word

skills, so she was placed on tutoring plan 2.

#2 Re-assessment/formative report 1

Formative Report 1 Results

Objective Tutoring Activities Re-assessment

Phonemic Awareness Worked on “say it fast” Mastered all of the phonemic

activity. Was able to blend awareness objectives.
sounds to say the word.

Letter Skills Worked on identifying letter Made some progress because

sound digraphs such as “a_e”, she identified even more letter
“ee”, etc. sounds in the re-assessment

Word Reading Reading words while Mastered sets 1 and 2 for

blending activity. I wrote a WS(1) which was enough to
word on paper with all the get Drew to move on to
letters spread out and she was tutoring plan 3.
able to blend the sounds
together to read the word.

Spelling Using the counting sounds Mastered set 1 for WS(2).

activity. She wrote a line for
each sound she heard in the
word and used that to help her

Sight Words Recall essential sight words. Identified 11 more sight

Practiced reading the red words.
words in her shared story

Formative Report 2 Results

Objective Tutoring Activities Re-assessment

Letter Skills Write the letters for specific Mastered the first 6 sets of
sounds. Used the activity,
LS(1) and all of the sets for
“writing with the magic
pencil”. Worked on writing LS(2) and LS(3)

Word Reading Read words with base words. Mastered the first 4 sets of
Worked on words with “-es”, WS(1) and was one word
“-ed”, and “-ing” endings. short of mastering the 5th set.

Spelling Spell a word by breaking it Did not master a new set.

into separate sounds. Worked
on spelling words from shared
stories and spelling 3
phoneme words.

Story Preparation Read words using blending. Mastered the first 4 sets of
We worked on reading the WS(1) and was one word
green words from her shared short of mastering the 5th set

New Story Previews material before Did not assess for this section.
reading to predict content.
Discussed what the book
could be about by looking at
the pictures and not reading it.
Summative Assessment Results

From the pre-assessment to my final assessment, Drew made some significant progress.

Drew mastered all 3 objectives for Phonemic Awareness. She mastered all the objectives for

Concepts about Print. For Letter Skills, in LS(1) she mastered the first 2 sets and sets 4-6. The

only letter sound she missed in all 6 sets was “q” in set 3. She completely mastered LS(2) and

LS(3). For Sight Words, Drew went from only reading 3 sight words to having read a total of 22

sight words. Although she didn’t master any of the sets, she still made progress. For Word

Skills, Drew mastered the first 5 sets. She hadn’t mastered any of the sets on the pre-assessment,

but by the end she mastered 5 and was one word short of mastering the 6th set. For WS(2), she

only mastered 1 set but she was one word short of mastering set 2. She didn’t master any sets

from WS(3), but she was able to read 2 of the words from set 1 and 3 words from set 1 of WS(4).

In all areas, Drew made progress. She still needs to work on her spelling, blending of sounds to

make words, and reading sight words, but she still came a long way from where she first started.

She excelled in phonemic awareness and letter skills since she mastered almost all of the sets.

Final Recommendation for Tutee

For the next steps for Drew, I think she would benefit from additional tutoring. She

needs to be able to read fluently but she isn’t there yet because she still struggles with blending

to make certain words. I think if she receives help, she will be able to reach grade level. I think

she could also benefit from extra practice with sight words, because that is one area she is not yet

comfortable with since there are many sight words she still doesn’t know. Overall, I am proud of

how far Drew has come and I think that she will continue to grow in reading, especially with

Two Significant Ideas That I Learned In This Experience

This tutoring experience has greatly benefitted me as a future educator, and I am grateful

for it. This experience helped me learn about the different areas of literacy, and how essential

they are. I was able to work on these different areas with my tutees, and I found that there was a

place for each, as they are all essential to reading. I was able to work towards meeting the

objectives for each area and engage in these activities with my tutees. I learned what each area

means and how to properly practice these areas by using the different activities.

One other idea I learned from this experience was how to analyze data and make

decisions based on the data. By using the assessment sheet, I could see exactly which areas my

tutee was struggling in and where she needed to improve. I saw which sight words she knew and

didn’t know, which letter sounds she knew, and which words she could read. Based on the

results, I was able to choose which tutoring plan Drew needed to be on and when she was ready

to move on. I was also able to choose which activities to work on based on her need from the

results on her assessment. As educators, it is important to be able to analyze data and make

decisions based on it. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity as a student to use this SFA

assessment and tutoring plan for my tutees.

Journal Articles

One of my favorite articles I read was that of Wright’s (2017) article on trauma. That is a

group of students I had not given much thought to before my research and class discussion. I

don’t know if my tutees had gone through trauma, if they had, I’m not aware of it, but this article

definitely made me think that there are likely many students in this school community or city

community who have gone through trauma. It has terrible negative effects on students, and the

way they act is not their fault because of what they are going through. I also appreciate that the
article highlighted some strategies teachers can use to help students who have experienced

trauma, because it allows the reader to be aware of what those students are going through but it

also provides advice for teachers so that they can better serve these students.

The other article that I have selected as a favorite was Mucci’s (2015) article on Catholic

identity in the classroom. The author discussed three Catholic social teaching principles which

are that of the dignity of the human person, seeking the common good, and the preferential

option for the poor and vulnerable. This article definitely relates to my tutoring experience,

because even if we are not teaching in a Catholic classroom, we still need to use these principles.

When I work with my students, I always keep in mind that they have dignity, even if they are

misbehaving and giving me a difficult time, I still remember that they are made in the image and

likeness of God, and that they have dignity and are worthy of respect. When I worked with my

tutees, I saw their dignity and working with them gave me great joy. I can continue to apply

these principles I learned about in this article in my future career as a teacher, and I’m grateful to

have applied it already in my tutoring experience.

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